Funny and beautiful nicknames for dogs: names for different breeds and sizes

Nicknames for purebred male dogs with a pedigree are selected in the kennel
upon activation. According to the rules, they include the name of the nursery and because of this they often look bulky and inconvenient.
Despite this, it is the owner who decides what to name the puppy or an adult dog. In a family circle, the frightening design can be shortened - or radically changed to something more harmonious, leaving the original version exclusively for official documentation.

Basic rules for choosing a name for a dog

The choice of a nickname for a dog is mainly limited by the owner’s imagination, but even here there are rules. To avoid problems with your pet’s adaptation and negative reactions from others, follow these recommendations:

  1. Consider the individual characteristics of the animal. This includes breed, appearance, character and even age.
  2. Focus on simplicity. Four-legged pets have difficulty remembering words containing more than 3 syllables. The most optimal length is 1 or 2 syllables.
  3. Don't forget about sound clarity. Hissing sounds are the prerogative of the cat family, and all canines gravitate more towards voiced consonants.
  4. Wait until you meet the puppy. Early preparation seems useful, but in this case the chosen option runs the risk of being completely unsuitable for the first point. In this case, you will have to rack your brains twice.
  5. Do not name a four-legged animal after a deceased or deceased pet. A new animal will never replace a lost friend, but it will give you another one. Heavy associations for the heart will be completely unnecessary here.
  6. Avoid offensive words. Funny options are not bad, but don’t slide into outright humiliation. Although the dog will not understand the true meaning, you yourself will feel uncomfortable calling him in the middle of the street.
  7. Avoid similarities with the commands you use. For example, a Seth that is successful in many respects will sound exactly the same as the “No” command. This will affect not only learning, but also subsequent execution of commands.
  8. Be original. Many popular dog names are borrowed from family members: two-legged and four-legged. Despite its simplicity, it is inconvenient. When contacted, almost everyone will respond, including random passers-by and their pets.

The considered nuances are basic. Below you will learn how to put them into practice and how to successfully name a boy dog.

Cool Asian names

Want to make a lasting impression? Do you want to impress others with an unusual name? Then names with Asian roots are just right for your pet! Exotic sound and ease of pronunciation - the most successful combination!

Saint Bernard Kirana relaxing in nature with her kids

  • Bakti
  • Asmara
  • Valiyo
  • Dharma
  • Iman
  • Murni
  • Perak
  • Ponko
  • Katur
  • Langitis
  • Kirana
  • Rimbo
  • Soleh
  • Tootie
  • Seto
  • Hamza
  • Ylang
  • Seok
  • bong
  • Itgaram
  • Bimin
  • Dean
  • Shuan
  • Daidan
  • Xiaobai
  • Dahuang

Foreign names for dogs

The most popular nicknames for male dogs are foreign. Be sure to make sure that the literal translation of the selected word matches the characteristics of your pet:


: Buddy (buddy), Lucky (lucky), Smiley (smiling), Sparky (lively), Bertie (bright).


: Dick (fat), Schnell (fast), Lauter (loud), Stark (strong), Troy (loyal).


: Boom (arrow), Martha (lady), Sophie (wise), Lou (wolf), Thibault (daredevil).


: Ami (friend), Chika (wisdom), Katsu (victory), Ken (big guy), Ryu (dragon).

It is problematic to list all languages ​​in one place, so choose the one you like and get acquainted with its diversity. Detailed lists are available in dictionaries and other online translators.

Popular Russian names

The Russian language is rich in words that imply substantial dimensions. Take, for example, the heroes and knights. And about Russian women they say “they can stop a galloping horse.” So there is a whole selection of Russian nicknames for your boy or girl dog.

