Choosing a name for a gray kitten - options for girls and boys of different breeds and characters

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The appearance of a kitten in the house is an important event for all family members. Of course, it will bring a lot of trouble, but even more pleasure and joy. And the first question that will have to be resolved together is what to name the small pet. The gray color of a kitten may influence the choice of its name.

  • 2 Popular nicknames for gray kittens
  • 3 Names for gray cat girls with meaning
  • 4 Names for gray boys cats with meaning
  • 5 Names for gray cats and cats depending on breed
  • 6 Foreign nicknames for gray cats and cats
  • 7 Cool nicknames for gray cats and cats
  • 8 What not to call a gray kitten

Basic criteria for choosing a nickname

There are a great many nicknames for cats. There are lists of hundreds of names posted online. Simple recommendations will help you choose a name that is pleasant to the ears of the owner and pet:

  • The nickname should not be too long and complex, because then it will be shortened to an easier to pronounce version. It's better to think about this in advance. Rhododendron will turn into Rodya, and Ultramarine into Ulya.
  • It is advisable to have hissing sounds in the name, as cats hear them best. It’s not for nothing that the sounds used to call cats in different countries contain hissing sounds. You also need to take into account that cats perceive the first three letters of their name well, and it is on them that you need to focus when choosing a nickname.
  • It’s good if the nickname is somehow connected with the individual characteristics of the animal - its breed, character, habits, appearance, etc.
  • The name should please the animal . You can arrange a test: call your pet this for several days. It happens that cats clearly show whether they approve of a nickname or not.

Pedigree pets already have their name indicated in their passport, which is often long and complex, so you have to come up with a shortened version of it

What to name a white and gray kitten for a girl? Nickname options

Simple Angora cats with white and gray fur are extremely popular in Turkey. On the Turkish 5,000 lira banknote, such a cat is depicted along with her owner, Jalaluddin Rumi. This man was a poet, mystic, preacher and founder of the Order of the Dancing Dervishes. The cat became famous no less than its owner. She became famous thanks to her exceptional devotion to her owner. After Jalaluddin's death, the animal stopped drinking and eating and died exactly a week later. The mustachioed beauty was buried next to her beloved owner, in his mausoleum.

Turkish, or Angora, cats are truly distinguished by their phenomenal affection for humans. Such a kitten will follow its owner around the apartment like a puppy. They are also very affectionate, they love to purr and purr while lying next to their owner’s face on the pillow. They love to be petted and picked up. Accordingly, you need to look for a name for such a cat that is soft, kind and affectionate.

The following names are suitable for white-gray cats:

  • Aisha;
  • Trishsha;
  • Patricia;
  • Faina;
  • Raisa;
  • Basira;
  • Aisura;
  • Sera;
  • Daina;
  • Shi-Soo;
  • Mallow;
  • Daisy;
  • Lissa;
  • Betty;
  • Katsha.

Angoras with white-gray fur are very docile and completely non-capricious. These cats will happily respond to any name their owners give them. They are also less dependent on the presence of hissing sounds in their nicknames, compared to animals of other colors.

Popular nicknames for gray kittens

Gray cats are considered calm and phlegmatic, friendly and flexible. But at the same time they are distinguished by their strong character and independence. In Rus', mystical properties have long been attributed to gray cats: it was believed that a gray cat protects the house from evil spirits, helps to cure certain diseases, and promotes the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth.

There is an interesting belief: if a gray cat crosses the road, then you need to say after it: “Gray cat is a lucky turn” - this will bring good luck in business

The most popular nicknames for gray babies are often related to the color of their fur. Cats with regular gray mouse-colored fur can be called:

  • Dymok (Smoke, Dymka),
  • Grey,
  • Serge,
  • Sega,
  • Fog,
  • Cloud,
  • Top,
  • Owl,
  • Ash,
  • Pebbles,
  • Mouse (Mouse),
  • Carnation,
  • Tobacco.

