Mating of Spitz: when the heat begins, childbirth at home

The life of a small dog, like all living things, is subject to cyclical development.

Over the course of 180–250 days (with slight deviations), the biological rhythm of a Spitz girl goes through four cycles.

The most restless period, characterized by active behavior, is the period of hunting - estrus, popularly called simply “estrus”.

Regardless of whether the dog owner plans to continue the family of his Spitz or not, he must imagine the characteristics of the animal’s life during this period.

In the first case, the person must ensure safe and effective mating, in the second, proper care of the dog.

Features of estrus

The first heat in Spitz dogs occurs between 8 and 12 months. This is an average, each dog’s body is individual and the process can happen either earlier or later. Estrus occurs once every 6 months, but in some cases the interval can reach up to 8 months. The main thing is that the process occurs regularly. The intensity of discharge varies.

It is worth preparing for the mating of Spitz dogs in advance in order to get the desired result.

Important! In clean dogs that lick themselves frequently, the beginning of the process can sometimes be noticed only by the presence of blood on the bedding.

Knowledge about dog anatomy

Breeding oranges has its own characteristics and difficulties, primarily associated with the miniature nature of this breed. Miniks are in demand, they are expensive, but they are usually not used for breeding, since this may be unsafe for them.

Spitz in heat

The first heat in Spitz dogs usually begins at eight to nine months, but this does not mean that the girl is ready to become a mother. The breeding status of the RKF for females of decorative breeds allows them to be used for breeding no earlier than fifteen months of age. Since most dogs come into heat once every six months, bitches are bred for the first time either on their second or third heat.

Spitz breeding rules

For mating, sires that match each other in blood and appearance are selected; they must be absolutely healthy, vaccinated and examined by a veterinarian. The bitch is usually brought to the dog, and not vice versa, although the meeting can also take place on neutral territory. It is better to agree in advance with an experienced instructor who will help to mat the dogs forcibly or artificially if for some reason this does not happen naturally.

The animal must undergo a veterinary examination before mating

The optimal period is considered to be 9–12 days of estrus, but it is recommended to take tests from a veterinarian, which will show how ready the eggs are for fertilization. To consolidate success, you need to carry out two or three matings at intervals of one day. This should not be done more often, since sperm needs time to mature.

Pregnancy and problems during its course

Pregnancy in Spitz dogs can last from 58 to 65 days. In the first month, there are no visible changes in the behavior and figure of the expectant mother, but her nutrition should become of better quality and fortified. Having confirmed the fact of pregnancy using ultrasound diagnostics, begin to prepare for the arrival of puppies.

Childbirth in Spitz

Make an agreement with the veterinarian in advance - his help may be needed during childbirth at any time - both day and night. Two thirds of Pomeranians give birth on their own and without complications, but just in case you need to be prepared for the option of a caesarean section.

Pomeranians take care of puppies touchingly

Pomeranians have small litters, from one to three puppies; four babies is a great rarity and luck for a breeder. Mom has enough milk for everyone; she rarely has to feed the babies.

How to determine the optimal time for mating

Yorkies in heat, mating and childbirth at home

Spitz is a breed of small dog. In such pets, puberty occurs quite early, in some by 9 months, in males - even by six months. However, at this age the dog is not ready for mating, either psychologically or physically. For boys, the optimal age is after 1 year, for girls – 1 year and 3 months. It is better if the bitch goes through at least 2 heats before mating, in which case we can talk about the healthiest offspring.

Ideally, mating is carried out when the pet reaches 2 years of age. During this time, the owner will already learn to determine the moment of estrus by the behavior of the animal. The procedure can be carried out up to 9 years in females and up to 10 years in males.

After the dog has gone into heat for the first time, the owner needs to carefully monitor the process and record all the data. In the future, this information will be very helpful in determining the optimal mating time.

Estrus in Spitz dogs goes through several phases and takes a certain time:

  1. Proestrus. The phase is called pre-temperature and lasts approximately 12 days. During this period, the dog becomes too active, stops listening, and becomes nervous. The pet notices swelling of the loop and the appearance of blood discharge, which becomes transparent after a few days. Frequent urination is noted. During this period, mating is not carried out.
  2. Estrus. The duration of the period (ovulation) can reach 2 weeks. A harbinger is that the bitch is a little restless, there is a constant movement of her tail to the side, it is noticeable that she is ready to let the male near. The discharge becomes pink or straw-colored and becomes viscous. Mating is carried out precisely during this period.
  3. Metestrus. The duration of the phase is approximately 70 days. There is a disappearance of swelling and discharge. The dog is not letting the male near at the moment.
  4. Anestrus. The period lasts up to 150 days, depending on the living conditions of the animal. Fertilization is not possible at this time.