  • Bull
  • Knight
  • Big guy
  • Giant
  • Giant
  • Colossus
  • Mahina
  • Lump
  • Community
  • Viking
  • Bogatyr
  • Ambal
  • Jock
  • Bychara
  • Buyak
  • Big guy
  • Sturdy
  • Lbina
  • Mammoth
  • Jock
  • Monster
  • Kabanyara
  • Strong woman
  • Sturdy
  • Power
  • Kubyshka
  • Carcass
  • Kabanchik
  • Burenka
  • Slonyara
  • Bear
  • monster

Dog nicknames with meaning

Having meaning is a big plus, so many people choose dog names based on their meaning. Despite the important role of euphony, some beautiful options carry a rather negative meaning. For example, Monica is translated as “lonely”, and Mortis is translated as “death”.

By appearance

The easiest way to choose a name for a dog is to take its appearance as a basis. You can play with both the length and the type of coat, but the biggest stretch of imagination comes from the color:


. For owners of a snow-white fur coat, anything related to snow, airiness and whiteness will suit: White or Albus (white), Snow (snow), Nord (north), Zephyr (light breeze).


. Darkness and night are associated with this color: Black, Noir or Kuro (black), Dark (darkness), Night (night).


. The grayish tint of the coat often has a silver sheen. Its owners are called as follows: Smoke, Ash, Smokey (smoky), Silver or Gin (silver).


. Chocolate animals are most often associated with food: Mars, Choco, Mocha, Muffin, Brownie.


. The following options are suitable for fiery red pets: Fox (fox), Tigger, Phoenix, Ruby (ruby), Lava.

Please note that coat color sometimes changes as they grow older. Before making a choice, be sure to check this point with the breeder.

The nature

It was mentioned above that it is more convenient to select names for male dogs based on their lively character. Despite this, it is important to remember that all animals are different. Not all girls have an easy-going disposition, and some of them are much braver than boys.

After meeting a four-legged animal, observe it for a couple of days so as not to make the mistake of basing it on stereotypical behavior based on gender. Once you have determined your temperament type, try the following options:

  1. Phlegmatic person

    He is thoughtful and equanimous. It is trained at a slow pace, but impresses with its diligence. The four-legged phlegmatic can be called as follows: Hermes or Diomedes, Fiscus (smart), Kalm or Gale (calm).

  2. Sanguine

    Incredibly active and emotional. She loves the game form of learning, but quickly loses interest during monotonous classes. The following options are good for sanguine people: Typhoon, Speedy or Fast (fast), Turbo, Zipper (lightning).

  3. Choleric

    He is energetic, like a sanguine person, but does not know how to control his emotions at all. He absorbs knowledge quickly and with pleasure, but is easily distracted by stimuli and is constantly exhausted. The following names are suitable for a choleric person: Mamai, Happy (happy), Skoda, Liam (easy), Tricky (cunning).

  4. Melancholic

    Characterized by isolation and low activity. Slowly gets used to people, but is particularly loyal. He studies for a long time, since any negative experience makes him depressed. A vulnerable and impressionable melancholic can be called as follows: Modest, Tono or Heidi (modest), Hideki (reliable), Jun (obedient).

Dog handlers also recommend the reverse scheme. A formidable name often helps four-legged cowards gain courage, while a soft name pacifies bullies with a tough disposition.

By event

This group includes the nicknames of male dogs associated with historical events or events important to the owner. It is logical to include the first things that changed the world:

  1. The Age of Great Geographical Discoveries. Name your pet after Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan

    or other famous navigators.

  2. Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon and Kutuzov

    They sound pretty tricky, so shorten them to Poly and Kuzi and use the full variations only at exhibitions or other important events.

  3. Nobel Prize-winning discoveries. Here and Pierre Curie

    (radiation), and
    Robert Koch
    (tuberculosis), and musician
    Bob Dylan
    , and
    Martin Luther King
    (a fighter for equal rights for blacks). With such a nickname, your pet will definitely be the smartest.

  4. Major natural disasters. The comparison is not the most pleasant, but it’s the same hurricane Sandy

    or a banal
    is ideal for a restless sanguine person.

You can also get romantic and name your pet after the place where you had your first date. The same can be done for the puppy. If he was born in winter, then name him Buran or Blizzard.