Pets with a noble blue tint are often called:

  • Cornflower,
  • Turquoise,
  • Topaz,
  • Sapphire,
  • Crocus,
  • Blue,
  • Dove (Dove),
  • Lavender,
  • Dusk,
  • Shadow.

And finally, the following popular nicknames are suitable for silver-gray kittens:

  • Frost,
  • Gray-haired,
  • Serebryanka,
  • Moon,
  • Chinchilla,
  • Veil,
  • Chromium,
  • Crystal,
  • Star,
  • Storm.

If you do not tie the name to the color of the coat, then the choice increases many times over . In Rus', it was allowed to call cats and kittens by human names, unlike dogs. The most popular were Vaska, Stepan, Timofey, Masha, Marfa. Musically purring animals from ancient times to this day are called Murziki and Murki. You can choose a nickname that has been popular at all times: Barsik, Pushok, Bayun, Kotofey, Tishka, etc.

If desired, a gray kitten can be called by any human or cat name in association with the appearance and character of the pet

If you want to reflect the color of the coat in the kitten’s name, but at the same time be original, you can use the names of gray metals: Chrome, Alum, Steel, Beryl, Selenium, Tungsten, etc. Or start from outdated names of gray shades, such as bead (silver ), armored (white-gray), beaded (gray-blue), Havana (gray-brown), ash (ash), pearly (pearl-gray), soot (gray-black). You will get unusual names: Bis, Bron, Bus, Havana, Zola, Pearl and Soot.

A dark gray kitten can be nicknamed Soot or Tuchka

Stylish nicknames

Gray cats show character from birth. To emphasize the characteristics of the cat's character, the color of the pet's coat and add coolness, we came up with stylish cat nicknames.

Here is a cautious Scot - GriShar (gray ball):

Choose a name for your pet from the list of stylish and sonorous nicknames:

  • Jessie Gray;
  • Artemis;
  • Bandito;
  • Banshee;
  • Rebel;
  • Flash;
  • Gray Gatsby;
  • Gracie Girl;
  • Gandalf the Grey;
  • Dart;
  • James Bond;
  • Gemma;
  • Jennifer Greene;
  • Dorian Gray;
  • Dragon;
  • Dracula;
  • Iron Cat;
  • Zorro;
  • Zurg;
  • Hiccup;
  • And she;
  • Karma;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Cowboy;
  • Comet;
  • Crystal (Crystal);
  • Steep;
  • Avalanche;
  • Lady of Dreams;
  • Ice;
  • Lord Grey;
  • Maximus;
  • Baby Gray;
  • Meredith Green;
  • Miss Mystic;
  • Mystic;
  • Monarch;
  • Gunner;
  • Olivia;
  • Opal;
  • Austin Powers;
  • Pluto;
  • Ghost;
  • Princess Elsa;
  • Bullet;
  • Rocket;
  • Remington;
  • Saber;
  • Cedric;
  • Eminence grise;
  • Gray Boy;
  • Silfurr;
  • Silverado;
  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • Spike;
  • Sir Greystoke;
  • Sir Sterling;
  • Tarzan;
  • Phantom;
  • Ferdinand Greybeck;
  • Chameleon;
  • Queen Cleo;
  • Chami;
  • Chinna;
  • Champagne;
  • Everest;
  • Ella Green;
  • Ash.

Names for gray cats girls with meaning

For young cats, you can choose a name from ancient Greek mythology:

  • Athena - goddess of wisdom
  • Aphrodite - goddess of beauty,
  • Hebe - goddess of youth
  • Hera - queen of the gods
  • Gaia - goddess of the Earth,
  • Hestia - goddess of the hearth,
  • Dryad - heavenly nymph,
  • Iris - goddess of the rainbow,
  • Clio - the muse of history,
  • Metis - goddess of wisdom
  • Muse is the patroness of science and art,
  • Nike - goddess of victory
  • Nikta - goddess of the night,
  • Nymph - minor goddess of nature,
  • Rhea - mother goddess
  • Selene - goddess of the moon,
  • Theia - goddess of light
  • Phoebe is a source of light.

