TOP 25 most beautiful dogs in the world by breed and color

Beauty is a subjective concept, so every owner will praise his pet, noting not only its decorative qualities, but also its character traits. Dog handlers have identified several criteria for the attractiveness of dogs - compliance with breed standards, beautiful color, cheerfulness and friendliness.

Most dog breeders believe that a beautiful dog is graceful, with a proportional build, soft and shiny fur. Our top of the most beautiful breeds in the world includes photos of dogs of different sizes, builds, coat lengths, and colors.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Welsh herding dog breed belongs to the miniature sheepdog family. The body is quite strong, the legs are short. The average height of a Pembroke is 25-30 cm, and body weight is 11-14 kg. The breed is characterized by a red and white color or a black tricolor. There are light markings on the face, chest and paws.

The oblong muzzle resembles a fox. There is a contrasting outline around the mouth that gives the impression that the dog is smiling. Pembroke eye color is brown. The coat is of medium length with a thick undercoat that does not get wet.


A small but very beautiful dog that weighs only 3-4 kg. The average height of the breed is 20-25 cm. The body is proportionally developed. The muzzle is small, the forehead is clearly defined. The ears are set high and have a triangular shape. The nose is small and black. Large dark brown eyes are round in shape.

The coat is long, dense and soft to the touch. Paws may be a little shaggy. The color of the breed is white. Pale orange and beige varieties are available, but this can make the dog appear dirty, so such shades are undesirable for the breed.

Medium and large beauties

Owners of larger pets have no doubt that their dogs are the most beautiful. Unlike decorative breeds, medium and large beauties were created not for exhibitions, but for work. They attract with their grace, developed intelligence and boundless love for people.

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

The pretty, beautiful Aussie is a reliable and devoted companion who enjoys the company of her owners. She can easily be entrusted with the role of a nanny and even given custody of a small hamster. A good-natured and hyper-responsible pet will protect any member of her family with equal zeal.

During the shedding period, Aussies are brushed daily. Otherwise, the fallen hairs immediately become tangled.


Graceful and athletic, Shorthaired Pointers are notable for their unusual speckled colors. These pets do not require complex care. The only caveat is the floppy ears. Dirt and dust accumulate in them very quickly, so after each walk they are cleaned with a cotton pad.

Shorthaired Pointers are energetic and active animals that require intense exercise. They love to play with children and quickly find a language with other four-legged animals.


The characteristic spotted pattern on the Dalmatian's body is unique to each individual. This dog's short fur sheds intensely. It is combed at least 2-3 times a week.

Due to their large size and frequent hearing problems, Dalmatians are not suitable for families with small children. Such a pet can easily injure the baby by not calculating its strength during play together or by being frightened by a sudden approach from the back while sleeping.


Because of its cute and elegant appearance, the poodle has earned the reputation of being a “lady’s dog.” His thick and springy coat requires regular combing and trimming, but the variety of possible hairstyles captures the imagination.

Poodles are the kindest and very smart pets who are not at all characterized by aggression. They remember more than 70 human words, can read lips, and even learn gestures characteristic of the language of the deaf and dumb.

Siberian Husky

Husky admirers especially appreciate their blue eyes, as well as any heterochromic variants. These native dogs require constant exercise. Living in an apartment is not suitable for them. Out of boredom, they may dig a tunnel in the sofa or make another opening in the closet.

Husky fur is self-cleaning. It repels dirt and doesn't smell like dog. An unpleasant odor appears only when water procedures are abused, disturbing the fat balance.

Shiba Inu

Willful Shiba Inus with plush fur are terrible owners. They are aggressive towards anyone who tries to enter their territory. Even children are no exception. For this reason, it is better to get a Shiba Inu after the child is at least 10 years old.

Representatives of this breed are very clean, and their coat has water-repellent properties. Shiba Inus are washed no more than once a month. The rest of the time the pet licks itself independently.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is the most recognizable breed in the world, so it simply cannot be ignored. This four-legged dog is not only a wonderful companion, but also an excellent watchman, as well as a skilled crime fighter.

Despite their high intelligence, German Shepherds do not strive for independence and are not stubborn. They easily remember new commands and are in dire need of human company.


Graceful body lines, noble posture and prominent muscles are the calling card of the Doberman. Contrary to popular belief, this dog is not angry at all, but very friendly and balanced. Aggression on the part of the Doberman is the result of improper upbringing and unfavorable living conditions.

