Mongrel (dog): description of mongrel terriers

Representatives of the dog variety with the humorous name “yard terrier” can be found in almost every Russian yard. These animals have no pedigrees or documents; their blood has been mixed several times. Just one street dog can contain the characteristics of up to 5 different breeds, so a mongrel is a dog whose character and appearance are diverse and unusual.

Mongrel (dog): description, care, education

Mongrels are chosen by people who are not chasing titles and purebred pets, but are looking for a loyal friend and companion in a dog. A homeless street dog, who was taken from the street to a family, fed and loved, will be many times more loyal than dozens of purebred dogs. People often treat “yard terriers” with contempt. And breeders loudly insist that you should choose only purebred dogs for your family - they are more docile and predictable. However, these stereotypes mean nothing to animal lovers, and life proves that street dogs are reliable and faithful pets.

A dog that is treated with understanding and love will obey its owner unconditionally

How did mongrels appear?

It is easy to guess where the “yard terriers” began their history. This was facilitated by unreliable owners who, without remorse, threw puppies and adult dogs into the street just because they were tired of them. Dogs, left without proper human control, began to actively reproduce and produce offspring. Babies born from the mating of a mongrel with a wolf become especially dangerous. They are aggressive, cunning and brave, and are not afraid of humans. Such individuals often gather in packs, attack other animals and even people, and it is almost impossible to fight them off without outside help.

Important! Thanks to uncontrolled reproduction, mongrels have achieved good health. “Yard Terriers” can even suffer distemper, a terrible viral disease with many different forms. Of course, complications are possible, but cure is possible even with delayed treatment.

Wolf dogs are dogs born from the union of a shepherd dog and a wolf.

Differences between a shepherd and a crossbreed

Knowing the breed standard of German dogs, it is possible to immediately notice the differences inherent in mestizos. This is often visible by its curled tail and white chest. Less noticeable by the groove on the animal’s forehead and the condition of the fur.

What you need to know before the inspection

Before the examination, it is necessary to find out information about the mother of the family: how often she gives birth, as well as the number of puppies in the litter.
If a bitch gives birth more than once a year, you should contact another breeder. The animal’s body does not have time to fully recover during this time, and therefore the offspring are most often defective. Important! If there are more than 10 puppies in the litter, the mother’s milk and internal resources of the pet will not be enough for full gestation and subsequent feeding. Puppies will vary in size. In a large litter, German puppies are different

What to look for during inspection

When examining puppies, you need to force the baby to stand on his feet, or pick him up. The coat should not be too long. Shepherd puppies are distinguished by a powerful skeleton, large bones, straight front paws, which are located in an A-shape.

Extra toes are not allowed on the paws. Up to 2 months, babies are blue-eyed, and then begin to change color to brown. The tail should not have kinks or drag along the floor.

Description and character of “yard terriers”

If you meet a “yard terrier” on the street, especially a well-groomed and well-fed one, you may not immediately identify the breed. For purebred dogs, it is extremely important to conform in appearance to established breed standards, which is why they have to change genetically. To consolidate a trait in a breed, breeders cross closely related dogs with each other, which results in genetic diseases. For “yard terriers” such sacrifices are not relevant: they can be what they are.

Mongrels in winter: being permanent residents of the street, these dogs can find food for themselves


Mutts always look different. However, even in the same region, the external features of street dogs can overlap with each other and change over time. In addition, the fashion for purebred pets, widespread in one period or another, also influences the characteristics of dogs. For example:

  • in the 50s in Moscow there were mongrels similar to hounds and huskies - in those years breeders actively bred these breeds;
  • in the 90s, shepherd-like mongrels spread throughout the country, as German shepherds were popular;
  • Currently, a mongrel can look like any breed, so it is impossible to predict what exactly will grow out of a street puppy.

Breed standard for dogs

A dog's appearance may be dominated by characteristics of one breed or several. Thus, some shepherd-like mongrels are almost impossible to distinguish from a German shepherd. A pregnant bitch can bring several completely different puppies: smooth-haired and fluffy, with semi-erect or protruding ears, very small and large, and also different in color. The lifespan of a yard dog is from 9 to 12 years. Some individuals, under favorable conditions, can live up to 20 years.