The names of famous goddesses of Ancient Rome are suitable to emphasize the individuality of the pet:

  • Aurora - goddess of the dawn,
  • Aura - goddess of air and wind,
  • Venus is the goddess of spring, love and beauty,
  • Vesta - goddess of the hearth,
  • Diana - goddess of the moon and nature,
  • Maya - goddess of the earth
  • Flora - goddess of spring and flowers,
  • Ceres - goddess of marriage and fertility,
  • Juno is the queen of heaven.

A cat’s name can also reflect its behavior:

  • Fun,
  • Joke,
  • Zlata,
  • Mila,
  • Lada,
  • Glad,
  • Tender,
  • Weasel,
  • Squirrel,
  • View,
  • Skoda,
  • Bullet,
  • Storm,
  • Paw,
  • Sonya,
  • Nyasha,
  • FIFA,
  • Lady,
  • Diva,
  • Puffy,
  • Baby,
  • Masyanya,
  • Lynx,
  • Puma,
  • Dichka.

British cat

What to name a female British Gray kitten? The British cat is a queen, a lady, an aristocrat. You can’t call her a nickname suitable for a “commoner.” The name for such a pet simply must be sonorous and noble.

The following names are good for mustachioed ladies in gray fur coats:

  • Paulette;
  • Cassandra;
  • Nicoletta;
  • Bertha;
  • Renata;
  • Jadwiga;
  • Shankara;
  • Kali;
  • Stella;
  • Bastinda;
  • Gertrude, or Gertha for short;
  • Summer;
  • Frida;
  • Hera;
  • Juno (Yuna, Yusya);
  • Kira;
  • Bella;
  • Gina;
  • Sofia.

British cats will not immediately demonstrate a willingness to respond to the name chosen by people. Therefore, when addressing a kitten, you need to very carefully monitor its reaction. If a mustachioed baby twitches her ears, moves her eyes, moves her mustache, she accepts the name, but is not yet ready to turn around, much less run when called.

Names for gray cats boys with meaning

Small cats can also be called by ancient Roman names:

  • Cupid is the god of love,
  • Bacchus - god of winemaking
  • Vulcan - god of fire
  • Mars is the god of war
  • Mercury - god of trade
  • Neptune - god of the seas
  • Pales - god of shepherds
  • Pluto is the king of the underworld,
  • Saturn is the god of time,
  • Silvanus is the patron of the forest,
  • Faun - god of forests and fields,
  • Jupiter is the supreme god, lord of the sky,
  • Janus is a two-faced god.

The mythology of Ancient Greece is a rich source of names with meaning:

  • Ares - god of war
  • Boreas - god of the north wind,
  • Helios - sun god
  • Hermes - messenger of the gods,
  • Hephaestus - god of fire
  • Hypnos - god of sleep
  • Zeus - god of thunder, supreme god,
  • Zephyr - god of the west wind,
  • Kronos - god of time
  • Morpheus - god of dreams
  • Nereus - god of the calm sea,
  • Ocean - god of the sea,
  • Orpheus - famous singer and musician,
  • Plutos - god of wealth
  • Strong is the spirit of nature,
  • Titan - pre-Olympic giant god
  • Triton - sea god
  • Uranus is a symbol of the sky,
  • Phoenix is ​​a mythical bird,
  • Aeolus - lord of the winds,
  • Ether is eternal light, a symbol of air.

Funny names

You can choose a name for a cat with a touch of humor, because tabby kittens are so funny:

  • Fanny, Crazy, Monkey, Zhuzha;
  • Agusha, Barmaleyka, Brysya, Jelly;
  • Bandit, Nut, Byashka, Gnawing;
  • Gulena, Dyudyuk, Egoza, fidget;
  • Bully, Chushka, Clip, Midge;
  • Cuddler, Slicker, Scops Owl, Twisted Tail;
  • Tattoo, Fairy, Usanka, Scratchy;
  • Ryabushka, Chupacabra, Macaroshka;
  • Rattle, Unwanted, Messy.

