Grooming a Chihuahua: do dogs of this breed need a haircut and what hairstyles exist + how to cut your pet’s hair at home?

The Chihuahua breed, bred in Mexico, is the smallest dog on the planet. The weight of an adult does not exceed 3 kg.

Such pets are easy-going, active, inquisitive and sociable; they do not tolerate loneliness well and happily perceive new people, pets, smells, etc.

These are born researchers. Despite their external fragility, Chihuahuas are easy to care for; they have strong immunity, rarely get sick, and do not require special housing conditions.

In this article we will talk about whether it is possible and necessary to cut a Chihuahua's hair, and we will show photos of dogs with haircuts.

Care and maintenance

The owner needs to know everything about caring for a Chihuahua so that the coexistence of a person and a dog is comfortable and brings only positive emotions to everyone.
Let's start with grooming. Both long-haired and smooth-haired individuals need periodic combing of their coat. To do this, use either special massage gloves or brushes with natural bristles. To care for teeth, there are special toothpastes for dogs; it is advisable to use them several times a week to clean plaque. If your pet develops tartar, a visit to the dentist will be required to have it removed. This painless procedure uses ultrasound to clean your teeth, thereby preventing their loosening and subsequent loss.

We examine the eyes and ears every day for inflammation and dirt. If necessary, rinse the eyes with water; the ears can be cleaned with a piece of cotton wool.

If purulent discharge appears, it is better to consult a doctor.

You should wash your sneeze no more than once every 2-3 months and use detergents designed specifically for dogs. When washing your hair, protect your ears, nose and eyes from water. After bathing, wipe the animal dry and, if necessary, dry it with a hairdryer. An important point is cutting the nails. In sneezes, they grow very quickly and every week you need to shorten them a little using a nail clipper. Too long nails can injure a dog's paw, causing pain and discomfort when walking.

Do not forget about annual comprehensive vaccinations, preventive deworming and, in the warm season, treatment against ticks.

What tools will you need?

Dogs should not have their nails trimmed with regular nail scissors. They are designed for thin and flat human nails, so they are not suitable for animals whose nail plate structure is completely different.

The owner must purchase a special nail clipper. It will make the procedure as quick and painless as possible.

Also, to trim dog nails you will need:

  • alcohol for disinfecting instruments;
  • special powder to stop bleeding;
  • toys to distract your Chihuahua;
  • treats for encouragement.

At first, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant. He will hold the dog while the owner calmly trims his nails.

Training and walking

Despite its size, the long-haired Chihuahua can grow up to be a real domestic tyrant if it is not raised from childhood. The owner must be strict, but not cruel.

Note! Some chi's antics are so funny that you don't want to scold your pet. Nevertheless, you will have to overcome yourself - impunity gives rise to disobedience

The dog may well use the litter box, but this does not mean that walks should be avoided. Take the Chihuahua outside at least twice a day, the duration of the walk is 30-40 minutes. In winter, the pet is dressed in warm overalls so that it does not catch a cold or get sick.

Despite its tiny size, this breed needs daily walks.

Frequency of walking

Dogs love to spend time outside. Dogs show endurance, can travel long distances, and play with other animals.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Birds of prey are dangerous for Chihuahuas.

An adult pet should be walked at least twice a day. In the morning, in the evening for one hour.

Puppies under 6 months should not be taken for walks without vaccinations, immediately after eating, or in frosty or hot weather. In the absence of prohibiting factors, it is enough for your pet to spend 20-30 minutes outside. Fresh air will strengthen the dog’s immunity, strengthen it, and help it socialize.

What does a dog need?

Decorative dog breeds require special care and compliance with maintenance rules.


It was previously said that Chihuahuas love to snuggle under a blanket, so it is best to buy your pet a cozy house. To do this you will need to consider:

  1. size;
  2. shape;
  3. model;
  4. manufacturing material.


For greater comfort, you can purchase an enclosure for your dog. This is especially good if you live in a private house. You can install an enclosure outside, where the pet can spend its time in the absence of its owners and get to know the world around it.

Fortunately, the Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world and does not require a large area. If you plan to keep it in an enclosure for a long time, you should take care of containers with food and water, and a place to sleep.


