Vitam: instructions for use for animals, dosage, contraindications

Pets always bring a lot of joy and a lot of trouble to the house. They need care, attention and proper care. To make them feel healthy and get sick less, they need to be provided with a balanced diet. Experts advise giving pets vitamins specifically designed for animals. Many of them help normalize metabolic processes. One of these multivitamin products is Vitam. How to properly use the drug to benefit the health of your pet?

Short description

The healing effect is ensured by the properties of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, which, multiplying mainly in the large intestine, secrete: proteolytic, amylolytic, cellulolytic enzymes; human leukocyte interferon a-2; bacitracins, which suppress the growth and development of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora; other biologically active substances. As a result of this process, the microbial composition of the intestine is transformed to correspond to the evolutionarily established norm, its walls are cleansed of indigestible food debris, which promotes the active removal of toxins from the body and the unhindered delivery of biologically active and nutrients. Under the influence of Vetom 1.1, metabolism, digestion and absorption of biologically active food components in the gastrointestinal tract are normalized.

Imbalance of intestinal microflora or dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis (“dis”, in ancient Greek means denial, with bacteria everything is clear without translation, the second name for pathology is dysbiosis) is a change in the qualitative and quantitative ratio of microflora, with the subsequent predominance of opportunistic species. It can develop in different places: on the skin, mucous membranes (vagina, intestines, nose, eyes, etc.).

The most common and most detrimental effect on the body as a whole is intestinal dysbiosis - the development of the above-described pathology in its thick and thin sections.

Opportunistic microflora are microorganisms contained in the body, in its normal state, in strictly controlled quantities, and performing useful functions. But, when favorable conditions arise (weakening of the body’s protective function), these microorganisms can actively multiply and cause the development of the disease. These include: staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci and others.

It is important to understand that treating diseases caused by opportunistic microflora with antibiotics alone gives only a short-term effect, followed by an even more rapid development of pathology. A lasting therapeutic effect can only be achieved by restoring the normal functioning of all body systems (primarily the immune system).

Pathologies developing with dysbacteriosis

  1. Digestive disorders (decreased digestibility of food in the intestines, diarrhea, weight loss, peristalsis disorders, constipation, peri-anal sinusitis).
  2. Violation of the natural function of the liver (development of intoxication, loss of appetite, apathy).
  3. The occurrence of purulent-septic pathologies.
  4. The occurrence and development of allergic reactions.
  5. The appearance and development of oncological neoplasms (tumors).

Causes of the disease

  • Improper feeding (unbalanced diet with natural nutrition, low quality feed or inappropriate for the physiological state of the animal).
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines (gastritis, enteritis, colitis).
  • Intestinal viral and bacterial infectious diseases.
  • Use of antibiotic therapy.
  • Surgical operations (especially on the intestines, dysbiosis may develop; treatment is most often required for the small intestine).
  • Acquired or hereditary disorders of the immune system (immunodeficiency).


  • The use of medicinal dietary feeds (for example, “Hill's” from the “Prescription Diet” series, the hypoallergenic “1st Choice” series, “Royal Canin” from the “Gastro Intestinal” series and others).
  • The use of drugs that restore the balance of intestinal microflora (probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics).
  1. Probiotics are preparations that contain live intestinal bacteria (“lactobacterin”, “lactoferon”, etc.).
  2. Prebiotics - contain individual components of intestinal bacteria, intermediate products of their metabolism (metabolites) and food components. Promote the active development of beneficial intestinal microflora (lactulose, oligosaccharides, etc.).
  3. Synbiotics are an effective combination of pro- and prebiotics.
  • In some cases, antibacterial treatment is used (only as prescribed by a doctor).

One of the options that allows you to most qualitatively normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora is the use of the veterinary drug Vetom. And, although it is called a probiotic of the latest generation, in fact this is not entirely correct, its action is closer to the action of synbiotics (contains bacteria and promotes the development of beneficial microflora), in combination with antibacterial therapy (suppression of pathogenic flora) and an immunostimulating effect.

Pharmacological properties

Vitam allows you to restore reserves of vitamins, amino acids and minerals in the animal’s body. Their deficiency can occur for various reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • deworming;
  • vaccination, etc.

