Labrador - information about the breed, main colors, character, feeding and education + 78 photos

Initially, the Labrador Retriever served people as an assistant in hunting and finding game, but now the cute large dogs of this breed have earned popularity for their good-natured character.

Pet Labradors will never become angry and biting guards at home, but will not be selfish, caring and devoted friends.

Their main advantages among other dogs are obedience, high trainability, friendliness and activity.

History of the Labrador Retriever breed

Labrador Retriever
Whatever geographic associations you may have, researchers have not found a direct connection between Labradors and the North American peninsula of the same name. The version of the origin of the breed from the island of Newfoundland, located southeast and now part of the youngest Canadian province, is considered historically reliable.

The origin of the name of the breed is explained by different theories. According to one, the original color (exclusively black) resembled the igneous rock found in their homeland - labradorite. Supporters of the other argue that Europeans, who were not particularly versed in the intricacies of toponymy of the New World, considered such a name apt for animals that arrived on ships from the shores of the Labrador Sea. It is likely that an elementary need arose to distinguish between the new breed and the longhaired Newfoundland, well known to British breeders of the 19th century. However, there is an opinion that both breeds appeared in England at about the same time and, as a result of confusion, the “natives” from Labrador were named after the neighboring island and vice versa.

By the way, it is assumed that the ancestor of the shaggy giant Newfoundlands was closely related to the ancestor of the Labradors - St. John's water dog. Explore the origins of Water Dog St. itself. John's is not possible due to the long-standing history, but experts admit that it was the result of crossing a large number of breeds that, together with their owners, ended up in North America since the Great Geographical Discoveries.

The first European explorers of the modern coast of Canada were Portuguese sailors, and it is likely through their efforts that Can Diaguas, Portuguese water dogs, bred in the Middle Ages to make life easier for sailors, appeared here. They served as postal couriers between ships of fishing fleets, delivered messages ashore, pulled out things that were overboard, and even helped drive schools of cod into nets. St. John's dogs also excelled in deep water and were used by Canadians to search for and rescue victims of shipwrecks. A series of short-sighted restrictive laws and prohibitively high taxes on dog owners led to a decline in the number of animals, and then to their extinction. The last representatives of this breed died in the 20th century, but its genes live on in Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and Flat-Coated Retrievers.

Labrador puppy

The first Labradors arrived in Europe on merchant ships. For a long time, strong economic ties were established between Newfoundland and England; here Canadians sold cod caught in the Atlantic. The British, passionate lovers of hunting, immediately paid attention to the agile and easy-to-train sailor companions. In the 19th century, the importation of “small Newfoundland dogs” began. The name of the breed that is accepted today only appeared in the 1870s. At the same time, the influx of overseas “fresh blood” began to dry up, and in 1895 the Quarantine Act was adopted, which prohibited the import of animals without a license and a six-month quarantine. From then on, the breed developed virtually exclusively thanks to internal selection.

The first breeders of Labradors, independently of each other, were two noble families - the Earls of Malmesbury and the Dukes of Buccleuch. Kennels located in Hampshire and Scotland respectively helped popularize the breed among local aristocrats. It turned out that short-haired workers from the island of Newfoundland are ideal companions for hunting birds and small game. In addition to endurance and a gentle disposition, with proper upbringing, they were complemented by amazing skills in finding and apporting prey shot by the owner. The success of Labradors was later facilitated by good exhibition qualities.

For several decades, confusion reigned with the definition of belonging to one or another breed. It happened that even puppies from the same litter were classified in documents as different “branches” of retrievers. However, already in 1903, Labradors were officially recognized by the oldest kennel club in the world, the English Kennel. This caused another surge of interest and led to the creation of several new nurseries. In 1916, the Labrador Retriever Club was formed, an organization that still operates today, caring about maintaining the purity of lines.

During the First World War, Labradors crossed the ocean again. In the USA they quickly gained popularity, and the so-called American type gradually emerged, about which there is still debate among experts.

For a long time, black was considered the only acceptable color for an animal; other puppies were discarded. The fawn Labrador Retriever was first registered in 1899, and the chocolate Labrador Retriever was registered in 1930.

Chocolate Labrador

Fawn Labrador

Appearance of Labradors

Most reputable breeders are guided by the FCI standard, the new edition of which was adopted in January 2011.

General impression

Strong build, compact, very active.