There is no need to be afraid of such names. As a rule, they are not only original, but pets also like them.

Names for gray cats and cats depending on breed

Most often, gray color is found in the following cat breeds:

  • British,
  • Scottish lop-eared,
  • Cartesian,
  • Russian blue.

If you want to tie your pet’s name to its breed, then for the first two you can take any English name, title, or title:

  • Norton,
  • Stanley,
  • Jim,
  • Bruno,
  • James,
  • Oscar,
  • Charlie,
  • Sam,
  • Becky,
  • Rozzie,
  • Chloe,
  • Pixie,
  • Gina,
  • Cardinal,
  • Lord,
  • Graph,
  • Baron,
  • My lord,
  • Marquis,
  • Mister,
  • Mayor,
  • King,
  • Prince,
  • Lady,
  • Milady,
  • Miss.

For a Scotsman or a Briton, you can choose a name that is consonant with the name of the breed: Scotty, Brit and English

For the Chartreux breed, names that emphasize its French origin are suitable:

  • Adele,
  • Arno,
  • Beatrice,
  • Valerie,
  • Gautier,
  • Jean,
  • Jacques,
  • Clare,
  • Lucy,
  • Luke,
  • Leon,
  • Louis,
  • Marie,
  • Noel,
  • Oh yeah,
  • Paul,
  • Theo,
  • Fifi,
  • Chloe,
  • Emil et al.

Chartreuse cats are one of the most ancient European breeds

And finally, you can focus on the origin of the Russian blue cat or cat with the help of Old Russian names, especially since each of them carries a meaning:

  • Bayan (storyteller),
  • Buoy (powerful),
  • Buyana (courageous),
  • Verna (faithful)
  • Goda (lucky)
  • Guy (movable),
  • Gala (spiritual),
  • Blue (tender),
  • Daryon (gifted),
  • Diva (wonderful),
  • Dragan (precious)
  • Zhivko (live, fast),
  • Zvana (called),
  • Zorya (sparkling),
  • Spark (smart)
  • Kras (beautiful),
  • Lada (sweetheart),
  • Mira (reconciling),
  • Nezhata (tender),
  • Novik (new),
  • Oles (forest),
  • Ratmir (warrior of peace),
  • Ryakha (clean),
  • Sidor (precious),
  • Siyan (shining)
  • Smeyana (cheerful),
  • Stoyan (unbending),
  • Brave (brave),
  • Charusha (generous, kind),
  • Chayan (desired),
  • Yang (positive),
  • Yara (solar).

Russian Blue cats got their name from the bluish tint of their fur.

Using the same principle, you can choose a name for a gray kitten of another breed.

Name according to breed

The name for cats of different breeds with gray (blue) fur color can be chosen in fairy tales and myths of the countries from which the breed originated. So, the Russian blue pussy can get a name - Tuchka, Dymka, Mara. Old Russian female names can also come in handy, especially if you find out their meaning:

  • Alevtina – attracting everyone;
  • Amelfa – immortal fairy;
  • Anahita – moonlight (Scythian goddess of blue water);
  • Boryana/Boyanka – for an active, brave cat;
  • Valkyrie – having the power to heal;
  • Vasilisa – possessing power;
  • Vedana/Vedara – all-knowing, knowing (suitable for a discerning cat);
  • Velena – commanding;
  • Velislava - great glory;
  • Vereya – attractive;
  • Vechenega – always (eternally) tender;
  • Vidana – possessing immaterial power;
  • Vlasta – powerful;
  • The gate is nimble, twisted (for a playful, cheerful cat);
  • Gita – singing, vociferous;
  • Glafira – important;
  • Goluba – loving;
  • Daromila - sweet gift;
  • Divya – wondrous;
  • Dobronega is very kind and gentle;
  • Edviga/Erga – lively, mischievous;
  • Fun - cheerful;
  • Casimira is a restless, naughty girl.

