Can neutered cats mate with cats: why sexual heat remains, what to do

Sterilization and castration of domestic cats and female cats is performed to suppress their sexual instincts, as well as to exclude the possibility of giving birth. However, in some cases, after the operation, a neutered cat may retain sexual desire and even mate with the cat. In this situation, the pet owner will have to be patient to wait out the period of sexual activity in the animal.

Causes of sexual desire after castration

The castration procedure is one of the most common types of surgical intervention that is applied to “apartment” cats. In modern living conditions in an apartment, a sexually mature male can cause significant discomfort to the owner. During the mating season, the animal can become aggressive, damage furniture, floor or wall coverings, and “mark” the territory. It is also a great stress for an animal to have unsatisfied sexual instincts that it cannot control.

The most humane solution in this situation is castration of the cat. The essence of the procedure is the surgical removal of the sex glands - the testes (testes), which are located in the scrotum. As a result, the level of sex hormones (in particular, testosterone) in the body drops and the pet will lose sexual desire. And with it there are unpleasant consequences.

The most optimal age for castration of a cat is the period from 7 to 9 months, when the body is already fully formed, but sexual activity has not yet occurred.

However, a neutered cat may still want a cat. This may be due to several reasons:

  • high concentration of androgens (male sex hormones) in the cat’s body before surgery, which can delay the expected effect;
  • excessive synthesis of androgens by the adrenal glands;
  • presence of sexual intercourse before surgery;
  • cryptorchidism and the associated poor quality of surgical manipulation.

After removal of the testes from an adult cat, a high concentration of male sex hormones may still remain in his body for a certain period, which causes sexual desire. Androgen levels will gradually decrease, which may take a little longer than expected.

If you have adrenal overactivity, you should contact your veterinarian for further advice. The doctor will assess the pet’s health, determine the pathology (if any) and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If a cat has previously mated with females, then these memories may remain with him and provoke the work of instincts. This condition is considered physiological and does not require medical intervention.

If cryptorchidism is present, poor castration may be performed as a result of the veterinarian's inexperience or carelessness. Cryptorchidism is a congenital disorder in which one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotum and remain in the abdominal cavity or under the skin. The non-removed testis continues to perform its function, so no changes in the animal’s behavior should be expected. Cryptorchidism in any case requires surgical intervention, even if the owner does not plan to castrate the cat.

Why do I sterilize?

People living in apartments with their beloved pets have a very difficult time going through puberty, the so-called mating period. The four-legged friend begins to behave very aggressively, scratching furniture and doors.

But what’s more terrible is when he marks the territory with rather unpleasant odors, plus he always meows as if he’s being cut. Is it possible to live normally in such dizzying conditions?

And cats that have free access to the street may disappear for a week. And they will not return until they fulfill their calling. Because of all this, owners decide to sterilize the furry one.

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Features of castration in females

Two methods are used to suppress sexual activity in cats:

  • sterilization;
  • castration.

During sterilization, mechanical blocking of the patency of the fallopian tubes is performed (tubal ligation). That is, the egg will no longer be able to enter the uterus for subsequent fertilization. At the same time, the ovaries are preserved, that is, the production of sex hormones continues to operate as normal. In this case, the cat may retain sexual desire, and she is able to “go on a spree” and mate without subsequent pregnancy.

Castration involves the complete removal of the ovaries. As a result, the level of sex hormones in the body decreases significantly, and sexual instincts cease to manifest themselves. In this situation, a neutered cat will not ask for a male cat. An exception is hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, which synthesize excessive amounts of estrogen, which can maintain sexual desire. In any case, the cat will no longer be able to give birth.

The myth of fatness

Yes, a neutered cat becomes much calmer, but this does not mean that he will gain weight.

After castration, metabolic processes in the body slow down, so high-calorie food will harm the animal. There is a chance to earn:

  • Fatty liver degeneration;
  • Cardiovascular failure.

To avoid obesity, you should adhere to proper nutrition and give your pet the prescribed portions of food.

There are companies that produce special dietary foods for sterilized individuals. They are low in calories, plus, prevention for the genitourinary system. The daily dosage is written on each package. Don't neglect valuable advice.

