Hypoallergenic cats: 15 best breeds for allergy sufferers

Hypoallergenic cats are of interest to those who are prevented from having a four-legged friend by the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Allergies to cats are more common than to other animals. The topic turned out to be very relevant, so Petstory studied the issue, including contacting our veterinarians. In this article, we have prepared a list of hypoallergenic cat breeds for people with allergies and answered popular questions from users.
  • List of breeds to avoid for allergy sufferers
  • Features of caring for an animal if there is an allergy sufferer in the house
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • Causes of allergies

    It is a mistake to believe that the reaction is caused by cat hair. In fact, the allergen is most often the Fel D1 protein found in the saliva and skin of cats. Particles of this protein are carried everywhere and, for the most part, settle on the fur - this is where this misconception comes from. There are known breeds of hypoallergenic cats that emit less dangerous protein.

    However, for many allergy sufferers, their disease does not prevent them from living in the same house as a cat or even having contact with it. If you adhere to the rules of keeping a pet and correctly use the method of habituation to the “native” allergen (when the patient is regularly administered small doses of the allergen, gradually increasing the amount of the required component), then you can not only get rid of allergy symptoms, but also achieve clinical recovery. After such a course, a person will be able to live normally with his pet, but the reaction to other animals will persist.

    Symptoms of a cat allergy

    Signs of a respiratory allergy are:

    • nasal congestion and allergic runny nose;
    • burning and itching in the nasopharynx;
    • shortness of breath, cough, sneezing;
    • swelling of the nasopharynx.

    Along with the listed symptoms, weakness and even fever can sometimes be observed.

    On the skin, an allergy to cats that occurs through direct contact with an animal manifests itself as follows:

    • irritation and itching of the skin;
    • rashes, redness.

    Other symptoms of cat allergies:

    • headache;
    • weakness;
    • swelling of the eyes, profuse lacrimation.

    Signs of allergies are varied and appear with varying intensities. Much depends on the characteristics of the human body and the breed of the animal.


    A breed of cat with a distinctive appearance. She has curly fur. The name comes from the English “perm” - perm. The first lapermas were bred on a farm in Orinoco. Where, starting in 1980, curly-haired cats, not yet recognized, were kept in a semi-free state.

    Selectors and breeders paid attention to cats. Since 1990, cats began to participate in exhibitions. In 1997, the breed standard was published. According to which Laperm are cats with a muscular, not heavy body, long limbs and neck. The head is wedge-shaped with smooth transitions. The eyes are almond-shaped. The ears are quite large, slightly set apart.

    There are two versions of the breed: longhaired and shorthaired. Both have curly fur. Messy curls give the appearance of dishevelment. The standards allow for a wide variety of colors, except striped and brindle.

    Cats are very affectionate. Truly homemade. They retain their playful character until old age. Breeders advertise the animal as hypoallergenic. However, people with a tendency to allergic reactions should be careful and wash the animal more often.

    Are there any hypoallergenic cat breeds?

    There are no breeds that are guaranteed not to cause an allergic reaction (so-called anti-allergenic cat breeds). But there are those with whom this happens much less often. Such cat breeds are conventionally called anti-allergenic. The point is the reduced production of a dangerous protein that settles on the wool. Animals of this type include:

    • naked (hairless) cats. Lack of fur is not the main thing. Allergens that accumulate on the skin can be easily removed, for example, by bathing your pet.
    • cats without undercoat. The undercoat plays an important role - during the molting period, allergens spread with greater intensity, and cats that do not have a lower layer of hair practically do not shed. True, this feature makes them vulnerable to the cold.
    • cats with reduced production of dangerous proteins. Many people do not know that the existence of completely hypoallergenic cat breeds is a myth. The misconception is common because not everyone understands the nature of an allergic reaction. For example, Sphynx cats are often classified as non-allergenic breeds due to their lack of fur, but these cats produce Fel D1 just like any other. Thus, there are simply no cat breeds to which there is no allergy.


    A breed in whose genetic makeup there is no connection with wild cats. However, it got its name from a wild Central American cat, the ocelot. The reason for borrowing part of the name is related to the color of the cat: it is very reminiscent of the fur of a wild predator.

    The extravagant cat was obtained through the efforts of breeder Virginia Dale. Mixing Abyssinian and Siamese cats and involving geneticists gave a beautiful result - the Ocicat breed. As an established cat species, the Ocicat was registered by the American Feline Association in 1987.

    The weight of the cats is noticeable. Females gain weight up to 3.5 kg. Males are much larger - up to 6 kg. The backbone is strong. The muscles are well developed. The coat is short-haired. The main color is expressive: dark, medium-sized oval spots are scattered across a sandy-gray background. The breed standard approves 12 color options.