By the name of a famous person or character

Famous sailors, scientists and commanders have already been mentioned above, so this chapter will focus on stars and fictional characters. Dog names can be borrowed from the following sources:

  1. Movie stars and popular music performers. If you like the work of Johnny Depp or the compositions of Imagine Dragons, do not hesitate to borrow. In the second case, you can take as a basis not only the musicians themselves, but also the names of their albums and songs.
  2. Heroes of books. Open one of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth books or any part of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Both authors didn't skimp on the characters, so be original and don't rush to settle on Frodo or Jon Snow.
  3. Characters from films, TV series or cartoons. Think about who reminds you most of your pet. Choose not only positive characters, but also negative ones - they are also not devoid of charisma.

You can also borrow ideas from show business stars. Many of them, like you, have a great love for four-legged animals and raise several pets at once.

Nicknames for girls

Now - a selection of cool names for dogs:

  • Akira;
  • Angel;
  • Dove;
  • Electra;
  • Aspen;
  • Atena;
  • Dottie;
  • Blondie;
  • Dixie;
  • Britta;
  • Cleo;
  • Kali;
  • Cercea;
  • Camilla;
  • Mystery;
  • Foxy;
  • Misty;
  • Frida;
  • Milan;
  • Harley;
  • Merlot;
  • Hera;
  • Leila;
  • Hanei;
  • Code;
  • Indie;
  • Zsofin;
  • Jazzy;
  • Mystic;
  • Sandy;
  • Nata;
  • Rouge;
  • Nessie;
  • River;
  • Ninja;
  • Rigby;
  • Nix;
  • Portia;
  • Oracle;
  • Piper;
  • Phoenix;
  • Pepper;
  • Scarlett;
  • Zilda;
  • Shiva;
  • Venus;
  • Sky;
  • Trix;
  • Smokey;
  • Sunset;
  • Stormy;
  • Mehndi;
  • Shrew;
  • Lei;
  • Athena.

Girl Leia:

Popular and rare dog names

Popular nicknames for male dogs are often borrowed from foreign languages ​​or favorite TV series, films and books. Many of them are distinguished by their euphony and meaningful meaning, but most owners use them. Having named your shepherd Rex, don’t even doubt that several more four-legged commissars will come running to your call in a busy park. Not everyone will be a shepherd, but that’s a completely different story.

With rare nicknames such problems do not arise, but here it is important not to get into trouble with the meaning. Dubious foreign words often sound dignified, but completely harmless ones, due to their consonance with their Russian counterparts, sound offensive and humiliating. For this reason, it is worth considering not only the direct translation, but also the very perception of the word in your country.

Starting with the letter A

Atori, Angus, Alex, Agur, Arik, Algeria, Alvin, Akko, Aron, Alan, Alfred, Alf, Amigo, Amadeus, Agidus, August, Adalbert, Albert, Alois, Aniko, Ankel, Anselm, Arman, Arnold, Astor, Alian, Aurum, Argentum, Ask, Accord, Azumi, Arizu.

Starting with the letter B

Brandon, Bernard, Battle, Beavis, Bulan, Breeze, Beast, Beaver, Bovey, Bucks, Buster, Billy, Benjamin, Brian, Bamber, Bruce, Bristol, Burger, Bungee, Burchard, Bracht, Boniface, Baptiste, Biscuit, Bruno, Becker, Balto, Bouquet, Sandwich.

Starting with the letter B

Whist, Raven, Doctor, Willy, Vintik, Witold, Wendigo, Wallas, Winston, Woody, Virage, Winnifred, Verro, Vintage, Wenzel, Werther, Vitok, Wieland, Wolf, Voldemar, Wolfram, Volt, Whiskey, Vivienne, Waxel, Velez, Velazquez.

Starting with the letter G

Howard, Gordon, Gustav, Glim, Gnome, Good, Harry, Guipure, Gremlin, Gaspard, Guy, Gull, Gavin, Graham, Herald, Herbert, Homer, Hector, Gottlieb, Gummi, Gunter, Gael, Gaetan, Gautier, Gilbert, Grizzly, Himalaya, Hectare, Grand, Goofy.