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Of course, you can feed natural products, but it will be difficult to calculate a balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fish from the diet altogether. Since the contained mineral salts can lead to urolithiasis. The basic requirements are to feed your pet the prescribed amount of food in order to maintain normal physical shape.

But in fact, only the owners are to blame for the obesity of neutered cats. Since they do not find time to play with a friend, replacing attention with something tasty.

In the end, it all depends on the owner, if he treats the furry one with all the appropriate rules, then the animal will not be able to gain weight.

Recommendations for the owner

After castration, you should strictly follow the veterinarian’s recommendations for a speedy recovery of the animal’s body. If suspicious symptoms appear (lethargy, refusal to eat, strange discharge from the operated area, etc.), you should immediately consult a specialist.

After removal of the gonads, the pet's behavior should change in a positive direction. If he continues to be sexually active, you should be patient and give the animal more time to adapt (especially if the operation was performed as an adult). If there are several cats of different sexes in the same house, you can temporarily isolate the “too active” pet. However, even if sexual intercourse occurs, there will be no offspring.

If your pet remains restless and aggressive for a long period, you should consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the reason for this condition lies in another hidden pathology. The doctor may also recommend sedative medications that will be effective in this particular case.

Can a neutered cat mate with a female cat?

After the procedure, the pet may periodically tear up the furniture.
According to veterinarians, the pet often climbs and attacks the female within 2 months after castration. Interest before mating gradually decreases, but mostly does not disappear completely. At first, the cat hunts the cat, sometimes scratches the furniture, meows heart-rendingly and marks the territory. It is recommended to protect the animal from representatives of the opposite sex. A castrated cat can get along with a female, but he may still have interest in the lady. If pets have sex, offspring will not appear.

How to create all the conditions for mating

An aggressive cat will not allow the cat to approach her.

During the mating of purebred animals, it is often the cat owner who chooses the partner for the upcoming mating

It is important to create the most favorable conditions so that everything goes smoothly

An aggressive cat will never let a cat get close to her. There is no need to urge or force animals to quickly do the “job”. It is best to leave them alone in a separate room and give them a little time to get used to each other.

Fragile and dangerous items out

In this case, it is necessary to take care in advance to eliminate the possible risk of damage and remove all fragile objects from visible places, block all exits and narrow cracks, from which it will then be difficult to get the animal out. The room should be free, but not too spacious.

The knitting room should be free of fragile objects and narrow crevices.

Preparing for surgery

Having decided to undergo surgery, owners must clearly understand that castration is a surgical operation that requires adherence to a clear algorithm of actions. Having chosen a suitable veterinary clinic, before the operation it is necessary to take tests: blood, urine, a smear for sexually transmitted infections, and give the cat a cardiogram. Get vaccinated in advance, about two months in advance, or you can postpone them for a while.

It is important to approach the operation responsibly and not spare money on procedures and examinations, because the health and life of your pet depends on its successful implementation.

After anesthesia, the cat will sleep for several hours, so you need to take a carrier and a blanket to the veterinary clinic; during narcotic sleep, the body temperature drops and the pet may freeze.

Premium food class

Experienced breeders recommend giving preference to the following brands:

  • Hills – a large assortment of therapeutic and prophylactic products that help prevent obesity in animals;
  • Royal Canin - nutritional composition rich in vitamins;
  • Purina PRO PLAN is a balanced food with pribiotics that improve intestinal function.

These feeds have a balanced composition of useful elements: protein, vitamin and mineral complexes, pribiotics, enzymes, carbohydrates and proteins.

Physiological problems during mating

If the mating is not successful, the cat will need to be examined by a veterinarian

An endless number of diseases can serve as a barrier to fertilization: inflammation of the ovaries, tubal obstruction, infectious diseases, taking sedatives during previous estrus, changes in hormonal levels, lack of progesterone and many others. It often turns out that basic obesity or lack of weight becomes an obstacle to the reproduction of offspring.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause by conducting the necessary examinations. Self-medication can lead to the death of your pet.

Expert advice

What about hormonal drugs? We haven't forgotten about them, of course. However, following the advice of veterinarians, we recommend using them only in exceptional cases. It should be understood that regular use of them causes metabolic disorders in animals. And it already manifests itself in the form:

  • inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • problematic pregnancy;
  • weak or sick offspring;
  • difficult births leading to caesarean sections;
  • tumors of the mammary glands and uterus, including malignant ones.