An experienced owner carefully monitors all phases of his pet and knows exactly when the Spitz begins to heat and mating will give the desired result.

Dogs need to be given a good walk before breeding

How to understand that a dog is pregnant

It will be impossible to understand that the dog is pregnant in the first days, since no signs are observed. Even palpation of the abdomen will not give any information. When this condition occurs after estrus, the female Spitz becomes more affectionate and less active, which can become a kind of harbinger of an imminent addition to the dog family.

Pregnancy can be recognized in the third week. Often, clear liquid is released from the external genitalia of bitches, and the dog itself begins to tremble. You can learn about the interesting situation of the Japanese Spitz on the 28th day after mating. During this period, it will be possible to find out about changes in the dog’s abdomen using palpation.

Pregnancy can be determined more accurately by ultrasound, but this procedure will not provide information about how many puppies the Spitz is carrying. This information can be found out during this procedure no earlier than 45 days after mating.

Pomeranian ultrasound

The necessary conditions

Estrus in a Toy Terrier, as well as mating, pregnancy and childbirth

In order for the mating to be successful and the puppies to be healthy and strong, it is recommended to follow a number of rules for mating Spitz dogs:

  • Both dogs must be in excellent health. Only in this case will future offspring be free of pathologies. All diseases and problems (and weight too) must be eliminated no later than three months before mating.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, you should contact your veterinarian so that your pet undergoes all the necessary examinations. It is recommended to undergo the necessary tests in order to take timely measures to eliminate pathologies.
  • Both dogs require proof of vaccination. It is worth checking the documents if you plan to breed animals from different nurseries.
  • If you plan to obtain elite offspring, then it is recommended to carefully study all the documents and pedigrees of the dogs so that the result of the mating will please you and not upset you.
  • The weight of the animals should be close to normal; this is also important for the result of the procedure to be successful.

Attention! Compliance with such rules will allow you to get healthy and strong offspring.

Favorable days for mating

Spitz breeding should be done according to the rules. The process cannot be left to chance, especially when it comes to pets of breeding value. Attention should be paid to the timing of mating and preparing the dog for the process itself. If the dog breeder is an inexperienced person in this matter, then it is better to enlist the support of a dog handler.

What day to knit on

In order for the mating to end with small losses, it is necessary to choose the optimal time. First of all, this concerns the age of the pet.

The Pomeranian Spitz is completely physically formed only at two years of age. By this time, he will begin to have regular heats, and therefore choosing the right day will not be difficult. Usually animals are bred for 10-14 days.

How to better organize the process

To obtain healthy offspring for mating, it is not recommended to choose fat, emaciated or vitamin-deficient individuals. Before meeting a male dog, you must consult a veterinarian and undergo certain tests. If the dog was vaccinated less than a month before mating, the event should be abandoned.

Mating of Spitz dogs should be done in the morning, when pets are more active, but do not experience hunger. It is recommended to feed the bitch in the evening, and in the morning deny her both food and water. This is due to the fact that during the mating process the animal experiences tension, which can cause it to vomit.

Breeders also recommend mating in the male dog's house. This can be explained by the fact that if the event took place on the girl’s territory, the male may feel insecure, he will study the situation more and, perhaps, will not even pay attention to the bitch.

Note! It may be unwise to breed animals with different coat colors because it will make it difficult to recognize the color of the puppies. This especially applies to dark individuals. In this case, you will have to study the pedigree of both dogs.

Freestyle Spitz breeding

Mating rules

The first mating of a male dog can be done at 10-12 months. It is advisable that the bitch be experienced and prepared. It is also recommended to prevent your dog from coming into contact with animals in heat. It is necessary to create favorable conditions in order to bring animals together.

  • It is recommended to place the dogs in a room or fenced area that is well known to the dog. This will give him confidence.
  • During mating, it is recommended to maintain silence so that the animals are not distracted from the process.
  • It is not recommended to bring dogs during the hottest part of the day, so early morning is chosen.
  • Immediately before sexual intercourse, it is recommended to prepare the animals by walking them.