    Ocicats are sociable animals. They can coexist next to other pets, even small ones. They are intelligent, not stubborn, and well trained. Their behavior resembles that of dogs. They feel bad when the owner begins to completely ignore them.

    Hypoallergenic cat breeds

    Hypoallergenic are animal species that meet at least one of the listed criteria. We have compiled a list of cat breeds for allergy sufferers that produce minimal amounts of Fel D1. It is easier for people with allergies to live in the same area with such pets. Doctors recommend paying attention to the hair of animals: preferably pets without undercoat, hairless or curly breeds. The latter lose hair less often and do not spread it around the house.

    Siberian cat

    Size: medium, closer to large

    Wool: medium length

    Lifespan: 12–15 years

    The secret of the “Siberians” is the reduced production of Fel D1. The breed was developed in Russia several centuries ago. They are thick-coated tabby cats of medium to large size, with a strong build and large, strong paws. “Siberians” are distinguished by a large head and eyes of a golden or greenish hue. Representatives of this breed are famous for their playfulness, intelligence, devotion and good nature.


    Size: medium

    Wool: short

    Lifespan: 12–16 years

    This breed is hypoallergenic due to its short, silky coat, which hardly sheds. Bengals are the result of crossing a domestic cat with an Asian leopard. They are distinguished by a muscular build, a triangular head and, of course, a characteristic leopard print color. They are energetic, intelligent and friendly, easily getting along with people and animals. Bengal cats simply love to swim, but water procedures are recommended for them no more than once every three months.


    Size: medium

    Wool: short, long

    Lifespan: 15–20 years

    These cats are notable for their low Fel D1 content and low shedding. Orientals are an experimental species descended from Siamese cats. There are both short-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed. They can be described as graceful animals with an exotic appearance (thanks to their large, widely spaced ears). The body is elongated, the head forms the shape of an equilateral triangle, the eyes are most often emerald in color, the limbs are long, the color is varied. Oriental cats are friendly and inquisitive.


    Size: medium

    Wool: semi-long

    Lifespan: 13–16 years

    Hypoallergenicity of Balinese dogs is achieved due to the low protein concentration. Another important factor is the lack of undercoat. Balinese cats are proud, graceful animals with an aristocratic bearing. They have an athletic build and well-developed muscles. The color can be different, the most common are blue point, frost point, seal point. Balinese cats are extremely sociable and require a lot of attention. They do not tolerate loneliness and silence in the house. They are smart, inquisitive, and always want to be in the center of events. Balinese cats are among the ten smartest cat breeds in the world.


    Size: small

    Wool: short

    Lifespan: 15-20 years

    The breed, due to its thin and short fur, is characterized by mild shedding. Siamese cats are animals with ideal proportions, flexible bodies and elegant thin legs. They are characterized by color-point color (light coat with dark areas on the paws, face, ears and tail) and its variations. “Siamese” are smart, loyal to one owner, and do not tolerate loneliness well. In addition, they are too jealous and will not share human attention with other pets, so it is difficult to call them conflict-free.

    Neva Masquerade

    Size: closer to large

    Wool: long

    Life expectancy: 15-18 years

    This breed appeared by crossing “Siberians” and “Siams”, adopting the hypoallergenic properties of both. Neva masquerade cats are distinguished by thick soft fur, blue eyes, and a dark muzzle against the background of a light fur coat. Externally, these cats are strong, proportional, with a strong physique. Representatives of the breed have a calm and unobtrusive character, they are quite independent and do not require increased attention to themselves.


    Size: medium

    Wool: short

    Life expectancy: 16-20 years

    These felines do not have undercoat, which is why they are considered hypoallergenic. The Ocicat has a powerful and even heavy body, strong bones and an exotic spotted color. These are smart, affectionate and sociable pets; their peculiarity is that they do not become attached to a specific home and easily tolerate moving.

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    Size: small

    Wool: short

    Lifespan: 15-20 years

    Short-haired Burmese cats hardly shed and also have no undercoat. They are distinguished by a muscular, strong body, short shiny fur, and large yellow eyes. The coat can be of almost any color. It can be uniform or dark spots may appear on the face, paws and tail. Burmese are affectionate, playful, loyal to people, and get along well with other cats and dogs in the house.


    Size: smaller than average

    Wool: medium length

    Lifespan: 12-15 years

    “Javanese” are close relatives of Orientals, bred by crossing Balinese and Siamese cats. They have no undercoat. Javanese cats have large ears, an elongated body, slender limbs, a long tail and a graceful build. The color can be anything. The character has willfulness, stubbornness and determination. They are active, playful and curious creatures.

    Napoleon (minuet)

    Size: small

    Wool: length may vary

    Lifespan: 12-15 years

    Despite the fact that Napoleon's ancestors were fluffy Persian cats, they shed very little. The body is oblong, with a wide back and powerful neck. The hind legs are traditionally longer than the front ones. The luxurious tail is set high and raised up when walking. The coat color is varied. Cats of the Minuet breed are smart, affectionate, sociable, and do not tolerate loneliness well.