When choosing a crate, you should consider the size of the dog. The pet should feel free inside: sit and stand without touching the ceiling and lie at full length, turn around without obstacles. The product must be durable and reliable.


Before buying a bed, you need to measure the length and width of the dog when lying down.

You should pay attention to your dog's resting habits. For example, if a dog likes to curl up into a ball or stretch out to its full length when sleeping


A muzzle is an optional accessory. You should buy it based on your dog’s habits. If your pet likes to pick up something from the ground while walking, then you need to think about this attribute.


The Chihuahua is an active breed and not at all timid. The dog, despite its size, is quite capable of attacking a larger opponent. During a walk, it can also wander quite far. You should buy a strong collar, but one that does not cause pain when pulled on.


In order to control your Chihuahua while walking, you should buy a reel-on leash. It will allow you to establish the optimal zone for the dog and change it according to the situation.


A harness is a convenient means of walking puppies and small breeds. It provides comfort and safety. You need to choose a product taking into account the size of the dog and the material it is made of.


Smooth-haired Chihuahuas need additional protection from hypothermia. Therefore, you need to buy a set of clothes for all occasions:

  • Knitted sweater for cool weather.
  • Slippers to protect paws from hypothermia and damage.
  • Padded overalls or jacket for walking in low temperatures.
  • A water-repellent jacket or raincoat for walking in wet weather.

Remember! The worse the quality of outerwear, the more discomfort it will bring to your pet.

In addition, you can buy summer outfits for your pets - these are all kinds:

  • slippers;
  • bows;
  • hair bands;
  • T-shirts;
  • skirts;
  • dresses.


A blanket is one of the most important items for Chihuahuas. You need to choose a warm, soft and cozy bedspread. You should also take into account the size of the dog so that it can completely hide under it.


Chihuahuas take the house toilet quite well - you don’t need to walk them

To choose the right toilet, you need to take into account:

  1. height of sides;
  2. what is the pallet made of?
  3. type of filler.

Owners often use special diapers. Dogs do not need to dig holes and bury “their business.” Enough clean space to correct the need.

Other accessories

As many things have been invented for dogs as for humans. For example, there are special gadgets that reveal the location of a pet. You also need to think about hygiene products:

  • towel;
  • Toothbrush;
  • comb.

Also, toys allow you to keep your dog occupied if you don’t have time to play with him personally. And it’s good that there is a huge assortment that allows you to take into account your pet’s preferences.

How to choose a Chihuahua puppy?

Before buying a long-haired Chihuahua puppy, you need to understand why you are getting it. Not only its cost depends on this, but also the time frame in which it is best to take home your future pet. Let's assume that you are buying a puppy in order to participate in exhibitions with him. Perhaps you plan to continue breeding this breed in the future. In such cases, puppies are taken away at 3-4 months. They are selected based on standard indicators. But the price for them will be much higher.

A star of exhibitions or just a faithful friend - the specifics of purchasing a Chihuahua depend on your choice.

If you don’t want to take part in exhibition programs and races for perfect compliance with standards, then you can buy a puppy that is already two months old. The price of such a dog is low, since it is not customized to specific requirements.

She or he: who is better?

It is also advisable to decide in advance what gender you will take the dog. Girls and boys have different personality traits

Boys are usually active and curious, while girls are cautious. Plus they are more affectionate

Timely castration of a Chihuahua will help avoid excessive interest in mating

People taking girls should be prepared for estrus and possible pregnancy. An unmated boy treats bitches calmly. When mating occurs, the male dog will have to be led only on a leash. Otherwise, he will constantly try to run after girls. Male puppies love to mark their territory. Therefore, they will have to be educated from day one.

External indicators: what to look for when buying a dog?

Remember that all indicators and standards are approximate - real representatives of the breed may deviate in one direction or another from the stated criteria. If you are not buying a puppy for exhibition, such discrepancies should not confuse you (unless we are talking about pathological deviations).

