Big belly in a kitten: causes, treatment, prevention of occurrence

Victoria Rashidovna Khazimulina

veterinarian Petstory

A large belly in a kitten can indicate pathologies such as helminthic infestation, intestinal diseases, peritonitis, etc. The size of the abdomen in the cubs of different animals may differ and depends on age, type of feeding, activity and even breed. Why a kitten has a bloated belly, and what to do about it, we will discuss in detail in this article.

  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Bloated belly in kittens: main thing
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • The main causes of a big belly in kittens

    Variant of the norm

    A large belly in a kitten up to 3 months old can be considered normal. This is due to the fact that he still has little muscle mass. As cats get older, their stomachs tighten.

    Signs that a kitten has a big belly is normal:

    • the stomach becomes smaller after visiting the toilet;
    • the kitten has a good appetite;
    • he goes to the toilet regularly (at least twice a day);
    • the abdomen is not painful or hard when pressed;
    • no belching, gas, diarrhea, vomiting.

    Constipation and intestinal obstruction

    Decreased peristalsis (hypotension) is most often associated with diet. Lack of fiber and bones can cause hypotension and cause constipation. It all starts with the fact that the kitten goes to the toilet less than 2 times a day, its stool is dry, and its stomach becomes dense. The baby sits in the tray for a long time and strains; drops of blood may appear in the stool. Over time, this can lead to megacolon.

    With complete intestinal obstruction, cats become restless, may refuse to eat, and vomit. If the appetite is preserved, vomiting will occur with undigested food.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterocolitis, pancreatitis, IBD, etc.) occurs due to infections, helminths, and improper feeding. The abdomen becomes painful and hard. Additional symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, decreased appetite.


    Flatulence in a kitten is not at all uncommon. At the same time, the abdomen enlarges, becomes dense, and there may be pain. With a gentle massage of the abdomen, the animal becomes relieved and may pass gas. They are formed due to the activity of certain microorganisms in the intestines. Most often the reason lies in diet.


    Even animals that live in an apartment and do not go outside can have helminths (worms). Cats are extremely clean creatures; they actively lick their fur, paws, and tail. You can bring the eggworm home on clothes or shoes, and the baby, by rubbing against you, will become infected with them. If there are too many parasites, the kitten will have a bloated stomach and problems with digestion, there may be vomiting or diarrhea, refusal to eat, and lethargy.


    Ascites (dropsy) is an accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. The most common cause is feline viral peritonitis (FIP).

    Ascites also occurs against the background of heart disease, liver disease, protein loss, intestinal perforation, and pyometra (inflammation of the uterus).

    With ascites, the kitten’s abdomen becomes voluminous and round, and the abdominal wall characteristically springs when pressed. As fluid accumulates, kittens have difficulty moving, the abdomen becomes painful, constipation and vomiting appear, and as a rule, the skin and mucous membranes become pale or jaundiced.

    Liver diseases

    The liver is the body's main detoxification organ. It occupies a fairly large volume of the abdominal cavity. With excessively active work or inflammation (infection, injury), it will increase, and the abdomen will noticeably grow.

    In addition to an enlarged abdomen, the following symptoms may occur: vomiting, diarrhea, yellowness of the mucous membranes, lethargy, pain in the right hypochondrium.

    Urinary retention

    The cause of urinary retention in kittens may be an abnormal structure of the urinary tract.

    (congenital anomaly), secondary hyperparathyroidism (occurs against the background of improper

    feeding) or inflammatory diseases such as cystitis.

    If the urethra is obstructed, the bladder will increase in volume and the abdomen will become large and dense. As a rule, the process is accompanied by unsuccessful attempts to urinate, vocalization, and pain in the lower abdomen. If help is not provided in time, symptoms of acute renal failure will begin (vomiting, shortness of breath, refusal to eat). This is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention.

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    Uterine diseases

    In cats older than 5 months, the first signs of heat begin to appear, which means they become susceptible to diseases of the uterus and ovaries (cysts, endometritis, pyometra). With these pathologies, pathological processes may begin in the horns of the uterus, and fluid (pus, exudate) will begin to accumulate in it. Additionally, there may be signs of ongoing estrus, discharge from the loop, fever, thirst, lethargy, and vomiting. Sometimes the disease is almost asymptomatic, and the owners do not notice anything other than a voluminous abdomen.

