Graceful and aristocratic: 16 most expensive cat breeds

There are currently about 600 million domestic cats living in the world. And less than one percent of them are considered purebred. Some varieties of cats are so unusual and unique that their cost can reach several hundred, thousand and tens of thousands of dollars.

First published: 07/06/2020


Various breeds have appeared as a result of long breeding work or random genetic mutations. There are animal hybrids that emerged from crossing domestic cats with various species of wild cats. A breed acquires official status when it is registered and recognized by one of the felinological organizations.

The cost of a particular breed can be influenced by several factors:

  • Rarity of representatives.
    The rarer a breed is, the more valuable and expensive it is.
  • Class of purebred kittens.
    Felinologists have defined three classes for purebred pets:
    - a pet without breeding rights, with the lowest cost.
  • Breeding
    - with the right to breed, its price increases significantly.
  • Show class
    - meets all breed standards, intended for exhibition work. The most expensive.
  • Parents' pedigree.
  • Rare color for the breed.
  • An extraordinary element in appearance.
    Breed traits that are not found in most other cats.
  • Rating:

    1. Savannah
    2. Chausie
    3. Safari
    4. Khao-mani
    5. Toyger
    6. Bengal cat
    7. Peterbald
    8. American Curl
    9. Elf
    10. Serengeti
    11. Manx
    12. Russian blue
    13. Scottish fold
    14. British shorthair cat
    15. Maine Coon
    16. Persian

    No. 13. British Shorthair

    The real pride of Foggy Albion. A well-known breed of medium-sized cats with very soft, elastic fur. Received official recognition in 1984. The color of the "British" can be different. Popular options are chocolate, gray-silver, bluish, lilac. The muzzle is slightly round, which is why the appearance of the animals seems doll-like and very pretty.

    The character of cats is primordially British - restrained, calm, balanced, with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. They do not like to sit on their hands, accompanying this process with dissatisfied meows. Representatives of the breed do not need the constant presence of people - they like solitude more than noisy company. If the British want to play, they will do everything to ensure that people comply with their request.

    The price of a purebred British Shorthair kitten from a breeder can reach 1.5 thousand dollars.

    No. 9. Serengeti

    A breed of domestic cats bred by Canadian scientists. To get the Serengeti, we had to cross a domestic cat with a Bengal cat. The resulting breed was named after an African reserve in Tanzania.

    The weight of an adult Serengeti cat reaches 12 kg. The body is strong, the legs are long, the ears are large. The coat color is interesting, spotted. A sociable, playful breed that prefers constant movement. Serengeti cats are very peaceful and docile, they behave affectionately with people, but sometimes they can show character.

    At the moment, the number of breeders breeding the breed is limited, which has affected the price of cats. The current cost of young individuals is 2 thousand dollars.


    These are short-haired cats with high legs and well-developed muscles. They weigh up to 5 kg. Characteristics:

    • ears – long, erect;
    • head – wedge-shaped;
    • eyes – obliquely set, almond-shaped;
    • paws – narrow, tail – thin;
    • 4 color options - seal point, blue point, lilac and chocolate point.

    It is better not to buy an animal for a family with children or other pets. Siamese cats have a unique, independent character with periodic bouts of aggression towards others. The price of a kitten is 5 thousand rubles.


    The unusual appearance of this cat breed causes tenderness and delight in some, while in others it causes disgust and fear. Sphynxes are called “aliens” due to the folds on their face and skin, large ears and expressive green eyes. Sphynxes weigh up to 7 kg, have a wedge-shaped head with high and open ears, a muscular neck, narrow paws with wide toes and a thin tail.

    Sphinxes are active, quickly make contact with people, and easily tolerate noise and mass fun. They do not show aggression and are restrained in their emotions when playing. The average price of an alien kitten is 6 thousand rubles.

    No. 7. Toyger

    A hybrid breed bred by American breeders in 1993. Recognized only 14 years later. Externally, the toyger cat looks like a small but real tiger. This was done deliberately so that people would start caring about the environment.

    The weight of an adult animal reaches 10 kg. Despite the external analogy with wild nature, Toyger cats are docile, calm, and quickly remember the “rules”. They have excellent health and an elastic body. They get along well with children.

    The price of a tiny tiger toyger in nurseries reaches 3 thousand dollars.

    No. 11. Laperm

    American cats developed in the 1980s through selective breeding. The resulting breed won worldwide approval only 10 years later. Laperms are animals with curly fur. They love to hunt and are very active, especially in the evening. Because of their innate curiosity, they will climb onto the highest cabinet and find out what is in the smallest hole under the baseboard.