Table 2. Recommended characteristics for a Chihuahua puppy

HeadAn apple-shaped skull indicates that the dog is purebred. The deviation is a flat skull
JawRepresentatives of the breed have both straight and scissor bites. The shorter the puppy’s muzzle, the worse the quality of the teeth will be.
EarsThe ears of a healthy dog ​​should be free of irritation, pus and other dirt.
NoseThe Chihuahua's nose should be cold. If it is dry, then this indicates that the puppy is sick with something.
WoolThe Chihuahua's coat should be thick and soft. The long-haired breed sometimes has wavy hair.
LeatherThere should be no rash, dandruff or various irritations on the skin. If you accidentally find fleas, then you should know that the puppy in this kennel is poorly looked after.
WeightOne and a half to two kilograms

Dog behavior

Observe the puppy for a while to understand its behavior. Look at how he behaves with his mother or siblings. Even if the baby has recently woken up, he should still be active. Normally, the puppy jumps around the enclosure, plays in every possible way and sniffs everything.

Chihuahua puppies are constantly on the move and inquisitive.

If the baby constantly lies or hides behind his mother, then there are two options:

  • he is seriously ill;
  • he is cowardly.

Look how clean the pet is. Perhaps he makes puddles everywhere. Irresponsible owners usually do not take the time to toilet train their dog. In this case, you will have to retrain the animal.

A thin puppy is a sign of possible parasite infection.

Take a closer look at how the puppy eats. The key to health is a good appetite. The baby should look well-fed. If he is thin, this may mean that worms have settled in his body.


Lifespan12–20 years
Varietieslong-haired and short-haired
Height15-23 cm
Weight0.5–3 kg
Woolshort or long
Colorblack, white, tan, chocolate, cream, gold
Characterbalanced, lively, fearless, good-natured, playful, clean
Peculiaritiessmallest dog in the world

Chihuahuas come in smooth-haired and long-haired varieties:

  • The first ones are fast in movement, show good reactions, have a lively character, and are fearless. The body is compact, the skull is shaped like an apple. The dog's tail is of moderate length and held high. Wide at the base, the tail tapers towards the tip, forms a semi-ring towards the lumbar region, or is curved. The tail is never between the hind legs. The coat of the tail is in harmony with the coat of the body.
  • If the Chihuahua has long hair, a dewlap will form on the tail. The body of the male is square in shape. The female's body is stretched due to reproductive function. The Chihuahua's eyes are large and expressive, round in shape, and dark in color. Dogs' ears are large, erect, and widely spaced. They are wide at the base and gradually narrow towards the rounded tips. Male Chihuahuas have thicker necks than females. The forelimbs are long and straight. The hind legs are distinguished by good muscles.

Fast on the move, with a lively character, a fearless dog is a general description of the Chihuahua breed. The dogs of the breed really amaze with their small size and fearlessness. Cowardice and aggression are considered breed defects. Long-haired representatives have a balanced and calm character, while short-haired ones are more cocky and quarrelsome.

The characteristics of the breed are:

  • Build. Height at the withers is 15-23 cm, weight ranges from 0.5 to 3 kg. It is convenient to carry your dog with you everywhere. Bitches and males differ in appearance.
  • Frame. The Chihuahua breed has a flat back, loin, and croup. The tail is thick at the base, thinner towards the end. Curved into a ring or half-ring, raised above the back. A tail that is cowardly tucked between its sides or pulled far away from the back is unacceptable. The chest is wide, deep, not barrel-shaped. The neck is of medium length, in boys it is thick and muscular.
  • Head. The skull is shaped like an apple. The transition to a small narrow muzzle is well defined. The nose is medium-sized, black or brown to match the color of the coat. The eyes are round, not bulging, dark color is preferred. The ears are large and erect. The angle of deviation from the vertical is ideally 45°. Slightly rounded towards the end.
  • Limbs. The front legs are thin and straight from all angles. The hind legs are equipped with well-developed muscles. The bones are long, set parallel to each other. Movement appears agile, with good drive from the hind legs.
  • Wool. Smooth-haired coats lie close to the body and have sparse long hair on the belly and throat. Shiny and soft to the touch. In long-haired dogs there is a small undercoat. Beautiful feathers are formed on the ears, paws, and tail. Shouldn't curl. The color can be any single color or in combinations. The blue color is considered rare and expensive.