These beauties were bred for official work, so distrust of strangers and unquestioning loyalty to the owner are in their blood. Thanks to their phenomenal memory and developed intelligence, Dobermans never forget anything and grasp any new information on the fly.


The corgi's popularity jumped in 2016. The Welsh Corgi-Pembroke with a docked tail, reminiscent of a come-to-life bread, received special love from dog breeders.

In addition to their charming appearance, corgis are endowed with high intelligence and amazing friendliness towards people. Despite their short legs, these four-legged animals love to run and fool around with their owners.

Russian greyhound

The sophisticated and elegant greyhound fascinates with the ease of its movements. Her height at the withers can reach 85 cm, but due to her leanness, she does not give the impression of a heavyweight at all.

The changeable nature of greyhounds is associated with their increased excitability. In the family circle they are passive and “little talkative”, and during the hunt they are uncontrollable and passionate.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A miniature spaniel breed that is distinguished by grace, elegance and activity. The dog has soft long ears and a slightly flat head. The elongated muzzle has a small black nose and wide-set dark eyes.

The body is short and small. The height at the withers reaches 30-35 cm. The spaniel's body weight is 5-8 kg. The coat is long, silky and wavy. The breed is available in four colors - black with reddish markings, rich dark red, pearl white with chestnut spots, tricolor (black, red, piebald).

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz - photo
A decorative breed, which is characterized by soft fluffy fur, making the dog “plush”. The Pomeranian has a small, fox-like muzzle, which houses almond-shaped dark eyes and a narrow jaw. The breed reaches a height of 18-22 cm. Body weight ranges from 2-4.5 kg. At the same time, Pomeranians have a dense and muscular physique.

The breed is available in 11 colors - black, dark with red spots, blue, brown, sable, orange, blue with red markings, cream, white, chinchilla, two-color. Short fur covers the head, ears and front of the limbs. Long, straight hair grows on the rest of the body.

Read Dogs that look like a fox - 20 breeds with examples of similarities

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

A small proportional breed that originated in Great Britain. The Sheltie is characterized by a narrow head, small, semi-erect, V-shaped ears, and a muzzle that tapers toward the nose. Almond-shaped eyes are usually brown, rarely blue.

The weight of the Shetland Sheepdog ranges from 5-10 kg, and the height at the withers is 33-38 cm. The coat is straight and long. The undercoat is thick and dense. The neck is decorated with a fluffy mane. Shelties come in tricolor and bicolor colors, where black, marbled blue, white and red usually predominate.

Bernese Shepherd

The herding breed, originally from Switzerland, is distinguished by its large size and good-natured disposition. The Bernese Shepherd is characterized by an “aristocratic” appearance. It has long, thick fur that is soft to the touch. The color is tricolor, which includes black, red and white.

The breed is characterized by a strong muscular body and high growth, which reaches 70 cm. Body weight is 40-50 kg. The head and paws are round in shape. Almond-shaped eye color is brown. The lying ears are set wide apart.

Best breed criteria

There is no single best dog breed, since this concept combines too many different criteria. However, dog handlers talk about ratings regarding the various tasks that an animal must perform. So, we can distinguish several “most” breeds:

  • The cleverest. This refers to the dog’s level of obedience, its ability to remember and reproduce commands, and also make independent decisions if necessary.
  • Devotees. The most loyal dog is called an affectionate and kind dog, which is maximally attached to one owner, and in his absence is very sad.
  • The best guard dogs. For such breeds, attentiveness, wariness of strangers and a tendency to productive learning are important.
  • Dogs for children. We are talking about kind animals with a calm disposition who would love children and not harm them.
  • The best companion dogs. In this aspect, in addition to appearance and obedience, loyalty to children, a flexible and gentle character are of great importance.
  • The best hunting breeds. The ideal hunting dog should be fast, with a keen sense of smell, hardy and attentive. Given the different types of hunting and prey, the requirements for the animal may differ.
  • The most beautiful dogs. Most ratings give priority to breeds with beautiful coats and pretty faces, but this is still one of the most subjective categories.
  • The best dogs for an apartment are breeds whose size and character allow them to get along with families in a limited area.
  • The best breeds for allergy sufferers. Dogs in this category must have hair with a structure reminiscent of human hair. They are characterized by a minimal amount of undercoat or its complete absence, as well as low shedding intensity.