It is necessary to untie a male dog correctly, so it is important to follow certain rules. Animals need help, especially if this is their first mating. An experienced dog handler can do this to make the procedure easy. The owner must place his hand on the dog's rump when he mounts. It is especially important to start doing this when the male is already in the castle with the female.

Additional Information! If the male is indecisive, then he needs to be interested. In this case, you need to take the female Spitz out of the room and return her back after a quarter of an hour.

Main features of mating Pomeranians

Estrus in dogs: how long does it last and when does it start?

The duration of puberty in Spitz dogs takes a lot of time; you should not rush into mating. First of all, you need to know exactly what you plan to do with the puppies in the future, whether sale is possible. Pregnancy and childbirth are not always favorable for the dog and can negatively affect its health, so you should seriously think about it before mating.

Before mating, you should study all the features and make an accurate decision.

It is also recommended to remember that a pregnant and lactating bitch will require additional care and quality nutrition, so if it is not possible to provide it, you should refuse mating.

The procedure is carried out on the male dog’s territory so that he feels more confident and the female dog does not show aggression. It is better to choose a place that is familiar to the dog.

It is better to put a muzzle on the lady or secure her so that she does not frighten off her partner with excessive aggression. There should be no strangers nearby during mating.

Caring for a Spitz during the postpartum period

It is better not to feed the bitch in the first 6 hours after giving birth. She can be given water slightly sweetened with honey in small portions, but often. You should not use sugar for sweetening, as it can cause fermentation in the dog’s stomach. If your pet asks for food, it is recommended to feed it fermented milk products.

If you want to use the toilet, you should prepare a tray for the animal. If the bitch asks to go outside, it is recommended to carry her out in your arms, limiting natural walks. It is necessary to treat the animal's hind legs, tail and nipples. To do this, it is better to use a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

Having decided to breed dogs of this breed, you need to find out how long the Spitz’s pregnancy lasts, how long the Spitz is in heat, what day is best to breed the animals, and how to care for the pet. It is required to purchase an animal from trusted nurseries. One of these is located in the city of Kansk.

Preparing dogs for mating

Mating is carried out twice in order to accurately obtain the desired result. The first time mating is carried out on the 13th day after the start of estrus (the second day after the start of the hunting period).

Both animals are fed in the evening; it is better not to give food in the morning, but provide the pets with a long walk. It is recommended to introduce the dogs in advance so that they can get used to each other. After the walk, you can take the dogs to the required area.

It is better if one of the dogs does not have the first mating, in which case it will be easier to avoid unpleasant moments.

It is worth choosing a room with non-slip floors to make it easier for animals to stay. If necessary, use special tables for knitting.

Freestyle mating of Spitz dogs is quite rare.

How many days and how is pregnancy going?

Dog breeders are often interested in how long Pomeranians stay pregnant. Most often, the duration of this period in German breeds is 60-63 days. It is advisable to keep a pregnancy diary, which should be started on the day of estrus. The following changes occur in stages with the pet:

  • 1-2 weeks. The dog's behavior and condition remain normal. The movement of the egg to the uterus should continue during this period, and therefore will not cause inconvenience or anxiety to the animal.
  • Week 3. The placenta begins to form. At this time, you can take your dog for an ultrasound to diagnose pregnancy. The fruit reaches a size of 4.5 mm. The animal's mammary glands begin to swell, which is why the pet may begin to scratch and bite them.
  • Week 4. The uterus is actively growing and can reach the ribs, which is why the dog’s belly begins to hang. Babies grow up to 1.5 cm. From this period, the pet may begin to develop toxicosis, which will cause a decrease in appetite.
  • Week 5. The fruits begin to form a bone skeleton and grow. The expectant mother becomes less active, spends most of her time sleeping, and clear discharge begins from the external genitalia.
  • Week 6. All organs of the fetus are formed. The uterus takes up a lot of space, the stomach has less space, so the mother eats more often, but in smaller portions.
  • Week 7. The puppies are starting to get fur. The mother becomes restless and organizes a search for a place to give birth.
  • Week 8. Puppies are fully formed and begin to put pressure on the bladder, causing the pet to go to the toilet more often. The mother gains weight, becomes more anxious, and often refuses to eat.