    The advantage of cats is that their fur is hypoallergenic. They become strongly attached to people, do not tire of expressing their love and do not tolerate loneliness.

    The cost of kittens of the breed is estimated at 2 thousand dollars.

    Persian cat

    Persian cat

    It is generally accepted that the ancestors of these imposing beauties were brought to the European continent from Persia (modern Iran), although there is historical evidence that the breed existed before our era. The ranks of fans of Persian cats are not thinning. People love them for their calm, easy-going character, intelligence, friendliness and, of course, for their unmatched appearance. Persians have luxurious long hair, a cute “Pekingese” face with expressive eyes, which, depending on the color of the animal, can be green, copper-orange or blue. Particularly delightful are white Persian cats with gentle pansies.

    Persians love comfort and their owners, they are ready to be friends with other pets, even birds, because the breed has lost its hunting skills. Cats will not frantically rush around the room when they are in a playful mood, tear off furniture with their claws, or jump on high surfaces. They prefer to bask endlessly in their master's bed, which is why they are called sofa cats. However, these couch potatoes can be quite interested in balls, artificial mice and other toys. It is important to carefully and regularly care for the royal “fur coat” of the Persians, otherwise it will be spoiled by tangles. Prices for Persian cats start at $500 and can reach up to $5,000 if the chosen fluffy specimen is the offspring of champion parents.

    Persian cat

    Scottish lop-eared

    The first Scottishfold cats appeared in Scotland (England). A distinctive feature is the forward-curved ears, which do not protrude beyond the silhouette of the head. Characteristics:

    • head – large head, neck – massive;
    • nose – short and wide;
    • the eyes are round, and their color depends entirely on the color;
    • the body is muscular, the paws are massive, the tail is wide at the base;
    • weight – up to 7 kg.



    Chausie, the obstinate descendants of the wild swamp lynx and the Abyssinian domestic cat, were recognized as a special breed in the 90s of the 20th century. This proud creature with a rather muscular body, long legs, a neat face and a serious look of golden yellow or amber eyes is an excellent companion for those who love cats with character and intelligence. But it’s difficult to keep an extravagant beauty in an apartment - she needs space. Chausies are very active, they love to jump, climb heights, explore the territory and hunt. They, like dogs, are perfectly trainable and have amazing intuition, feeling what the owner needs at a certain moment.

    Chausies are sociable cats. They like to play with children, they are friends with their relatives, and do not mind the company of dogs. These wayward exotics quickly become attached to their owners, but they are not particularly enthusiastic about gentle hugs. Chausies of generations A and B, hybrids of the first and second generations from crossed wild and domestic cats, have an impressive set of pronounced predatory habits. Representatives of more distant generations C and SBT can already lay claim to the title of “pet”. The cost of purebred Chausie can reach $10,000.



    This is a popular cat breed in Russia. With proper care, it can live up to 20 years, and with good nutrition it can gain weight up to 12 kg. Siberian cats are distinguished by long, silky hair, an upturned nose, and medium-sized erect ears. Characteristics:

    • eyes – oval, widely spaced;
    • the tail has a uniform edge;
    • Colors – van, harlequin, bicolor;
    • There is no thick undercoat.

    Siberian cats are active, energetic, cheerful. They get along with all family members and find contact with children. The animals are mischievous, but delight in their restlessness. The average price of a Siberian kitten is 4 thousand rubles.



    The elegant and charismatic Peterbald, also known as the St. Petersburg Sphynx, is a Russian breed of hairless or partially hairless cat. The residual fur of representatives of this tribe can be velvety or coarse, similar to a two-week stubbled male beard. The first Peterbald was born in 1994, as a result of the mating of an elite Don Sphynx and an Oriental cat, a world champion. In the 90s, club breeders began to export Peterbalds abroad.

    Representatives of this breed boast a muscular constitution, but, like all Orientals, they are incredibly graceful. They are distinguished by an elongated and narrow muzzle with a noble straight profile, ears like a bat, and almond-shaped eyes of green or bright blue. Peterbalds are very affectionate, intelligent, incredibly curious and sneaky, it is impossible to hide a treat from them. The owners of these cats need to remember that their skin is very sensitive and susceptible to sunburn. It is necessary to ensure that the Peterbald is not exposed to the open sky for a long time in clear weather. Kittens with an elite pedigree are sold in Russia for $1000-1300; abroad their cost can reach up to $5000.


