Ugly, but so attractive: the scariest dog breeds

As you know, the dog was the first animal that was tamed by man; people have been friends with their four-legged pets for thousands of years. During this time, many dog ​​breeds were both lost and bred, each of which has its own connoisseurs and admirers.

However, there are some that are generally recognized as unattractive, and some downright scary. Some breeds look harmless, but unattractive in appearance, while others are, without exaggeration, intimidating. However, sometimes the loyalty and tenderness of a reliable pet is hidden behind an unflattering appearance.

Bull Terrier

This dog breed began to be bred in England back in the 19th century as a fighting dog. The British called the bull terrier "white gentleman" for its characteristic color. It’s hard to call him an attractive pet: small eyes, an egg-shaped skull, an elongated muzzle and a long tail - all this looks very scary. However, bull terrier owners note the devotion and affection of their charges.

Nevertheless, it is recommended that bull terriers be owned only by experienced dog breeders, since training is required from an early age and an authoritative mentor for a four-legged friend, otherwise his behavior threatens to become uncontrollable, since bloodthirstiness is in his genes.

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested dog only grows hair on its legs and neck, and it is not pretty. It is not known where this breed comes from, but dog experts suggest that it is from Africa. Hairless breeds of dogs descended from ordinary woolly ones, but in hot climates such a mutation occurred.

It is noteworthy that in the second half of the 20th century this breed almost became extinct; only a few representatives survived, which were brought to Great Britain and their numbers increased many times over. The purpose of the Chinese Crested is to bestow love and affection on its owner.

Shar Pei

Another dog whose appearance is very different from the classic one. The Shar Pei has even more folds than the Neapolitan Mastiff. This affects not only the appearance, but also the health of the animal. In the folds, moisture evaporates worse, dirt can accumulate, which ultimately leads to an unpleasant odor, scratching and infection of the skin. The Shar Pei's character is also not a gift: the dog demands respect for itself and does not tolerate familiar treatment. You shouldn’t expect unconditional loyalty from her.

By nature, the Shar Pei is closer to cats than to dogs: it needs a special approach and remembers insults for a long time

Bedlington Terrier

Due to the pear-shaped head, uneven coat of hair over the body and the stooped back, like a hound, it is difficult to call this rare breed cute. Bedlingtons were bred about 200 years ago in Great Britain to hunt rodents; later they began to be attracted to hunting, which affected the breed: the dogs began to show incontinence and aggression in behavior.

Pets are highly intelligent, but their stubborn, complex character should be regularly corrected, so it is better to own a Bedlington Terrier for those who have experience with dogs.

German dog

Great Danes are famous record holders for height among all dogs. Giants simply frighten people with their size and corresponding weight. This breed was bred in Germany specifically for hunting large prey (deer or wild boar). That is why this pet (whose height record at the withers is 1.1 meters) can easily knock down a person.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Mastiff is a descendant of an ancient breed of dogs that took part in battles in the arenas of Ancient Rome. Not many people will like the appearance of Mastino. It seems difficult to make friends with a huge dog with hanging folded skin that visually makes the face even larger.

The mastiff is truly huge; in adulthood, the dog reaches 60 kg in weight, and its height at the withers is about 70 cm. But its frightening appearance does not determine the character of the animal. Mastiffs are very gentle towards their owners, are considered good bloodhounds and have proven themselves to be excellent watchdogs.

American Staghound

In appearance, this dog can be compared to a hyena, only it is much longer-legged. Another name for the breed is the deer dog. It is not entirely clear what this is due to - exceptionally long thin legs or good hunting qualities.

Initially, the breed was generally bred to participate in dog racing, but then it was discovered to be effective in fighting coyotes. By the way, the American Staghound is still not officially recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

In terms of health, the weakest point of the breed is, of course, the legs. Despite the fact that running is vital for such dogs, it is necessary to wisely limit the load. Otherwise, physical activity will lead to joint problems.