Well balanced, not too massive or thin-boned. The skull is wide, the muzzle without large cheeks. The transition from the main part of the head to the muzzle is clearly defined. The nose is wide, with well-defined nostrils. Jaws of medium length, strong. The Labrador's teeth are set vertically in the jaws, the bite is perfect and scissor-shaped (the upper incisors completely overlap the lower ones). Medium-sized eyes, brown or hazel, express intelligence and good character. The ears are not wide or heavy, hanging, close to the head and set far back.


Clean lines, powerful and strong.

Labrador muzzle


Straight, horizontal topline. Wide, short and strong loin. The chest is wide and deep, with well-arched ribs.


Black Labrador

Well boned, straight from elbow to ground. The shoulder is long and oblique. Long blades with an angle of inclination that provides a wide pitch (90-105°). The feet are round, compact, with well-developed pads and arched toes.

Hind limbs

Well developed, without sloping the croup towards the tail. Knees with good angles (110° provide an ideal structure for normal movement of the rear part of the body). The hock joint is low. The structure of the paws is similar to the forelimbs.


Cute fawn labrador puppy

The tail of a Labrador is very thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the end - a characteristic “otter” shape. The length is average. Without dewlap, but covered on all sides with short, thick, dense hair. Carried low, level with the topline, never curled over the back.


Free, productive. Straight and parallel fore and hind legs.


The Labrador's coat is short, thick, without waves or fringes, and hard to the touch. The undercoat is thick and protects from bad weather.


Labradors have solid colors: black, fawn or brown (liver, chocolate). Fawn from light cream to fox red. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable.


The ideal height at the withers for males is 56-57 cm, for females 54-56 cm. Recently, many individuals whose height reaches only 50 cm have appeared in Europe. This trend is of serious concern to experts. The weight of Labradors is not regulated by the standard, but the preferred range for males is 29-36 kg, for females 25-32 kg.

It must be remembered that externally, Labradors differ not only in unofficial types (English or American; old, classic, heavy, modern and others), but also depending on whether you are looking at a show dog intended for exhibitions and performances, or a “working” dog. " The former are heavier and have shorter legs, while the latter are athletically built.

Main types of colors (photos)

There are 3 most popular and standard-recognized types of colors for Labrador Retrievers:


The black color of this dog should be uniform. This color is considered classic. The eyes of a representative of this shade are hazel or dark. The presence of any other spots on the coat is not allowed, only a snow-white spot on the chest is allowed. This is the most ancient color of all, the fur of such Labradors shimmers in the sun, which is explained by the fact that animals of this shade produce more fat in their fur than others.

Pale yellow

This color was included in the standard relatively recently, only in the last century. There are several variations of the shade: golden, pigmented, beige, solid and red fox. There should be no spots on this color. Labradors have fawn-colored eyes and a black nose.


This variation can exist in two shades - dark and light. There are several types of chocolate: liver, light and dark chocolate. A white patch on the chest is allowed. There should be no more light pigmentation on the coat; this is a disadvantage and a defect. The eyes of dogs of this color can be yellow or brown, but the darker their shade, the more purebred the individual is considered.

Photo of an adult Labrador

Labrador Retriever Personality

It is difficult to find a dog with a lighter and more amiable character than the Labrador Retriever. They are incredibly friendly and try to please a person in any situation. Aggression is completely unusual for them, so there will be no problems living in a house where there are other animals (including cats) and children of any age.

Guess who's the captain here?

The downside of such a gentle disposition can only be called poorly developed security qualities. You shouldn’t expect a Labrador to fight back against robbers - everyone who comes to its territory is by default perceived as a new playmate, but in the event of a direct threat to its owners from people or “strange” dogs, it will definitely come to the defense.

Labrador Retrievers make excellent guide dogs for the visually impaired, therapists for those with autism, and assistants for people with disabilities. In addition, they are often used as service dogs during rescue operations (particularly on water), and their keen sense of smell helps in detecting explosives and drugs.

For generations, they have had the instinct of gun dogs to find and bring shot game to their owner. If hunting is not one of your hobbies, to make your dog happy, it is enough to regularly fetch balls and sticks thrown away. It's great fun and a workout that burns calories.


In the ancient world, Labradors helped fishermen catch fish by retrieving nets from the water. They are excellent hunters. They were used by hunters so that the dogs would bring back killed prey. Now this breed is the best for helping disabled people, playing the role of a guide. In addition, newlyweds in some countries start them immediately after the wedding as a symbol of a happy, strong family.