Sometimes they sell dogs that fit in a cup. This is not a rarity, but a vice. Such dogs are undernourished and prone to many diseases.

Chihuahuas fall under the FCI#218 standard, adopted in 2004. According to the description, the origin of the breed comes from Mexico, the dogs are classified as companions and miniature dogs. The main feature is an apple-shaped skull, a thin and long tail, and thin long limbs. The nose is short and snub. The jaws are closed in a regular straight or scissor bite without underbites.

The Chihuahua's eyes are huge, protruding, and exhibit an extremely dark tint. Light eyes are not considered a defect, but do not indicate the highest purity of the breed. The Chihuahua's ears are large, rounded, set in different directions, at an angle of 45 degrees to the skull.

If the hair on the body is long, a brush forms on the tail. The dog's body is covered with smooth and elastic skin. If the coat is short, it shines and lies close to the body, is evenly distributed and does not have bald spots. If it is long, it is slightly curly or straightened, there is a small undercoat. The only thing that dogs are not embarrassed about is their color, any color is acceptable.

Taking care of your health

To maintain the health of a Chihuahua dog throughout its life, you need to carefully monitor the general condition of the body. Both long-haired and short-haired pets are not bathed too often. Regular hygiene procedures such as cleaning your ears and teeth will help avoid possible problems.

Chihuahuas are dogs prone to obesity. Diet, control of body weight and blood sugar levels are extremely important for them. Animals of this breed are predisposed to hypoglycemia, and if it is detected, the veterinarian will give strict recommendations on the regimen.

Another important point: Chihuahuas easily catch colds and become hypothermic; it is very important for them to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature. The pet will need a blanket or clothing when the readings drop to +15°C

To prevent more serious diseases, dogs must be vaccinated and regularly given anthelmintic drugs.

For more information about keeping Chihuahuas, see the following video.

How much do groomer services cost?

When talking about grooming prices, you should definitely take into account the region and level of the salon.

So in Moscow and the Moscow region, prices for a haircut range from 1200 to 1800 rubles. Combing will cost about the same. Prices for comprehensive grooming can vary from 2000 to 5000 rubles, and sometimes higher.

What is included in the service package:

  • bathing;
  • blow drying;
  • a haircut;
  • combing;
  • nail trimming;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • ear cleaning;
  • eye care.

Organization of a sleeping place

To properly maintain a Chihuahua, you need to provide it with a sleeping place. For relaxation, this dog prefers soft, warm beds or houses - these are sold in any pet store. You need to make sure the structure is strong. You need to lay a soft rug in the house.

Similar article: All about the breed and buying a pocket mini Chihuahua

When talking about how to care for a Chihuahua, we must not forget about the correct location of the sleeping area. It should not be in a draft, near household or heating appliances, or on a hill. Location next to the door is undesirable. In an apartment with a large area, you can put several places to relax at once.

Chihuahua haircut

Grooming is important not only to make your pet look neat, but also to minimize the risk of skin diseases. The longer the coat, the less oxygen reaches the skin. Accordingly, a moist environment is formed at the base of the coat, which is optimal for the development of fungal diseases.

The haircut process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Breed standards specify what a dog's appearance should be.

In addition to existing standards, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each pet

All haircuts are divided into 2 groups:

  • model;
  • hygienic.

Let's look at each group separately.

Hygienic haircut

This type of haircut for a Chihuahua should be considered as a hygienic procedure, the purpose of which is to ensure the supply of oxygen to the skin and make the pet look neat. There are no special requirements for hygienic haircuts. It is done as the fur grows back. In summer, Chihuahuas need to be cut more often than in winter, since the dog is prone to overheating.

Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach areas, such as the groin area and the area under the tail and under the arms. Short-blade scissors should be used when trimming these areas.

The equipment must be sharp.

In representatives of the breed with long hair, during a hygienic haircut, the guard hairs on all parts of the body are shortened. Short-haired Chihuahuas have their hair trimmed around the ears and head.