Outbred puppy

Video - We took a dog from the street


Mongrels are not capricious at all; they can quickly get used to new living conditions. They adapt to any circumstances and are able to withstand any hardships. However, “yard terriers” experience a change of owner or his death very hard. They become very attached to the person who feeds them, especially if that person took a stray dog ​​from the street and gave him love and care. These dogs hope and believe with all their hearts that they will live with their owner for the rest of their lives. The character of the mongrel can be described as follows:

  • flexible and loyal, for which the puppies were popularly nicknamed “Royal Court Terrier”;
  • mischievous, playful, sociable, perfect for a family with children or as a friend for an elderly person;
  • Possessing a lively grip and courage, they can stand up for their owner at any time.

Experienced dog breeders claim that only East European Shepherds can be more sociable than mongrels, and in playfulness, mongrels have surpassed even Giant Schnauzers and Rottweilers. They will be very eager to bring a stick to their owner or push a ball with their nose.

East European Shepherd watches mongrels brought from a shelter

The best place to live for a “yard terrier” would be a private house. They need to go outside often and get exercise.

Important! Of course, such a character will develop in a pet only with proper upbringing. A dog that has lived on the street for a long time and often participated in fights, or a puppy whose owner does not give proper training or beats him, will grow up to be aggressive.

Mongrel plays with owner

Health of "yard terriers"

Mongrel dogs have good immunity and are able to resist most diseases. They calmly tolerate weather changes and sudden temperature changes. Purebred dogs, as opposed to street dogs, often come from crossing related individuals, which is why their health suffers. And mongrels are only becoming healthier from generation to generation. Good health is also explained by the fact that genetically, each representative contains the characteristics of several breeds at once. In addition, on the streets where most mongrels grow up, strict natural selection often occurs.

Mongrels have good health

However, yard dogs can pick up diseases from the breeds with which they were crossed. So, among mongrel dogs the following are common:

  • diseases of the ears, eyes , throat;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system ;
  • gastrointestinal diseases .

As a rule, individuals in infancy, older dogs and animals with weak immune systems are susceptible to diseases. Infectious diseases develop quickly and can be fatal. Distemper is the most common disease among mongrels, which mainly affects unkempt dogs that live in unsanitary conditions, or stray dogs.

A dog with distemper

Video - 5 most dangerous dog diseases, including distemper


Yard dogs are very smart and able to understand people. You can talk to the dog, tell him about your successes and defeats - he will listen with pleasure and support you with a deep look. The “Yard Terrier” can watch a person for hours, remembering his movements and actions. A good memory helps a dog remember the owner’s daily routine and the actions that a person performs in a given situation.

You can even “talk” to a stray dog

Health and characteristic diseases

The health of a nobleman's dog is usually much stronger than that of a purebred dog. To achieve certain qualities of the breed, close relatives are often crossed, which has a detrimental effect on the health of the future generation. Often a specific disease is detected in a strictly defined breed. For example, shepherds and Labradors are more susceptible to joint dysplasia, terriers have skin diseases, Pekingese have breathing problems, and boxers have hearing problems.

Mestizos are much healthier than their titled brothers, since they inherit all the best from their parents, including health. The mongrel breed undergoes natural selection, where the fittest survives. No one vaccinates them or takes them to veterinarians, so they have strong innate immunity, are less susceptible to various diseases, and rarely suffer from hereditary diseases.

Important! The mongrel can easily endure adverse weather conditions and temperature changes.

Most often, mongrels are susceptible to:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases.

Puppies under two months of age and older animals are more at risk of getting sick. A pregnant bitch can also infect puppies with helminths when she is carrying babies.

Mongrel dogs have a longer life expectancy, despite difficult living conditions, than their purebred counterparts. In general, the life expectancy of any dog ​​directly depends on the conditions of its keeping. But any animal, purebred or not, can become infected with parasites, skin diseases, distemper, and rabies.

Pathetic and proud mongrels

Famous representatives

The lack of a unique breed did not prevent many mongrels from becoming real stars. Among them were the first Soviet cosmonauts Belka and Strelka , as well as many four-legged assistants who, without hesitation, threw themselves under enemy tanks with mines on their backs and transported the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

Military dogs

Outbred but loyal pets were also mentioned in the literature. Chekhov's Kashtanka, whose fate brought millions of people around the world to tears, was also a mongrel. Eduard Asadov dedicated a very sad poem to a red mongrel dog, and Bulgakov wrote a whole story “The Heart of a Dog” about a stray dog. Obviously, the absence of titled parents does not become a serious disadvantage for a four-legged pet. These are unique animals that are distinguished by unique health, unconditional loyalty to the owner and good intelligence.

