Antiviral vaccine Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats

People always treat furry friends as full members of the family. They delight people with their purring and playfulness, but these pets are characterized by excessive curiosity. Animals run on the floor or along the street and lick their paws. Therefore, there is a high risk of contracting some disease. Vaccinations should be done on time. Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats is a vaccine against many serious ailments.

Description of the drug

Nobivak Triket is a drug for the prevention of viral and parasitic diseases. Even in cases where the animal has never left the apartment, it is advisable to vaccinate. This is due to the fact that pathogens can be brought into the house by humans.

You should also understand that some pet diseases are dangerous for their owners.

Nobivak Triket for cats is designed to combat the following diseases:

  1. Rhinotracheitis. A very dangerous viral infection, the symptoms of which can easily be confused with a common cold. It spreads and develops extremely quickly. It is expressed by coughing and constantly watery eyes. Approximately 20−25% of infected animals die.
  2. Calcivirosis. It is a difficult infection to carry. Affects joints (there is a high likelihood of arthritis), mucous membrane, digestive system and respiratory tract.
  3. Panleukopenia. Popularly, this disease is better known as plague. An extremely dangerous, often fatal disease. If you do not provide timely assistance to the animal, there is a 90% chance that it will die.

It must be remembered that the Nobivac Tricat Trio vaccination does not provide protection against rabies to your pet. For this you need Nobivak Rabies (suitable for kittens from the ninth day of life).

Triquet vaccine is produced in the form of a light pink powder. To make an injection solution, Nobivac Diluent is used. It is also quite acceptable to use regular saline solution. The drug promotes natural immunity to various viruses. The medicine contains the following weakened strains:

  1. G2620A.
  2. F9.
  3. Bristol.

The medicine is hermetically packaged in bottles. A vacuum is created in a glass vial during production. If the aluminum cap is damaged, the quality of the medicine will significantly decrease due to air ingress, which will worsen the effect.

After dilution, the medicine must be injected immediately, since after half an hour the solution will completely lose its properties.


The anti-rabies pharmaceutical drug Rabies, being a type of the Nobivak vaccine series, is intended to form stable immunity in cats to the rabies pathogen.

The vaccination material of the drug is a strain of the Pasteur RIV virus inactivated by B-propiolactone, the introduction of which to animals reliably and for a long time, up to 3 years, eliminates infection with this deadly disease.

The bottle contains a single dose (1.0 ml) of rabies serum. The dosage form is an injection suspension of different colors: from pale pink to crimson or from light yellow to dark yellow. The formation of loose sediment is acceptable and can be removed by shaking. Administration of "Rabies" is carried out by injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly. After a single use, immunity appears within 21 days.

Dosage and instructions for use

The exact vaccination schedule should be obtained from your veterinarian, since the amount of the drug and the schedule directly depend on the health status, weight and age of the pet. But you should still familiarize yourself with the general rules. Instructions for use:

  1. Immediately before vaccination, Diluent or saline solution is injected into the bottle with Nobivak Triket to dissolve the powder. Then you need to shake the bottle several times until you obtain a homogeneous mixture and warm it in your hand or under running warm water (this is necessary to reduce discomfort in the cat).
  2. The drug is drawn into a syringe with a thin needle and injected subcutaneously at an angle of 45 degrees.

Injections must be performed in strict accordance with the recommendations given by the doctor, that is, follow the schedule and dosage.

If this is not done, the effectiveness of the drug against many diseases can be greatly reduced. If an injection is missed for any reason, vaccination must be done as soon as possible. It should also be remembered that Rabies and Triquet Trio can be used in parallel, but they cannot be mixed in the same syringe.

Full composition

The drug Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats has a combined composition:

  • Attenuated feline rhinotracheitis virus strain G 2620;
  • Attenuated calicivirosis virus F9;
  • Attenuated panleukopenia virus MW-
  • Hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • Pancreatic casein hydrolysate;
  • Sorbitol.

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The vaccine also comes with a sterile solvent, Nobivak Diluent, which has the following composition :

  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate – 0.31 mg;
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate – 0.21 mg;
  • Sterile water for injection – 1 ml.

The pH value of the solvent ranges from 7.2 to 7.4.

The dry vaccine and the solvent are perfectly matched to each other, so when mixed, no sediment of any kind is formed.

Rules for using the vaccine

Before performing a preventive vaccination, it is necessary to worm the cat. The procedure is performed four weeks before vaccination using special anti-worm medications. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or veterinary clinic. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor about which drug to use.

Vaccination can only be done on completely healthy animals. Under no circumstances should you vaccinate exhausted, weakened or sick pets. It is advisable to have the procedure performed by a specialist.

Also, before administering the drug, the animal must undergo a comprehensive examination at a veterinary clinic. In the absence of contraindications, infectious diseases, or exacerbations of chronic illnesses, the pet can be vaccinated.

First you need to dissolve the drug and draw a syringe. The needle is inserted into the fold of skin between the shoulder blades. It is necessary to pre-treat the injection site with alcohol or an alcohol-containing antiseptic. A month later another immunization is performed.