Model haircut

If a hygienic haircut can be done at home, then a model haircut can only be done by a master who knows how to do it correctly. Whoever grooms the animal must have good taste, since the haircut for each dog must be selected depending on the characteristics of its exterior.

If you decide to give your pet to a specialist, you can show him a photo of the haircut you like. A good hairdresser will be able to cut your pet’s hair exactly the same as in the photo, or will recommend a more suitable option. Before going to the hairdresser, you need to cut your pet’s claws so that he doesn’t inadvertently injure the hairdresser.

After the master has finished cutting the dog’s hair, you can decorate the hairstyle with a hair clip with rhinestones or make a palm ponytail on the top of the head, which will complement the look.

How to properly care?

These are exclusively domestic dogs and are not suitable for street keeping, even with an insulated enclosure. They are sensitive to low temperatures and will need warm clothing for walks in the cold season.

Wool and bathing

To avoid the formation of tangles and maintain an attractive appearance (a well-groomed dog always looks better than a shaggy one), the coat of these dogs must be combed daily, and during shedding, which usually lasts 10-14 days, several times a day using a special brush with medium bristles. rigidity.

Chihuahuas should be bathed as they become dirty, preferably no more than once every 3-4 weeks, using hypoallergenic shampoo for long-haired dogs.

Bathing too often destroys the natural waxy layer that protects the dog from pests and insects.

A haircut

Long-haired Chihuahuas need a haircut. It can be model and hygienic.

A model haircut is required for dogs participating in exhibitions and competitions, otherwise it is quite hygienic. It is carried out 2 times a month and consists of shortening the fur on the back, belly and sides, while leaving it a little longer on the tail, paws, ears and neck.

NOTE! Grooming not only gives the dog a neat appearance, but also minimizes the risk of skin diseases.


Teeth are the weak point of this breed.

Often baby teeth fall out later than expected, which leads to the formation of an incorrect bite; Chihuahuas are also prone to caries, exposed tooth necks and the formation of tartar.

To prevent these problems, you should brush your pet’s teeth three times a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste.

Eyes, claws and ears

Your Chihuahua's eyes should be treated with moisturizing drops weekly. These dogs are prone to increased lacrimation due to which tear tracks appear on the face. This is not a pathology and treatment with drops in most cases solves this problem.

The claws of representatives of this breed do not grind down on their own, so they need to be trimmed with a guillotine nail clipper 2 times a month.

Chihuahuas, as a rule, do not have problems with their ears, but if the dog constantly touches them, the ears have taken on an unnatural shape and begin to emit an unpleasant odor, it is important to consult a veterinarian for a diagnosis.

How to cut your hair at home

To trim your Chihuahua's nails, you don't have to take your dog to the groomer - the procedure is easy to do at home.

Depending on the color, representatives of the breed have different colors of nails:

  • light;
  • dark;
  • mixed, in which there are both dark and light areas.

It is easiest to work with light-colored claws. The pink pulp is visible through them. It must not be touched, otherwise bleeding will begin. Everything that is below 2-3 mm from the pulp should be trimmed.

If the nails are dark, the haircut is carried out in several stages - carefully remove 1-2 mm at a time until they reach a dark point measuring about 1 mm. This is the beginning of the pulp. There is no need to shorten the claw further. You can shine a bright light on the nail - then the blood vessels will be clearly visible.

The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. The owner sits in a comfortable position, legs slightly spread.
  2. Places the pet on its back with its head to its knees.
  3. Closes his legs slightly to secure the dog.
  4. Places the paw in the hand and presses on the pad, spreading the fingers.
  5. With his free hand he takes a disinfected nail clipper, quickly and confidently cuts off the nail, placing the tool 2 mm below the pulp.
  6. Sharp edges are filed off with a nail file.
  7. Repeats the steps until all the claws are cut.

If the Chihuahua is tired, take a break. Restless pets are allowed to be wrapped in a towel. At the end, the animal is petted and treated with a treat.

Some owners find it more convenient to trim nails while the dog is standing on the floor. This option is also acceptable. However, Chihuahuas should not be placed on tables or other surfaces that are high above the ground.

When frightened, the dog may twitch and fall, which can result in injury.

