Fighting dog breeds. Descriptions, names and types of fighting dogs

Fighting dogs, gladiator dogs are the names of service breeds that were bred for work: protecting owners and their property or helping people find and capture intruders. Pets are completely undeservedly classified as dangerous, evil animals. Often, high-quality puppies from a proven lineage without mental or physical disabilities become good family dogs, loving and loyal.

Of course, certain living conditions must be selected for service breeds (most often, the pets are quite large). It is also necessary to develop a personal training and physical activity schedule. Fighting dogs need to be trained seriously and for a long time, and this can only be done by a trained, experienced dog breeder.

Bull Terrier

This is the famous rat-faced fighting dog . She is elongated, like a rodent's. Small eyes are located symmetrically on the edges. The mouth is wide. The Bull Terrier has a very muscular body and strong legs. It weighs up to 35 kg. The animal's body is covered with soft short hair. The color is different.

The pet's owners affectionately call him "bule". If you raise a dog without strict punishments and restrictions, he will grow up obedient and balanced. Bull terriers are not characterized by causeless aggression.

If a stranger enters their territory, then, with the owner’s permission, he will give him a warm welcome. However, without the presence of its owner, any stranger on its territory will certainly be attacked. The dog has a well-developed protective instinct.

It is believed that the Bull Terrier has well-developed intuition. He reads the emotions of his family members with maximum accuracy, adapting to them. For example, if the dog's owner is sad, she will not invite him to play, but will try to share this emotion. In this case, she will lie down next to you and begin to feel sad as well.


This is a large fighting dog with well-developed defensive skills. Alano will never offend his owners, devoting his life to their protection. This dog's devotion knows no bounds.

The breed is distinguished by its persistent character, fearlessness and endurance. Alan's physique is massive. He weighs about 50 kg. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, so they always stand at an angle. The coat is short and very delicate. The ears are small and inclined towards each other. The dog's jaw moves forward slightly.

This breed is quite rare. Today, efforts are being made to restore the Alano population. In addition to guarding and protective skills, the dog has outstanding hunting talent. He loves to track game when his owner is nearby. He also enjoys pack hunting.

American Bulldog

This fighting dog looks very friendly in the photo. She has big eyes and a wide mouth, so when she breathes through her mouth, she gives the impression that she is smiling. It is justified, because the American Bulldog, despite its massiveness, is a cheerful and good-natured dog.

Can be aggressive towards strangers. When walking your dog, put a muzzle on it, as there are many known cases of it attacking other animals. More than others, he hates cats. However, if you get a bulldog puppy with a kitten, they will definitely become friends. This is due to the characteristics of socialization. Animals that grow up together, in any conditions, will become friends.

Today, the American Bulldog is used for dog fighting, as a companion, and as a farm protector. Excellent protective and protective qualities, as well as fearlessness, are the key characteristics of the breed.

The owner of this dog needs to properly plan its diet. You should not overfeed your bulldog, otherwise he will quickly gain weight and will not be able to fully perform his work functions.


The breed is also called the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog” or “Wolfhound”. It differs from other dogs in its gigantic size (60-80 cm in height), fearlessness and well-developed fighting skills.

Alabai is a difficult dog to train. She can love the owner infinitely, but at the same time have absolutely no respect for him. This dog's respect is manifested in obedience. With proper training, the wolfhound will obey and follow all commands. However, it will take time to reach a level of trust with him.

The Central Asian Shepherd is prone to dominance and has a stubborn disposition. Since this is a very strong dog, a confident and persistent person can cope with its negative qualities. It is necessary to show her that she is not the first person in the family. Only in this case will the animal be subdued.

Alabai is an excellent watchman. You can be sure that, in your absence, your home, children and pets are under its protection. He will never back down in a fight or leave his family in trouble. Without a doubt, the Central Asian Shepherd is the best fighting dog .

Nicknames based on natural elements

Uncontrollability, ferocity, onslaught, strength, destruction... These are the qualities that can be characterized by nicknames given by the names of natural elements. Let's look at the options.

  • Fire
  • Aqua
  • Chaos
  • Darkness
  • Landslide
  • Volcano
  • Fog
  • Buran
  • Blizzard
  • Snowstorm
  • Tsunami
  • Typhoon
  • Wind
  • Hurricane

The storm knows that it is impossible, but cannot resist

  • Storm
  • Tornado
  • Storm
  • Fire
  • Fire

Pit bull terrier

This breed has a huge number of enemies. There is still debate as to whether it can be kept at home. Pit bulls participate in fighting dog fights . In this matter they have no equal. During a fight, they are as aggressive and bloodthirsty as possible.

There were people who cared about animals who decided to tame a pit bull, giving him the opportunity to show his good side. They did it. It turned out that this is a very gentle dog that dotes on its owner. The animal is distinguished by loyalty, endurance and enormous strength, allowing it to resist in case of threat.