The Chartreuse or gray cat of the Carthusian monks has a very attractive appearance, and its nobility cannot be taken away from it. So why not reflect this in a beautiful sonorous name? For a cat with French roots, the following names are suitable:

  • Adelaide, Adeline, Adelais - noble appearance;
  • Adilyn – noble;
  • Aimi – very beloved;
  • Alaina – beautiful;
  • Amandine – attractive;
  • Anet/Annet/Aneis – grace, benefit;
  • Armel – stone (gray) princess;
  • Beatrice is a traveler;
  • Valerie – strong;
  • Vivien – lively, animated;
  • Godeliv - dear, good;
  • Desiree – desired;
  • Deline – noble;
  • Ginnet is the queen;
  • Didian – desired;
  • Clemens - tender;
  • Corentyne - hurricane, storm;
  • Luke – light;
  • Magali/Marjorie – pearls (suitable for a light gray cat);
  • Marte – lady;
  • Od – noble.

Owners who have chosen the Nibelung breed for a girl can choose a nickname from Scandinavian mythology and epic, since the name itself is more descriptive and interesting:

  • Astrid - divine beauty;
  • Birgitta/Birgitta/Birte – sublime;
  • Gerda – strong;
  • Ilva – she-wolf (gray);
  • Kaya – mistress;
  • Ragna – wise;
  • Torborg – protected by Thor;
  • Ulrika – power, prosperity;
  • Aideen – slender;
  • Esther is a star.

The owners of the Korat, a mysterious green-eyed beauty from ancient Siam, were even luckier. There are no problems with the name at all. After all, this cat with blue fur is regal and gentle, and the following names will definitely suit her:

  • Bunsi is a highly respected beauty;
  • Vanida – girl;
  • Tao is a star;
  • Keuta - a delight for the eyes;
  • Lamai – soft;
  • Laban – beautiful;
  • Lek – small, tiny;
  • Ngam-Chit – kind heart;
  • Sanoh - sweet-voiced;
  • Suda - lady, mistress;
  • Thevi – goddess;
  • Theph - queen;
  • Chailai is wonderful.

For a true Englishwoman - British Blue, among the English names you can choose a name in accordance with her character or appearance:

  • Sabina – sweet;
  • Sadi – princess;
  • Saloum - peace;
  • Sunny – cheerful;
  • Saranna – grace;
  • Sarina/Serena – calm;
  • Seilna/Selina – moon;
  • Silber – silver;
  • Cinderella – ash, ashy;
  • Skylar/Skeeler – protector;
  • Sloan is a little raider;
  • Star/Starla/Stella – star;
  • Steffy – crown;
  • Tabatha/Tabitha – gazelle;
  • Tamika – friendly;
  • Twilla - twilight;
  • Tibby – graceful and bold;
  • Silence - happiness;
  • Tricia/Trish – noblewoman;
  • Tate – cheerful;
  • Fanny – free;
  • Felina is a cat;
  • Heidi - noble appearance;
  • Hunter is a huntress;
  • Helene/Hellen – moon;
  • Charis/Charissa – grace;
  • Charmaine – singing;
  • Cheret/Cheri, Shari/Sharit – beloved;
  • Evelia/Evi – alive;
  • Elicia/Alison – noble look;
  • Eloise is very healthy.

In order for the chosen name to match the character, you need to wait 1-2 weeks until the baby shows all her features. Often, as a cat grows up, it becomes calmer and more balanced. It is necessary to take into account not only changes in behavior, but also the fact that in many gray cats, color may also change somewhat with age.