Starting with the letter D

Duremar, Draco, Danko, Dennis, Droopy, Donald, Diego, Devin, Dust, Dominic, Dirk, Dedrick, Jerd, Jeeps, Ditmar, Damian, Didier, Johnson, Django, Dorian, Dimitrus, Diamond, Disc, Dipper, Darwin, Duane.

Starting with the letter E

Elmi, Epiphanes, Elisha, Evstigney, Jerzy, Ers, Jeremiah, Emmer, Elei.

Starting with the letter Z

Jules, Zhustav, Zhora, Lark, Beetle, Priest, Jaco, Gendarme, Jean, Georges, Joseph, Giraffe, Germain, Zhivago, Zhuzhik.

Starting with the letter Z

Bully, Sign, Zakhar, Zador, Buzzer, Zlyuk, Zigmund, Ring, Ziggy, Zagrai, Zard, Zukko, Zlat, Zeus, Zorg, Zak.

Starting with the letter I

Ethan, Yvonne, Interest, Ian, Isaiah, Elijah, Inj, Inmar, Johann, Yves, Ilf, Impulse, Historian, Iguan, Image, Indis.

Starting with the letter K

Claude, Casper, Canton, Cathode, Krutik, Cousteau, Keefe, Kevin, Kai, Kyle, Karl, Kipp, Kloss, Colman, Constant, Korben, Cuno, Cruiser, Cort, Cort, Beak, Clement, Xavier, Kayao, Kyoko, Katori, Kazuko, Klim, Columbus, Karat, Kamaz, Cooper, Kapron, Quint.

Starting with the letter L

Lionell, Limo, Lin, Land, Lord, Luke, Lucas, Louis, Lennard, Lawrence, Liszt, Eraser, Leopold, Leopard, Ludwig, Lanzo, Lancelot, Leon, Lothar, Lucius, Lipp, Lambert, Lucien, Lapidus, Linnaeus, Leader, Lux, Lipton, Lemur.

Starting with the letter M

Miko, Mix, Miguel, Miucci, Mickey, Mint, Malcolm, Martin, Mason, Manx, Manson, Maurice, Milo, Morgen, Mufik, Mufasa, Marius, Mario, Manfred, Malt, Meinhard, Manon, Marcel, Murray, Megan, Minori, Mitsuko, Michi, Magnum, Matteus.

Starting with the letter N

Nike, Nigel, Neville, Nix, Nipple, Nathan, Noah, Nuggets, Nats, Norman, Knox, Nicholas, Nornbert, Naoki, Natsuko, Nemo, Nils, Neil, Naid, Nero, Negus, Nice, Nafik, Nizam, Newton, Neutron, Nash, Nuvi, Nolik, Nestor.

Starting with the letter O

Halo, Ogre, Austin, Auguste, Oliver, Oscar, Oswald, Opper, Odo, Olbrick, Ollard, Otto, Osman, Octane, Orion, Opal, Onyx, Ox, Honore, Olpi, Omm, Olympus, Aubrey, Okay, Osiris, Odysseus, Orlando, Optim.

Starting with the letter P

Paris, Pistol, Piastre, Prix, Patrick, Petrik, Pint, Poldi, Pascal, Paul, Prize, Twig, Pluto, Pepper, Plus, Pompom, Pygmalion, Proust, Pontiac, Pew, Porthos, Ping, Halibut, Pugach, Porky, Play, Pound, Fawn, Pecan.

Starting with the letter R

Radar, Rasmus, Rammstein, Rodion, Ralph, Robert, Rodrigo, Reginald, Ryan, Richter, Ruan, Raimondo, Rox, Rafael, Remy, Rene, Risk, Rurik, Romario, Razor, Rom, Rufus, Wrigley, Rem, Ray, Richard (Ricci), Resonance.

Starting with the letter C

Smokey, Small, Samuel, Verse, Sigurd, Sven, Sebastian, Seth, Simon, Stanley (Stan), Stephen (Stefan), Sax, Sepp, Single, Stoney, Stray, Siji, Siemens, Cedric, Suzu, Sumiko, Sengo, Slash, Sky, Spot, Scooby, Sting, Start.