Bathing a Chihuahua: nuances

As I indicated above, you cannot bathe a Chihuahua often - the natural fat layer is washed off, and this leads to problems in the future. It is not easy to determine the frequency of this procedure. Some dog breeders recommend using it once a month, others – once every few months, while others generally insist on one procedure per quarter. I advise you to focus on your pet’s individual reaction. As soon as the fur begins to fall out too actively, it means that you should bathe him less often.

Now we can talk about the nuances of bathing, which should be followed regardless of the frequency of washing:

Since Chihuahuas are thermophilic, the owner needs to provide the proper temperature for the pet during bathing. And all together – air, water. The water should be heated to 38-42 degrees. It is preferable to stock up on cotton swabs with which you can close the ear canals

This is, rather, a preventive measure, since an experienced dog breeder, in principle, will not wash, much less soap, the animal’s face.

It is important to rinse off detergents thoroughly. It is advisable to do this under running water

As a result, not a single ounce of shampoo or conditioner should remain on the Chihuahua. Even if they are designed specifically for dogs, this does not mean that they can be left on the skin. Otherwise, irritation will follow. After bathing, the dog first needs to be treated with a terry or paper towel, blotting off the water. Only after this does the Chihuahua completely wrap itself in a dry towel. It is not advisable to use a hairdryer, as there is a risk of drying out the hair. In addition, there is a high risk of making mistakes with the temperature regime. Excessively hot air can sometimes cause burns, while too cold air can cause your Chihuahua to catch a cold.


The largest variety of the breed, the large poodle is capable of running very fast. The ancestor of the poodle cannot be identified, but it is known that the breed was selected for duck hunting. In addition to being fast, these animals are excellent swimmers. They are also one of the most intelligent dogs, as ranked by canine psychologist Stanley Coren. It is impossible to confuse a poodle with another breed. His “calling card”, dense curly wool, can have a wide range of colors - from snow-white to motley. The Poodle has a square body and long, drooping ears. The average height of an adult animal reaches 38 cm.


At the 2nd month of life, the puppy requires primary vaccination against deadly diseases: canine distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis.

After a month, revaccination against the listed diseases is carried out.

Next (third) vaccination after complete replacement of milk teeth with molars: 6-7 months of life. On top of everything else, a vaccination against rabies, a fatal disease that can be transmitted to humans, is added. Walking your dog outside before rabies vaccination is not recommended!

Before vaccination, the animal must be dewormed and treated for fleas 10 days before. The best flea treatment is Frontline spray. Anthelmintic - "Prokoks" from the German company Bayer.

Subsequently, vaccinations are given once a year. I have already talked about vaccinations for Chihuahua puppies. Please review the information.

How to choose the right puppy

Long-haired Chihuahua puppies are born very tiny. Usually dogs that weigh less than 2 kg are not allowed for breeding. You should look at the puppy's parents before purchasing. They look healthy and well-groomed.

To purchase a long-haired Chihuahua puppy, it is better to contact a nursery rather than private individuals. Experienced breeders guarantee the health and good maintenance of their dogs.

Along with the puppy, the seller gives the owner the baby’s passport and documents confirming the dog’s pedigree.

A healthy puppy is interested in everything that happens around him and treats strangers with slight apprehension and curiosity. The baby Chihuahua does not show aggression, his eyes are clear. Redness on the skin, discharge from the nose and under the eyes, inflammation indicate that the baby is ill.

The breeder gives the first complementary foods when the baby is 3–4 weeks old. At 2 months, the puppy is already completely independent feeding. Now he is ready to go to his new home.

Native American roots

The pet received this fancy name from the name of the largest Mexican state. Actually, Mexico is the homeland of the Chihuahua. There are theories that this breed existed back in the days of the Toltec tribes (Indian people who lived during “medieval” Mesoamerica), who caught such dogs and domesticated them. They considered them sacred animals.

Mexican traders sold their pets in the border areas to tourists, who in turn took their purchases to the United States, and from there they were transported to Europe. In the 20th century, this breed of dog appeared in our country - Fidel Castro gave two cute puppies as a sign of friendship.