The drug contains biological active components that take part in various processes occurring in the body. Under the influence of the vitamin complex, metabolic processes are restored. In addition, the medicine has the following effects:

  • stimulates hematopoietic processes;
  • improves the functionality of the liver, including its ability to remove toxic substances from the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes redox reactions.

The product contains glucose, which provides the pet with the necessary energy. In addition, it improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

In terms of the degree of impact, Vitam is classified as a low-hazard drug. It does not have an irritating or toxic effect, its components do not accumulate in the body. Although you should consult a doctor before use.


Vitamin-amino acid complex Vitam 1000 ml contains:

  • glucose - 1 g;
  • ascorbic acid - 0.075 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.015 mg;
  • vitamin B2 -0.015 mg;
  • vitamin B3 - 0.015 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.037 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.015 mg;
  • nicotinic acid - 0.037 mg;
  • nicotinamide - 0.037 mg;
  • biotin - 0.015 mg;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid - 0.074 mg;
  • choline chloride - 60 mg;
  • vitamin D3 - 0.015 mg;
  • sodium chloride - 0.8 g;
  • potassium chloride - 0.4 g;
  • magnesium chloride - 0.1 g;
  • sodium phosphate - 0.075 g;
  • potassium phosphate - 0.06 g;
  • sodium carbonate - 0.6 g;
  • arginine - 60 mg;
  • lysine - 60 mg;
  • leucine - 52 mg;
  • phenylalanine - 21.5 mg;
  • threonine - 26 mg;
  • tryptophan - 8.6 mg;
  • valine - 21.5 mg;
  • tyrosine - 34.6 mg;
  • serine - 21.5 mg;
  • glycine - 43 mg;
  • alpha-alanine - 21.5 mg;
  • proline - 32 mg;
  • aspartic acid - 26 mg;
  • hydroxyproline - 8.6 mg;
  • glutamic acid - 60 mg; ts
  • istein - 0.15 mg, as well as water for injection as a solvent.

In appearance it is a transparent liquid of red-orange color. Produced in the form of a sterile solution packaged in glass bottles of 100 ml.

Composition of the drug and its properties

The drug Vitam is a carefully balanced combination of vitamins and amino acids, macro- and microelements, such as:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • folic and other amino acids;
  • glucose, etc.

The exact composition, all microelements and vitamins are indicated in the instructions included with each package. Purified water is used as a solvent.

The use of the drug Vitam allows you to restore the necessary supply of vitamins, amino acids and minerals in the body of your pet. A lack of the above substances and microelements in an animal’s body can occur due to various reasons. Typically this is:

  • poor nutrition;
  • stressful state;
  • chronic diseases;
  • deworming;
  • administration of vaccines, vaccinations, etc.

When is the medication prescribed?

The drug is prescribed to compensate for the lack of vitamins, amino acids and proteins. The medication is used for acute and chronic intoxication, as well as after sterilization and castration. This remedy is prescribed to cats with poor immune system function, as well as to older animals to prevent a number of diseases. This complex can be used to treat all breeds.

Vitam is intended to eliminate vitamin deficiency in cats

Vitamins are prescribed to pets with an increased risk of vascular and cardiac pathologies, as well as to those who have congenital diseases.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

“Vitam” can be used by dogs of different ages, weights and breeds. This is a good remedy for strengthening the immunity of pets if the pet’s body has been weakened for some reason.

The drug can also be prescribed to lactating and pregnant females. In this case, it is possible to increase the likelihood of the development and birth of strong and strong puppies.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, the drug is administered to animals intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. For prevention purposes, Vitam is prescribed:

  • in the spring;
  • under stress;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during vaccination;
  • after illness to restore the body.

It is used at a dosage of 1.5-2 ml per 10 kg of animal weight twice a week for 1 month.

For the treatment of pets, Vitam is used to restore protein metabolism, to treat hypervitaminosis, and in case of poisoning with synthetic and food poisons. Its dosage is 3-5 ml per 10 kg of animal weight. Vitam is used twice a day for 3-5 days. In case of intoxication, the dosage is increased 10 times. If a single dose exceeds 20 ml, then the drug must be administered to different points of the body in several injections.

Vitam is completely compatible with other medications for animals and feed additives.

How to use?