It is also a Peruvian orchid of the Incas, who considered the dog sacred. Viringo is another representative of hairless dogs, has a small tuft of hair on its head that looks unkempt and resembles a patch of old gray hair.

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This ancient, primitive breed has been depicted in pottery art that dates back to the 300th century BC. Unlike other dogs, which sweat with their mouths, the Viringo sweats with its body, like a human. Currently, the breed is not in great demand, but the Peruvian Inca Orchid is characterized as a balanced, predictable dog. Viringo is also a vigilant watchman and an obedient companion.

The most terrible and ugly dog ​​breeds

Visually frightening dogs sometimes have a good disposition and an angelic character . In any case, they cannot be denied some originality. Let's look at several of the most popular breeds with a very distinctive and sometimes terrifying appearance.

Bull Terrier

An active participant in dog fights with a death grip of strong jaws, who has the notoriety of a killer dog. The breed was bred specifically for these bloody spectacles and was the result of crossing nimble terriers with clumsy bulldogs. Small slanted eyes on an elongated, blunt, ovoid muzzle, a long, rat-like, almost hairless tail and innate aggression do not evoke sympathy. However, with proper training, a not very attractive fighting dog becomes a gentle and devoted friend.

Bull Terriers look a lot like pigs


Staghounds are otherwise called deer hounds; these dogs have been actively used for deer hunting for many years. The obvious resemblance to a hyena, disproportionately long limbs, and hunchbacked back are surprising and repulsive. Initially, these animals were bred to participate in dog racing (hence the length of their legs), but then they were retrained for hunting. Beneath this unusual and strange appearance lies an aristocratic, fearless, loving and faithful soul.

The American Staghound is a graceful and very agile hunting dog, created specifically for hunting hares and coyotes in the American West.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

The awkward Peruvian hairless dog, romantically called the Inca Orchid, has a naked dark-skinned (sometimes also spotted) skinny body and, for some unknown reason, the necessary woolly light crest on the top of its head. It would be a stretch to call this dog scary, since the lively mind shining in her eyes and good character make it possible to forget about her appearance almost immediately. An ideal companion dog, guide dog and friend, which also does not cause any problems with the coat.

Peruvian Hairless Dog (Spanish: perro sin pelo del Perú), or Peruvian Inca Orchid, or Inca Hairless Dog, or Viringo, or Calato - an ancient primitive breed of dog native to Peru

Bedlington Terrier

A running dog with a sheep's muzzle, a disproportionately built hunchbacked body and short curly fur with bald patches cannot be considered a poor and unfortunate "sheep". These terriers were bred to hunt rodents (rats), and therefore have a very warlike disposition. An active dog that can jump and run non-stop easily wins dog races and even participates in fights. Quite poor health and difficulties in caring for these animals make them very rare and expensive.

The Bedlington Terrier gives the false impression of an innocent “lamb”

Brussels griffin

As a result of crossing a pug and a Shih Tzu, the result was a goggle-eyed, gloomy creature with a flattened muzzle, a forward lower jaw and a body covered with long, patchy hair. Despite its repulsive and cartoonish appearance, the griffin has an extremely cheerful, active and playful character. The dog, which looks like a bearded dwarf, is smart and friendly. He can safely be called one of the most faithful and devoted representatives of the dog tribe to his owners.

Griffon is a small, funny dog ​​with a lively mind; he carefully observes what is happening around him and, thanks to his vigilance, it is unlikely to pass by him unnoticed.


A Hungarian shepherd dog with an excellent scent, but an extremely unkempt appearance. Very long, matted hair resembles dreadlocks, and the whole image is haunted by comparison with an old, dirty mop. But this is an animal with a fine mental organization, intelligent, attentive and easy to train. Puli are active and cheerful, they love to play and frolic, but they require a lot of space for their rapid movements. With proper coat care (haircut, combing), they become quite attractive, but lose their originality.