    Lykoi (Likoi)

    Size: medium

    Wool: short

    Life expectancy: from 15 years

    This is a recently bred breed with huge, expressive eyes and patchy hair that is distributed unevenly over the body. It grows in clumps, and during molting the hair can completely disappear. Because of this, allergens simply do not have time to accumulate in the wool. Lykoi are harmoniously built, thin-legged animals with an unusual appearance. Despite their stern appearance, they are kind, obedient and affectionate pets. From the first days they become attached to their owner, but they also feel comfortable alone.

    Devon Rex

    Size: medium

    Wool: short

    Life expectancy: 12-17 years

    Their hypoallergenicity is due to their super short wavy fur. The appearance of Devons is exotic - large ears, piercing eyes, soft curly hair of various shades. This is an affectionate, intelligent and moderately active pet that loves its owners and always strives to be close to them.

    Cornish Rex

    Size: medium

    Wool: short

    Lifespan: 12-14 years

    Rex, like the Devon and Cornish, has a unique coat - it is short, curly and practically does not shed. Therefore, it is recognized as a non-allergenic cat breed. The main characteristics of the Cornish Rex: light, graceful, tall, long-legged. This breed is considered one of the most playful, active and cheerful.


    Size: medium

    Wool: practically absent

    Lifespan: 13-15 years

    A breed of hairless, hypoallergenic cats bred in Russia. Peterbalds have a long and narrow head, a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes and large ears. The main character traits are sociability, friendliness, and affection.

    Don Sphynx

    Size: large

    Wool: practically absent

    Lifespan: 12-15 years

    These hairless cats, like the Peterbalds, were bred in our country. Sometimes juveniles have a small amount of hair on the face and paws. By nature, Don Sphynxes are affectionate and friendly animals that can find an approach to any person. They are able to express emotions using facial expressions and voice.


    Hairless cat breed. The complete absence of fur is the result of a natural genetic failure. There have been periodic reports of hairless kittens. Breeders became interested in them around 1960. The date of complete formation of the breed can be considered 1970.

    The North American version of the Sphinx is called the Canadian Sphinx. Two varieties of the Sphynx, the Donskoy and the Peterbald, were later bred in Russia. In Ukraine, a breed called the “Ukrainian Levkoy” was developed. That is, the Sphynx is a group of cat breeds.

    Sphynx cats are moderate-sized cats. The body is muscular with a rounded chest and a noticeable belly. The head is wedge-shaped with large eyes and an elongated nose. The mustache pads are modest. The ears are large, with a slight deviation to the sides. Limbs of normal size. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones.

    Hairlessness is not absolute. On the entire body or selectively: downy hair can grow on the tail and paws. Cats are smart. Attached to the owner. Need constant attention. In many ways, their behavior depends on relationships with people at a very early age.

    List of breeds to avoid for allergy sufferers

    This division is conditional. It all depends on the type of allergy.

    Therefore, the most allergenic cat breeds are an individual concept. The following breeds can be noted:

    1. Persians and exotics. They produce protein in large quantities, and their long hair helps spread it.
    2. Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, American Bobtail, Cymric. These owners of thick fur with an undercoat shed heavily, which is why allergens are carried everywhere along with the hairs.

    Sphinxes. They secrete protein during regular water procedures, so Sphynx cats can be considered hypoallergenic. However, frequent bathing does not benefit these cats. Their skin begins to peel, and fallen scales become an additional allergen.

    Features of caring for an animal if there is an allergy sufferer in the house

    If you follow the rules for caring for animals recommended for people with allergies, the likelihood of unwanted reactions is significantly reduced.

    1. Bathe cats 1-3 times a week.
    2. Clean your cat's bed as often as possible, and it's also important to wash and wash toys.
    3. Wipe hairless pets with wet wipes without alcohol. Hairy cats need to be brushed at least once a week.
    4. Keep your pet's litter box clean.
    5. Wash your hands after every contact with your cat.

    If it is possible to entrust the care of your cat to a person who does not suffer from allergies, then it is worth doing so. It should also be said about the benefits of sterilization, which leads to reduced production of Fel D1.

    Preventive measures

    • castration or sterilization of an animal;
    • regular bathing: when carrying out this procedure every other day, it is possible to remove almost 86% of all allergens secreted by the cat;
    • Constantly cleaning the cat litter and using non-allergenic litter;
    • regularly washing bedding and keeping cat toys clean;
    • After petting an animal, you should wash your hands and completely avoid touching your eyes and face;
    • regular wet cleaning of the entire room and thorough cleaning of carpets;
    • Carrying out daily combing of dying fur hairs.
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