Graceful and aristocratic: 16 most expensive cat breeds

The cat is a companion animal that has accompanied humans for more than ten thousand years. Big and small, fluffy and bald, they have always been and remain favorite pets. But there is also a fashion for these animals, which dictates its own trends, and makes their acquisition sometimes a very expensive purchase.

Watch the video of the TOP 10 most expensive cat breeds on our Youtube channel Mister Cat:


This is a hybrid breed - a combination of a domestic cat and an African serval. There are 5 types depending on the percentage of wild blood - the highest is the F1 type.

Kittens can cost up to $35,000.

Savannah is large in size. Height at the withers is up to 60 cm, weight is 15 kg. A cat reaches its maximum size by 3 years. The body is oblong with an elongated neck and long legs. The coat is thick and spotted. The ears are large and round, set wide apart, with rounded tips.

The breed is characterized by activity and a calm character. A cat can adapt to any conditions, but room for movement is important to it. The animal likes fresh air and is not afraid of water.

Wild cats at home are the most expensive of them

Wild cats have become very popular pets since the end of the last century. Although their acquisition and maintenance are very expensive for the owner.


This is a separate species of the cat family - a bush cat, widespread today throughout Africa, except the Sahara.

This tall, long-legged animal with a short tail and high-set ears has a bright spotted color. Height at the withers is up to 65 centimeters, body length including tail is almost one and a half meters, weight is about 20 kilograms.

It was domesticated by people back in Ancient Egypt. For many centuries it was the object of the fur trade. There are fourteen subspecies, one of which, the northern one, is listed in the Red Book as endangered. Protected by the CITES convention.

The first decade of our century, a tame Serval was considered an indispensable attribute of a luxurious life; the cost of a kitten reached up to 50 thousand dollars. Today you can buy such a pet from professional breeders for ten thousand, but its maintenance will also require large expenses. The pet needs a large area for play, an enclosure, and food only fresh raw meat.


Black brush or black ear, this is how this word is translated from the language of the Turkic peoples. This species of predatory mammal still lives over a fairly large area of ​​Africa, India and Turkmenistan.

It resembles a large lynx with its reddish ticked uniform coat and tufts on its large ears, but morphologically it is more likely to be a puma. Height at the withers is up to 50 centimeters, body length including a short tail is up to one meter, weight is about 20 kilograms.

An intelligent and careful animal is well tamed; professional breeders raise tame kittens, taking them away from their mother at birth. Cost - from ten thousand dollars.

Read about Caracals.


This predatory cat has the most beautiful colors in the world, its bright spotted skin has long been the object of the fur trade, now trade in these cats is prohibited, the species is protected by CITES.

It is impossible to tame a wild animal; even kittens weaned from their mother find it extremely difficult to socialize. But the unusual beauty of this cat makes exotic lovers buy such a pet. The cost of kittens is from fifteen thousand dollars. An enclosure is required for maintenance, preferably with a small pond.


The "mountain lion" is native to the Americas. This is a very large cat, up to two meters in length, weighing about seventy kilograms.

It is difficult to tame, even a hand-fed kitten after puberty should be transferred only to kennel keeping. There are no breeders in Russia today. Buying a kitten is difficult. Its cost is from 20 thousand dollars.


The Canadian or North American lynx subspecies is common as pets; breeders call it Bob Cat. Body length is about a meter, height at the withers is up to 65 centimeters, weight is up to fourteen kilograms. Half the size of the common lynx. The coat is quite long, brown-red in color, large ears end with characteristic tassels, and a short tail.

North American lynx or bob cat

The animal is recommended only for enclosure keeping. The price of the kitten is about five thousand dollars.

Common lynx

Reed or swamp cat

Haus has been domesticated by people since the time of the Sumerian civilization. From there this species came to Ancient Egypt. This medium-sized cat's personality makes it easy to socialize. Short ticked coat, red or grey.

Tame kittens can be fully socialized and, with proper upbringing, can live in a house next to a person. The cost of the kitten is about seven thousand dollars.


These cats resemble toy tigers.

A kitten can cost $15,000.

The breed is short-haired. The main background is brown, with dark stripes on the back, chest, belly, paws and tail. The fur is plush, the presence of sideburns on the sides of the muzzle is appreciated. The eyes are small, the eyelids droop slightly. The ears are slightly rounded. Not all organizations have yet recognized the breed.

Housey (chausie)

This breed is the result of crossing a wild jungle cat and an Abyssinian domestic cat, and regularly requires an influx of new wild blood.

The cost of kittens reaches $10,000.

The weight of a cat can reach 10 kg. The body is strong and muscular, the legs are long. Large ears are equipped with tassels (not always). The head is small, the chin is strong, the cheekbones are slightly angular. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be greenish or golden.

It is preferable to keep the Houseie in a spacious enclosure - the animal is active and needs a lot of space to move. The cat loves communication, but will not sit in your arms.

Laperm, up to $2,500

This breed, like many others, was formed by accident. A female breeder discovered that one kitten was different from its siblings. He was curly. After some time, she took part in a cat show. The unusual cat interested the judges. The breed was given the name Laperm (Perm translated from French as perm).

Animals of this breed have a small body, their weight usually does not exceed 4 kilograms. A distinctive feature of Laperms is their wool, which resembles mohair; it can be either short or long.

Character . Cats are very inquisitive and do not like being alone. Communication with the owner is very important for them. These are quite kind animals; they will not come into conflict with other pets. They are loyal to children, but will not tolerate a familiar attitude.


Thai cat breed with ancient pedigree.

Kittens cost $7,000-10,000.

A distinctive feature of the breed is different eye colors, although this is not necessary; photographers simply prefer this option.

Eyes can be blue, green or amber. The color is white, black and white is possible, but this is rare. The build is average, muscular, height can reach 25-30 cm, weight - 3.5-5 kg. The head is heart-shaped, the ears are large, the eyes are oval.

This breed is characterized by intelligence, curiosity, agility and playfulness. The cat becomes attached to humans and gets along well with children and pets.