Puli (Hungarian puli), Hungarian Puli Shepherd Dog, in some sources the Hungarian Water Dog is a breed of herding dog bred in the Middle Ages in Hungary


When looking at a small shaggy dog ​​with protruding ugly teeth and a flattened muzzle, whose appearance is extremely reminiscent of a disheveled black brownie or an embittered monkey, it is difficult to feel tenderness. The rat-catching dog (known since the 16th century), thanks to its unusual appearance, gradually migrated to noble houses and was no longer used for its intended purpose, but has not lost its working qualities to this day. The Affenpinscher has a very fighting and fearless character; it can stand up for itself and for its owner, to whom it is very attached. With poor upbringing and lack of proper attention, it turns into a small, harmful and restless beast.

Affenpinscher is a cheerful black imp with a surprisingly expressive face and wayward character.

Chinese Crested

The ethereal little horse dog with its mane, ponytail and furry legs is at the intersection of ugliness and beauty. The peculiar charm and well-shaped slender body make this hairless dog attractive in its own way. This breed has gained popularity due to its kind, flexible and cheerful disposition. The corydalis, seemingly fragile and delicate, is able to worthily defend its owner, sometimes even at the cost of its own life.

The Chinese Crested Dog is perhaps one of the most original breeds among four-legged dogs.

Our neighbor's daughter is the owner of a Chinese Crested. She often comes to visit her mother with her dog. When the corydalis is released, it runs briskly around the garden, while never ceasing to bark loudly. The family treats the animal like a child, tirelessly carrying it in their arms and pampering it in every possible way.

Sam is a Chinese Crested dog, hairless, toothless and blind, who was a three-time champion of the annual "World's Ugliest Dog" competition in Sonoma-Marin Fair, Northern California from 2003-2005.
Due to his exceptional deformity, the dog is famous throughout the world, and his death was a major headline on major news sites. Santa Barbara resident Susie Lockheed took him in 1999 from the original owner who abandoned the dog. Wikipedia

Sam from the Chinese Crested family was a champion for 3 years


A dog with such a difficult to pronounce name is also called the Mexican Hairless or simply Xolo. The animal is distinguished by a complete absence of fur, as well as smooth and elastic skin, unusual for canines. The Xoloitzcuintle is completely hairless, but has a coarse tuft of fur on its head, giving it a strange appearance, and a few hairs on its paws and tail. Their kind and friendly nature makes these hairless animals excellent companions and amazing friends. They are considered a national treasure in their homeland (Mexico).

The Xoloitzcuintli is an owner of extravagant appearance who has been awarded the title of national treasure of Mexico


The rarest breed of hunting dog is the Turkish hound, a bit like a beagle. At first glance, the animal seems sick, its appearance is so unusual. An irregular angular skull, too wide apart eyes, and a strange forked nose make the dog ugly. But the breed has an excellent sense of smell and agility, for which it is highly valued by hunters. The rather large dog is surprisingly harmless and affectionate, and gets along well with small children.

Catalburun is the rarest representative of the Pointer, which has all the qualities inherent in hunting gundogs.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A huge dog (weighing up to 60 kg) with a depressive expression on his face. Small eyes are practically buried in a huge amount of excess skin, drooping slobbering jowls also do not add attractiveness. A massive and frightening animal hides under its thick folded skin a reliable and loyal family friend, the kindest of whom could not be found. In addition, mastiffs are excellent bloodhounds and often help police officers.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a breed originating from Italy and is used as a guard and guard dog.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Having seen the terrifying “killer dog,” as this breed is commonly called, one can hardly feel sympathy for it. It is no coincidence that the breed is banned in many EU countries. Pit bulls appeared in the United States about 300 years ago by crossing bulldogs and terriers. As a result, the breeders received a dog with very outstanding muscle mass, a broad chest and a powerful jaw.