The mongrels Belka and Strelka are the first Soviet cosmonauts

Verification of documents

Checking the animal's documents is an important step in the process of purchasing a puppy. Not only the amount, but also the future life and health of the dog depends on them. The presence of metrics and a good pedigree will protect the new pet from many diseases and problems associated with breeding dogs and keeping them.

You should approach the choice of a puppy responsibly, since at this moment you are acquiring a friend with whom you will have to live for many years. The temperament of shepherds mixed with mongrels may differ from the standard, and therefore it is not recommended to take such risks. Determining whether an animal is purebred should be entrusted to a dog handler or a familiar breeder, since they have more information about the dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a noble dog as a pet, the owner has an idea of ​​what he will be like as an adult. Thus, Pekingese dogs become good companions on evening walks in the park, especially for older people. Caucasian puppies grow up to be excellent guards. But when choosing a mongrel dog, you don’t have to be guided by breed standards, because it can grow up either very affectionate and sociable, or overly aggressive and distrustful. Many people do not pay attention to these factors, trying to focus on the benefits of dogs. The advantages and disadvantages of outbred pets are presented in table form.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of yard dogs

  • good health, excellent resistance to disease, long life expectancy;
  • endurance and good qualities of a security guard;
  • prompt adaptation to changed living conditions;
  • a unique character that distinguishes a dog from an individual of noble blood;
  • loyalty and ability to appreciate a person’s caring attitude;
  • character in most cases is playful and cheerful;
  • no expensive feed required;
  • smart and easy to train
  • it is impossible to predict exactly how the pet’s appearance and behavior will change as it grows;
  • unpredictability of behavior: there is no standard that predicts the character of an adult dog (many breeders consider this a plus);
  • the mongrel will definitely not give birth to purebred puppies;
  • not every yard dog looks prestigious and noble

The love of a mongrel for its owner is a different story. A person who has adopted a dog from the street into his home can be 100% sure that the pet will love its owner endlessly for the rest of its life, will be loyal and grateful. These dogs are generally easy to train. After all, mongrels are a blank slate on which you can draw anything. This is what distinguishes them from purebred dogs, which have been bred for decades for a specific purpose. If individuals of noble blood are always trained according to a certain scenario, then such schemes are not embedded in the genes of yard dogs.

The love and loyalty of a mongrel to his owner has long been considered legendary.

Raising mongrel puppies, dog training

Yard dogs may be inferior to purebred dogs in terms of mental abilities. At the same time, they often demonstrate quick reactions and intelligence, which makes them susceptible to training and education.

In purebred dogs, the ability to learn and perform certain tasks is laid down at the genetic level. Moreover, they appear only under the condition of proper maintenance and upbringing. A mongrel by nature knows how to adapt, so the lack of high intelligence does not make it unteachable. It will take more time to train, but eventually she will learn at least basic commands. Surely many have seen how mongrels cross the street at a pedestrian crossing and always wait for the green traffic light.

How to toilet train

Traditionally, the greatest difficulty is toilet training a dog. For puppies, this process can take from 2 to 4 months, but adult mongrels, as a rule, remember the “order of actions” quite quickly. The main thing is not to leave them at home alone at first and take them outside more often. With each successful “attempt,” you must actively praise your pet.

It will be easier for the owner of a yard dog to train his pet if he carefully monitors his behavior. Sudden restlessness, rapid movement from one part of the room to another, or barking at the door may indicate that the dog is asking to go to the toilet. If an animal suddenly disappears from sight, sniffs the floor, sits down - all these are signals that should not escape the attention of the owner.

Training plan

Mongrel puppies learn faster, but an adult dog, with some ingenuity and perseverance, can be taught the rules of coexistence with humans. When taking a dog from the street, the owner must be consistent and prevent violation of prohibitions and arbitrariness. Many mongrels have a lot of negative life experience, so at first you need to work with them taking precautions, first of all, not leaving children alone with them.

In general, the approach to raising and socializing outbred pets should be based on the individual abilities of the pet, while the training plan remains standard. After the dog gets used to its name and gets comfortable in the house, you can begin teaching basic commands:


Metis and mongrel: what is the difference?

Mixed breeds, like yard dogs, are animals without a clear breed. But why are they called differently and how do they differ from each other?

  1. Metis. This is the name given to animals whose appearance clearly resembles their purebred parent. These are representatives who are hybrids of one/two/three accurately guessed breeds.
  2. Cur. An animal whose appearance makes it difficult to determine the breeds involved in crossing.