It will not retreat and will not leave its owners in trouble. The dog's body weight does not exceed 30 kg. It has short, often brown, fur, small curled ears and large black eyes. The pit bull is intolerant of other pets. He prefers to be the owner's only favorite. However, there are known cases of his friendship with domestic cats and dogs.

Cane Corso

One of the best guard dogs. Most often, there are individuals with pure black short hair, less often with light red hair. The animal's face has wide folds of skin that make it appear sad.

The original purpose of the breed was to hunt large animals, especially wild boar. However, over time, it became clear that she could be used as a companion and friend. Today the Cane Corso is considered a family dog. However, her friendly qualities should not be exaggerated. This is a guard fighting breed with a well-developed sense of smell and territoriality.

Her temperament is quite stubborn. A beginner will not be able to cope with it. To facilitate educational work, the owner of a Cane Corso should spend a lot of time with her. This way the dog will socialize faster and begin to serve. It is advisable to submit it for training to an experienced dog handler.

A well-mannered dog of this breed will become a devoted friend and reliable protector for his family. Advice! Never leave your Cane Corso alone in a house or apartment, as he may become offended and spoil things, for example, chewing on sofa cushions.

South African Boerboel

One of the largest dogs, whose weight can exceed 50 kg. Her initial missions are to protect farming communities and hunt wild pigs. The breed's loyalty and ingenuity have won the favor of a huge number of people. Today there are Boerboel nurseries in Asia, Australia, Europe, etc.

The color of the dog's short coat is light. There is a black and red “mask” on its face. The South African Boerboel's cheeks are drooping. There are folds on its face (only in adults).

The animal is characterized by balance and calmness. It is not prone to violent manifestations of emotions. As puppies, South African Boerboels are quite playful, however, as they grow older, their activity decreases.

Most of the day the dog sleeps or patrols the area, warily watching people passing by. It is completely harmless for children, even very young ones. You can safely leave her alone with them.


The approximate nutrition of an adult individual looks like this:

  • porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • raw beef;
  • sea ​​fish (no more than twice every 7 days);
  • fruits;
  • raw yolk (no more than 2 times a week);
  • vegetable fats;
  • cartilage and offal (three times a week);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Puppies need to be fed every three to four hours. An obligatory part of the diet should be low-fat kefir and calcined types of cottage cheese. When you reach eight months of age, you can switch to a two-meal regimen.

Ca de Bou

A small dog with well-developed powers of observation. Very hardy and strong. Weight – up to 40 kg, height – up to 60 cm. Ca de Bou looks like an American pit bull terrier, he is just as muscular and massive. He was bred as a fighting dog, but today the animal does not participate in battles, but is exploited as a family guard.

The dog's observation ability allows him to quickly react to any living creature that sets foot on his territory. From a young age, he adapts and socializes in a narrow family circle, quickly becoming attached to his owners. He would never allow anyone to harm them.

Ca de Bou are excellent protectors and watchmen. There is no need to teach them these skills; nature took care of this, endowing them with them from birth. As a puppy, a dog of this breed will begin to display protective qualities with loud barks and growls. It is worth noting that she has a well-developed mind, which allows her to classify a stranger as “her own,” if the owner is good-natured towards him.

This dog has a large, square head that harmonizes well with its muscular body. However, some owners over-fed their ca de bou, which makes them fat. A large representative of this breed significantly loses its guarding and fighting potential.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Like the Alabai, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a wolfhound. This is one of the strongest and largest canines. The dog of this breed appears larger due to its long, dense coat. Thanks to her, the shepherd is not afraid of low temperatures.

Not so long ago, it was used exclusively in battles. In this matter, she established herself as a ferocious and bloodthirsty beast. However, modern Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have not inherited this fate.

Yes, they adopted endurance and intolerance towards some people from their fighting ancestors, however, they stood out for their more tolerant attitude towards their owners. Some representatives of this breed love their owners so much that they are ready to spend all their time next to them, without leaving a single step.

Despite the good nature and tenderness towards family members, the Caucasian Shepherd never loses its vigilance. She performs a guard function around the clock. She knows no fear or retreat. The animal will not hesitate to sacrifice its life to protect its owners.

In addition to these obvious advantages, the dog also has a disadvantage - stubbornness. To become disciplined, it needs to be practiced daily. The Caucasian Shepherd must learn to respect the owner, therefore, there must be a force element in its upbringing. This does not mean that the animal needs to be beaten, but demonstrating your physical advantage will not be superfluous.

Large fighting dogs - photo

Neapolitan Mastiff

The huge dog weighs about 70 kg, and reaches 77 cm at the withers. The dog is distinguished by powerful bones and muscles, a wide skull, a massive head and a rough type of constitution. The neck has a bifurcated volumetric dewlap. There is a mandatory suspension along the lower body. Mastino has short hair, which can be brindle, gray, blue, or black. Or isabella and mahogany color. This calm animal can live in a city apartment, get along well with children and be devoted to its owner.