5.Bengal cat

  • Origin of breed: USA
  • Weight: 6-8 kg
  • Approximate price: $1,100-4,000

The species was bred by mixing the genotypes of an Asian leopard and a domestic specimen; Bengals are included in the list of the 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world. Most often they are mobile and not at all aggressive. They prefer outdoor activities, so they need to be provided with a large free area. They have a bizarre habit of climbing onto the shoulders of their owner. They are quite large and heavy, so it would be good to wean them from such attempts from childhood. They are not averse to playing in the water; they are very demanding of the attention and affection of their owners. The combination of a predatory appearance and a gentle character has gained them great popularity.

Bengal cat

The breed is a hybrid of a domestic cat and a Bengal (Far Eastern cat).

The average cost of kittens is $5,000.

Bengal cats have an exotic appearance - spotted or marbled in color, strong and muscular body. The short coat is thick, shiny and silky. The ears are small or medium-sized, slightly tilted forward. The eyes are oval and large, set widely apart.

The breed is characterized by a well-developed hunting instinct; the animal loves to play at any age. From childhood, it must be accustomed to handling; if kept in an enclosure, the cat can become wild. The breed is not dangerous for children and other pets.

British shorthair cat

British shorthair cat

Plush, mustachioed burly men are regulars on film sets, advertising popular cat food. This is not surprising, because they are so pleasant to watch. Looking incredibly good-natured, British Shorthair cats have long become a collective image of a classic pet.

The ancestors of this breed are considered to be cats brought to Britain by Roman legionnaires. The animals were distinguished by their outstanding hunting abilities and remarkable physical characteristics, but modern representatives of the breed have lost these qualities. Many of them, if they eat improperly, are prone to obesity and become clumsy with age. Breeders had to work to make British Shorthair cats resistant to disease.

Charmingly plump in appearance, the British are, in fact, quite stocky and quite powerful. They have a large head, thick cheeks and large, round eyes with a copper tint. The most popular color of the plush fur of these cats is solid (gray, blue-gray, black, lilac, chocolate). The character of the British Shorthair is calm, flexible, but independent. They treat strangers selectively and rarely allow strangers to approach them. The British will always be extremely dissatisfied if someone, even the owner, wants to carry him in their arms. Prices for British aristocrats range from $500-1500.

British shorthair cat

Persian cat

This is one of the oldest and very popular breeds. Cats are long-haired and can only live indoors.

The cost of kittens reaches $5000.

Persians have about a hundred different color varieties. Cats are white and black, gray and blue, red and red, cream and purple. The nose is small, wide and snub. The legs are short and muscular. Sizes are medium or large - weight can reach 7 kg. Large eyes are open and round.

Persian cats are characterized by willfulness and stubbornness, but at the same time their character is balanced. The breed is calm, the animal rarely speaks, and has a neutral attitude towards children.

Designer cats

Even in order to qualify as an experimental breed, breeders need to work on selection with new animals, sometimes for decades. But cats of a new, unusual species are born, live, find new owners, love and recognition. True connoisseurs of exotics are looking for just such single specimens, a cat that no one else has. Such breeds are called designer.


The Bristol is a hybrid animal obtained by crossing a very rare representative of the predatory cat nature, the Margay (long-tailed cat) and the American Shorthair.

Initially, these cats were recognized as an independent breed. But due to the lack of a gene pool and small numbers, they were excluded from the list. Today they are rare, so they are still considered a designer variety. Their cost starts from ten thousand dollars.


These unique kittens were obtained by Russian breeders in 2015. Several wild cats were used in the crossing - Asian Leopard cat, Ocelot and hybrid breeds - Chausie F1 (first generation hybrid), Bengal F3, domestic cats - Abyssinian cat and some others. Kittens of different colors were obtained, characterized by a wild appearance and grace, large sizes - the weight of a two-three year old cat reaches sixteen kilograms.

The animal of the first generation is well socialized and is absolutely not aggressive. He has a loyal character, like a dog. There have already been reports in the media about the new “domestic lynx”.

Selection work continues. A breed standard is being prepared for registration with TICA. The cost of kittens is from one to twenty thousand dollars, depending on individual characteristics.

Singapura cat

Short-haired breed.

A kitten can cost up to $5,000.

Singapore is characterized by its small size. It reaches 2-3 kg and is the smallest officially recognized cat.

The only color allowed is sepia agouti (golden cream). It appears by the age of six months, and eye color is finally formed only by 1.5 years. The body is compact and strong. Rounded chest, slightly arched back. The tip of the tail is slightly rounded, the paws are small and oval. The ears are very large with a wide base, the eyes are also very large and round.

The Singapura is very affectionate and active, and is easy to train. She becomes attached to her owner and can be intrusive.

Egyptian Mau

An ancient cat breed that was highly revered in Ancient Egypt.

Today, the cost of kittens can reach $5,000.

The breed is short-haired, medium size. The color is spotted, and there are spots not only on the coat, but also on the skin. The color can be silver, bronze or smoky. 2 lines are required under the eyes and on the cheekbones, there should be an M-shaped pattern above the eyes, and a W-shaped pattern at the level of the ears. Almond-shaped eyes should have a green color; up to 1.5 years, a yellow tint is allowed.

The cat is active and sociable; loneliness is not for her. The breed is characterized by excellent vision, smell, hearing and high speed - up to 58 km/h. The cat is very clean and loves water.

TOP 15+ most expensive cats in the world - price and photos

The most expensive cats in the world - price and photo. Cats are very beautiful and graceful creatures. They have been around humans for more than ten thousand years and are considered the most common domestic animal. Today, a huge number of breeds have been bred: some appeared independently, some artificially, but each of them certainly deserves attention. Depending on how rare the breed is, the cost can reach tens of thousands of dollars. In this collection we have collected the most expensive cats.

Cost of a kitten (25-70 thousand dollars): Albino mouse Thailand, 2018 Black Panther, Ecuador, 2013

A purebred white cat named Beauty, whose value is unknown, lives and lives in the Paris Museum of Art and Science. She is three years old and almost as perfect as her female sisters. A carrier design was developed especially for her, which can be used to bend her paws so that she does not slip on the floor. Price: $1.6 million

Gourmet cat, Exot, New York, 2010. Length: 46 cm. Lucky the white panther lives at the National Cat Club of the Exotic Federation in San Francisco. She weighs only 6 kg and is on the verge of mixed race: it is believed that she should have a high collar like a lion, ears like the tips of a banshee's pointed mustache, and snow-white claws like polished ivory. Lucky can eat and drink from a food bowl, but always insists on being fed exclusively from her favorite dish. She loves to always have fresh food, fresh water and candles in her bowl. Cats of this type always choose house shoes to complement their owner's shoes.