An ultrasound will help determine how many puppies the Spitz will give birth to. Most often the number does not exceed 4 individuals.

Spitz contractions

Mating process

The mating process for Spitz dogs is of two types - free or manual.

Free mating is possible provided that the male already has experience and the female is favorable towards him. If physical features do not create problems, then the process can begin and go away on its own. However, quite often the help of the owners is required.

Basically, Spitz breeding is done manually, with the owner controlling the entire process from start to finish. Pairing proceeds as follows:

  • For the process, a smaller male is selected than a female, so it is recommended to place a pillow or some object under his paws.
  • Before mounting, the bitch's vagina is lubricated with Vaseline for better penetration. The dog should be held by the collar so that it does not move and does not try to bite the partner.
  • Inexperienced males often mount in the wrong place, so the owner should help him and carefully guide him. In this case, under no circumstances should you touch the genitals, otherwise the male will refuse mating and may resist this process for a long time.
  • The bitch needs to be supported under the belly, bringing the loop to the male's genitals.
  • If the process is carried out correctly, the partner clasps the dog’s hind legs, and the bitch’s squeal will indicate the penetration of the penis. The boy's movements become fast and jerky, his hind legs straighten, and sperm is released.
  • After this, you need to hold your partner very tightly, not allow her to move or spin. When inside, the male's sexual organ increases in size, and the vagina, on the contrary, becomes narrow and encloses it. As a result, gluing or “locking” occurs. The animals remain in this state for 20 minutes.

Mating at home takes place with the help of the owners

  • Gradually, the partner lowers his front paws and tries to turn around; if necessary, he needs help. As a result, the dogs remain standing with their backs to each other until the genitals are separated. Dogs should not be forcibly separated to avoid injury and damage to the pets.
  • After the sexual intercourse is over, the animals are separated in different directions and left to rest. The owner of the partner should check that the penis has returned to its previous size and returned to the pouch; it is recommended to rinse it a little with warm water.

Attention! Half an hour after mating, it is recommended to feed the dogs and go for a walk. You can knit again after 2 days to be absolutely sure that you will get the desired result.

Stud fee

The owners of the animals agree on how much it costs to breed a Spitz before mating.

Payment for mating usually takes place in 2 ways (by agreement):

  • puppy;
  • money.

Money is paid either after the sale of puppies or before mating. In the first case, it is 20% of the amount of revenue. In the second, the price depends on both the qualities of the dog and the requests of its owner.

You pay with a puppy if there are more than 4 puppies in the litter. However, Spitz dogs, especially Pomeranians, rarely produce such numbers.

There are certain rules for mating: if it did not occur due to the fault of the owner of the dog, then the second meeting will be free.

How long do pregnant Spitz walk?

In the first twenty days, it is almost impossible to understand that a Spitz is pregnant. After this period, the bitch may develop toxicosis, which lasts for about 10 days. Five weeks after mating, external signs begin to appear - the tummy grows, the nipples acquire a more saturated color. At the eighth week of pregnancy, the future offspring will be noticeably moving in the stomach.

About a week before giving birth, the pet’s character may change – she becomes more nervous, her mood changes constantly, and there are sharp temperature rises. The dog is looking for a suitable place, preparing it for future births.

How long a Spitz's pregnancy lasts is of interest to many owners. The animal carries the fetus for approximately 63 days.

In most cases, childbirth occurs without problems

Signs of imminent labor

From the seventh week of pregnancy, the bitch will begin to look for a cozy, quiet place in the house. It is necessary to prepare a playpen for her in advance, which she will have time to get used to. A couple of days before the due date, the dog may decide to move the basket to another place. You should not forbid her to do this, as she may lose her temper.

Also at this time, viscous discharge from the genitals will begin to appear, the dog will begin to lick the nipples and gnaw the hair around them. A day before giving birth, the bitch will begin to move less, breathe heavily, and may refuse to eat. At the same time, the abdomen will noticeably drop, the loop will swell and become soft.

12 hours before birth, the temperature will drop sharply to 37 or 35 degrees Celsius.

How to deliver a baby

In most cases, a Spitz gives birth at home normally and does not require additional interventions. The owner must be close to his pet and support it if necessary. Once contractions begin, puppies should be born no later than 2.5 hours. Otherwise, you need to immediately call a veterinarian.