The instructions note that Vitam injections for dogs should be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The dosage of the medicine and the scheme of use depend on whether the vitamin complex is used for preventive or therapeutic purposes:

  1. To prevent vitamin deficiency, injections are given 2 times a week. A single dose is 1.5-2 ml per 10 kg of weight. The course is continued for up to a month. This regimen of use and dosage is used during pregnancy, for weakened puppies, after deworming and vaccination, as well as after stress or severe pathologies.
  2. If Vitam is used to treat hypovitaminosis, the single dose is increased to 3-5 ml per 10 kg of weight. Injections should be given 2 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 5 days. After the course, it is important to eliminate the cause that caused the lack of vitamins (malnutrition, stress, etc.).
  3. For chemical and food poisoning, the dose must be increased 10 times, that is, for every 10 kg of weight you need to take 30-50 ml of solution. Injections are usually given for several days until the animal's condition stabilizes.

Note! If more than 20 ml of medicinal solution needs to be administered at a time, this is done in several places in small portions.

Injections are made with disposable sterile syringes. Medical alcohol is usually used to disinfect the skin. If you don’t have it, you can buy disposable alcohol wipes at the pharmacy. They are simple and easy to use.

Instructions for use of the drug Vitam for dogs

Instructions for Vitam are issued in Russian and are attached to each package of the drug. The drug is administered to the dog subcutaneously or intramuscularly using an insulin, two or five cc syringe.

An intramuscular injection is given to the animal in the inner part of the thigh in the following steps:

  • the rubber cap of the bottle with the drug is pierced with a needle;
  • the required dosage is drawn into the syringe;
  • the needle is stuck into a place disinfected with alcohol on the inside of the thigh. For puppies, use an insulin syringe with a thin needle;
  • the vitamin preparation is administered in a slow stream;
  • After removing the needle from the body, a cotton pad soaked in alcohol is applied to the puncture site.

Important! To disinfect the dog's skin before injection, you can take chloramphenicol, which is available at any pharmacy, or ready-made alcohol wipes.

A subcutaneous injection is given at the withers of the animal:

  • a small area of ​​skin on the withers is pulled upward;
  • the needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees, parallel to the animal’s body;
  • the drug is administered quickly, the puncture site is disinfected.

It is easier to give a subcutaneous injection at home.

Impact on the body

The drug contains biologically active substances. They take part in various processes occurring in the body, the work of systems and organs. The use of a vitamin complex allows you to restore and regulate metabolic processes.

The most pronounced types of impacts are:

  • Stimulation of hematopoietic processes;
  • Improving liver functionality;
  • Increasing the liver's ability to remove toxic substances from the body;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Normalization of redox reactions.

The product contains glucose, which provides the pet with the necessary supply of energy and also improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

In terms of the degree of impact, the vitamin complex is a low-hazard drug, but before starting use, a veterinarian’s recommendation is required.

Indications for use

The veterinary drug has the following indications for use:

  1. Treatment of hypovitaminosis in animals.
  2. Intoxication of the body.
  3. Restoration of the body after illnesses, stress, after taking antibiotics.
  4. Unbalanced diet.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period of the animal.
  6. Adjuvant therapy during vaccination.

It should also be often prescribed to strengthen the immunity of animals.
The vitamin complex has good compatibility with other medications and does not accumulate in the body, which makes it safe to use products from animals that have undergone treatment with Vitam. Did you know? Due to improper heat treatment of products, more than half of the vitamins and microelements they contain are destroyed. To preserve nutrients in foods, it is recommended to cover the pan with a lid when cooking or choose a gentle cooking mode - steaming.

Features of use

In accordance with the instructions for use, Vitam for dogs is prescribed if it is necessary to overcome the consequences of vitamin deficiency. This need is often formed:

  • in the spring-autumn period;
  • after suffering serious illnesses;
  • with poor nutrition, etc.

The drug is also used for preventive purposes. If vaccination is planned, it will be useful to use Vitam as an adjuvant. The biologically active additives contained in the drug have a positive effect on the gestation of the fetus by a pregnant female. The offspring will be born healthy and will have strong immunity.


Vitam can be used in complex therapy with other drugs (coronary lytics, antihypertensives, sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, hepatoprotectors, antibiotics, bronchodilators, mucolytics).


How to take Vitamin for dogs depends on the pathology of the animal and the degree of its development:

  • Dosage for therapeutic purposes to improve protein synthesis in the dog’s body: per 10 kg of weight - 3-5 ml of vitamin, twice a day. The duration of the course is no more than 5 days.
  • As a preventive measure: 1.5 - 2 ml per 10 kg of dog weight, vitamin injections twice a week. Course duration is up to 1 month.
  • For toxic poisoning: the usual dosage is multiplied by 10. If you need to administer more than 20 ml of Vitam, then several injections are made into different parts of the dog’s body. Course 2–3 days.