Formally, her value is $1.3 million, but given her health problems, it can be assumed that her real value is five or even ten times more.

Dwarf mongoose, Cambodia, 2010. This scavenger cat, named Romalius, was brought to people by his owner from a Buddhist monastery in the city of Siem Reap. She needed help training her pet so he could hunt rats and bring their tails home.

Simba is a cat that is about a hundred years old and is considered the oldest cat in the world. Cats of this breed have only one tassel on their tail. The owner of this luxurious tassel has long been considered the most expensive cat in the world, but in 2014 she managed to outsell another representative of the cat breed, the Elephant, in price. A cat with such a tassel was called the oldest wild cat in the United States.

Cezaro is considered the most expensive cat in the world. He is now over 90 years old. The cat was born in Italy and died in the USA in 2009. The most expensive cat was named the American Cat. This cat and his owner, an American woman from Utah, not only have the most expensive color, but also the highest level of intelligence among all cats - 8.2, which allows American Cats to claim the status of the smartest pet in the world.

Arcane, a cat owned by Grantly Chopping from Utah, stayed at the top of the most expensive ranking of the most expensive cat in the world for 5 years.

Cats in the Highlands National Park are a breed of fishing cats. The cost today is $60,000. The only cat to hold the title “Lord of the Planet” is the Devon Wildcat – she is the most expensive cat on the planet. But this is not the only recognition of this cat - the kitty also has the highest IQ (8.2) among all cats. All this makes cats from this breed very popular.

Which is currently the oldest and most expensive cat breed is the Maine Coon. The title of the most expensive cat among Maine Coons has long been held by a cat named Playboy, a cat from the USA who died in 2009. A cat named Kwanzaa is the only cat in the world who is rated as the smartest cat in the world.

Tiger Amur and goat Timur $1,200,000 for one. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev allowed Kozak and Timur to live in freedom in the Kozelsky and Sukhinichi districts of the Kaluga region. Tear gas was used in public habitats to remove them from their main habitats and prevent them from entering Russia. Two tigers were caught on June 11, 2014, and soon arrived in the Kaluga region as pets at a price of $12,000 per one.

Gray Asiatic Lion / Pine Ralph $1,500,000. The most expensive lion ever caught. The cost of this Lion Tiger, which weighs almost 7 kg and can reach speeds of up to 37 km/h, was $3.5 million. The cost of the boy who died in the accident was $1,500. Due to an incident that occurred in 2014, Iran decided to ban the hunting of these predators.

Serval/Hope, the most expensive of the wild cats at $1,300,000. The serval is the smallest animal on Earth, weighing only 4 kg. The cost of this wild cat is estimated at $1.6 million per animal. You can also buy an adult tiger for $1 million.

Egyptian Mau / Pharaoh $1,700,000 (several animals). The Egyptian Mau is the largest land animal on the planet. The cost of the animal is $1,700. The brightly colored breed is very beautiful, but also very dangerous and spends a lot of time in open places.

Leopard / Golden Panther / Green Gore / Griffin $1,700,0000. Beautiful cat. The cost of one animal is about $1,800. The best spotted variety.

Royal Cat / Blanco $1,700,000. As for this breed, they are descendants of the domestic shorthair cat.

Golden Retriever worth $50 million. The most expensive dog breed in the world is the Golden Retriever. The breed owes its origin to John Campion, who was a world-famous hunter and judge. It was he who received recognition for his work related to the evaluation, breeding and selection of hunting dogs. In 2011, he became the owner of Royal Canin Stable and Experts. In addition to directly judging dogs for hunting in the past, he has added work with their breeding progeny and trained many judges around the world. As a result, the breed became very popular. The appearance of the dog, the history of its origin, as well as the pedigrees of all its ancestors are carefully preserved.

The world champion golden poodle named Brandy is worth £50 million ($64 million). World Hot Dog Eating Championship winner Arnie could be worth up to 50 million euros. The most expensive Maine Coon cat in the world, which cost its owner $50 million. The other breed with the most titles in the whole of Great Britain is the British Blue. Its cost is as much as 50 million ($54 million). The snake hawk (Taenia campa insignis) costs from $52 million to $59 million (from 62 million rubles to 63 million).

Costing between $52 million and $57 million, the Scottish Fold is the most expensive cat breed in the world. The Duke of Poitiers cat, which is estimated at $50-55 million. The cat was the result of crossing Scottish Fold and British breeds, and his great-grandfather was a conqueror (French Marshal Henri de Toulon). Other famous Duke cats also had British ancestors: Cecil Scott Cottage, Cameron Cottage, Cottage Place, Cottages and Cottage. _________________________________

On December 4, 1975, the International Cat Fanciers Club adopted a new ephemeris for the breed with the official name "Maine Coon". However, the breed was officially registered in the UK five years later, in 1981.

From that moment on, cat shows began to be held in Manhattan and Sydney. And in 1982, the breed was adopted in the USA.

In 1990, the breed was officially recognized by the Cat Fanciers Club of the Philippines.

Moreover, if in 1976 Maine breeders considered all Siamese as their own and called them “Siamans,” then abroad it is customary to call only one breed - Maine Coon.

Initially, the breed was created for farmers who tried to breed a breed with good wool. However, many “discoverers” of the Maine Coon were immediately disappointed in this, because they did not see the charm and grace of the Siamese cat breed, and concluded that British cats have nothing in common with their ancestors. However, they were forced to admit that they could not be considered the direct ancestors of modern Maine Coons.

The next attempt to breed a purebred animal was made in 1888, but it was also unsuccessful. The breeder's second son, Harry Peck, crossed a Siamese cat and a Cornish Rex. He called the result "Sefinder". But the real “star” of the breed is a cat named Kimberly Magic. In 1896, he became the first Maine Coon kitten.