Any hybrid dog is officially called mixed breed. So, even if the baby exactly copies his noble father or both parents, his passport will still indicate “mestizo” without specifying the details.

Labrador mix

Fashionable mestizos: how did designer breeds appear?

Unlike random matings, which have long become commonplace, purposeful mating of different breeds is now called designer mating. Such dogs can no longer be called mongrels, but they still do not have a specific breed. However, not all mestizos can be considered designer: only puppies obtained from crossing purebred individuals with worthy ancestors are considered; designer mestizos have reliable documents and receive good marks at exhibitions.

Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador and a poodle.

The term “designer dog” was first used in the 80s. The breeders thought of crossing a poodle and a Labrador in order to create a professional guide for blind owners. Then their success was simply crazy: puppies were sold for $2,000 apiece. The breeders quickly developed their own fan club and, as usual, hundreds of opponents of such breeding. Currently, “fashionable” matings continue in the world. You can determine the breeds that participated in the birth of the puppy not only by its exterior, but also by the name of the hybrid. For example:

Spagle - a cross between a spaniel and a beagle.

Jobs is the result of crossing a Jack Russell terrier with a pug

Pitsky is a mixed breed of pit bull and husky.

Chow-chow is a cross between a chow-chow and a German shepherd.

Top 69 small breeds

Australian Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier (Silky Terrier)

The terrier is decorative and adapts perfectly to apartment conditions. Doesn't shed, doesn't bite. Grooming is necessary, but due to its small size it will not be a problem.

A rare breed on the verge of extinction. There are currently no nurseries in the CIS, and there are no breed standards as such.

American Eskimo Dog (Toy)

American Toy Fox Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier)

Andalusian tavern pied piper

African hairless dog

The breed is not suitable for everyone, but rather for experienced breeders. If you are ready to face some difficulties, this handsome man will fit well into your family. The dog is smart, proud and loyal.

A good companion, the breed experiences some difficulties when training. The cheerful, intelligent and friendly griffon was bred in Belgium to catch rats. It will fit perfectly in your apartment.

The breed was bred relatively recently and has a great resemblance to the Yorkshire Terrier. Except that the color is different; white predominates on the belly and paws. The dog is friendly and looks strikingly reminiscent of a plush toy.

Bichon Frize

The breed is actively used in circus performances and is easy to train. Cute and unusual in appearance, Bichon Frizes have a kind and balanced character.

Bolognese or Italian lapdog

A breed with a centuries-old history. Such a pet will have an easy-going character and is highly trainable.

Border Terrier

An energetic breed, it has pronounced hunter instincts. Does not require special care and is generally friendly towards people.

Brazilian Terrier

Brussels griffin

Unusual appearance and affectionate character are qualities that define the breed. With proper care, the dog will live with you for a long time.

Miniature Bull Terrier

A smaller copy of a bull terrier. The breed has retained its originality and acquired miniature sizes.

Valencian rater

Loyal to only one owner, but the breed will treat all family members well.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Westphalian Terrier

Relatively recently developed in Germany and not widespread in the CIS countries.

Volpino Italiano

The dog looks more like a plush toy. Cheerful and playful, he will be an asset to the family.

Such a small dog constantly needs attention, do not leave it alone and it will become a wonderful companion.

Smooth Fox Terrier

The Fox Terrier needs apartment living conditions; it is a pet sensitive to temperature changes. He gets along well with pets and is attached to his owner.

Goldust York

It differs from its relatives in its unusual golden color, hence the name. He loves people and treats guests kindly.

Blue Gascony Basset

The dog is poorly adapted to city life.

Danish-Swedish farm dog

The small dog copes well with the functions of a guard and protector.

Jack Russell Terrier

Physically tough and strong, the small breed will be an excellent hunting assistant.

Yorkies are one of the most popular small breeds. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by extreme curiosity and love for people. This is precisely how they are able to win the hearts of the owners and everyone who plans to purchase a Yorkshire Terrier!

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a rather exotic breed; not everyone will like the appearance of a small dog.

Myths about "yard terriers"

A certain set of stereotypes and characteristics has formed around mongrel dogs. And some of the qualities that people who do not know them attribute to a yard dog are nothing more than myths. They were listed and refuted by the writer Denis Dudinsky in his book “The Most Famous Misconceptions about Quadrupeds.”

Myth No. 1. Insufficient mind

A few dog handlers speak contemptuously of mongrels, claiming that they are completely stupid. However, this is far from the case: yard dogs can compete in intelligence with many noble dogs. Thus, 85% of the surveyed educators of mongrel dogs confirmed that their pets are ahead of their noble fellow tribesmen in terms of intelligence.