A specialist will tell you more about how to administer the drug in each specific case after examining the dog.

Vitamins for animals: indications and contraindications

The vitamin product is developed for use in veterinary medicine.

It includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • nicotinamide and nicotinic acid;
  • biotin;
  • Choline chloride.

In addition to them, the preparation contains many more important elements, including amino acids. Dosage form: red-orange sterile liquid, packaged in bottles of 10, 100 or 450 ml.

The use of Vitam is indicated in the following cases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • compensation for mineral deficiency;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • increasing immunity to prevent various diseases;
  • strengthening the body before vaccinations or deworming;
  • acceleration of recovery after illnesses;
  • reducing the severity of any poisoning;
  • elimination of dysmetabolic disorders that arise after suffering stress.

The medicine is considered non-toxic and has almost no contraindications. It should not be used only when hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected.

General information about the drug

In composition and form, Vitam is a reddish-orange solution for injection. A carefully designed medicinal formula and balanced composition ensured the drug's high effectiveness. The medicine is administered by injection, quickly enters the bloodstream and begins to act instantly. The medicinal sterile liquid is transparent and has no sediment. To ensure the integrity and safety of storage, the liquid is packaged in glass bottles, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and sealed with aluminum caps. The capacity of the bottles, depending on the batch of goods, can be:

  • 10 ml;
  • 100 ml;
  • 450 ml.

Large volumes are used by owners of dog kennels; bottles with the smallest volume of 10 ml are suitable for home use. Of course, before purchasing Vitam, when choosing packaging parameters, you should take into account the dog’s body weight, duration of injections, and other subjective factors.

The drug is taken into the syringe directly with a needle, which is pierced through the cap. An important addition: when introducing the prepared liquid into the dog’s body, the needle must be changed.

Similar medical products

If necessary, the drug can be easily replaced with Vita-Bon.

If the cat cannot be prescribed Vitam, veterinarians replace it with a medication that is identical in effect. And the most effective vitamin preparations are the following:

  • "Vitafarm-ADE";
  • "Gabivit";
  • "Vita-Bon";
  • "Tetravitam";
  • "Aminovital";
  • "Trivitamin."

Each of the “Vitam” analogues has specific application features, for example, the “Vita-Bon” multivitamin complex is produced in tablets for oral administration, which is important to consider before giving a cat this or that vitamin complex.

Precautions and special instructions

If you decide to carry out additional therapy with the Vitam complex, carefully study the instructions for its use, and also follow the rules of hygiene and asepsis in veterinary medicine - use sterile needles, if there are several patients, then use separate needles for each. The injection site must be treated with ethyl alcohol. When working with animals, use disposable gloves. After injections, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Did you know? Dogs and cats cannot synthesize vitamin D3 in their bodies. Foods containing this vitamin (cod liver, salmon, tuna) should be made one of the main components in their diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vitam has a number of advantages:

  • Suitable for complex treatment, as it is compatible with other medications.
  • There are practically no restrictions on use. Can be used for adult dogs and puppies of different breeds.
  • Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the animal's body.
  • It has a complex effect on the body. Serves as a universal remedy for various pathologies and conditions.
  • Can be used for prophylactic purposes.

Some people also include cost as an advantage of the drug. The price of a Vitam bottle for 10 ml starts from 60 rubles, for 100 ml – from 130 rubles. The vitamin complex is not very popular, so it is not available in all veterinary pharmacies. But you can easily buy it on the Internet.

The main disadvantage of the complex is the dosage form. Some people do not know how or are afraid to give injections to their pets. In this case, you will have to seek help from a doctor, and this may create some inconvenience. An alternative option would be to purchase vitamins in tablets or another oral form. In animals with hypersensitivity, the drug may provoke an allergic reaction. The vitamin complex has no other disadvantages.

Owner reviews

Alice, owner of a German shepherd:

“When our dog was 3 years old, she suffered from severe chemical poisoning. It’s possible that she found rat poison somewhere. Masya could not get to her feet and completely refused to eat. At the hospital they put me on an IV and said my chances of survival were 50/50. They prescribed me to take Vitam at home. After just 2 days, the dog was again running around the yard with a happy course. We injected the medicine for another 3 days. I noticed that after the course, Masya’s fur became thicker and shinier. A good remedy."