But the founder of the breed, a cat named Lisi, was born in England and arrived in America on August 12, 1883. They placed him in a poor shelter and brought him to New York, where he lived most of his life.

The further career of the breed followed the path of development, and the animals became more and more unique and beautiful. Some of their pets named cat breeds by their names. Thus, the cat nicknamed “Bonzo” was “Benito Mussolini,” and his ancestor, nicknamed “Charlie,” was named “China.” "Maine Coon" is translated from English as "great gray". And for good reason. Maine cats, like other breeds, combine qualities such as strength, intelligence and agility.

It is recognized that the Maine Coon is one of the most expensive breeds, whose cost per year reaches 50,000 US dollars. At the moment they are trying to adapt them to home conditions so that they fit better into the urban landscape.

Maine Coons are a very capricious cat, stubbornness and the desire to do things their own way are its main character traits, but sometimes you get the feeling that these cats are scared.

After all, it is Maine Coons that are most often adopted at shows to prove that they are strong, brave and independent. The main feature of the breed is its elongated muzzles. Smaller than other breeds, the elongated muzzle resembles a cat's muzzle, only without the usual snub nose.

Firstly, the Maine Knur is certainly a big cat, thanks to its long body length and wide chest. But at the same time, the length of the tail and the length of the claws of this breed is only 3/4 of the body size.

Secondly, this breed is absolutely not adapted to being kept in an apartment. Maine Coon cats do not have the typical needs for food, sleep, etc. of their relatives. At the same time, Maine Coon cats are very sensitive and, even if they do not have any complexes, they can still show aggression.

Thirdly, these cats should live in a house with other cats, since the Maine Coon can cause injury to any of the cats, and forcing a Maine Coon cat is not difficult.

The claws of this breed are trimmed, which also makes it poorly suited for apartments. Maine Coon cats have a very fragile body and thin skin. This is why they need to eat well. In addition, they have very sensitive and delicate skin.

It is not recommended to replace kittens that are less than a year old and have grown up. The growth of Maine Coons is facilitated by the nurseries from which they came. _______________________________

The most popular breed is the British Shorthair cat. She has a calm temperament, but can also fight with each other, for example, with a Persian or a sphinx. But if your dog and cat become friends, which is quite rare, then naturally they will walk together. However, you will have to be patient, because the British are very fond of games and games, and their walk is not the same as a walk with their beloved pet.

If you decide to get a kitten, you need to find out where they feed: Some breeds get along well with others, but you still shouldn’t buy ones that are more similar to each other. Typically, such differences in behavior and appearance distinguish purebred and outbred cats. Choose a pet only according to your taste.

If a cat is your type, then nothing will stop you from exercising with it every day on the floor, walking it, taking it to the veterinarian and doing yoga.

Do I need to train to the tray? Like all animals, cats love to sleep, chew, and play pranks. Therefore, at home, it is best to provide a tray and litter for cat litter. Also, do not forget about such a device as a scratching post.

For the cat's space, you need a special bowl with high sides for food and water. The food plate should always be clean, as cats are used to eating from the same bowl.

What kind of cats are best to have in an apartment? The most popular breeds are British, Scottish, and Siamese cats.

Despite the fact that each breed has its own advantages, the choice is still yours. _________________________________

Excellent hereditary qualities, slender figure, gentle character, extraordinary grace and unique charm! The American cat is an exceptional cat breed that was created by crossing a Siamese and a Persian cat. Cats of this breed have a dense build, medium-length hair of golden and brown color, well-developed muscles, superbly developed long and thick hair. They are simply adorable!

The American cat has inherited from its ancestors almost all the qualities of its distant ancestors - Siamese cats. In her appearance, she retained all the virtues and habits of the Siamese, but at the same time she clearly moved away from their classic appearance. Sharp angles in the shape of the head, heavy paws, massive chest, wide and long back with a small loin, straight set tail. These features distinguish the American cat from its direct and loud relatives. Truly a bright character.

Looking at the kittens of an American cat, you would never guess that these are not cute creatures at all, but real predators! From early childhood they firmly learned that their main task is the struggle for survival. And therefore, win as many new friends as possible. Over time, they turn into real tigers. These cats have a persistent character, independent and self-sufficient. They are very active, active during the day, but at night they sleep, so we never see them with their eyes open. The American Shorthair is similar in many ways to the Maine Coon.

Even the same name sounds different in different languages. For example, in Japanese - "Mori", in Chinese - "Mei", in English - "Sie", in German - "Chic". All this is no coincidence. The Maine Coon is not just a mystical cat, he is the result of crossing a Maine Coon and a German Shepherd. And “Chic” is translated as “mystery.” The American cat breed was developed by adding various genes from other breeds to Siamese cats in order to create so-called healthy and beautiful offspring. Keeping and caring for an American cat also has its own characteristics. Her fur is very soft, silky, but at the same time dense and tough. The cat does not require special care. _______________________________

American Curl. These cats love to sit high on their hind legs and cuddle with yours. Their dedication is simply amazing! They differ from the so-called “curls” by their narrow, graceful head, short muzzle, large and round eyes, and long noses. They also have a long and thin tail. Similar to the Great Dane, American Curls are famous for their powerful, calm nature, loyalty and desire to care for their owners.

Their coat is short, denser at the tips and very soft to the touch, which is its important quality. These cats love to sit on their owners’ laps and be cuddled; they can also be placed in the same room with children. American Curls are fully adapted to living in an apartment. They are unpretentious and capable of performing a variety of physical activities, from pets to sports equipment. American Curls have sensitive skin, making them ideal pets.

By blending in with a tiger or cubs, American Curls do an excellent job of fighting rodents. Their affectionate purring and tender gaze are rare! The American Curl weighs only 3-5 kilograms, and their body length reaches 60 centimeters. Hairless cats are perhaps the most ancient cats on earth. They are very popular with cat lovers, although no one knows for sure who these first cats were. However, over time, hairless cats became very widespread in the world, from Egypt to Oceania. Long-haired breeds of hairless cats have their own characteristics.