After the birth of each puppy, an afterbirth comes out, which the bitch eats. You should not let her eat more than two pieces to avoid digestive problems, despite the fact that she uses it for her health.

Possible deviations

However, a Spitz's estrus is not a precisely calibrated program. The timing of the phases may change (individually for each dog), as well as many signs of estrus. However, this does not mean that you should immediately grab your pet and rush to the veterinarian in the middle of the night. Many deviations are completely harmless - it is worth informing a specialist about them during the next visit, but in most cases there is no need to worry about them.

We list the main deviations that should not bother the owner:

  • throughout the entire estrus, bright and abundant discharge is observed;
  • some features are highlighted very clearly, while others are practically invisible;
  • there is a “bloodless” empty space, almost not accompanied by discharge;
  • throughout the entire period of heat the size of the loop does not change - it remains rigid;
  • The bitch does not allow the male dog to approach her even during ovulation.

All points, except the last one, in most cases are not even deviations, but simply characteristics of a particular dog. The latter is usually observed in cases where the bitch feels uncomfortable. She may be under stress or have chosen the wrong diet.

But there are also alarming symptoms, if you notice them, you need to notify your veterinarian as soon as possible:

  • the entire duration of estrus is less than 12 days or more than 30;
  • the cycle is very confused, it is not possible to accurately determine the time of ovulation;
  • The bitch's first heat began earlier than 7 or later than 15 months;
  • Too short or long intervals between estrus – less than 3 months or more than 9.

Remember – the dog’s health is in your hands. Only you are responsible for ensuring that your pet is happy, feels great and lives a long, happy life.

How to choose the right Pomeranian puppy for breeding

When buying a Pomeranian puppy, you should immediately decide on your future goal. If you plan to breed animals in the future, then you should choose individuals designated as “breed class”. These pets are excellent for breeding.

It is worth carefully studying the pedigree of the animal, finding out information about its ancestors and possible deviations. If the documents contain notes such as “Atypical color,” then use such a dog for breeding. The pedigree should include information about three generations of the puppy on both the father's and mother's sides, because many traits are passed on genetically.

The number of puppies in the litter also plays a significant role. In most cases, no more than 3 children are possible. When their number is greater, it is possible that a female and a male of non-standard sizes were used for mating. In this case, the pedigree will contain individuals with sizes that do not correspond to standard sizes.

Important! It is recommended to carefully study all the documentation and ask the breeder in detail.

It is also worth remembering that you won’t be able to buy a dog cheaply for future breeding; such animals are quite expensive.

Newborn Spitz puppies are deaf, blind and very dependent on their mother.

How to find a partner

It is very important to choose the right pair. A lot depends on the dog - he can either improve or worsen the breed.

It is equally important to choose the right bride or groom, taking into account the weight and color of the coat. So, for a girl weighing 2.5 kg, a lighter partner is suitable - 2 or 2.2 kg. This is a condition that, when met, produces high-quality offspring.

For other Spitz (larger ones), the male may be the same or slightly larger than the female. Although breeders still prefer the small guys.

It is allowed to cross Spitz dogs of different colors. And even if there are 2 dogs of the same color, the puppies can take after their grandmother. It is difficult to predict the color of the offspring. The only thing that is not recommended is breeding white Spitz dogs with colored ones, and mating Spitz dogs with any other color.

If the girl has a pedigree, then the groom is selected at the club. This is done by professionals and you can rely on their choice. If a bitch has no pedigree and the owner decides to breed, then the partner must meet the following criteria:

  • Be healthy both physically and mentally.
  • Meet all the qualities of the breed.
  • Have experience and be in the prime of your life.

If the female partner has a defect, such as a sagging back, the male should not have the opposite defect (humpback).

The owner of a bitch has the right to ask the owner of a male dog for a certificate stating that his pet does not have infectious diseases.

Spitz breeding as a business

Some people want to breed pedigree dogs. However, before doing something like this, it’s worth calculating everything exactly and thinking about where to start breeding Spitz dogs.

In order to organize a minimal business, you will need the following:

  • Make mandatory official registration of the nursery or factory attachment.
  • It is recommended to obtain at least minimal education, such as dog training courses or lessons.
  • Choose what level you plan to breed puppies - for simple sale, for future breeding or for exhibitions.
  • It is worth understanding that at first expenses will exceed income, and much more - maintenance, food, vaccination, participation in exhibitions, mating.
  • It is important to correctly prepare all documents for dogs and their pedigrees.