Education and training

Labradors are incredibly active and cheerful creatures; even as adults they love active games. High intelligence and calm character open up wide opportunities for training. It is not recommended to be too harsh. You should be persistent but patient, do not forget about encouragement (both verbal and with treats) and avoid boring, monotonous activities in which the pet inevitably loses interest in the process.

Early socialization is extremely important so that your dog does not experience stress when in contact with the outside world, other people, animals, and also firmly understands acceptable standards of behavior in various life situations. Labrador owners who do not have experience raising large dogs are better off seeking help from professional dog trainers and taking several lessons or completing a full course of training.

Labrador training

Pet behavior

The Labrador Retriever's temperament has the following characteristics::

  1. This breed is distinguished by excessive intelligence and intelligence, which is what their look should indicate;
  2. They always try to be useful to a person, become attached, try to become a true friend for them;
  3. Get along equally well with adults and children;
  4. They have a high level of learning ability, because of this they are easy to train and amenable to education;
  5. They are friendly, kind and non-aggressive. Aggression is a disqualifying sign.

Care and maintenance

The main commandment of the owner of a Labrador Retriever from the first days should be the principle of moderation in food. The fact is that these dogs are prone to overeating, which leads to obesity and very serious health problems. To avoid troubles, accustom your dog to a strict diet, monitor the volume of portions, do not allow excess “lunch” to remain in the bowl, do not get carried away with dog treats and, of course, do not treat your pet with pieces from the common table - salty, smoked and sweet food . If you prefer natural nutrition, agree on the menu with your doctor and do not forget about vitamin and mineral supplements. When choosing ready-made food, focus on products from trusted brands from the upper price segment. With any type of diet, the dog must have constant access to fresh drinking water.

Food, food, food!

As already mentioned, Labradors are very active; regular physical activity is not just desirable for them, but is a prerequisite for normal well-being and psychological state. Get ready for long walks - experienced breeders advise spending half an hour on them in the morning and at least two hours in the evening. In this case, the dog will not get bored, gain excess weight and pester you with pranks in the apartment.

Caring for a Labrador does not require extra effort. Basically we are talking about standard procedures:

  • brushing - daily during the period of active shedding, which occurs twice a year, and once or twice a week the rest of the time, it is recommended to use a special hard brush;
  • washing - under normal conditions it is enough to do this once every two months, using products recommended by the veterinarian. Frequent water procedures negatively affect the condition of the coat and skin, as well as immunity;
  • brushing teeth regularly, with a special toothpaste for dogs;
  • Ear care – to avoid infections, it is necessary to systematically examine the ears and remove dirt with a cotton swab.

It is important, of course, to closely monitor your pet and not postpone a visit to the veterinarian if signs of poor health or atypical behavior are noticed.


Labradors are quite unpretentious and do not require special care. Their fur does not tangle and does not require frequent brushing. Natural lubrication gives it water- and dirt-repellent properties. It is impossible to say that the dog will not get dirty at all, but there will be no difficulties in washing it. In most cases, it is enough to wipe your pet with a damp towel. Frequently washing an animal with shampoo is not recommended at all, so as not to disturb the natural protective layer, unless it is soiled with something strongly “fragrant”.

Healthy dogs shed profusely 2 times a year, when the coat changes before the new climatic season: autumn and spring. There are ways to speed up this process, for example using a special comb - a furminator, but it is impossible to get rid of it completely. If a Labrador sheds all year round, then most likely this indicates disturbances in the animal’s nutrition.

Nails need to be trimmed as needed, but more often they wear down on hard surfaces during a walk, except for the dewclaws. The dog's ears and eyes should be clean and free of foreign odors. The presence of discharge may indicate errors in nutrition or the presence, for example, of a fungal infection, which is the task of a veterinarian to determine.

photo from the personal archive of Marina Radostnaya /

Labrador Health and Diseases

In general, Labrador retrievers can be called fairly healthy dogs, although any purebred animals, due to the limited choice of lines, have a predisposition to certain genetic diseases.
From birth or with age, some individuals may develop autoimmune diseases or deafness. But in most cases, until old age, visits to the clinic will be sporadic. Puppies must undergo routine vaccinations if this has not been done by the breeder. With proper care and proper nutrition, the average life expectancy of this breed is 10-12 years. Like other large dogs, the Achilles heel of Labradors is the musculoskeletal system; veterinarians call the most common disease hip dysplasia. Cases of cataracts, retinal atrophy and corneal dystrophy are common.