Typically, these cats have a long and soft undercoat, especially in light-colored cats, but in golden-colored cats there is practically no undercoat, so they have very soft and delicate fur. Their fur is especially valued by the British. The natural color of such cats can be either white-cream or gray-blue. The coat can be absolutely anything - hard and soft, straight and wavy, smooth and silky. Adult animals may have one of the following colors. Long-haired cats can be black, brown, or gray, while short-haired cats can be pure white. They can have any number of markings - black, pink, blue, white. ______________________________

In order to get a Ragga kitten, you don’t have to be the owner of a mini-box or spend a lot of money on an expensive show. The fact is that in Russia this breed is not particularly popular due to its rather complex, even scandalous reputation, which is why kittens are mainly sold in private breeding. However, there are several nurseries that breed ragjacks, although the cost of puppies here is much higher.

Ragdolls became famous in Europe and America in the second half of the 20th century. They came to Russia in the late 90s. Visiting European exhibitions, exhibitions in the USA, the ring and other competitions, our beauties won prizes and left even recognized leaders far behind. What is so special about this breed?

Ragdolls are American shorthair cats. The fur of representatives of this breed is short, thick and not very dense, although the color can be different: either monochromatic or with a large number of different shades. It is very pleasant to the touch, which makes ragdolls even more attractive. In their appearance, they are not much different from their breed brothers; they are just as graceful, elegant and aristocratic.

The character of Ragdolls is quite calm. Cats do not like noisy companies and prefer loneliness. There are a lot of rumors about ragdoll cats; the main quality of representatives of this breed is considered to be their sociability, they love to communicate with people. Every cat is thrilled with attention, and those cats that don’t like to be the center of attention become even more sociable. _________________________________

There is a real legend that the soul of a cat lives in cats. Once upon a time in Siberia there were no cats, but only bears. But recently, in the Siberian city of Omsk, where the cat lived, many cats have appeared. And, of course, the young ladies could not allow many hungry bears to roam the streets of the city. And so our hero suddenly began to come to the city and distribute elephants and kittens. At the same time, before distributing the kittens, he closely watched the young ladies and asked them: “Do you know what smoke smells like?” What does snow smell like?

They say a cat should have its own scent. And seeing that the girls did not recognize this smell, he decided: “There will be no more cats,” and disappeared from the city. And at some point, strange things began to happen in the city of Omsk. At night, cats began to come to the city streets in search of kittens. And some had cats who found the homes of their orphaned brothers and sisters. The city welcomed new residents into its family... Each cat takes care of its brothers and sisters in its own way. Someone stretches the bandage, someone goes to the veterinarian, someone talks to the cat, and someone just plays with it and hugs it... This nurse cat brought newborn offspring to the owners' house, which they raised.

By the way, she provided assistance and nursed a kitten that was born with a skull injury. The kitten recovered, and the grateful owners began to feed it, otherwise they themselves lived no better. Therefore, each new cat brought joy and, of course, love to the house. When the owner arrived, the first thing he did was look at his cat and thought for a long time: “Has my cat changed?”

And then he scolded the cat for not returning for so long. And everything in the house sparkled - both from cleaning and from the appearance of new things. And the cat, in gratitude for the care, went hunting - he brought his brothers into the house and taught them to hunt... And one day, when the owner took the cat to the store, she easily fluttered out of the apartment and, together with her brothers and sisters, sat on the roof of the house. _____________________________

Sphynxes differ from other types of cats in that the body and head (only half the head) are located on the same line. The bones, which are more than 1.2 meters long, end in chewing teeth. The neck is short and low set, but very mobile, the head is held high (they hint that the owner of this cat is not shy about his appearance).

There are Sphynx breeds that boast another distinctive feature: they have a strong tail.

Sphynx cats are bred in North and South America. The most common two varieties of cat breeds are exotic and sphinx. Exotics – longhaired, shorthaired and semi-longhaired cats. Bred as a result of crossing the Burmese and Egyptian breeds with the Siamese.

They have a relatively small stature, not very powerful muscles and a powerful body. The head of the Sphinx is very long and thin, so even with good body proportions, due to the narrow muzzle, it seems that their owner has a short and fragile skull. Exotic cats have hair that is not woolly or long. In some breeds, the hair is so long that it forms a “raincoat”, behind which the animal can easily hide.

Cats of this breed simply love to be held, sleep on them, or lie in the quiet of their own corner. However, this breed also has significant disadvantages that exotic cats have. The “clutch” of their first litter cannot contain more than 2-4 kittens. Most of them die from various diseases.

Problems with neurology and kidneys, as well as with the digestive system, often arise. In addition, they have extremely weak hair - almost two centimeters in a curl, and very poor health.

A cat has a very sensitive nervous system, which often leads to its death from stress. Despite this, exotics were highly valued in the 18th century and were actively used for entertainment: kittens with goldfish, a hot air balloon and a turtle with a Polaroid camera.

With the advent of people in the 19th century who began breeding Sphynx cats, intensive breeding of cats of this breed began in the United States. Sphinxes have become very popular. In 1971, the first World Congress of Sphynx cat lovers was held, which brought together representatives from seven countries. The most famous and popular breed of Sphynx is the Egyptian one.


This breed is very unusual. Due to their appearance, such cats are sometimes called dachshunds.

The cost of kittens can reach $4000.

The Munchkin has a body of medium length, but its paws are 2-3 times shorter than usual. The head is proportional to the body, the contour is rounded, high cheekbones protrude. The ears are medium or large, proportional to the head, have a wide base, and the tips are slightly rounded. Almond-shaped eyes are large or medium, the color is not related to color. The coat can be short or long.

The munchkin does not stand on its hind legs, but sits on its seat, resting its tail. The cat can spend a long time in this position; it looks like a kangaroo.

American Curl

Cost - $1000-3000

This breed of cat is distinguished by the original shape of its ears, as if turned back. Kittens are born with ordinary ears, but after a few days they become so unique. Their fur can be short or long. The color also varies. Cost from 1 to 3 thousand dollars.


The breed is also called Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx. It is hairless, although light fluff or short hair is allowed.

The cost of kittens reaches $3500.

The Peterbald has several skin types. The cat may even lack whiskers and eyebrows. The breed is characterized by a special elegance: the cats are slender, the head is long and narrow, and the profile is straight. Peterbalds have almond-shaped eyes and ears that are large and set to the sides.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness. The cat becomes attached to its owner, is easy to train, and is very affectionate towards people and other animals.