If desired, a Pomeranian breeding business can give good results, but you should always remember that this business also requires a lot of time and effort.

Mating Spitz dogs requires careful attention and care from owners.

Mating of Spitz dogs should be carried out under the supervision of the owners; if necessary, specialists are invited. It is recommended to remember that mating only for “health” is not necessary. If all the rules are followed and the procedure goes smoothly, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. If fertilization has occurred, then after about a couple of months you should expect offspring.

General description of the condition and duration

On average, a dog's pregnancy lasts 2 months (58 to 72 days). To calculate a dog’s pregnancy by day, you should take into account its age and the specifics of the body. A woman in labor may give birth prematurely if she has any injuries or illnesses.

A pregnant dog requires special conditions

Also, the gestation period is affected by its weight; if the dog is obese or exhausted, then problems may arise with childbirth. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian, as the pet may require surgical intervention during childbirth.

If the dog is first-time, then the owner should treat its first birth with greater responsibility. It is necessary to prepare for the first conception several months in advance: put your pet’s health in order, choose a suitable diet for him. In addition, you should visit a veterinarian, get the necessary vaccinations and check the animal for fleas, lice, worms and ticks.

For your information! Signs that the dog has become pregnant after mating appear only after 2-3 weeks. In females, the nipples become slightly swollen and pink, and the belly becomes more rounded.

Already in the second month of a dog’s pregnancy, the owner may notice faint movements of the puppies in her stomach. He must remember the exact date of mating in order to then calculate in detail the dog’s pregnancy by day.


In dogs of small breeds, which include Spitz, puberty can occur at 9 months and at six months of age, especially in males.
However, the dog is not yet ready for mating, either physically or psychologically. On average, a Spitz reaches maturity at the age of 1 year for males and 1 year 3 months for females. But even here you need to take into account the physical condition of the dog: at a minimum, it must look like an adult in order to participate in mating. Weight and height must correspond to the breed standard.

Before the first mating, a bitch must go through at least 2 heats, and preferably 3. Then the offspring will be as healthy as possible. Ideally, Spitz breeding occurs at two years of age. By this point, the owner will learn to determine the onset of estrus and learn the behavioral characteristics of his pet.

Bitches are bred up to 8-9 years old, males - up to 10 years old.

Castration and sterilization of Spitz dogs

Pomeranians have an innate tendency to get sick. In females, these are frequent estrus and false pregnancies, the latter leading to purulent inflammation of the uterus. In males, these are diseases of the genitourinary system.

And if the animals are not planned for breeding, then in order to avoid health problems, it is better to sterilize or neuter . In addition, after such an operation, the bitches’ hormonal levels are normalized and the danger of microflora becoming pathogenic disappears.

In males, castration also reduces hormonal levels, which has a positive effect on health. And the dogs stop marking their territory , and this is a plus for the owners.

In conclusion, we can say that the process of mating and childbirth for Pomeranians is, of course, not easy, but with proper preparation of the owners, success is almost guaranteed.

How many puppies are born to Spitz dogs?

Spitz are creatures of few children. Most often this breed gives birth to 1-3 puppies. To ensure that the cubs are large enough and of the same size, it is worth choosing a female whose weight ranges around 2.5 kg, and a male weighing about 2 kg.

Interesting information! When mating a Spitz weighing 4 kg, up to 6 puppies can appear in the litter. But they will all be small and of different sizes.


Spitz puppies of the rarest color. Ideal build and wonderful character. Playful, funny little lumps, affectionate and sociable! Children have thick hair...

Business payback period

Breeders involved in breeding ornamental breeds say that this business becomes profitable only in the third year of existence. It is desirable that the number of females in the nursery allows for at least two or three litters per year. Then the income will become more or less stable. It will depend on many factors and will range from 50 to 200 thousand rubles from each litter.

Pomeranians are bright, interesting dogs, and business with them is the same

An important point: for several years you will have to not only spend money, but also earn credibility for your nursery. In subsequent years, he will begin to work for you.

Breeding oranges is a difficult, expensive, but very interesting business. It will bring a lot of positive things into your life - this will be an excellent bonus to the profit that you will definitely receive.