But the main source of danger to a dog’s health is obesity due to an insatiable appetite, which was already mentioned above. This factor affects the length and quality of life of the pet, as it inevitably leads to the development of diabetes, eye diseases, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A controlled diet and adequate exercise will help your pet stay active and healthy longer.

Possible shades

White Labrador Retrievers come in several shades:

  1. White with black pigment . Occasionally, with age, a “golden coating” appears.
  2. Cream . There is a fairly light color; along the spine and ears there are slightly darkened areas of fur.
  3. Red Fox. Somewhat reminiscent of fox fur.

How to choose a puppy

The popularity of the breed is not always an advantage for those who decide to get a Labrador Retriever.
In pursuit of profit, unscrupulous breeders keep parents and puppies in inappropriate conditions. Of course, unsanitary conditions, overcrowding and poor nutrition have a detrimental effect on the development of a growing organism and health in the long term, so the first piece of advice: do not try to save money and contact only nurseries with a good reputation, where you can see your future pet with your own eyes and get acquainted with pedigree documents , get reliable information about vaccinations. When choosing a Labrador, pay attention to compliance with the external characteristics of the breed, observe the baby’s behavior - he should be playful, active and easy to contact. Important signs of good health are a healthy shine to the coat, clean eyes and ears, and a normal appetite.

Description of varieties

There are intrabreed species of Labrador Retrievers. The American and English lines of the breed differ most significantly.


English breeders try to preserve as many “water dog” features as possible in the appearance of the Labrador.

This variety is distinguished by its squat, solid appearance. She has a heavy, powerful skull, short, thick legs, a wide chest with rounded ribs. In other words, on the island they adhere to a heavy body type.

The character and temperament of the British and Americans also differs. Island dogs have great good nature and “coziness”. This is a domestic dog that brings slippers and prefers relaxed walks in the park. However, the dogs still did not lose their sporting and hunting qualities. English Labradors are alert, patient, love to swim, and fetch.

The British mature faster, learn earlier and socialize more easily. Due to their balanced nature, they are preferred by hunters, older people and families with children.


American breeders relied on a drier type of exterior. People from the continent are tall, with long limbs, lean, with lighter bones.

The American Labrador is an athlete, hunter and hard worker. He is cheerful and energetic, and he is also more aggressive, agile and dynamic than his English counterpart. These are a kind of “cheerful”, suitable for the same active owners.

Photos of Labrador puppies

How much does a Labrador Retriever cost?

The most affordable offers are “hand-off” puppies, without documents and pedigree, but we remind you once again: this way you risk becoming the owner of a dog with poor health or completely devoid of the “trademark” qualities of a Labrador due to the admixture of unknown genes.
A child with papers who cannot count on participation in exhibitions due to more or less significant defects in appearance will cost 50 thousand rubles. Of course, this moment does not matter if you just dream of an affectionate and devoted friend for the whole family.

Dogs of the so-called show class, whose parents are recognized champions, and whose characteristics exactly correspond to the breed standard, are much more expensive - in the range of 60-80 thousand rubles. In this case, you will be able to present your pet to a strict court of experts and hope for prizes.


Our expert claims that the best option for feeding a Labrador is super premium food. It has everything you need for a balanced diet.

During one meal, a dog eats about 200-300g. dry food (it all depends on the manufacturer of the food and the constitution of the individual). An adult animal eats twice a day, morning and evening. It turns out that he needs about 400-600 grams per day. dry food.

Some owners prefer to feed their pet from the table, but this is completely the wrong approach. There is an abundance of excellent balanced food on the market that will provide the dog with everything he needs without additional vitamins and minerals, the amount of which in the diet is extremely difficult to determine on your own.

The health and life expectancy of a Labrador directly depend on the quality of nutrition, as well as on the conditions of detention and genetics. On average, Labradors live 10-12 years. Sometimes these numbers reach 15 and even 18 years.

This is interesting! There is a myth that brown Labradors live longer than their counterparts of other colors. Alas, this is nothing more than long-outdated prejudices from the same series that a “black mouth” is a sign of anger.

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