What affects the cost?

How much do the most expensive cats in the world cost? The cost of a kitten depends on several factors:

  1. Rarity. The more unique the breed, the more expensive the animal will cost.
  2. Breed representative class. Not all kittens fit the breed standards. Usually purebred kittens are divided into three classes. The most expensive are show-class animals that meet all breed standards.
  3. Pedigree. It depends on whether the kitten’s parents were famous, what exhibitions they participated in, and what awards they received.

  4. Rarity of color. There are not only breed colors that are characteristic of a particular species, but also rare ones that do not meet the standards. At the same time, the cost of cats with rare colors turns out to be higher.
  5. Non-standard exterior. There are individuals whose exterior is very different from other kittens from the litter. Exotics are popular.

Yorkie chocolate cat

The breed was brought to the USA by accident.

Prices for kittens start from $3000.

The Yorkie has a long, slightly ragged, soft, chocolate-colored coat that may be uneven, spotted or striped as a child. The breed is semi-longhaired. Weight can reach 7-8 kg. The body is medium or large, the muscles are strong, the legs are slender and long. The ears are large and moderately pointed, the eyes are medium-sized and oval in shape, sloping towards the nose. The coloring is uniform.

The breed is sociable and friendly, and is in good health. The cat gets along well with children and becomes attached not to a place, but to a person.

Hybrid cat breeds are the most expensive

Wild cats are very beautiful, but even tame kittens become unpredictable with the onset of puberty and can pose a real threat to humans. Often they have to be completely transferred to aviary keeping. But, if they are crossed with an ordinary domestic cat, new breeds appear that are much easier to socialize.


Today it is the largest domestic cat. The hybrid breed is obtained by crossing a Serval and a domestic female (Bengal). In appearance it is close to the wild ancestor.

The new breed was registered in the felinological system only from the fourth stable generation. Hybrids of the first two generations are almost as large as the serval, but from the third they become significantly smaller. Now this is a fully developed species of domestic cat, registered in the United States of America in 2001.

Smart and beautiful pets are well socialized and devoted to their owner. The price of a kitten from a nursery is from 15 to 25 thousand dollars.

Read more in the article about savannas.


The hybrid of the Nile cat Hausa and Abyssinian was registered in the USA as a full-fledged domestic breed only in 2013, although the experimental group appeared in 1995. Pets even of the fourth generation do not lose height and weight and are no different in size and structure from the wild ancestor. Complaisant and active cats are well socialized, have many of the traits of dogs, and are unconditionally loyal to their owner.

The complexity of breeding work is due to the fact that in approximately half of the cases tabby-colored kittens are born, and only solid ticked ones are acceptable as a standard. In Russia, so far you can only buy hybrids of the first and, very rarely, second generation from ten thousand dollars.

A lot of interesting things about Chausi or Hausi are written here.


Hybrid of a Geoffroy cat and an American Shorthair. Work on the breed began in the 70s of the last century. Its color resembles a Bengal cat, although its morphology is completely different.

Well socialized, gets along well with other animals. Kittens of the first and second generation cost 10-12 thousand dollars.


This is the first and most successful experience of American breeders and geneticists. The Asian leopard cat (ALC) or small Asian leopard is absolutely not domesticated in the wild. But when crossing it with a domestic cat, by the fourth generation, unusually beautiful individuals are born that are remarkably socialized.

The shades of wool today are varied - from snow to charcoal, but always tabby. The most common color is gold, followed by silver.

A real Bengal for breeding can be bought for three thousand dollars, sometimes more.


It is a “defective” version of the Bengal. The color is tabby, but its variety is mackerel. The spots merge into stripes reminiscent of a tiger.

In character and appearance, in everything except the coat pattern, they resemble a Bengal cat.

Read also about toygers here.


One of the controversial breeds - some people like it crazy, while others find the appearance of the animals unpleasant.

The cost of kittens reaches $3000.

Sphynxes have no fur - this is a consequence of a natural mutation. The skin is folded, the ears are very large with a wide base, open and erect. The arches of the cheekbones are rounded and strongly pronounced. The eyes are large and lemon-shaped.

Sphinxes are distinguished by intelligence and playfulness, they become strongly attached to their owners and get along well with other animals. Health problems are not typical for the breed. The disadvantage is the need for special care for the skin, since due to the lack of wool it quickly becomes dirty.

Why a pet can be expensive

The cost of kittens is influenced by a number of factors. First of all, the breeder forms it based on costs, because otherwise he risks going into the red. In addition to the expenses incurred, several other important nuances play a significant role: the small number of representatives, the quality of the exterior and the unusual color.

The difficulty of breeding the breed and the small number of nurseries

The small number of representatives is usually explained by the difficulty of breeding and the small number of nurseries. The first is typical for hybrid breeds, and the second for new ones and those whose appearance is strictly controlled by their creator. In the latter case, nursery owners are required to follow a certain list of rules and under no circumstances carry out experimental matings.

Hybrids obtained from crossing with wild representatives of the cat family require aviary maintenance. The first 2 generations do not make good contact with people, so this point also imposes a number of restrictions and labor costs on the breeder.

Pedigree and excellent conformation

When assessing the exterior of all purebred animals, they are divided into 3 classes, which determine their cost and possible use:

  • pet - the cheapest due to a number of deficiencies allowed by the standard, it is not suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions;
  • breed – average in price, intended for breeding and allowed to participate in exhibitions;
  • show is the most expensive class of cats, due to the absence of shortcomings it is ideal for an exhibition career, but at the request of the owner it can be involved in breeding work.

In addition to this division, the pedigree plays a significant role, where the merits of the kittens’ parents are recorded. The more titles they have, the higher the final cost will be.

Rare color

Rare colors include those that were obtained quite recently, and those that do not always appear in new generations due to the complexity of inheriting certain genes. Among the officially recognized expensive colors are the following:

  • red (red);
  • cream;
  • blue (gray);
  • chocolate;
  • chinchilla;
  • silver tabby;
  • cameo;
  • gold;
  • sepia;
  • mink.