Mutts successfully perform in circus performances along with purebred dogs

Myth No. 2. Insufficient affection

It is believed that yard dogs show less sympathy for their owner than their purebred fellow dogs. In reality, this is not so: animals choose one owner for themselves and suffer greatly if the owner has to part with the pet. Their focus on people is higher than that of terriers or “Caucasians”. However, the experience of dog handlers shows that only wayward “Caucasians” are ahead of mongrels in terms of independent behavior. This independence of behavior affects the level of devotion: for example, mongrels are still not as attached to their owner as Dobermans, Rottweilers, collies, German shepherds, and boxers.

A devoted “yard terrier” hugging his owner

Myth No. 3. Street dogs have better training abilities

Mongrels train well and quickly remember commands, but still do not have the best training abilities among other dog breeds. Denis Dudinsky, already mentioned above, compiled a rating of the 10 most trainable dogs, which looks like this:

Table 2. Top 10 most trainable dogs

1 East European Shepherd
2 Collie
3 Doberman
4 Cur
5 Giant Schnauzer
6 Rottweiler
7 German Shepherd
8 Caucasian Shepherd Dog
9 Russian Terrier
10 Boxer

Thus, yard dogs occupy only 4th place in the ranking. They can be considered capable of training, but it cannot be said that they are the best at this.

Myth No. 4. The mongrel is the kindest creature in the world

Many people associate a mongrel with the kindest dog who looks at a person with deep eyes full of devotion and would never attack his own kind. And, it’s true, most mongrels do not show strong aggression towards other animals without a breed. However, when compared with the characteristics of other breeds, it turned out that “yard terriers” behave more angrily towards other animals than East European shepherds, boxers, giant schnauzers and collies. A rating was also compiled based on the level of aggressiveness towards children. Mongrels were in 5th place, behind Caucasian and German shepherds, black terriers and Rottweilers.

Mongrels are generally peaceful towards children.

Myth No. 5. Yard dogs are bad guards

Many argue that mongrel dogs cannot be relied upon to protect your home from enemies. Experience shows that in mongrels the ability to immediately bark at an unfamiliar citizen is not well developed, as is the reaction to fussing outside the doors. The qualities necessary for a defender are less developed in the mongrel than in representatives of service breeds. Despite this, the qualities of guarding the territory and their owner are better developed in mongrels than in boxers, Dobermans and “Scots”. According to testing of yard dog owners, 23% of “yard terriers” have excellent bodyguard skills, and 47% are excellent guards of dachas, apartments or houses.

The mongrel protects his owner's property well

Latin nicknames

For black and white puppies there are names in ancient Latin, they will reflect the depth and paradox of the animal’s personality.

For boys:

  • Avitus - heir
  • Alpheus - changeable
  • Argus - radiance
  • Brutus – large, heavy
  • Verus - truth
  • Vitus - life
  • Darius - wealth
  • Draco is a dragon
  • Ursus - bear
  • Kalix is ​​the most beautiful
  • Kato - wisdom
  • Liber - freedom
  • Lupus - wolf
  • Cute - grace
  • Nemo - nobody, incognito
  • Okinus - ocean
  • Pluto - wealth
  • Rolo - famous
  • Remus is fast
  • Uranus - sky
  • Fido - trust
  • Hugo - spirit
  • Cerberus is a demon
  • Erebus - darkness
  • Jupiter is a deity

We recommend watching: 490+ beautiful names for French bulldogs

English setter Hugo is good both on the hunt and on the couch

For girls:

  • Avila - bird
  • Aurora - dawn
  • Bellona – struggle
  • Venus – love
  • Gusta - respect
  • Jonna - good
  • Irena - peace
  • Calypso - mystery
  • Clio - glory
  • Lisia – light
  • Medea is cunning
  • Nerthus – strong, strong
  • Oriana - gold
  • Petra - rock
  • Rena - rebirth
  • Sarah - princess
  • Celia – heavenly
  • Ondine - wave
  • Fausta - luck
  • Femi – courtesy
  • Helena – flame, torch
  • Herta – energy
  • Electra - bright light
  • Eunice - sure victory

Newfoundland Sarah is in a great mood
This is interesting: funny nicknames for white, gray and black rats.