The next times you should use the same drug as the first time. The procedure for performing the procedure is always prescribed by a veterinarian on an individual basis.

If the solution gets on your skin, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. If the drug somehow gets into the eyes, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membrane under running water for several minutes.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Manufacturers, of course, claim that their drug is completely safe for pets, provided all recommendations are followed. But the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug cannot be excluded.

There may also be side effects that you should be aware of in advance:

  1. Slight increase in body temperature. In a normal state, this indicator is in the range of 38-39 degrees for an animal.
  2. Decreased physical activity, severe weakness.
  3. The formation of slight swelling at the injection site.

If side effects occur, treatment is often not required, and all unpleasant symptoms will go away within a few days. But if there is even a slight suspicion of an allergic reaction, then the cat must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic.

You also need to remember about contraindications:

  1. Any diseases, including parasitic ones. If your pet has worms, the vaccine is strictly forbidden to use.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. At this time, you can use the drug with the permission of a veterinarian, but only with extreme caution.
  3. The kitten is less than 2 months old.
  4. Period of teething.
  5. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Simultaneous use of another vaccine. The only exception in this regard is Nobivak Rabies.

It must be remembered that the vaccine can only be administered to a completely healthy cat. If the pet is already sick, then the injection can lead to the death of the animal.

Nobivac safety

The product containing attenuated strains of pathogens is actively used for administration to cats of all breeds of different ages.

The attractiveness of this modern immunoprophylactic agent is that:

  • the pharmaceutical drug causes rapid formation of immunity to the three most dangerous cat diseases;
  • characterized by a high level of safety;
  • the produced antigens are characterized by long-term activity.

After the introduction of any type of the Nobivak series, complications do not arise. The following fact should be especially emphasized: although vaccinations with this drug are given mainly to small kittens, their body, despite age-related vulnerability, can easily cope with the effects of a harmless drug.

Read. "Influvac" - flu shot

Storage conditions, price and analogues

The medicine can only be stored in a dark, cool and dry place. You also need to make sure that small children and pets cannot get close to the drug. Diluted, unused medication must be disposed of, and the bottles must be treated with boiling water beforehand. The maximum shelf life is 2 years and 9 months.

The cost of Nobivac Tricat Trio may vary depending on the region of purchase, as well as the specific retail outlet. The average price in Russia is 500−550 rubles.

There are also well-proven vaccine analogues:

  1. MERIAL Quadricate.
  2. NARVAK Multifel-4.

Pets should be treated like family members, so you need to take care of their health. Timely diagnosis, comprehensive treatment and preventive vaccinations will protect your cat from serious diseases.

Kitten vaccination

The optimal period for vaccination with Rabies and Tricat Trio vaccines is from 9 to 12 weeks of life. Veterinarians point out that the active production of stable antibodies to a specific pathology in the body occurs best during this period.

Owners must be clearly aware: after the first vaccination, full immunity does not form in the animal’s body - this is possible only after the second injection. Therefore, it is impossible to violate the vaccination schedule for kittens, otherwise they will not develop a specific norm against a number of fatal infections.

Read. Yellow fever vaccine: side effects, instructions, cost

During the time between vaccinations, it is necessary to protect the cat from contact with foreign animals. To maintain immunity, the vaccination process must be renewed annually.

Different opinions about the drug

There are many positive reviews about the Nobivak Triket vaccine . The owners say that their pets tolerate the injection well, and the drug itself does not cause any side effects, even in small kittens. This medicine is also very convenient to use due to the fact that it protects the animal from several diseases at the same time. This eliminates the need for other vaccinations. The injection can also be done at home.

Another group of people report that after vaccinations, cats experienced vomiting, weakness, lethargy, and diarrhea. But later it turned out that these animals suffered from intestinal infections, gastritis, and helminthiasis. These diseases were latent. Vaccination in this case aggravated the ailments.

It should be remembered that the animal may have distemper, calcivirosis, or rhinotracheitis. In this case, the drug will most likely lead to serious manifestations of infection.

Such infections can only be diagnosed using PCR. A sick cat may have no symptoms in the initial stages.

How cats tolerate Nobivak

Imported vaccine Nobivak, well tolerated by pets. Feedback from owners is mostly positive, as the quality of the vaccine is high. There are few side effects, which allows the drug to be used for immunization of animals for life.

In order for vaccination to be as successful as possible, it is important to follow several rules:

  • compliance with immunization schedules and schedules;
  • use only high-quality, proven vaccines;
  • If possible, do not vaccinate females during the period of gestation and lactation;
  • do not immunize cats after surgery and during the rehabilitation period;
  • do not perform surgical interventions (planned) until 3 weeks after immunization;

How do cats tolerate Nobivac? For 24 hours after administration of the drug dose, the animal may be lethargic, depressed and want to constantly sleep. There may be slight swelling in the area where the vaccine was administered. If suspicious signs of a clinical picture appear - vomiting, dehydration, convulsions, you must contact a veterinarian immediately.

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