  • Author: Irina Nezhigay
  • Print

Professional journalist, higher education major, 30 years of experience in print and electronic media, major advertising and PR campaigns. author, co-author and literary editor of two dozen books on various topics. Nominee and winner of literary competitions.

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Difficult moments and risks

You definitely shouldn’t engage in this business if you estimate its profitability by a simple arithmetic operation - multiply the average cost of puppies by their number and by two more, according to the number of heats a bitch has in a year. This is a fundamentally wrong approach and it will not end well. Before you try to make money from your Pomeranians, evaluate the pitfalls of this project - there is a high probability that you will abandon it.

Pomeranian Spitz is a beautiful and popular dog breed

Such an activity is very expensive, and not only in terms of money - it will take a lot of time, effort, knowledge and enthusiasm. If you want Spitz breeding to really become profitable, you will have to do it professionally - make it not a hobby, but your main job. By the way, not only you, but also your entire family will need to adapt to the rhythm of life of the nursery - is it ready for such sacrifices?

Moreover, initially there is and cannot be any guarantee that the costs will be recouped - something may go wrong: a baby with an excellent pedigree bought for a lot of money for breeding will not grow into a breeding or show class dog and it cannot be used in breeding work, either the puppies will be far from the breed's ideals, or sales will not be very successful... Such disappointments happen to many beginning breeders.

Special underpants for emptying periods

During heat, most bitches experience spotting that can end up on the floor, carpet, or even upholstered furniture. Cleaning them can be difficult, and it’s a shame to part with a damaged item.

You can, of course, as a possible solution to this problem, remove all carpets from the floor, and cover the laminate or parquet flooring with old sheets or unnecessary newspapers. But it’s much easier to put on special panties for the bitch and thereby protect your home from blood drops.

Where can I get such panties? Firstly, you can buy ready-made, special panties for bitches in heat. Secondly, make them yourself, for example, by cutting children’s tights into shorts and putting them on your pet.

You can also buy children's swimming trunks of a suitable size in the store, cut a hole in them for the tail, and then finish the cut by hand or with an overlocker. Next, all that remains is to glue a sanitary pad on the inside and you can put the “structure” on the dog.

Important! If the Spitz tries to pull off her panties, it is recommended to sew straps onto them, which will prevent the bitch from getting rid of her protective clothing.

On what day of a female dog's heat can she mate?

To understand when to breed a Pomeranian girl, you need to analyze the estrus cycle. On average it lasts 22 days. 5-12 days before the start of the “hunt” the bitch shows interest in male dogs, becomes playful, but does not allow them to approach her. The most difficult thing is to determine ovulation. On the first day of estrus, the level of luteins increases, on the third day the egg begins to mature and after three days it is ready for fertilization. It is better to breed and breed Pomeranians on the fifth day of estrus. It is possible to conceive dogs in the next 3-4 days, since conception is quite possible.

Experienced breeders focus on the average period for mating Spitz dogs - from 10 to 14 days from the start of the “hunt”.

Where to start

There are several points that should be realistically assessed even before registering a nursery. And your own kennel and your own factory attachment must be registered - after all, we are talking about pedigree breeding, and not about the breeding of dogs of dubious breed quality.

Special education wouldn’t hurt at all: canine training, zootechnical training or veterinary training. As a compromise option, we can consider one-year courses that are conducted remotely by the Russian Cynological Federation in the specialty “cynologist-breeder”.

Defining the Goal

What kind of dogs do you want to breed and why? The question is not idle, and an answer like “to make a profit” is completely inappropriate here. There are at least three levels of breeding work - accordingly, the level of costs can be calculated. So, let’s determine the goal of your business project:

  • Breeding healthy purebred pet-class dogs - the costs are low, but there is always hope for a miracle: among the average dogs, a real show star can suddenly “shoot” (but this is only if you are very lucky);
  • breeding breed-class dogs is the optimal option in terms of cost-to-income ratio;
  • breeding show-class dogs is the most difficult, costly and risky path, but this is the case when the end justifies the means.

Buyers really like Spitz puppies that look like teddy bears

Basic expenses

For the first year and a half, you will have to forget about income and just constantly invest money in the future of your nursery. All that remains is to relax and enjoy communicating with wonderful dogs - and it’s worth it.