Foreign nicknames for gray cats and cats

Above are foreign names for cats, tied to their breed and origin. It is no less interesting to use foreign words for a nickname that describe the color of a cat.

In English:

  • Ash, Asha (ashes),
  • Blue (blue),
  • Glum (darkness),
  • Gray, Gray, Grace (gray),
  • Dusk (dusk),
  • Maus (mouse),
  • Moon, Muna (Moon),
  • Silver, Silva (silver),
  • Smoke, Smokey (smoke),
  • Steel (steel),
  • Fog (fog),
  • Shadow (shadow).

Meaning of gray in different languages:

  • Griss - in Galician;
  • Grisa - in Basque;
  • Laya - in Irish;
  • Sinsa - in Portuguese;
  • Pelex - in Latvian;
  • Harma - in Finnish;
  • Hull - in Estonian.

Designation of silver in different languages:

  • Zilarra - in Albanian;
  • Arian - in Welsh;
  • Ergea - in Irish;
  • Silfur - in Icelandic;
  • Fidda - in Maltese;
  • Argenta - in Esperanto.

What do you call a gray European Chartreux cat? Nickname options

In fact, cats of the Chartreux (Carthusian) breed are “noblewomen”, but only French. The breed appeared quite a long time ago, and it was not specially bred. In the monasteries of France there was a very serious problem with rats and mice, so cats were kept there all the time.

It has been observed that gray animals hunt much more actively than others. Of course, they began to try to bring just such mustachioed rat traps to the monasteries. Over time, there were simply no cats left in the monasteries that looked different. In this way, as a result of natural selection. and this wonderful breed appeared, unfortunately little known in Russia.

Of course, the name for the gray beauty should be French, playful and emphasizing the outstanding inclinations of the “night huntress”. The following nicknames are good for such a kitten:

  • Adlin;
  • Lacey;
  • Ivien;
  • Yvette;
  • Marj;
  • Martha;
  • Esther.

Estersita is a very old name. Thanks to Brazilian and Mexican television series, it is associated with the cultures of Spain and Portugal. However, its roots are French, and it is translated into Russian as “star”. A wonderful name for a cat that looks a lot like a little star, isn't it?

Cool nicknames for gray cats and cats

Funny and amusing nicknames for cats are usually associated with food and other objects from the human environment. However, here the owners’ imagination is not limited by anything. Just make sure that the nickname is decent and allows you to communicate with the pet by name in front of other people.

  • Bucks,
  • Concrete,
  • Wafer,
  • Virus
  • Glitch,
  • Thunder,
  • Joker,
  • Yozhka,
  • Ju-ju,
  • Cake,
  • Coconut,
  • Cuckoo,
  • Noodles,
  • Lexus,
  • Meow,
  • Neo,
  • Ninja,
  • Mink,
  • Pirate,
  • SMS,
  • Tequila,
  • Tyrant,
  • Ushan,
  • Falya (from asphalt),
  • Chip,
  • Flash drive,
  • Lb,
  • Tsar,
  • Chukchi,
  • Chumazik,
  • Overcoat.

The owner may soon get tired of a cool nickname, but the cat will get used to it

Options for rare names

How to name a boy's Scottish kitten: the best nickname options

Rare names are given to animals by owners who want to come up with funny nicknames or emphasize their own preferences. They can easily figure out what to name a gray cat, but these names are not always suitable for animals. If the owner, an avid fan, names the cat Gol, then his owner is unlikely to like it. But women should approve of the beautiful rare names of cats: Balm, Knight, Hercules, Dwarf, Uslada, Illusion.