There are no completely hypoallergenic breeds, since even an animal’s skin cells, saliva and other secretions, and not just its fur, can cause a nonspecific immune reaction. But dogs with a special hair structure cause allergies much less often.

Thus, the qualities that a dog should have in each category will be different. If a dog for a child should be calm, patient and kind, then other traits are important for a guard - attentiveness, distrust of strangers and high learning ability.


A large breed of dog that was bred in Great Britain. The Bobtail is characterized not only by its large size, but also by long, thick fur that completely covers the dog’s body. The color is usually gray-blue or white; puppies with black markings are less common.

Medium sized floppy ears. The oval eyes are set wide apart. They can be either light or dark. The body and head itself are quite massive. The bobtail's height is 50-55 cm, and its weight is 30-40 kg. The coat is thick, long and wavy. A good undercoat provides reliable protection from bad weather.

The most beautiful dog in the world

Beauty is a subjective evaluation criterion. It is impossible to single out the most remarkable dog; each person has his own preferences. The popularity of the breed directly depends not only on the characteristics of character, temperament, but also appearance. The most popular in recent years have been northern dogs (Husky, Malamute, Samoyed), as well as Asian breeds - Akita Inu and Shiba Inu, Chow Chow. They combine not only beauty, but also innate intelligence and original character.


Golden retriever

The shepherd breed has a harmonious physique. The body is quite strong and muscular. The head corresponds to the size of the body, there is a clear transition from the forehead to the nose. The height of the golden retriever is 50-60 cm, and body weight is 25-40 kg.

The floppy ears are medium in size. Eye color is dark brown. The coat is straight or wavy. The dense undercoat does not allow water to pass through. A distinctive feature of the breed’s appearance is its golden or cream color. Sometimes there are white spots on the chest.


The Doberman looks a little menacing, but very elegant. This is an exquisite breed with an aristocratic appearance and self-esteem; such a dog needs attention and proper upbringing. In color, the dog is most often black, sometimes brown, always with rust-colored markings on the front. Dogs of this breed have high intellectual abilities and a penetrating, vigilant gaze. In the appearance of the Doberman, in his movements, despite the severity, there is an inexplicable sophistication and nobility.

This impressively sized dog exhibits the most courageous character traits, which is why it is often used as a service dog in law enforcement agencies. With proper training, a dog will never behave aggressively; it only shows wariness towards strangers, since it has excellent guarding qualities.

Tibetan mastiff

The most ancient and largest breed, the weight of which is 60-80 kg, and the height at the withers is 60-77 cm. The Tibetan mastiff has a beautiful long thick coat. It reliably protects it from cold and rain. The breed has a well-developed body and strong paws.

The drooping ears are triangular in shape. Slightly tilted eyes are widely spaced. The color of the iris is dark brown. The color of the Tibetan Mastiff is presented in three variants - black with small tan marks, blue and golden.


These are dogs with a strong and dominant character. They have a tough character and love challenges. The Rottweiler is an ideal watchdog because it has a great sense of ownership. Once he loves his guardian, he will become loyal and follow him into the fire. Recommended for tough people because it requires consistent training.


A large breed of dog originally from Croatia. Dalmatians are distinguished by their spotted color. The white short fur usually has distinct black or brown spots. Eye color – light or dark brown, rarely blue. Drop ears are set high.

The shade of the nose always matches the color of the spots, which is considered a feature of the breed. The body proportions of the Dolmatian are quite harmonious. A strong body and long, stable paws make the breed quite hardy. The height of dogs ranges from 54-62 cm. Body weight averages 25-30 kg.

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Assessment Methodology

When choosing the most beautiful dog breeds in the world, several professional criteria for the aesthetic appearance of the animal are taken into account:

  • Exterior;
  • Manners and movements;
  • Character, behavioral characteristics.

First of all, the exterior, that is, appearance. The dog’s physique, its coat, eye color, muzzle structure and other external features. Everything together should give the impression of a harmonious combination. Of course, breeders of absolutely all breeds tried very hard and for years bred, in their opinion, perfect specimens of their favorite animals. However, we have selected those breeds that are different from all the others. These dogs are easily recognized by anyone, even those who are very far from dog breeding. It is impossible to take your eyes off dogs with such exceptional appearance when you meet them.