    Polycystic disease/neoplasms

    Kittens can also have tumors and cysts in their internal organs. Most often they are localized on the kidneys and liver. The disease can occur in absolutely any cat, but there are breeds at risk (Persian, exotic). In the early stages there will be no symptoms, but as it progresses, food refusal, thirst, lethargy, vomiting, foul odor and jaundice may appear.

    Diagnostic methods

    To determine why a cat is not eating and its belly is swollen and hard, your veterinarian must conduct a comprehensive examination of the animal:

    • Collection of biomaterial for analysis. Laboratory examination of the blood, urine and feces of a four-legged patient will help to find out whether the animal is infected with parasites. In addition, the specific nature of bowel movements can promptly prompt the doctor that the cat is suffering from tumors of the internal organs.
    • Physical examination. Feeling and listening to the cat's abdominal cavity will give the veterinarian an idea of ​​the processes occurring inside, which will make it easier to make a final diagnosis.
    • Ultrasound, x-ray. A visual display of the condition of the abdominal cavity will give the physician the most complete picture of the disease.

    Only a combination of all the methods described above will allow the veterinarian to determine what exactly the cat is sick with and prescribe appropriate therapy. Despite the similarity of symptoms, not all diseases that cause a hard belly are treated the same.


    Visit doctor

    To understand why a kitten has a large and hard belly, you need to undergo an examination at the clinic.

    and take a thorough medical history.

    The doctor will assess whether there is pain, fever, paleness, or yellowing of the skin. The doctor will need to provide all the information about the pet - about treatment for parasites, vaccination, nutrition, maintenance, etc.

    Ultrasound diagnostics

    An ultrasound will be required to diagnose any of the listed diseases.

    Laboratory research

    • A clinical blood test will be required if there is a suspicion of infectious and inflammatory diseases: peritonitis/ascites, inflammation of the uterus.
    • Blood biochemistry is needed to diagnose kidney and liver diseases, as well as ascites.
    • A PCR test for antibodies to feline coronavirus infection (FIP) should be taken if there are signs of peritonitis and ascites.
    • Exudate fluid from ascites should be examined for infectious peritonitis and undergo cytology.

    When to see a doctor

    Contact your veterinarian immediately if your animal has a large intestine combined with excessive drooling, retching, or vomiting. In addition, a visit to a veterinarian is mandatory in order to exclude the following life-threatening pathological conditions:

    • liver diseases;
    • massive infection with worms;
    • diseases (including malignant) of the pancreas;
    • abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system;
    • obesity.


    Constipation, intestinal obstruction

    If peristalsis decreases, treatment involves adjusting the diet. For constipation, antispasmodics and laxatives (for example, lactulose) are prescribed.

    In case of partial obstruction, symptomatic therapy is carried out (droppers, antiemetics, painkillers). If the obstruction does not resolve, the problem is solved surgically.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    As a rule, the diet is prescribed first. Depending on the location of the inflammation and its cause, the following may be prescribed: antibiotics, painkillers, antiemetics, gastroprotectors, prebiotics, droppers, anthelmintic drugs.


    Kittens, regardless of the size of their bellies, need to be treated for parasites every 1.5-2 months. If there are symptoms of helminthic infestation (worms in stool, vomit), then treatment should be carried out in therapeutic dosages, which will be individually calculated by the doctor at the appointment.


    A kitten may have gas due to improper feeding. Treatment consists of dietary adjustments, abdominal massage and the use of carminatives.


    Treatment for ascites depends on its cause, but it is always an alarming symptom.

    For viral peritonitis, the prognosis is cautious. In recent years, there is information about treatment with an antiviral drug from humane medicine (GS), which shows high effectiveness. But there are still few studies, and the drug is difficult to use due to its high price and dosage regimen. Antivirals from a regular pharmacy in the form of tablets (acyclovir, etc.) not only will not help in treatment, but can be dangerous for cats.

    If the cause of ascites is diseases of the internal organs, droppers, intravenous albumin, tonics, hepatoprotectors, and antibiotics may be required.

    If there is a large accumulation of fluid, it is aspirated (pumped out).

    Liver diseases

    For liver diseases, hepatoprotectors and symptomatic treatment (antiemetics, antispasmodics) are first prescribed. After diagnosis, antimicrobial, choleretic drugs, diet, and drip infusions may be recommended. Sometimes surgery is required.

    Urinary retention

    Treatment of acute urinary retention can only be provided in a clinic. To drain urine, a urethral catheter is installed or cystocentesis is performed (a puncture through the abdominal wall).