Training "yard terriers"

So, we have already managed to find out that in terms of mastering various techniques and commands, “yard terriers” are only in 4th place. However, these smart puppies sense their owner well and understand his mood. Therefore, we can confidently say that the logic of training and the owner’s perseverance can turn a mongrel into a disciplined and noble friend.

Even a child can handle training a “yard terrier”, but until you are sure of the dog’s good behavior, you shouldn’t leave them alone

Important! Before starting training, it is advisable to find out from which breeds this particular representative of the “noble family” came from. This way you can find out which abilities are already inherent in the dog’s genes, and which ones need to be developed.

Nuances of training and education

A dog learns easily and quickly, but only with a good example. The owner needs to show the pet how to behave and how it is strictly forbidden. The algorithm for training a puppy is similar to raising purebred dogs and looks like this:

  1. Before a dog arrives, a personal place must be prepared in the house, where everything will be provided for comfort and good development. This can be a separate corner with a lounger, toys and bowls if the puppy lives in an apartment. If you plan to immediately place the dog outside, it is necessary to provide a comfortable kennel and a strong chain so that the dog does not break free from its leash.
  2. First of all, the puppy must remember his name, and also learn the basic rules of behavior that the owner sets. Since mongrels usually live in a kennel on the street, the list of rules most often includes prohibitions on loud barking and attacking strangers during walks.
  3. After the puppy begins to respond to his name, you need to start teaching the simplest commands - “Come to me!”, “No!”, “Sit!” , "Lie!" . If to train purebred dogs, the owner quite often has to resort to the services of specialist dog handlers, then training a “yard terrier” puppy on his own is very fruitful.

Important! The level of intelligence in an adult dog is similar to the level of development of a three-year-old child. Dogs of the “noble breed” are able to understand about 200 words, and guess the rest from the actions and voice of a person.

Training a mongrel

Training and security qualities

Schipperke (dog): description of the breed, character

Many mongrels have a high degree of intelligence, often surpassing the mental abilities of a purebred dog. They are easy to train and remember memorized commands for a long time. They are not limited by fixed instincts; they can be molded into anything at their discretion.

First, you need to familiarize the new pet with a permanent place of feeding and rest. The baby will quickly remember his nickname and will respond to it. Then simple commands follow: sit, lie down, come to me, ugh. The owner's persistence and patience will turn a stray dog ​​into an intelligent noble dog.

Mongrels can be excellent guards and excellent watchmen. They are often taken to country houses for these purposes, where they live in enclosures or kennels, because they are hardier than their purebred brothers, have strong immunity, and can easily withstand bad weather and temperature changes.

You can have fun alone

"Yard Terrier": benefits for humans

Dog service specialists claim that mongrels are inferior to their noble brothers in discipline and keenness of smell. Despite this, “yard terriers” can be of great benefit to humans. For example:

  • they show themselves well as search dogs for searching for drugs, missing things or a person;

Mongrel - search dog

  • are excellent dedicated guards, ready to protect their person in any situation;
  • As guards, many breeds of service dogs are passed ahead, but boxers and “Scots” are ahead of them.

Owners who expect their pet to perform narrowly focused tasks are still advised to give preference to purebred service dogs. However, outbred specimens show themselves no less successfully in the service of humans.

Mongrel bitches that have whelped are often used as nurses for orphaned babies of other animals.

Appearance of a purebred shepherd

The German Shepherd is an intelligent and beautiful animal. They were originally used as shepherds and for tracking purposes, but are now being acquired as companions. The animal can reach 65 cm at the withers and weigh up to 40 kg.

Adults are muscular and fit. They have a stretched body, a clear line of the back with a slight slope towards the croup, and a well-developed chest. The head is proportional to the body, long and wedge-shaped. Black earlobe, dark almond-shaped eyes, drooping tail are the noticeable characteristics of this noble animal.

Is the mongrel truly evil?

Some believe that street life must turn a mongrel dog into a fiend of hell, attacking other dogs and passers-by for no reason. To refute this fact, animal psychologists conducted a series of observations and found the following:

  • most “yard terriers” do not show any aggression towards other yard dogs;
  • mongrels are more wary of dogs with a pedigree that are different from them in appearance than Doberman Pinschers, Scottish and East European Shepherds, and Giant Schnauzers;
  • “yard terriers” tend to show aggression towards humans more noticeably than Dobermans, boxers and collies, but they are inferior to special dogs in this ability;
  • mongrel dogs are practically not inclined to show unreasonable aggression towards other dogs while walking: this ability is at the same level as that of friendly collies;
  • For children, mongrels are not the most dangerous dogs: according to the rating of hostility towards children, they are inferior to Rottweilers, Caucasian Shepherds and “Germans”.