The second important criterion for appearance is the dog’s manners and movements. The most beautiful dogs in the world are very graceful. They are distinguished by a light, graceful gait and a royal stature; such a dog should not move awkwardly or waddle.

Finally, the third criterion is the dog’s behavior, which directly depends on the character of the animal. Some breeds have a friendlier disposition and are considered pleasant companions. Lack of aggression and cute habits add to the attractiveness of dog breeds with the most charming appearance.


The hunting dog breed from Great Britain is medium in size, short legs and long soft ears. Beagles are 30-40 cm tall and weigh 13-18 kg. The breed is characterized by a strong, muscular body with short, round or slightly elongated legs.

Beagles are characterized by all the colors of hound dogs, except sand. There are two-color and three-color puppies. But the tip of the tail always remains white. Eye color – dark or light brown. The look is smart and cheerful. The Beagle has short and dense fur, which perfectly protects it from bad weather.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The beauty of a dog breed can be changed by a combination of appearance and gracefulness in movement.
  2. The most beautiful decorative breeds are the Maltese, Spitz, Klee Kai, Sheltie, Norwich Terrier, Keeshond.
  3. Among the medium-sized breeds, the most notable are the Dalmatian, Thai Ridgeback, Pharaoh Hound, Ibicenco Podenco, Samoyed, Saluki, Husky and Aussie.
  4. The most beautiful giants are the Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, St. Bernard, Afghan Hound and Bernese Mountain Dog.

Which breeds do you consider the most beautiful? Share your opinion in the comments.

Longhaired Collie

A shepherd breed, which is characterized by long fur, an oblong muzzle, and dexterous and graceful movements. The collie's body weight is approximately 20-30 kg, and its height is 50-60 cm. The rectangular body is quite strong and strong.

The wedge-shaped head blends harmoniously with the body. Almond-shaped eyes are usually dark brown or blue. Semi-erect ears point forward. The tail is fluffy. The coat is straight and harsh. Collies are typically sable or tri-colored, as well as blue merle.

Weimaraner (Weimar Pointer)

The hunting breed is medium in size and has an athletic build. The height at the withers can reach 70 cm, and the weight can reach 40 kg. The dog is characterized by an aristocratic appearance with straight lines and a silver-gray color. White spots may be visible on the paws and chest.

The body is strong and muscular. The head is dry, the muzzle is long, there are clearly defined cheekbones. The drooping ears are long and wide. Round eyes set askew. Their color ranges from light to dark amber. Puppies have blue eyes.

Great Dane, strict and prim

One attentive look of this dog is enough to stop the uninvited guest. The leisurely and aristocratic Great Dane is an excellent option for guarding your property or city apartment. The peak of its popularity is associated with the release of the animation, where Scooby Doo became the main character. Only a real Great Dane is distinguished by completely different character qualities: he is courageous, self-possessed, intelligent and devoted to his owner. The dog is large, which can scare not only enemies, but also ordinary passers-by - this must be taken into account when walking. At the same time, the dog will closely monitor your behavior: if you are nervous, he will be worried too. Amazing sensitivity for such a strict appearance. Therefore, try not to offend your four-legged friend even by raising your voice, this will bring him discomfort. His sincere desire is to please you; failure will upset the dog.

The height of the Great Dane can reach 100 cm at the withers. Despite their seemingly strong external form, their life expectancy is only 5–7 years; the health of this breed is fragile.

Samoyed dog

The medium-sized breed was bred in northern Russia. The dog has a harmonious physique and light, thick hair. The height of somoeds is 50-60 cm, and their weight is 20-30 kg. The body is muscular, the legs are straight and strong.

The head is wedge-shaped. The lips are black, which creates a peculiar smile. The ears are small, slightly rounded at the edges. Almond-shaped eyes are dark brown or black.

The coat is beautiful, thick and fluffy. The soft undercoat protects the dog from cold and bad weather. Around the neck and shoulders is a fur collar characteristic of the breed. The color of Samoyeds is pure white, sometimes with a biscuit or cream tint.

Top 13 large dog breeds for apartments

Large dogs are reliable guards and protectors with high intelligence. They are easy to train, which is why many breeds are well adapted to life in city apartments.


Labrador is a smart and kind companion dog. He is distinguished by his loyalty to his owners and friendliness to others.