Starting with the letter T

Trix, Terki, Trevor, Tornado, Tex, Tyler, Timothy, Teneton, Till, Tristan, Tibo, Fog, Tark, Theodore (Theo), Twix, Tinky, Todo, Clubs, Thymus, Teffi, Tyson, Tuscan, Tangent, Taicher , Taik, Tulip, Tideo.

Starting with the letter U

Ugar, William, Walter, Wallace, Uv, Udo, Ulrich, Ursi, Umeko, Ummi, Walker, Unique, Uno, Unter, Ural, Uppi.

Starting with the letter F

Date, Fisht, Fred, Francis, Fuller, Falco, Faramir, Frodo, Feint, Pound, Faun, Faraday, Frederick, Fantast, Fantomas, Owl, Phileus, Florenz, Franz, Friedrich, Finn, Flaubert, Frog, Fairy, Flavio, Fabian, Figaro.

Starting with the letter X

Chris, Humo, Javier, Harold, Hayden, Howard, Hubert (Hugh), Whip, Grip, Hans, Heinz, Hank, Peridot, Harvey, Heiko, Helmut, Joaquin, Hideko, Hiro, Hoteru, Hoshi, Haruko, Hyde, Huggy , Horror, Hopes.

Starting with the letter C

Cicero, Caesar, Gypsy, Zeiss, Tsvetik, Tsar, Citron, Centaurus, Zinc, Tsap.

Starting with the letter H

Chucky, Chuer, Check, Chet, Chester, Chubaka, Chudik, Chicker, Chio, Chuk, Chuster, Charles, Chase, Chups, Chip, Chipper, Chamberlain, Chifir, Chuck-chuck, Chadwick.

Starting with the letter Sh

Sean, Sherry, Schneider, Charles, Chantal, Shum (Shumok), Shiseido, Train, Cipher, Shanya, Shrink, Shaggy, Charm, Shazam, Shuffle, Shipik.

Starting with the letter E

Eloise, Edward, Enio, Evan, Ethan, Eric, Ens, Eggman, Elijah, Etienne, Elias, Ebert, Egon, Excel, Emil, Emeric, Erwin, Edmund, Eckhart, Ernest, Edwige, Eugene, Eiko, Emiko, Echo, Elmo, Erlich, Elf.

Starting with the letter U

Yuri, Yuki, Yuns, Unix, Jupiter, Julius, Jurgen, Yuber, Yugo, Yuppi, Jung.

Starting with the letter I

Young, Yarilo, Jasper, Yager, Yang, Yart, Jason, Yanis, Jaguar, Yard, Yantar, Jacob.

Nicknames for boys

A selection of cool names for doggies:

  • Ajax;
  • Apache;
  • Archie;
  • Captain;
  • Kisco;
  • Chance;
  • Apollo;
  • Axel;
  • King;
  • Cobra;
  • Comet;
  • Cooper;
  • Connor;
  • Wrigley;
  • Wizard;
  • Zeus;
  • Zeke;
  • The tuxedo;
  • Ranger;
  • Crow;
  • Riggs;
  • Rider;
  • Grow;
  • Smokey;
  • Lex;
  • Leo;
  • Storm;
  • Tex;
  • Thunder;
  • Timber;
  • Tyson;
  • Drew;
  • Duck;
  • Dexter;
  • Mac;
  • Kendrick;
  • Caesar;
  • Apache;
  • Archer;
  • Mercury;
  • Montana;
  • Midnight;
  • Atlas;
  • Blaze;
  • Bandit;
  • Bovey;
  • Escobar;
  • Finn;
  • One;
  • Othello;
  • Pistol;
  • Garcia;
  • Bolt;
  • Caesar;
  • Jasper;
  • Jak;
  • Jett.

Boy Archie:

Select by breed

Another way to select a dog name is to take into account the breed and size of the animal. Focus on country of origin, performance characteristics, character and appearance.