This is why responsible specialists prefer sterilization when owners don’t want to hear about furry children. The advantages of this option for solving the problem of offspring are obvious: you save yourself and your pet from suffering, prevent the dangerous consequences of using hormonal drugs and, in the end, reduce the number of useless defenseless lumps. In addition to the usual hormonal drugs in the form of injections or tablets, there are also chips containing the hormone, which are injected subcutaneously and, if necessary, removed.

However, having decided to sterilize your pet, you should remember that before the operation, they usually need an examination by an experienced veterinarian, and after that - competent and caring care. You also need to find out what she should be vaccinated with. If everything is done professionally and with love, your cat will not be in a state of chaleur, warming the house with its love for many, many years.

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What should pet owners do?

If a cat wants a cat after castration, he must be provided with:

  • rational, balanced nutrition;
  • motor and mental activity (games, walks);
  • separate keeping with cats (2-3 months);
  • avoiding excessive, overstimulating caresses.

Prevention of stress:

  • do not punish the cat;
  • spend time communicating;
  • create a comfort zone (hammocks, play sets, scratching posts).

You can adopt a new cat after 2-3 months, gradually accustoming the animals to each other. Each person should have an individual tray, a feeding container, and a place to sleep.

The most popular and recommended cat food brands

Sterilization radically changes the life of a pet and its habits. If earlier your cat urgently demanded a walk and was looking for a cat, now he is only interested in food. A cat that eats excessively high-calorie foods will begin to gain weight, and this is already a bad sign for the animal. To keep his figure normal, choose the right food!

The range of cat products includes two main types of food: dry and wet. They differ in composition and cost. If the owner chooses the first option, it is necessary to provide the animal with constant access to drinking water.

Which food is better, dry or wet, is up to you to decide; there is no clear answer to this question. The main thing is to choose a fresh composition of proven quality with mandatory certification, giving preference to reliable brands. Experts do not recommend choosing budget food. Such savings can negatively affect the health of the animal.

Premium class food

Experienced breeders recommend giving preference to the following brands:

  • Hills – a large assortment of therapeutic and prophylactic products that help prevent obesity in animals;
  • Royal Canin - nutritional composition rich in vitamins;
  • Purina PRO PLAN is a balanced food with pribiotics that improve intestinal function.

These feeds have a balanced composition of useful elements: protein, vitamin and mineral complexes, pribiotics, enzymes, carbohydrates and proteins.

Super Premium class food

The best brands according to consumer reviews:

  • Leonardo – based on natural ingredients;
  • 1st Choice – hypoallergenic composition;
  • Brit Care is a complex of nutritional components that replenish the animal’s body with all the necessary elements.

Other popular brands that produce high-quality food for cats after sterilization: “Orijen Cat & kitten”, “Natural balance”, “Our brand” and “Hollistic”.

"Hollistic" - the highest balanced class of feed

As already mentioned, proper care after castration of a domestic cat is based on dietary nutrition. If your pet prefers artificial food, pay attention to products from the Holistics line.

Holistic food has been appreciated by thousands of domestic cat lovers who choose only the best for their furry family members. The products are characterized by a high-quality composition of ingredients without the addition of harmful preservatives and flavors.

The holistic food contains 70-95% natural meat and fish of selected varieties in combination with vitamin complexes and other useful ingredients of natural origin.

The Holistic line includes a large selection of cat food from different global manufacturers:

  • Golden Eagle;
  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Almo Nature Holistik;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Holistik Blend, etc.

"holistic" - the highest balanced class of feed

As already mentioned, proper care after castration of a domestic cat is based on dietary nutrition. If your pet prefers artificial food, pay attention to products from the Holistics line.

Holistic food has been appreciated by thousands of domestic cat lovers who choose only the best for their furry family members. The products are characterized by a high-quality composition of ingredients without the addition of harmful preservatives and flavors.

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The holistic food contains 70-95% natural meat and fish of selected varieties in combination with vitamin complexes and other useful ingredients of natural origin.

The Holistic line includes a large selection of cat food from different global manufacturers:

  • Golden Eagle;
  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Almo Nature Holistik;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Holistik Blend, etc.
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