The ancient Aztecs believed that Chihuahuas could guide the soul of the deceased, driving away evil spirits. Therefore, the dog was burned at the stake along with its owner. Also, small pets quickly gained the favor of the nobility; they were even assigned a separate slave.

The photo below shows puppies and adult dogs of this breed.

Breed characteristics and character

A small dog with a lively character, excellent intelligence and excellent memory. These words can describe the Chihuahua, one of the most common domestic breeds. The origin of the breed goes back to the distant past. There are several legends and stories associated with it. Its name is very similar to the region of the same name, located in northern Mexico.

It is believed that this breed was bred back in the Aztec era, and had all the privileges of a sacred animal. There is nothing to object to here; the Chihuahuas in the photo have a proud posture despite their small size.

This breed of dog has certain characteristics, including character, playful behavior and affection for humans. Perhaps because of their size, which makes this breed especially dependent on humans, Chihuahuas make good company for their owner. They are ideal for apartment living and do not require large spaces.

Despite this, the dog, like many others, needs daily walks in the fresh air and communication with its own kind. Therefore, you should not think that walking with a Chihuahua under your arm will satisfy its natural needs.

Chihuahua on a walk

Chihuahuas easily adapt to apartment life; they are lazy and love comfort. They do not like the cold, so in winter you should take care of warm overalls for dogs. Despite their apparent helplessness and size, representatives of this breed can show courage. They are also always ready to learn, very inquisitive and active.

If you adopt a Chihuahua puppy, he will be a devoted and loyal friend to his owner. Respect, obedience and a sense of duty in all situations are the main qualities of this breed. Typically, a dog will become particularly attached to one or two family members with whom a specific bond is created. With the rest of the members the pet will be friendly and sociable, but not to that extent.

Chihuahua becomes the owner's most devoted friend

Loneliness is the Chihuahua dog's sworn enemy. There is nothing better for her than spending time with her owner. Therefore, if he spends a lot of time at work, you should seriously think about the possibility of purchasing a pair for the dog. This way, they will have much more fun together.

The Chihuahua is a stickler for cleanliness, so from childhood the puppy needs his own personal rug. Don't worry, this is not the kind of dog that spreads dirt. Just the opposite. The pet loves order, although there are always exceptions to the rules.

The dog can also show its guard qualities. Mistrust of strangers, the approach of strangers, suspicious noises will not go unnoticed and will be signaled by barking.

To prevent a dog from being shy, it needs a lot of communication with many people. Therefore, you should not be afraid to introduce your dog to friends, loved ones and relatives.

White chihuahua puppies

He should also be provided with communication with his own kind. As a rule, representatives of this breed get along well with their brothers of the same sex, and even better of the same breed.

Basic moments

  • In relationships with larger dogs they behave as equals. Barking at a 50-pound shepherd is a common thing for a Chihuahua.
  • They are able to get along with other pets if they agree to accept their authority.
  • Ideal companions, ready to accompany their owner wherever possible.
  • They are playful and active, but often require increased attention to their own person.
  • They feel a strong attachment to their owner and follow his every move.
  • They easily adapt to any environment and can be content with rare and short walks, and, if necessary, do without them completely.
  • They do not agree to put up with loneliness and long absences of the owner.
  • They are very touchy and subject to frequent outbursts of jealousy.
  • Chihuahuas are fully mature in their first year of life.

The Chihuahua is a small dog with a big heart. These little ones easily adapt to the interests of the owner and the situation, so they can simultaneously combine the traits of an incorrigible homebody and a desperate traveler. The Chihuahua is easy to transport, it is welcome in all hotels that offer accommodation with pets, and at social events such a dog is almost always persona grata. Recently, Chihuahuas have been actively conquering the world of gloss, riding around in celebrity handbags and actively participating in magazine photo shoots.

How to carry out the procedure yourself?

This process can be divided into two stages:


Preparation includes bathing and brushing your pet. It probably goes without saying that no decent groomer will cut a dirty and unkempt dog. The same goes for cutting hair at home. Before the procedure, be sure to bathe, blow dry and comb your dog's fur.