Breeders recommend

You can name a cat alphabetically. The first letter of her name must be the same as her mother's. In some nurseries, each litter is assigned a number, and the kittens are named by the corresponding letter. The most popular names among breeders:

  1. Abi, Augustina, Adele, Aurora, Aziza, Aida, Agasha, Ivory, Aina, Alsha, Amalia, Anka, Anfisa, Aelita, Arda, Appa.
  2. Bayra, Bara, Buffy, Belka, Beta, Bishka, Besya, Basta, Brada, Bonna, Bunya, Bianka, Bilda, Broochka, Beauty.
  3. Vaida, Visa, Vixie, Vita, Vega, Varna.
  4. Gabi, Greza, Greita, Hera, Gressi.
  5. Daina, Dara, Daphne, Delilah, Dalida, Desi, Jess, Gypsy, Gioconda, Ditta, Share, Dorrie, Dosya, Dulya.
  6. Elina, Yenga, Ensa, Elva, Eshka, Evita.
  7. Zheka, Zheri, Jolly, Zhilka, Zhastina, Zhanna.
  8. Zaura, Zirsa, Zosya, Zarri, Zinga, Zurna.
  9. Ilya, Inza, Ilva, Ista, Ilga, Yoka.
  10. Kaira, Drop, Cameo, Capitolina, Kappa, Kacha, Kira, Katya, Quinta, Knopa, Code, Korra, Credi, Ksyu, Cook, Kosya, Krona, Rat, Doll, Kysya, Kulya.
  11. Lariska, Laina, Lapi, Lexi, Lesta, Lilu, Lisi, Lotta, Lukerya, Lilith, Lusha, Lary, Lyana.
  12. Mike, Maka, Mamzy, Manyasha, Maxi, Cassava, Mark, Mariola, Melody, Marcela, Marfa, Masyanya, Mafia, Matryona, Medea, Mega, Dream, Melissa, Mika, Miles, Darling, Malena, Mimi, Mina, Mirta, Michelle, Mia, Mura, Murashka, Musilda, Mukha, Ma'am.
  13. Navara, Nana, Naida, Neima, Nerika, Neli, Nika, Neya, Nivetta, Nymph, Nola, Norgina, Nusya, Nyama.
  14. Odetta, Ollie, Oji, Olga, Olvia, Oira, Ovita.
  15. Palmira, Panta, Patrina, Pasya, Patti, Pima, Pika, Panti, Prima, Puma, Pushka, Pusya, Pusikat, Daddy, Pollyana, Privata.
  16. Ruddy, Reggie, Remy, Ritsa, Rosinka, Rani, Rumba, Reda, Rema.
  17. Saga, Sorbona, Saba, Safi, Sarma, Sata, Sandy, Singa, Antimony, Suzy.
  18. Tavi, Thais, Teti, Tessa, Toira, Tutta, Tomiris, Topsy, Trisha, Terry, Tyusha.
  19. Ulma, Ulfi, Unika, Ulzana, Ulana.
  20. Fabira, Fasya, Fari, Fenya, Fina, Fiona, Fifa, Frau, Fishka, Flori, Frosya, Fronda, Francesca.
  21. Honey, Haruka, Chloe, Hasya, Harry, Hilda.
  22. Tsanta, Tsina, Colors, Tsea, Tsilda.
  23. Chang, Cheir, Chen, Chase, Chilit, Chinar, Chiosan.
  24. Sheina, Shkurka, Shesta, Shaina, Shelma, Shumka, Bobbin, Chassis.
  25. Exa, Elite, Eva, Ev, Esta, Era.
  26. Yuda, Yunessa, Yusta, Yupi, Yulona.
  27. Yanda, Yanetta, Yanika.

"Tasty" names

Striped girls, like their owners, love to eat. You can name your pet just like your favorite food:

  • Yummy, Kefirka, Kittycat, Purina;
  • Waffle, Spaghetti, Marmalade, Dumpling;
  • Sour cream, Fried egg, Glaze, Wasabi;
  • Sardine, Shawarma, Pistachio, Sausage;
  • Pasta, Nut, Toffee, Raisin;
  • Bun, Campari, Madeira, Malibu;
  • Fanta, Tequila, Sherry, Cheesecake;
  • Gourmand, Eskimo, Vanilla, Cherry.

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