The breed is trainable and learns quickly, so a person without canine training can train it to live in an apartment. All you need to learn is a little patience and love. He gets along well with children of all ages and is not aggressive towards other pets.

To avoid health problems and obesity, you need to provide your Labrador with exercise and let him play in the fresh air. Otherwise, he does not require careful care, but it is worth regularly checking the condition of his joints and bones with a veterinarian.


The Newfoundland is a large, kind and calm dog that is ideal for large families with children. She cannot stand boredom and loneliness, so she will happily play with anyone who shows love and pays attention.

Despite its large size, the Newfoundland easily gets along in an apartment due to its docile nature and behaves calmly on walks. He will behave calmly even with small pets. This dog loves water very much, so in the warm season it is better to give him the opportunity to swim in a pond.

The health of the Newfoundland requires careful attention: it needs to be taken to the veterinarian often, vaccinated, and fed with vitamins.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most loyal dogs that can become a true friend for the owner.

Thanks to their attachment to the owner and ease of training, they actively help people in the service and during special operations. Because of this, they easily adapt to life in an apartment: the owner’s attention is much more important to them than free space. Walking with them is not difficult - trained dogs do not try to run away, do not tug on the leash and do not bark.

Shepherd dogs are in fairly good health and do not require special care. To improve your pet's quality of life, it is enough to conduct regular veterinary examinations.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is a huge, kind-hearted dog who quickly becomes a family favorite thanks to his easy-going character and loyal disposition. Their height can reach 90 centimeters, weight – 70 kilograms.

Long-haired dogs cannot stand loneliness and need frequent attention. They get along well with small children and protect them at home and on walks. Saint Bernards are very calm, so their large size does not prevent them from getting along well in an apartment. But it is imperative to educate them from an early age, otherwise the dog will develop a bad character.

The diet of St. Bernards must be balanced - they are susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases. Also, special attention should be paid to the health of the eyes and joints.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a smart, calm and balanced dog. A pronounced beard, mustache and eyebrows combined with a meaningful look make their appearance unusual and striking.

A distinctive feature of their character is devotion. The dog is attached to his home, so he easily gets used to the apartment. He loves, respects and listens to the members of the family in which he lives, regardless of their gender and age. But he is wary or even aggressive towards strangers and strangers. Because of this, Giant Schnauzers need careful training from an early age.

You need to walk with them for a long time - at least 2 hours a day. They require careful grooming, regular medical examinations and treatment of emerging diseases.


The Rottweiler is a true protector and guard of its owners. He is loyal and calm, but does not tolerate aggression.

He subtly senses the mood of strangers and notices any danger. If you don't train your dog from an early age, he will become dangerous to others. Families with preschoolers should not have them. The Rottweiler needs a strong person who will show him who is boss. In this case, he will be restrained and balanced.

To make the dog comfortable in the apartment, you need to take him for walks often and give him enough physical activity. To prevent your Rottweiler from getting sick, it needs to be regularly vaccinated and fed with vitamins. Otherwise, it does not require special care.


The Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a loyal, affectionate and sensitive herding dog that will become a companion and family friend. Its long coat and thin, elongated nose make its appearance attractive and unique.

She quickly becomes attached to her owners, so living next to them in an apartment does not cause her any inconvenience. Collie adores children and loves to take care of them. In case of danger, she can bark and try to scare away the enemy; she shows aggression only as a last resort.

You need to walk with your pet for at least an hour every day, and once or twice a week you should arrange especially long walks with games. Grooming a collie's long hair takes a lot of time - it takes 20-30 minutes every day.

German dog

The Great Dane is a noble and balanced breed that is suitable both as a protector and as a companion. He combines a frightening and phlegmatic appearance, but by nature this dog is affectionate and kind.

The Great Dane loves its owners and is easy to train. In this case, he clearly distinguishes between real and imaginary threats and does not show aggression unless there is a reason for it. He needs responsible and serious people who know the basics of handling dogs.

He can live in an apartment, but cramped housing will not suit him. For a normal existence, a Great Dane needs 2-3 rooms and long daily walks. It costs less to be outside with your dog in wet weather. Great Danes have good health, and vaccination and preventive examinations will help maintain it.


Dobermans are graceful and noble protective dogs. They are distinguished by their developed intelligence, devotion, and expressive character.