    Bengal cat

    How's the water?

    Despite their exotic and somewhat wild appearance, Bengal cats are wonderful pets. The history of this breed can be traced back to the 60s of the last century, when American Jane Mill, a specialist in the field of genetics, crossed a wild leopard cat with a domestic cat. The breed received official recognition in 1983. The Bengal is distinguished by its muscular build, thick silky fur with a deep shine and spotted color. This is the only breed of domestic cat that has markings in the form of a rosette - a kind of marking on the fur of wild animals that helps them camouflage.

    Long, lean Bengal cats are incredibly impressive and confident. They are very smart, inquisitive and love action. The wild nature of Bengals is manifested in their ineradicable desire to hunt. Even aquarium fish can become victims of cats. Energetic and curious, they love to swing from chandeliers, play with light switches, splash around in the bathtub, have fun opening latches on doors - in general, get up to absolutely amazing antics. The energy of these animals should be directed in a peaceful direction, providing them with physical activity. But, in general, Bengal cats are quite social. They are attached to all household members, sociable, ready to tolerate being “squeezed”, and demonstrate a friendly attitude towards other pets and children.

    You can become the owner of a Bengal cat by paying $2000-5000. The cost of kittens with a particularly rare color and outstanding pedigree reaches $20,000.

    Bengal cat

    American Curl

    American Curl

    Representatives of this overseas breed of short-haired and semi-long-haired cats are touchingly gentle and restless. They captivate with their lovely silky fur and expressive eyes, but their main highlight is their ears that curl back and look like horns. The Curl's origins can be traced back to a stray black cat with long hair and funny ears who was adopted by California couple Joe and Grace Ruga in 1981. Shulamith, as the owners named the cat, became the ancestor of the breed that is popular today.

    The amazing shape of the American Curl's ears is the result of a random mutation. Interestingly, the cubs are born with straight ears, and they begin to curl up in the first ten days of their life. Curls are very affectionate, intelligent, and playful. They love to communicate with people and are ready to be friends with all the animals in the house. American Curl babies cost between $1,000 and $3,000.

    American Curl

    Russian blue cat

    Russian blue cat

    Russian Blues captivate with their brilliant green eyes and blue-gray fur that shimmers with silver. Perky and smart cats are devoted to their owners and know how to adapt to their mood. True, sometimes they can be stubborn and love freedom, and show dissatisfaction when a stranger appears. It is interesting that, being in any mood, these beauties look content and happy. This is all thanks to the fact that the outline of their mouth resembles a slight smile.

    Russian Blues are also called Archangel cats, as they became famous thanks to the kittens from Arkhangelsk. They were brought from Russia by British breeder Karen Cox. In 1875 they were exhibited at a cat show at London's Crystal Palace. They say that Russian blue cats bring prosperity and happiness to the home. But the cost of the talisman is high: from $400 to $2000.

    Russian blue cat

    No. 1. Savannah

    The most valuable breed of pets was bred artificially by selecting a domestic cat and a serval. Savannah breeding started in the 80s of the last century. The first offspring appeared in 1986.

    Adult parameters:

    • height – 60 cm;
    • weight – 15 kg.

    Distinctive characteristics:

    • slender body;
    • long paws;
    • thick coat;
    • large, bowl-shaped ears.

    Savannah cats boast an easygoing disposition, developed intelligence, and high activity. They quickly get used to people and their new habitat. To live a full life, they need space to play, move and walk. They love to walk outside and take water treatments. They get along well with dogs and birds, but cannot tolerate rodents.

    The price depends on gender and class, ranging from 5 to 25 thousand dollars.



    Having a centuries-old pedigree, the favorites of the monarchs of Thailand are still considered elite cats today. Kao-mani (“white gem”) are one of the rarest breeds in the cat world. They have long been popular in Thailand, but appeared on the international scene only about 10 years ago. These muscular cats are active, intelligent, sociable and, not surprisingly for royal favorites, very capricious and capricious.

    Kao-mani is captivated by its thick, tight-fitting snow-white fur and the penetrating gaze of its almond-shaped blue or golden eyes. If in ancient times it was allowed to keep and breed kao-mani exclusively at the royal court, today anyone who is willing to part with $1800-3500 can become the owner of this mustachioed beauty. The most valuable are the kao-mani, which have one eye blue and the other golden. In Thailand, where they believe that these cats bring bliss and healing to their owners, their cost can reach $10,000. This amount will have to be paid for a kao-mani with rare features, different eyes and “miraculous abilities” to cure diseases.

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