Mongrels show virtually no aggression towards their own kind.

Small dogs by type

Smart little ones: Goldust Yorkie, Miniature Schnauzer, Petit Brabançon;

Smooth-haired: Chihuahua, French bulldog;

The most expensive: Coton de Tulear, Italian lapdog, Japanese dwarf spitz, Jack Russell terrier, Toy poodle;

Hunting: Blue Gascony Basset, Schipperke, Scotch Terrier, Skye Terrier;

For the apartment: Russian Toy Terrier, Prague Rat, Belgian Griffon, Chinese Crested, Japanese Chin, Australian Terrier;

The most beautiful: Italian Greyhound, King Charles Spaniel, Russian Salon Dog;

Fighting little ones: Miniature Bull Terrier, French Bulldog;

Fluffy: American Eskimo Dog, Small Spitz;

Kind: Lancashire Heeler, Lhasa Apso;

The most popular: Pug, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese, Dachshund, French Bulldog;

The most evil: Manchester Terrier;

The calmest: Shih Tzu, Pug, King Charles Spaniel;

The healthiest: Valentinian Rater, Brazilian Terrier, Tibetan Spaniel;

The rarest are Alopekis, African Hairless Dog, Norwegian Lundehund, Westphalian Terrier;

The cheapest: Rabbit Dachshund, Little Lion Dog, Smooth Fox Terrier, Miniature Pinscher;

For children: Shih Tzu, Sealyham Terrier, Norfolk Terrier;

Outbred guards in numbers

Scientists say that mongrels quickly react with a loud bark to the appearance of a stranger or walking outside the front door. This important ability is more noticeably developed in them than in “Scots”, Dobermans and Boxers. Canine tests regarding the protective characteristics of mongrels revealed the following figures:

  • 55% of breeders confirmed that yard dogs are excellent watchdogs;
  • 47% of respondents say that their dogs successfully guard private houses and summer cottages, which means they can keep large areas under control;
  • 25% of owners call mongrel dogs excellent bodyguards.

Many dog ​​owners believe that letting a mongrel dog into the house is the best and most profitable solution for creating good protection. Perhaps they are a little inferior in some qualities to service dogs, but they quickly adapt to changing weather conditions and are unpretentious in food.

Mongrels on security duty

Black and white in nature

Nature offers so many incredible black and white associations that one can get lost in the variety of possible names.

For boys:

  • Agate
  • Asher
  • Bir
  • Wolf
  • Crow
  • Vortex
  • Graphite
  • Grizzly
  • Thunder
  • Galaxy
  • Dusty
  • Pearl
  • Carbon
  • Quartz
  • Cosmo
  • Leopard
  • Milky Way
  • bear
  • Moon
  • Obsidian
  • Onyx
  • Opal
  • Pan Himalayan
  • Spider
  • Penguin
  • Slate
  • Slater
  • Smokey
  • Falcon
  • Spider
  • Twilight
  • Storm
  • Eclipse
  • Jaguar

Baby Milky Way
For girls:

  • Baroka
  • Vega
  • Vihola
  • Galaxy
  • Pebbles
  • Jasmine
  • Pearl
  • Zhzhenka
  • Ground beetle
  • Zarya
  • Lamia
  • Lily
  • Moon
  • Magnolia
  • Mamba
  • Nebula
  • Nyukta
  • Panda
  • Panther
  • Foam
  • Puma
  • Blizzard
  • Snezhana
  • Ebony
  • Amber

Chihuahua Zhzhenka. Tiny - but so much dignity!

Purebred puppy VS dog from the street: who to choose?

The question of choice is quite difficult, given all the advantages and disadvantages of both representatives. It is impossible to say with certainty what type of animal should be chosen, since this can only depend on the character and needs of the owner. To make the right choice, you need to analyze the capabilities of both purebred and outbred puppies.