If a pit bull is a pet, it will become a good watchman and protector, will faithfully serve its owner, and will establish contact even with children, but it is better to do this under the supervision of adults.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a very plump, sad dachshund with an unusual coloring. Perhaps this description fits best. The phlegmatic appearance is combined with huge folds of skin, which can sometimes interfere with walking. The image is complemented by long ears that almost touch the floor. It's hard to believe, but the Basset Hound is a hunting breed, and such ears help to track down prey faster. They trap air along with odors, which makes searching easier.

The Basset Hound is also the dog with the longest ears.


The breed was originally bred for greyhound racing, which is why the breed is characterized by overly long limbs. Staghounds were then retrained as hunters, which explains the long, elongated muzzle.

Looking at this stooped four-legged animal, it is difficult to feel love at first sight, but representatives of this breed are surprisingly affectionate, obedient, get along with other animals, fearlessly protect their owners and are aristocratic in their habits. Keeping staghounds in an apartment is extremely inhumane to the animal: it needs space for regular jogging.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

Looking at the appearance of these dogs, you can’t help but wonder if they were included in our list of freaks by mistake? But many experts believe that there is nothing endearing about the spotted body, the skin color of which is similar to the color of iodine, the short fur, and the tuft of long blond hair growing on the head. However, having gotten to know them better, you realize that this is exactly the case when appearances are deceiving.

The Inca orchid makes excellent guides and hunters. The main thing is just to see their beauty and intelligence. However, many who have encountered this breed in person say that after communicating with such little “energizers”, after only 15 minutes you forget about their shortcomings, short hair, and funny crest. You no longer see this, but the dog’s soul, which is light and radiant.


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

One of the largest and oldest dog breeds. Some individuals are truly terrifying with their size; due to their thick undercoat, they appear even more massive. The vocation of shepherd dogs is to protect the herd from attacks by predators, therefore fear is not inherent in the dog’s temperament; the Caucasian has a decisive and courageous character.

Amenable to training by an authoritative mentor. If an animal is socialized from an early age, it does not threaten to become an uncontrollable beast; on the contrary, this four-legged personality will become an excellent watchman and reliable friend.


These fluffies are included in this list because of their unusual muzzle. She looks very sad, and besides, she has a huge shaggy “mustache” hanging from her. The look turns out to be so stern that the dog can be compared to some professor.

True, the Schnauzer’s character is far from gloomy. True, they are distrustful, but at the same time they are kind and obedient. There are three subspecies of schnauzers, but in appearance they are not very different - only in size.

These dogs present almost no problems when kept and suffer minimal illness. That is why the Schnauzer is often an excellent choice for both beginners in dog breeding and professionals.


One of the oldest breeds developed. Appeared in Hungary in the Middle Ages, the breed served as an indispensable assistant for shepherds when grazing livestock. To those who see the dog for the first time, it resembles an old mop, because its long, thin hair rolls up and becomes like dreadlocks.

It is not recommended to bathe the Puli; all the hair on its body will dry for several days, so it is better to use the services of a dog groomer. As a pet, the Puli has proven itself to be excellent: cheerful, affectionate, easy to train, and also patient and caring when interacting with children.

Dogue de Bordeaux

This Great Dane is not at all cute in appearance, because its thick skin with many folds hangs down on its muzzle, its squat short neck and often protruding lower jaw are not conducive to petting the dog.

Nowadays, the purpose of the Dogue de Bordeaux has changed; it is a reliable companion dog, very sociable, and a gentle pet. Representatives of this breed can live in an apartment, but they need to be provided with daily exercise.

Brussels Griffon

The caricatured appearance of the griffon, if not frightening, then looks very funny: a flattened short muzzle, the corners of its mouth are always lowered, the nose seems to be pressed into the bridge of the nose, bulging eyes.