Despite their popularity, some interesting colors still haven't achieved recognition. These include lilac, fawn and cinnamon, which appeared relatively recently.

Read more about rare cat colors

Turkish van

One of the oldest domestic breeds.

The cost of kittens starts from $3000.

The breed is semi-longhaired. The classic colors are red and white and creamy white. The physique is average, the muscles are pronounced. The head has the shape of a truncated triangle, the ears are large with a wide base, the tips are slightly rounded. The large eyes are oval-shaped, set slightly obliquely, and can be light amber, blue or of different colors with pink edging.

The Turkish Van is energetic and sociable, with a melodious voice. The cat loves to run and jump, is not afraid of water at all and loves to swim.

Caracal, up to $15,000

This expensive animal is more like a lynx than a cat. This is a wild animal, a predator, the maintenance of which will require a lot of money, time and effort.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and also have the required amount, you can take a risk. In this case, you will not be the only exotic lover. There are many examples of “friendly relations” between caracals and humans.

Caracals are large animals, with an average weight of up to 19, maximum weight of up to 25 kilograms. They have a bright and interesting appearance. The lower part of the body is lighter, the ears are black, and there may be dark spots on the muzzle.

Character . It all depends on upbringing. We should not forget that this is a predator who can show aggression at any moment. Domesticated caracals do not pose a danger to humans.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

A distinctive feature of the breed are small ears that are curved forward and downward. This consequence of a gene mutation is also a disadvantage, since the animal may have problems with the joints.

The cost of a Scottish Fold kitten can reach $3,000.

Scottish Folds are of medium size and have a strong and harmonious build. The coat is short, but very soft and thick. The eyes are large and round, set wide apart.

Scottish Folds are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and sociability, their character is balanced. Such cats become strongly attached to people and home. This breed is able to stand easily on its hind legs and has a raspy voice.

Norwegian forest cat

Representatives of this breed were once a real threat to the Norwegian forests. They are considered a wonderful allusion to the images of the Vikings: impressive size, wide chest and strong muscular body. The thick and rich coat makes the appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat even more masculine.

Why were representatives of this breed often mentioned in the mythology of the northern peoples, how are Norwegian cats and Maine Coons similar, and what is it like to have such a luxurious pet at home? Answers in the video:

According to the most common version, this breed descended from Angora cats, which were brought to Norway in the 16th century. The animals adapted to the harsh climate: they grew thick hair, learned to skillfully climb trees, and their bodies became muscular.

The Norwegian Forest Cat has many similarities in appearance to the Maine Coon.

The breed was recognized in 1977 in France at a FIFe meeting. For such a “beast” you will have to pay 600-2,000 dollars (39,000-130,000 rubles).

Norwegian wool has water-repellent properties - if the animal gets wet, then literally in 10 minutes its coat will become dry.


The breed appeared quite recently (2006) and is a hybrid of the Canadian Sphynx and the American Curl, occupying an intermediate place between them in terms of cost.

For a kitten you will have to pay an average of $2000.

The elf is a hairless cat; any color of the skin and even a pattern on it are possible. The main feature of the breed is the ears with a wide base, they are narrowed at the top, and at the tips they smoothly bend into an arc. The build is average, the body is flexible, there are a lot of folds. Eyebrows and mustaches are represented by single hairs and may be completely absent.

Elves are affectionate and friendly and get along well with children. Cats are sociable and love attention; they get along well with other animals.

No. 14. Canadian Sphynx

According to official sources, the breed appeared in the 1960s in Canada. According to rumors, smooth-haired cats were popular back in the days of the pharaohs and Incas.

Despite their formidable appearance, sphinxes are peace-loving codes with a friendly character. Such a pet continuously follows the person without irritating him with useless meows. Sphinxes sit quietly next to their owner, as if complementing him. An interesting property is that animals can freeze in one position for a long time, becoming like a porcelain figurine.

Sphinxes are very graceful - everything they do, how they move or rest, looks like high art. They rarely bother people, although sometimes they persistently ask to play with them. They are jealous of the object of affection.

The cost of a cat reaches 1.5 thousand dollars.


The breed is a hybrid. The basis was Bengal cats; Abyssinian, Oriental, European cats and Maine Coon were also used.

The cost of Serengeti kittens can reach $2000.

The breed is large, weight can reach 15 kg (in cats - up to 10 kg). The Serengeti has the longest legs and a long and muscular body. The color is spotted, with ring stripes on the tail. The ears are large, as long as the muzzle or slightly less. The eyes are large and round, set close together, always rich in color and in harmony with the color.

The Serengeti is characterized by activity, curiosity and a love of outdoor games. The cat does not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention well; it may not get along with other pets.

No. 4. Safari

Another expensive, hybrid type of pet, bred by crossing a regular cat and the Geoffroy breed. The first kittens appeared in the 70s in America. Initially used by scientists to understand the essence of leukemia.

From their ancestors, safari cats inherited an interesting spotted color, affection and tenderness. An adult weighs 10-12 kg. The body is long, elastic, matching strong paws. The coat is short and has a water-repellent effect. A very energetic breed with an easy-going character and a quick mind. Of all the selectively bred breeds, the Safari is the most good-natured. Her claws are long enough to leave a noticeable mark literally everywhere.

The cost of a safari kitten in a nursery reaches 8 thousand dollars.

Russian blue

There are 4 types of breed: European, Scandinavian, English and North American. Each type meets certain standards. The classic option is a silver-blue coat and green eyes.

The cost of kittens of this breed averages $1,500.

The Russian Blue has a gentle character, the animal is tactful and obedient, but at the same time loves to demonstrate its temper. This breed has a good reaction to human speech, tone and gestures. She has a certain aristocratic quality, but the cat willingly plays with children. May not get along with the dog.

Ten most expensive domestic cat breeds

TOP 10 most expensive cats is a list of domestic breeds recognized by the world's largest felinological systems.


This is the oldest Thai variety, known back in the 14th century and glorified in the ancient manuscript “The Book of Poems about Cats.” "Kao-mani" is translated as "diamond eye". The coat color is only white, the eye color is blue, and cases of heterochromia are not uncommon.

Kao-mani are famous for their flexible, but energetic and cheerful disposition, they are smart and very attached to their owner.