Yana, owner of 3 dogs:

“We have three dogs – two boxers and a German shepherd. One day they all fell ill. We barely moved, didn’t eat anything at all. We ran to the clinic. It turned out that the reason for this behavior was a viral disease. The doctor prescribed a comprehensive treatment, including Vitam vitamins. The animals recovered quickly. Now every spring we do a preventive course. I am very pleased with the use of this complex. And the price is low."

Marina, pug owner:

“We used Vitam for the dog’s food intake. The result is a quick recovery. When administered subcutaneously, a small lump is formed, but it completely resolves in 15-20 minutes. No other side effects were noticed."

Side effects and contraindications

When used correctly, the drug does not cause side effects. In some cases, hypersensitive animals may experience an allergic reaction.

Contraindications include intolerance to individual components contained in the complex and hypersensitivity to certain substances in the composition of the product.

If the drug has previously been used in animals and was tolerated normally, then it can be given without restrictions.


1. General information about the drug 2. Composition of the drug and its properties 3. Effect on the body 4. Features of use 5. Basic rules of use 6. Contraindications and possible side effects 7. Advantages and disadvantages 8. Existing analogues 9. Reviews

The vitamin and mineral complex Vitam contains all the necessary components and microelements that are important and beneficial for maintaining the health of pets. The ratio of nutrients in the drug is carefully calculated. Therefore, subject to the rules of use and instructions, Vitam for dogs does not pose any danger, and, on the contrary, has an effective complex effect on the body.


If a large amount of the drug is taken orally (more than 50 capsules), nausea and vomiting may occur. Possible manifestations of an overdose of microelements (40–70 mg of iron): pain in the epigastric region, cyanosis and drowsiness.

The stomach is washed and symptomatic treatment is carried out. In case of iron intoxication, confirmed by laboratory tests (iron concentration in the blood serum exceeds 400 mg/100 ml), deferoxamine is prescribed at a dose of 1–2 g every 3–12 hours.

Shelf life

The drug can be used for treatment for 18 months. It is recommended to store the solution at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C. It is important to keep the packaging away from sun and heat. It is advisable to put the medication in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

Storage and other instructions

The powder is sent to a darkened room, with a temperature of up to 30 degrees and humidity not exceeding 75%. The dietary supplement is not a full-fledged drug; it retains its properties for 2 years. The medicine should be kept away from small children and pets. After the expiration date, the substance is disposed of as household waste.

Sold without a doctor's prescription, available in regular pharmacies. The instructions indicate the features of Vetom interaction:

  • helps to increase the effectiveness of other medications, reduce their negative effects and adverse reactions on the part of the body;
  • combination with antibacterial drugs or dietary supplements with probiotic microorganisms is prohibited;
  • simultaneous use with antibiotics is allowed when using different routes of drug administration: Vetom should be taken orally, and the antibacterial medication should be injected.

The manufacturer indicated in the annotation that all types of Vetom (1, 2, 3, 4) have a similar principle of action. The products are based on beneficial microorganisms that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and the functioning of internal organs and protective systems. To obtain maximum results, it is better to use all variations of dietary supplements in turn, choosing the composition that is most suitable for the body.

Therapeutic procedures with probiotics and prebiotics help restore damaged intestinal microflora, but require strict adherence to the instructions for use. Excessive reliance on medications leads to complex consequences that require long-term treatment. Before taking Vetom, the patient should consult with the attending physician and obtain his approval.





If Vitam provokes adverse reactions, it may be necessary to purchase analogue drugs. The most popular are:

  1. “Placentol” is a solution of emulsified denatured placenta. It is prescribed to older pets to maintain tone, stimulate the immune system during the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, as well as during the recovery stage of pets after surgery or childbirth. The medication is administered by injection, first diluted in equal parts with novocaine. It can also be used externally if you need to speed up healing, or as an additive to food.
  2. “Aminovit” is an amino acid-vitamin complex. Sold in the form of a reddish transparent liquid, bottled in ampoules or glass bottles. The composition contains 20 microelements and 17 vitamins. It is effectively used for anemia and vitamin deficiencies in dogs, and also works well in the fight against toxicosis in pregnant females.
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