These dogs get along well in an apartment and feel fine in a confined space if they feel attention to themselves. For a normal life, daily quiet walks are enough for them. They love children and cannot stand scandals - this makes them show aggression.

Training will help you raise a Doberman with a balanced character - a guard and a devoted friend. These pets are unpretentious in their maintenance: they need to be brushed weekly, their long ears cleaned, and their teeth brushed.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a cheerful, cheerful and active dog that will become a reliable friend for the whole family. This is a hunting dog that is adapted for living in a city apartment with loved ones.

Retrievers are non-conflicting, get along well with people of all ages, and do not show aggression towards strangers. They can protect their owners by barking loudly. Dogs need constant entertainment - toys at home, active games outside. The main problems with care are frequent shedding and the need for daily brushing.

They are in good health, but require regular vaccinations.

Irish Setter

The Irish Red Setter is a hunting breed with an unusual red color with a reddish tint. These are very smart dogs that are easy to train.

They get along calmly in an apartment if you teach them to do so from childhood. But you need to be prepared for long walks, which the setter cannot do without. At home, the Irish can play pranks and create chaos - this is part of their character. You also need to be prepared for the fact that they need a large amount of food.

Setters are kind and get along with children, but they should not be introduced to smaller pets. Caring for them involves regular brushing and frequent formation of memorized commands.

Samoyed husky

The Samoyed is a good-natured dog with fluffy fur and a friendly smile on its face. It is suitable for active people and families with children: it will participate in games, hikes, and sports training.

If a husky spends 1-2 hours a day outside, then it will not be difficult for her to live in a city apartment. But even there she needs attention from her owners: she needs to talk to her, pet her, and support her in games.

They are easy to train and there are no difficulties in caring for them. Weekly brushing and bathing once a season is enough to care for long hair. Health can be maintained with vitamin supplements and regular visits to the doctor.


The shorthaired pointer is a professional hunter, ready to become an easygoing pet for those who surround him with love and attention. They look beautiful and graceful, rarely show aggression, and love children.

But dogs of this breed cannot live without physical activity and regular exercise. Quiet homebodies are better off not opting for the Shorthaired Pointer. But for those who are ready to spend 2-3 hours a day walking and raising a dog, he will become his best friend.

Caring for them is not difficult: you need to regularly trim the dog's claws, check the ears and eyes, brush the teeth and comb out the hair weekly.

Many dogs of different sizes are adapted to living in limited space, and when choosing a pet for an apartment, it is worth considering them.
Thus, the life together of the pet and its owner will be pleasant and productive for both of them. What size dog would you get?


The breed is medium in size, although it is considered the largest of the terriers. The height at the withers is 55-60 cm. The average body weight is 20 kg. The dog has a proportional build, a neat muzzle and a compact body.

The head is balanced, without wrinkles or folds. The paws are small and round. The floppy ears are set close to each other. The Airedale Terrier's coat is hard and slightly wavy. The standard color is reddish-brown with black or brown spots.

Is it possible?

You make the final choice yourself, so no one has the right to forbid you to adopt a Rottweiler, pit bull or hound. It is only important to note that in this case you cannot do without the help of a dog handler. All of the listed breeds have a complex character and are not ready to accept everyone as their owner.

Despite possible difficulties, timely socialization and competent upbringing of a puppy work wonders. “Difficult breeds” also become loyal and devoted friends, but require stricter control and mandatory obedience courses at a kennel club.

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Siberian Husky

Medium sized sled dog. The height at the withers reaches 60 cm, and the weight is 20-30 kg. The head is small, the muzzle is of medium length, which gradually tapers towards the nose. Almond-shaped eyes are set obliquely. They are usually brown or blue, but hetegochromic variants are often found, when the eyes are different colors. The ears are set high, with rounded tips pointing upward.

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Soft and thick wool perfectly retains heat and gives a neat appearance. There are quite a lot of Siberian Husky color varieties - from light to dark. The most common species are black and white or white and gray. It is rare to see a pure black, white or brown dog. A typical, but not required, sign of the breed is a black or white mask around the eyes and several vertical stripes on the forehead.

The most beautiful breed: what is it?