Kittens can be purchased in single nurseries in France, Slovenia, the USA and Thailand for ten thousand dollars or more. These animals are very rare.


The “child of the fog” has only one color of semi-long fur - blue, and the color of its eyes is exclusively green. These cats are famous for their wonderful character. They are calm, silent, never take offense, and are sincerely and deeply devoted to a person.

Very rare cats of this breed can be purchased in the United States of America and France. The price of kittens is from ten thousand dollars.

Manx cat

This breed is the pride of Ireland. The name comes from the name of the island where the first individuals were found - Maine.

They are similar in appearance to a lynx, have a short tail and usually have tufts on their large ears. The length of the tail can vary - from complete absence to normal. Short wool - a variety of colors. Long-haired cats are separated into a separate breed - Cymrik.

The cost of kittens is from five hundred to four thousand dollars, depending on the class.

American Curl

Another American breed is also very rare and expensive. Its distinctive feature is its ears turned back. Moreover, kittens are born with normal ears, and in the period from two to ten days the ears begin to curl, finally transforming by five months.

They are smart, friendly, lively, and adore their owner and all members of the household.

The cost of kittens in US nurseries, of which there are not many, by the way, ranges from one to three thousand dollars.

Read more in the article about American Curls.

Russian blue

This breed has been known in the Arkhangelsk province of Tsarist Russia since the 16th century. The privileged favorites of kings and nobles almost completely died as a result of wars and revolutions. But they were revived through the efforts of American and European breeders; they returned to Russia in the eighties of the last century.

These cats are valued all over the world not only because of the beauty of their blue short hair and green eyes, but above all they are famous for their charming character. Complaisant, calm, silent, faithful and devoted pets invariably occupy one of the first places in the popularity ratings of breeds. The cost of kittens is from five hundred to two thousand dollars.


Breeder Karen Sauzman, crossing a Bengal and an Oriental, sought to obtain a domestic cat with the appearance of a wild one. She succeeded, the Serengeti looks like a smaller copy of the Serval.

Sociable, cheerful, active and loyal pets are mainly found in America. The price of kittens ranges from six hundred to two thousand dollars.


This breed arose due to a random gene mutation. Their owner, an ordinary resident of America, did not suspect that she had cats unknown to felinologists, she was only amazed at the amazing appearance of the pets - their fur looked as if it had been permed.

It is generally accepted that LaPerm is a hypoallergenic breed. These animals are smart, loyal and energetic. Kittens cost from four hundred to two thousand dollars.

Canadian Sphynx

For many years, hairless cats were sometimes spontaneously born to ordinary, short-haired cats. But the development of the species began with a naked kitten found on the streets of Toronto. Lack of hair is the result of natural genetic mutations.

These pets need increased human attention and care. They quickly become hypothermic in winter, overheat in the sun in summer, and can easily get burned. They are obedient, friendly and loyal to their owner. The cost of pet-class kittens is about four hundred dollars, breeding and exhibition animals are much more expensive - from two thousand.

Read a lot of interesting things in the article about the Canadian sphinxes.

Himalayan cat

The result of crossing Persian and Siamese cats to obtain a long-haired individual with a color-point color. Usually the main background is light shades, the points are almost black.

These pets have a golden character - soft, calm, flexible, and not talkative. The cost of kittens from the nursery ranges from five hundred to one and a half thousand dollars.

Maine Coon

Before the Savannah took the leading place in size, it was considered the largest breed of domestic cat. Specimens up to one and a half meters in length including tail are known.

In the United States of America, they are called the raccoon cat because of a common fable about their origins from a raccoon and a wild female.

They have long hair of a wide variety of colors, a massive lower jaw and tufts on large ears.

The menacing appearance is deceptive; the character of these pets is calm and self-possessed. The cost of kittens is from six hundred to one and a half thousand dollars, depending on the class.

Read more in the article about Maine Coons.

American Curl

The breed is characterized by an unusual appearance. Cats come in short and semi-long hair, the second option is more popular.

The average cost of a kitten is $1200.

The American Curl has a medium size and proportional build. The coat is silky, the hairs lie tightly to the body. Eye color varies, but must match coat color.

A distinctive feature of the breed are the ears - they are curled back, wide at the base, and rounded at the tips. The rotation angle should be within 90-180 degrees. The American Curl's ear feature is a genetic mutation.

The breed attracts with its friendliness, high life expectancy and minimum requirements. American Curls are playful, but families with small children are not recommended to have them - the cat may be injured.


  • Origin of breed: USA
  • Weight: up to 8-13 kg
  • Approximate price: $4,000-8,000

Another exclusive breed, distinguished by its expensive price and exotic appearance. Appeared as a result of selection of an ordinary cat and a wild georfua from South America. They are friendly to others, smart, understanding and savvy, which makes their upbringing much easier. They love active entertainment with their owners. Cats are strong and playful, so they can chew and scratch things. They like to climb trees and climb onto tall objects. They love to watch running water, but it is better not to let them into toilets and baths, otherwise all the liquid will be on the floor.

Maine Coon

Recently, the popularity of this breed has increased.

The cost of a kitten is about $1000.

The main feature of the breed is its impressive size - length with tail can reach 1.35 m (35 cm tail), and weight - 8 kg (for castrated males - up to 12 kg). The height at the withers of an adult can be 25-40 cm. If ordinary cats grow up to a year, then the growth of a Maine Coon continues up to 3-5 years.

The breed is long-haired. The coloration is similar to domestic cats, most often brown and smoky tabby. The eyes are expressive, the ears are large, the fur is tousled, the tail is fluffy.

Along with their large size, Maine Coons have a kind and friendly character. They get along well with children and get along with dogs.

No. 2. Chausie

Rare breed, selectively bred. For crossing, a marsh lynx and an Abyssinian cat were used. The first chausie appeared in the 60s of the last century.

The average weight of an adult is 5-6 kg. Externally, it is a short-haired breed with large ears and long legs. Active, inquisitive animals that cannot stand being alone. They get used to people and can make friends with dogs and other pets. They love to play, preferably outside. They are distinguished by good health.

The cost of a purebred Chausie kitten reaches 10 thousand dollars.

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