    Depending on the cause of urinary retention, the following are prescribed: pain relief, diet, antibiotics, drip infusions, drinking regimen, supplements. If large uroliths form or there is an abnormality in the structure of the urinary system, surgery will be required.

    Uterine diseases

    Conservative treatment of uterine diseases in cats has been developed, but only shows its effectiveness with early diagnosis. In addition, the risk of relapse in the next heat remains. Therefore, sterilization (OGE) is done much more often. In this operation, the uterus and ovaries are removed.

    Polycystic disease and neoplasms

    Neoplasms of almost any nature are recommended to be removed and sent to the laboratory. Based on the histology results, chemotherapy may be prescribed. Cysts, as a rule, appear again even after removal. Their effective treatment has not been developed. Symptomatic therapy is used, and regular examinations and ultrasounds are performed to monitor the size of the cysts.

    What to do to eliminate the pathology?

    If the cause of bloating is constipation, then the drug Duphalac will help to cope with the problem.
    If the kitten's sides are swollen due to a severe internal illness, the doctor will hospitalize the pet and, if necessary, perform surgery. In other cases, you can deal with the problem at home. For constipation, you can give your pet the drug Duphalac and use microenemas. Vaseline oil will help improve digestion; its dosage is 0.1 ml per 100 g of weight. It is recommended to give the product 2-3 times a day.

    If the cat's swollen sides are a sign of helminthic infestation, in this situation antihelminthics will help normalize the condition. Doctors at the Zoovet clinic point out that not every drug is intended for kittens aged 2-3 months. Therefore, the veterinarian must select the medicine, taking into account the baby’s age, the degree of invasion and other individual characteristics.

    After giving birth, the cat's abdomen will return to its normal position without special treatment. The problem of overeating is easy to eliminate. Often, increased appetite is associated with a lack of vitamins and other elements in the body. Therefore, it is better to feed your cat with ready-made food, where all the ingredients are balanced and selected for a certain age.


    Balanced diet

    To prevent flatulence, constipation and dynamic intestinal obstruction, first of all, it is important to feed the kitten correctly. The correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is only a small requirement for a balanced diet. No less important is the content of fiber, vitamins, and microelements. If you are feeding your baby food, then simply select the diet according to age and breed. However, if you feed your pet a natural diet, it is important to balance all the nutrients, and a nutritionist will help you with this.

    Regular treatments for parasites

    As we discussed earlier, deworming in kittens should be done once every 1.5-2 months. But there is not a single drug that acts on absolutely all parasites, so it is recommended to change the drug every 1-2 treatments in order to cover a wider range of pathogens.


    If you are not planning kittens, then it is best to carry out routine sterilization. Cats undergo such operations from 4 months. This will protect against the appearance of cysts on the uterus and ovaries, and early castration (from 4 to 8 months) prevents the formation of mammary gland tumors.

    Limiting contact with sick animals

    Ascites often occurs due to the peritonitis virus. The only way to prevent infection is to prevent your pet from coming into contact with sick and potentially dangerous animals. Don't let him outside unattended. Quarantine for at least 2 weeks when getting new animals.

    Why is obesity dangerous? Consequences of excess weight

    Unfortunately, fat cats are not only cute. Excess weight in pets negatively affects almost all internal organs and systems. One of the common consequences that extra pounds lead to is diabetes. According to statistics, it is diagnosed 3.7 times more often in obese cats than in pets of normal weight.

    Other consequences that may occur due to excess weight:

    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (the bones, joints and muscles of the animal are not designed for excess loads, which are constantly present in obesity);
    • increased blood pressure;
    • high risk of cardiovascular diseases (for example, heart failure);
    • metabolic disorders;
    • development of urolithiasis;
    • digestive system disorders, etc.

    All this leaves an imprint on the quality of life of your cat, so it is very important to take care of its health in a timely manner and contact a veterinary clinic.

    Bloated belly in kittens: main thing

    • The reasons for the appearance of a large belly in a kitten can be: helminths, improper feeding, infections. And sometimes a big belly is normal for a small kitten.
    • Diagnosis requires a doctor's examination and ultrasound. Blood tests or effusion tests may be required (for peritonitis, infections).
    • For treatment, depending on the cause, diet therapy, antibiotics, carminatives, anthelmintics, laxatives and other drugs are used.
    • Prevention consists of a balanced diet, limiting contact with infected animals and regular treatments for parasites.

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