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The history of the Belgian breed goes back five centuries; the ancestors of modern dogs lived in stables and caught rats. Later they were noticed by the nobility and found a place in the palaces, becoming the favorites of ladies-in-waiting and influential young ladies. Nowadays, it is considered a decorative breed of dog with a soft character, playful disposition and tireless energy, loves attention to itself, and shows aggression only towards large breeds of dogs.

Brussels griffin

Try to imagine a strange cross between a fluffy pug and a Shih Tzu. What comes to mind is the approximate appearance of a rare breed of dog, the Brussels Griffon. These animals have a rather caricatured appearance: large bulging eyes, a flattened face, an incorrect bite, sharpening thick hair, stocky short legs and a very wide sternum. Griffins are quite loving and affectionate, despite their formidable name.


It’s not easy to pronounce the name of a breed correctly the first time, but it’s even more problematic to call it attractive. The Mexican Hairless Dog is considered the oldest breed in the world, and in its homeland it is considered a national treasure.

Such a four-legged friend will not cause problems with fur, because there is no hair on the dog’s body, and some representatives of the breed also lack molars, which is considered normal.

The population of such dogs in the world is currently very small. Despite its not very friendly appearance, the pet is distinguished by its devotion, caring attitude towards its owner and friendly attitude towards other animals in the house.

Peruvian hairless dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is sometimes romantically called the Inca orchid, veringo or calato. This ancient breed was originally developed in Peru. Veringos have a very repulsive and at the same time originally attractive appearance. The dog's dark body is almost completely hairless: only the calato's head and tail have funny white mohawks. These pets are afraid of bright sunny colors, for which they are compared to delicate flowers. There are few nurseries breeding this breed. They are mainly located in the USA.

American Bully

It seems that bully and charm are completely incompatible: a very muscular body with short limbs, a large head and a large mouth make the dog by no means a standard of beauty.

The breed is one of the youngest: a little more than 20 years ago, breeders began crossing a pit bull and an American Staffordshire terrier in order to improve the character of the pit bull and get a hardy fighting dog with less aggression towards other animals.

The breed is unpopular among professional dog breeders, as it differs neither in appearance nor in working qualities. But bully owners note their reliable, balanced character, friendliness towards all family members and the tenderness that dogs show when communicating with household members.

Afghan Hound

Few people will appreciate the attractiveness of this type of greyhound. An elongated thin muzzle, long hair hanging to the floor, a thin long crocheted tail. Such an appearance can be called spectacular, but not the standard of beauty in its classical sense.

Representatives of this breed were brought from Afghanistan to England a hundred years ago; what happened before that and how the breed appeared remains a secret. It is known that the Afghan hound served as a hunter and guard in its homeland. However, dog handlers consider it one of the stupidest breeds. But such a dog quickly becomes a member of the family; it is playful, affectionate and devoted to its owner and even his loved ones.

Let's sum it up

However, in most cases, a bright canine soul hides behind the repulsive appearance. And if you look at it, you will stop seeing the freak in the animal. The most faithful and devoted friend will be next to you.

Which breeds are undeservedly included in this list? Which ones would you add here? Write your answers in the comments.

Author of the article: Olga Shevtsova


In profile, the Catalburun looks like an ordinary dog. But if you look at the face from the front, you will notice the split nose, in some dogs it is so strong that the two halves do not touch each other. This phenomenon could have arisen due to closely related ties, but it is not known for certain how the Catalburuns appeared.

The unique scent of these dogs makes them indispensable assistants to police officers, rescuers, and customs officers. These dogs are also excellent bird hunters. They are very efficient, playful, emotional, attached to home and owner, and love children.

Winners of the ugliest dog competition

In California, for the last 20 years, a competition has been held for the scariest and ugliest dogs of the year. Their purpose is in no way to ridicule. The main task is to encourage people to adopt dogs from shelters and from the street, because appearance does not mean that dogs are not capable of love! Often four-legged friends, barely picked up from yards, win. So, who are the winners?