Nicknames for large male dogs usually emphasize impressive size and strength. You can also focus on working qualities. Most large pets are representatives of herding and guard breeds. In addition to power, they are characterized by extraordinary endurance and courage.

“ Thor, Ward (guard), Scar, Ares, Thunder, Killer, Warrior, Monarch, King, Queen, Highlander, Hector, Varyag, Bourbon, Budapest, Aragorn, Stone, Imar, Prince, Cardinal, Louis, Maximilian, Nash, Onyx, Perseus, Roosevelt, Tamerlane, Troy, Ulysses, Frederick, Hagrid, Cerberus, Genghis Khan, Schumacher, Edward, Feanor, Jaguar.

Medium and small

When choosing a name for a small or medium breed male puppy, pay attention to what best matches his appearance.

“ Krosh, Gnome, Korzhik, Proton, Byte, Micron, Minik, Raisin, Small, Klein, Pecueño, Piccolo, Ritoru.

In addition to calm companion dogs, there are many hunters among small breeds. They are distinguished by extraordinary activity and courage, so the following options are quite suitable for them:

“ Alex (defender of humanity), Maynard or Courage (brave), Stormy (stormy), Marky (warrior).

Remember that any word can be translated into a foreign language and get an excellent nickname.

“More nicknames for small dogs

List of funny names

Let's look at some more funny names for your boys and girls separately.

For boys

  • Artist, Apricot, iPhone;
  • Eggplant, Barmaley;
  • Whiskey, Vivaldi;
  • Garik, Homer;
  • Dollar, Doctor;
  • Emelya;
  • Zhorik;
  • Zorro, Zephyr, Zombie;
  • Icarus, Raisin;
  • Carlson, Squid, Korzhik, Zucchini, Krutoy;
  • Lemon, Buttercup, Lily of the Valley;
  • Kid, Mickey Mouse, Mister;
  • Nolik, Narcissus, Nemo;
  • Othello, Nut, Okay;
  • Gingerbread, Bubble, Parasite, Dumpling, Pepper;
  • Robinson, Rombik, Rimbaud;
  • Stilyaga, Cheesecake, Syrupchik, Snickers;
  • Timati, Cake, Tube, Truffle;
  • Umberto;
  • Fant, Fantomas, Pharaoh, Date;
  • Hobbit, Happy;
  • Cicero, Citrus, Compass;
  • Cheburek, Dude;
  • Shvonder, Screw, Sage, Chanson;
  • Electron, Hercule, Elf;
  • Julius;
  • Iago.

For girls

  • America, Alpha;
  • Bun, Barbie;
  • Vanilla, Vaxa;
  • Pear, Soda;
  • Gioconda;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Vest, Jaundice;
  • Splinter, Marshmallow, Fun;
  • Taffy, Idea;
  • Curly, Doll, Pretty, Tiny, Coca-Cola;
  • Swallow, Lime, Fox, Paw;
  • Fly, Mouse, Madonna;
  • Notka, Nyura, Negra;
  • Olive, Ophelia;
  • Pepsi, Bun, Princess, Powder;
  • Joy, Dewdrop, Rocket;
  • Drying, Salsa, Siren;
  • Meatball, Tablet, Cloud, Tequila;
  • Snail, Humor, Joy;
  • Fury, Flash, Fanta, Meatball;
  • Chloe, Halva;
  • Queen, Chicken;
  • Chita, Chiquita;
  • Bobbin, Chocolate, Charlotte;
  • Ella, Etna;
  • Yula, Yukka;
  • Berry.

How to name a boy's dog, a mongrel

Owners, as a rule, approach the choice of nicknames for purebred dogs more responsibly, trying to choose one that will emphasize the dog’s belonging to the breed. But you should also take a responsible approach to choosing a nickname for a mongrel, because a non-pedigreed dog also remains a loyal friend and deserves a good attitude.

Suitable ideas: Archie, Altai, Diamond, Warrior, Dingo, Eli, Yori, Kai, Pierrot, Nikos, Oasis, Saturn, Bim, Rem, Friend, Sharik.

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