“Show us your dog and we will tell you who you are and what you are like,” this is roughly how dog lovers “evaluate” each other, and this humorous expression perfectly reflects reality. After all, when choosing a dog, you somehow imagine how you will build a relationship with it. Will your pet be energetic or melancholic, “talkative” or “laconic,” what size, color, and so on it will be. In the top list of FAN there was a place for a variety of pets, united by one of the main qualities - the ability to be a loyal friend and companion. After all, the beauty of the breed is not only in external forms, but also in the manifestation of devotion and kindness.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

The breed is medium in size, the height of the withers reaches 47-58 cm. The standard weight of the dog is 23-27 kg. The body is strong, muscles are well developed. The head is proportional to the body, the cheekbones are poorly defined. The almond-shaped small eyes come only in black or brown. The hanging ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the bottom.

Wool consists of two layers. The upper one is distinguished by good density and shine; small waves may occur in the area of ​​the withers or back. The lower layer is dark and cannot be seen through the awn. The color is black with pronounced brown and white spots.

Hungarian Vizsla (Hungarian pointing dog)

Medium-sized hunting breed. Height is 55-65 cm, and body weight is 20-27 kg. It is distinguished by a reddish color with a golden tint. There may be a small white spot on the chest. There are wire-haired and short-haired Hungarian Vizslas. The first option is distinguished by long, dense and coarse fur. Short-haired dogs have a short, shiny, thick coat that is pleasant to the touch.

The physique is muscular, graceful and graceful. A strong, wide chest and strong paws make the breed hardy. The head has the shape of a rectangle. The ears hang, they are set low and slightly rounded at the ends. The color of almond-shaped eyes usually matches the color of the dog.

Afghan Hound

In the world of dogs, the Afghan Hound could well be considered a top model. The long-legged beauty with luxurious silky hair looks like a high society lady. The fur of this dog can be considered a work of art; it is very soft to the touch, covers almost the entire body of the animal and falls in strands along the body, like a mantle. When the dog runs or moves actively, the fur flutters spectacularly in the wind, giving the animal a special charm. These dogs have an elongated muzzle, with curious slanted eyes and a look full of dignity.

The combination of extraordinary appearance and manners of dogs of this breed is amazing: their proud posture and graceful slimness reveal a person of royal blood. We can say that this is a dog with character, quite selfish and stubborn, it can show jealousy towards other pets, but at the same time, the Afghan Hound is very sociable. With enough attention to her person, she will always pay with mutual affection. It’s impossible to relax with such a capricious creature; the Afghan hound knows its worth and always demands an appropriate attitude from its owners.

Chow chow

A guard breed with a strong, well-balanced build. The average height is 45-55 cm. The dog's body weight is 20-30 kg. The body is compact, harmonious, lion-like, strong. The skull is flat and wide. The muzzle is of medium length. Eye color is dark, rarely blue. The small ears are slightly rounded at the ends.

There are long-haired and short-haired Chow Chows. The first option is characterized by a thick, straight and abundant coat with a soft undercoat. A “collar” characteristic of the breed is formed around the neck. Short-haired dogs have short, dense fur. Color – black, red, blue, white, cream without spots or marks.

French Bulldog

French bulldogs are small but quite massive dogs. They love affection and have fun with their owner. They get along well with children. Before buying a bulldog, remember that this breed gets tired quickly during physical activity and can make characteristic sounds - for example, grunting, snoring.


The breed is medium in size and has a harmonious and balanced build. The height at the withers is 40-43 cm, and the weight is 9-11 kg. A distinctive feature of appearance is a wrinkled forehead. Almond-shaped eyes are set obliquely. Their color is usually dark - black or brown. Small ears with sharp ends are set high.

Medium size muzzle. The neck is long, but not thick. The body is harmoniously balanced. The legs are long and strong. The fur is short, shiny, soft, and fits well to the body. The characteristic colors for the breed are black and red and white, black and brown and white.


There are 3 varieties of this breed - miniature, medium and giant schnauzer. The Miniature Schnauzer, as the name suggests, is the smallest variety. He is extremely active, attentive and fearless. The Medium Schnauzer is slightly less excitable than the Miniature Schnauzer, but more than the Giant Schnauzer. On the other hand, Giant Schnauzers are the quietest of all three varieties, but lack curiosity and courage. Regardless of their size, all Schnauzers are intelligent, loyal and have extraordinary strength of character. They are also strong willed and love to dominate. They are eager to play, but will also cuddle and lay on the couch.

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