Start-up costs can only be estimated very roughly; here are the main cost items:

  • purchasing puppies for breeding - the cost of a purebred Pomeranian girl starts from 60 thousand rubles, and for the business to break even you will need at least four bitches;
  • the cost of raising one puppy (feeding, raising, grooming, veterinary services) - at least 150 thousand;
  • registration of necessary documentation - about 10 thousand;
  • preparation of premises for a nursery - from 30 to 100 thousand, depending on the level of decoration;
  • participation in exhibitions - on average 30 thousand for one exhibition, if it is not too far from your home;
  • genetic testing (a very expensive item, but mandatory if we are talking about professional breeding work) - at least a thousand (alas, not rubles, but euros).

Breed exhibitions are an obligatory stage of breeding

Please note that in the future you will continue to have regular expenses for the maintenance of each bitch, at least 100 thousand per year - this is if you are not a fan of exhibitions and your girl does not have serious health problems.

There are also one-time costs for each mating:

  • preparation of documents for mating and registration of litter - about 5 thousand;
  • medical examination of the bitch - at least 20 thousand;
  • payment to the owner of the dog and transportation costs - from 50 to 200 thousand (depending on the breed level, title and place of residence of the dog).

Is it possible to somehow minimize costs and risks? It's difficult, but there are options. You can purchase a bitch not as a puppy, but as an adult - this way you will avoid the costs of raising her and will be able to really evaluate the breed quality of the dog. Perhaps it makes sense to purchase a male dog for your kennel, but you need to correctly select him based on blood and exterior, and then spend a lot on exhibition promotion and titles.


The list of documentation required for breeding activities is small, but each item in it is required:

  • pedigrees for producers - made on the basis of puppy metrics;
  • kennel club membership card - entry and annual fees are paid;
  • kennel certificate and factory prefix - issued if you have at least one breeding bitch in your possession;
  • breeding card (for a female) and breeding certificate (for a male) - issued and regularly updated based on the results of successful participation in exhibitions;
  • permission for mating;
  • puppy cards - issued based on the results of litter activation.

Features of choosing dogs for breeding

The choice of future producers depends entirely on your idea of ​​the breed, practical experience and financial capabilities. The main requirement is that dogs must be healthy and have good heredity. As for the exterior features and interesting bloodlines, these points remain at the discretion and conscience of each individual breeder.

Future parents should be a good match both in blood and in appearance

Preparing premises for breeding dogs

It is advisable to allocate a separate room for the kennel and specially equip it, taking into account that not only adult dogs, but also puppies will live here. What are the main points to keep in mind:

  • floors should not be slippery;
  • the room should be protected from drafts, kept clean and at an optimal temperature;
  • remove all dangerous or toxic objects from the room;
  • each animal needs a separate place with a bed, feeding bowls and a sanitary area;
  • a special birthing area must be equipped for puppies and their mother.

Dogs should feel comfortable indoors and not disturb each other

Main stages

Despite the fact that Pomeranians go through puberty for quite a long time, do not rush into mating. If even one stage of breeding is disrupted, the quality of the puppies may deteriorate, or they may simply not appear.


When preparing for breeding, decide whether you need puppies and whether you can sell them. Please note that pregnancy and childbirth can undermine the health of the bitch, which will lead to large financial expenses for the pet’s health. If you're not ready for this, don't have pets.

It is important to provide pregnant and lactating bitches with proper nutrition. If poorly cared for, puppies may be born defective, which will affect the price.

Dog selection

When choosing dogs for mating, they must not have any physical or mental illness. The weight of a male dog should be 300-500 grams less than that of a female dog. Ideally, at least one of the dogs has already participated in mating and understood what they wanted from it.

Before mating, select dogs

If previously the producers produced defective offspring, re-breeding should be abandoned.

When choosing partners, color does not matter. Often puppies of a different color appear from same-colored parents due to genetic data.

Skills for business success

We hope that everything went well for you, the kids have already grown up and received their metrics. After the second vaccination and quarantine, they can be sent to new owners. What the breeder will need at this moment:

  • sales skills;
  • financial planning skills;
  • beautiful photos and videos of puppies and their parents;
  • current information on the nursery website;
  • advertising on sales websites and social networks, at exhibitions, etc.

It is important not only to sell puppies profitably, but also to place them in loving homes

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