The Peruvian dog Sam is recognized as the king of scary dogs; his image leads to a creepy state. The appearance is completely damaged due to health problems: bald skin, warts, wrinkles, lack of pupils and a small number of teeth - every detail could scare away any passerby, but this is what helped in gaining world fame. The dog had to be euthanized in 2005, when its health condition was barely compatible with life.


In 2012, the prize was taken by a dog from Great Britain named “Muggly”. The original feature of the dog was gray hairs located throughout the dark skin.

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The 2013 winner was Wally, a beagle-boxer-basset hound cross. The dog's body is completely disproportionate; when viewed, it seems that the dog was deliberately created from several different bodies. The large head looks funny against the background of short legs, making its gait similar to that of a duck. Despite this, the dog looks attractive.


In 2014, the award was taken by Peanut, a mix of Shih Tzu and Chihuahua. The dog's teeth are sticking out, bald patches are visible all over his body, and his eyes do not close. All these qualities are the consequences of an accident, due to which the animal lived in a shelter for 9 months until it was picked up by an owner who loved the pet no matter what.


The strange image helped Quasimodo win in 2015. The shepherd-pitbull mix with a spinal problem looks like a failed Photoshop experiment. The dog was picked up at a shelter, and the owner considers him the friendliest and cutest animal on the planet.

Swee Pee

In 2016, the winner is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested. Swee Pee caught the attention of the judges with his tongue that never goes away, his impressive mohawk and his frog legs. The dog is blind and always wears diapers.


Hybrid of a wolf and a dog. This four-legged friend looks terrifying, since there is a strong resemblance to a wolf, and some individuals reach, without exaggeration, gigantic sizes. The life expectancy of this breed is 40 years.

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In nature, the crossing of two animals (a wolf and a dog) occurs without human intervention. The wolfdog has a wayward character, does not become attached to its owner, and its predatory instinct is much more pronounced than in other dog breeds. It is not recommended to have a wolf-dog for families with children, since he only obeys those whom he considers to be of higher rank.


The first mention of Affenpinscher dates back to the 16th century. The origins of the breed lie in Germany. At that time, Affenpinschers were bred as rat catchers. The dogs were larger in size, and the fur was not black, as it is now, but grey, yellow or brown. Gradually, the breed began to move from stables and farmlands to noble houses. Now Affenpinschers are small dogs with an unusual muzzle. Outwardly, the dog does not look very friendly, but the character of Affenpinschers is calm and good-natured. The dogs are very inquisitive and get along well with small children. True, Affenpinschers do not get along well with other pets.


The non-standard appearance of the Affenpinscher dog captivates some, while repelling others. The first association that comes to mind when you see an Afferpinscher is a small (usually they weigh less than 3 kg) shaggy imp, the protruding lower jaw gives its appearance a menacing appearance.

The German breed appeared at the beginning of the 17th century; small, nimble dogs easily hunted small rodents in barns and stables. The Affenpinscher is very flexible when communicating with his owner, but at the same time he is a tireless mischief-maker who, even in old age, retains his mobility and playfulness. Nowadays, the breed is considered decorative, but Affenpinschers also have guard skills.


The dog arches its back because it is in pain and tries to relieve the pain. Pain can occur in various parts of the dog's body, including the intestines, anal area, and spine.