Table 3. Comparison of dogs of noble blood and mongrel dogs

Fundamental factors of choicePurebred dogMongrel dog
Purpose of the establishmentIf the owner sleeps and sees his pet participating in exhibitions and cynological events, he definitely needs to get a purebred puppy. The same applies to breeding A mongrel dog is suitable as a good friend and an unpretentious guard
Pet sizeWhen buying a puppy, the owner knows what size the adult dog will grow to be. Size and character depend on the breed and parents of the puppy The final size of the dog remains a mystery to the last. So, in one litter from a mongrel there may be no puppies that look like their mother at all. This means that an adult dog can take after its father and grow much larger than its mother.
Education and trainingThey are trained according to a specific scheme developed for a representative of each breed.In most cases, they take training better than noble dogs. However, specific skills in yard dogs are not as obvious as in purebred dogs.
CharacterThe character traits of a purebred pet can be found out by studying the standards or meeting the puppy’s parentsCharacter is impossible to predict. An adult dog can be affectionate and friendly or angry with the whole world.
HealthIn many species, close mixing of blood occurs during crossing (inbreeding), due to which genes become defective and genetic diseases developThey are considered healthier than purebred dogs, since natural street selection weeds out weak and sick individuals even in puppyhood. Roaming gives the dog a strong immune system, and the absence of a breed eliminates breed-related diseases

Little puppies are adorable, now the choice is yours

The final decision depends only on the owner. No standards or descriptions oblige the dog to blindly follow them. Thus, buying a purebred puppy with a pedigree will not guarantee success: the puppy may not realize all the advantages of its noble ancestors. And a dog that has been picked up from the street, warmed and fed, does not have to be flexible and love its owner unconditionally.

Video - Purebred dog or mongrel?

How to choose the right mongrel dog?

Most breeders don’t see much difference in where to look for a mongrel pet. They are bought at the market, found on the Internet, taken from the street or from friends. To prevent the arrival of a new family member from becoming an annoying mistake, when choosing one, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Explore the area where the dog lives. This could be an apartment or a shelter. If the habitat is dirty and unsanitary, the dog may develop health problems.
  2. Assess the health and appearance of the puppy. The dog should have clean eyes without pus, a moist nose, and a calm belly without bloating. There should be no white or black lumps on the fur, which indicate the presence of fleas and lice eaters .
  3. Observe the dog's temperament and character. A puppy that shakes, hides in a corner, or runs away at the sight of a guest will never become a good friend. Perhaps in the future he will get used to the new owner, but will show aggression towards any unfamiliar person or object.

A cowardly pet in adulthood will be very dangerous, as it will begin to bite, and mongrel dogs that rush at a person who comes to visit and try to grab his clothes cannot be re-educated by any means. You need to choose a puppy that greets strangers in a friendly manner, but is also cautious. After a few minutes of communication, he can approach a person and allow himself to be stroked, while wagging his tail and licking the guest’s hands. Such a pet has an adequate psyche and will grow up to be a good friend.

Choosing a puppy is a responsible matter

Mongrel is a free, loyal friend

You can adopt a mongrel from the street completely free of charge, and the owners of such dogs often give away their puppies for a symbolic price. For many four-legged lovers, this advantage becomes the main thing when choosing a pet. After all, the prices that breeders of purebred dogs set for their puppies are often 2-3 times higher than the average wage. This should also include the costs of maintenance and feeding, which are not relevant for mongrels.

Often the owners of “yard terriers” themselves are ready to pay extra to the new owner to take the next puppy. Some people give away all their belongings along with the pet, including toys, leashes, and collars. Therefore, the new owner always has a choice: take home a mongrel puppy or feed an adult dog from the street.

Mongrel is a faithful friend

Origin of the mongrel breed

All breeds are the result of selection. During the process, dog breeders prioritize certain qualities that are inherent in a particular breed. Over a long period of time, the obtained qualities gradually improve. A mongrel dog is also considered the result of a crossing procedure, but a person is no longer involved. This can be a mating not only of stray dogs, but also of domestic dogs that are left unattended by their owners. As a result of such natural selection, dogs can be obtained with a mixture of completely different breeds. Their ancestry cannot be established.

What to feed the mongrel?

Outbred dogs do not have a pampered stomach and do not require a special diet, unlike purebred dogs. Mongrels can eat almost anything. This dog will be simply happy if it is fed porridge with pieces of meat cooked in meat broth twice a day. Despite the pet’s pickiness, you need to ensure that its metabolism is not disturbed. To do this you need to include in your diet:

  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables.

The dog will also eat ready-made dry food with pleasure. The choice of food is huge and depends only on the thickness of your wallet. When the family sits down to dinner, the dog will constantly beg for food from the master's table. The pet must be weaned from this habit immediately.

Important! Under no circumstances should dogs be given chocolate or other sweets. Sugar will destroy teeth, and theobromine, which is part of chocolate, can lead to coma.

The puppy is not yet accustomed to dry food

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