Preparation stages:

  • thorough combing, removing or unraveling tangles;
  • washing with special shampoo. It is highly desirable that the shampoo matches the breed of the pet, as well as the length and type of its coat;
  • processing wool with a special balm. If you don't know how to do this, read the instructions or watch the video;
  • blow drying;
  • re-combing.

A haircut

The most important thing to remember is the safety of your pet. Never move your pet, irritate it or force it


  • decide on the final option. You must have an exact idea of ​​what you want to get as a result;
  • cutting split ends;
  • removing hair from the ears, nose and head. When trimming the head, you need to be especially careful - in some representatives of this breed the fontanel does not heal, so the dogs are easily injured;
  • body haircut. Here you will have to remove the hair in the area of ​​the dog's genitals and anus, then smoothly move to the stomach. It is better to treat these areas with a clipper, as scissors can injure the animal. But even when working with a clipper or trimmer, be extremely careful so as not to injure the animal’s nipples. If you trim your belly with scissors, be sure to hold them with the ends down;
  • treatment of sides, back, and neck. It is best to use a trimmer designed specifically for this purpose (not a human trimmer). In this case, you should move the machine, repeating the anatomical contours of the animal’s body. Recommended coat length is at least 2 cm;
  • cutting paws. Immediately before the procedure, comb the fur on the paws and begin cutting it in a circle. Remove anything that sticks out below the pad, then be sure to trim the fur between the toes. The hind legs can be trimmed with scissors, moving from top to bottom. In this case, the cuts must be vertical or oblique;
  • If you plan to have a short haircut, do not remove all the hair at once. It is better to do this in several stages;
  • the final stage is the tail. You can cut it either with a machine or with scissors in the direction of hair growth. As a rule, the hair on the tail is left longer than on other areas.

Origin story

Like many modern dog breeds, much of the Chihuahua's history is shrouded in mystery. Historians continue to speculate on the true origins of the breed, but most agree that it traces to Mexico. It was here that the first Chihuahuas known to the world were discovered, and this happened in the mid-1800s.

According to some sources, in 1884, traders in Mexico began selling the small, long-haired Chihuahua. Tourists became the main buyers of the animal, many of them returned to the United States with the dogs and began keeping them in their homes as decorative pets. At that time the breed did not have an official name, for this reason it became known under different names. As a rule, the owners named them after the American state where they were imported.

There is a theory that is more popular. According to her, Chihuahuas are the ancestors of another wild breed of dog that Mesoamerican civilizations were able to domesticate, but if we compare animals, Tehichis are twice as large as modern Chihuahuas.

Following this theory, it is safe to assume that either the Mayans or the Toltecs were the first to domesticate the Techichi. They viewed dogs as guardians of the afterlife, using them in burial ceremonies and as a source of food. They often sacrificed them, made the animal into mummies, and buried them with the owner in the same tomb, believing that it would join him in the afterlife. The Mayans even had 9 different words in their language for dogs, some of which referred to specific varieties. It is not known which breeds were domesticated, but historians believe that the Techichi was definitely on this list.

A recent study of Chihuahua DNA may shed light on the origins of the breed. Researchers from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, have attempted to understand where the most famous dog breeds come from. To do this, it was necessary to compare the mitochondrial DNA of the described breed with animals from Asia and Europe, as well as archaeological finds, in order to see if there was a connection between them.

As a result, scientists have not found any connection between the described breeds. However, they discovered a unique type of Chihuahua DNA that was also present in samples dating back to the pre-Columbian era. All this led to the conclusion that these animals appeared on the territory of Mexico before European explorers landed there.

The first story to feature a Chihuahua was written by James Watson. During a trip to San Francisco with the intention of attending a dog show that took place back in 1888, Watson stopped at El Paso and specifically crossed into Mexico to learn more about the Chihuahua. Here he bought one dog and gave it the name Manzanita. The purchase price was $5. After some time, Watson returned and bought several more animals, among which was Juarez Bell, the first known champion of the described breed.

In the 1890s, the President of Mexico gave Adelina Patti, a famous opera singer at the time, a bouquet of flowers in which he hid a small Chihuahua. Afterwards, the dog was everywhere and always with its owner.

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