  1. Nausea . Nausea is much less complicated and dangerous than gastric volvulus, also known as bloating. A dog may feel nauseous from something as simple as motion sickness, eating something that disturbs its intestines, or eating something toxic to its body, or the cause may be as complex and serious as gastroenteritis or parvovirus. Dogs of any breed, age, or gender can develop nausea.
  2. Dilatation of the stomach - volvulus . On the other hand, gastric volvulus is a condition in which the stomach rotates out of its normal position. It is mainly seen in large breed dogs with deep chests and is more common in older dogs than young ones. In each case, the dog's stomach hurts, so the dog may arch its back and pull up its stomach to relieve the pain.
  3. Diseases of the anal sac . Anal sac disorders can manifest as anal sac blockage, infection, or abscess. Your dog should be able to secrete fluid from the anal glands. If the fluid cannot be released, the affected fluid inside the anal glands creates increasing tension, causing the dog to bend its hindquarters down to relieve the tension. When a dog's hind end is tilted downward, its back may arch. Anal sac disease can develop in any dog, but is more common in small dogs.
  4. Intervertebral disc diseases . Intervertebral disc disease and other spinal injuries can cause your dog to experience potentially unbearable spinal pain. As with digestive and anal sac disorders, the dog will arch its back to try to relieve tension and pain caused by the disorder or injury. Intervertebral disc disease (IVD) occurs when the discs between a dog's vertebrae rupture. This can be very painful and even lead to loss of sensation and paralysis.
  5. Spinal injury . Spinal trauma can also be caused by external causes such as bites, car accidents and other injuries. While any dog ​​can be injured by an external source, intervertebral disc disease is more likely in breeds that carry genetic dwarfism, such as Dachshunds, Pekingese, Beagles and Lhasa Apsas.

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Cane Corso

This breed is a descendant of ancient gladiator fighting dogs. Cane Corso dogs can also hardly be called cute: the skin on the face hangs down, which pulls the lower eyelid down, the muzzle itself is upturned, powerful muscles, and in general the dog looks somewhat stretched out.

Still, you cannot judge a book by its cover, or a dog by its exterior, because the Cane Corso has excellently developed important qualities. An excellent responsible guard, a balanced member of the family, he can attack only at the command of the owner or in response to aggressive actions. Corsos also have a highly developed “parental instinct”; such a dog treats children very carefully.

Italian Greyhound

Not long ago, this breed was classified as an ornamental breed. Previously, the Italian greyhound was a hunter of small animals and birds. The greyhound's miniature relative looks awkward: with thin long legs, an elongated muzzle, a hunched back, a skinny build coupled with short hair.

And yet, the Italian Greyhound is present in the paintings of many artists of the 18th and 19th centuries. The meaning of life for an Italian Greyhound is to selflessly serve its owner. Dogs of this breed are considered one of the most submissive and have a hard time being separated from their owner. The delicate and vulnerable nature of the Italian Greyhound cannot tolerate physical punishment; such episodes will leave an indelible mark on the animal’s psyche.

English bulldog

Although the bulldog is considered the national dog of England, many are put off by their peculiar appearance: a short and wide upturned muzzle and a very large head on a stocky body. These bulldogs were bred a century and a half ago as baiting dogs in the “blood sport” of bull baiting.

These days, such a bulldog is a good companion and bodyguard. When kept at home, the dog is unpretentious, he is calm and even somewhat phlegmatic, flexible and quite predictable in behavior, a true four-legged gentleman.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what a dog looks like externally, or how scary it is, the main thing is that every breed, with proper upbringing, will become your best friend!

Preventing back arching

Nausea prevention is a practice you should incorporate into your daily care for your healthy dog. Keep toxic substances away from it. Pay close attention to his surroundings, including making sure there is nothing dangerous in the yard. If any potentially dangerous elements, such as bees and wasps, cannot be removed from the yard, then you should always supervise your dog when he is in the yard. Make sure his toys are safe and unbreakable, without any easily swallowed parts. Because other dogs can carry dangerous viruses such as parvo, always monitor your dog's use of parks. Because gastric volvulus or bloating is often associated with age or genetics, it can't always be prevented, but you can reduce the likelihood of it developing by keeping your dog calm and stress-free.

You may be able to learn how to express your dog's anal glands at home; Discuss this with your veterinarian. Check your dog's anal sacs regularly to make sure they are not exposed to excess retained fluid. And while some forms of spinal injuries have a genetic basis, such as intervertebral disc disease, generally keeping your dog injury-free can help prevent injuries from car accidents, gunshot wounds and bites.

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