Cane Corso

A dog with a luxurious muscular body is difficult not to notice among other representatives of fighting breeds. With an average weight of 50 kg, at the withers it reaches 70 cm. The pet’s stretched body looks strong, has a pronounced withers and a well-developed chest. The massive head is distinguished by a wide skull and a convex forehead. The Cane Corso's muzzle is half the size of its skull. The jaws have a wide, light bite. Hanging lips cover the lower jaw.

The dog has a balanced character and is devoid of increased aggression. However, it will not tolerate intrusion into its borders. A cane car can stop an intruder on its own initiative, without any command from the owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A large dog weighing from 45 to 70 kg at the withers can reach 64-72 cm. Animals similar to teddy bears have long been used to guard the herd and fought with wolves.

The strong and majestic dog has a thick, elastic hide, a massive head, a well-developed coat, muscular withers and a slightly tucked belly. The voluminous, blunt muzzle of the Caucasian Shepherd dog slightly tapers towards the nose. The oval eyes are set obliquely and have a dark color. Dogs of this breed can be either short-haired or long-haired. The coat can be white, brindle, gray or red.

Caucasian Shepherds have inexhaustible energy, so they need training and systematic physical activity. In battles, they most often do not kill their opponent, but drag them from corner to corner until he weakens.


This wonderful guard dog weighs about 55 kg and is at least 65 cm tall at the withers. The massive dog is very proportionally built, has voluminous but prominent muscles. There is swiftness and harmony in his movements. Half of the animal's height is made up of the Alabai's muscular legs. The massive head is rectangular in shape. The muzzle to the nose practically does not narrow. The thick coat can be up to 10 cm long or short. Color may vary, but brown and blue colors should not be present.

With proper upbringing, the Alabai will grow up to be a disciplined, friendly animal. A smart dog will be a kind hero, reacting adequately to strangers and protecting his owner.

Akita Inu

A fairly large dog, 70 cm tall, has a plush face and kind eyes, so it does not evoke thoughts of danger. However, the breed has a centuries-old fighting heritage. In a family, an Akita will only recognize the leader, who should become a strong leader with a strong character for her.

Dogs of this breed have a well-developed wide chest, straight back, muscular lower back and cat-like paws. The large head, proportional to the body, resembles a blunt triangle. The coat with a soft undercoat is 5 cm long and is fawn, red, piebald, white or brindle in color.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Despite its massiveness and healthy appearance, this is a sickly breed that requires regular preventive examination by a veterinarian. A healthy and caring Dogue de Bordeaux will become a faithful companion and reliable protector.

Curiosity and activity are qualities that are not characteristic of this dog. He almost always behaves with restraint, concentration and calm. There is little that can provoke him into a vivid display of emotions. If a stranger comes into the territory of the Dogue de Bordeaux, he begins to bark loudly, thereby attracting the attention of his owner.

Despite the lack of excessive activity, you should not put your dog on a chain. This will make her unhappy. She really needs to communicate with her owners and loves scratching and other tactile contacts.

The appearance of the animal is unusual. It has thin red fur, drooping cheeks, long floppy ears and a wide mouth. Due to the large number of skin folds on the face, the dog looks sad.

Dogue de Bordeaux is ideal for owners who lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer to spend most of the day lying on the couch with their beloved pet.

Popular names

Let's start the selection with the most popular names that are preferred. Despite the formidable appearance and tough character of their pets, the owners put all their love into their nicknames. Judge for yourself:

  • Aconite
  • Fighter
  • Archie
  • Ike
  • Brutus
  • Harrison

Staffor Krepysh

  • Granta
  • Grenada
  • Jack
  • Diego
  • Zorro
  • Catfish
  • Sturdy
  • King
  • Combat
  • Sergeant Major
  • Oscar
  • Reno
  • Soldier
  • Romeo
  • Scythian
  • Stu
  • Snoopy
  • Spike
  • Chappie
  • Jump
  • Grabber

Stubborn Romeo

  • Troll
  • Tracker
  • Travis
  • Dave
  • Diva
  • Turbo
  • Eugene
  • Inigma
  • Wendigo
  • Flora
  • Navi
  • Sherry
  • Sailor
  • Gray
  • Agaroth
  • Aster
  • Nara
  • Bast
  • Gaia
  • Gloria
  • Jarrah
  • Gina
  • Dana

English bulldog

Not so long ago, this small fighting dog participated exclusively in dog fights, but today it is kept in apartments and houses as a family dog. The English Bulldog has well-developed muscles, a large muzzle and strong legs. Such indicators make him an ideal fighter.

As for security inclinations, representatives of this breed also have them. An English Bulldog rarely greets strangers in a friendly manner; even if the owner independently let a stranger into his home, the dog will bark at him.

The breed is known for being stubborn and touchy. If you didn’t please this dog, then don’t be surprised if the next day he doesn’t even come to you. To keep your bulldog physically fit, you need to exercise him daily. He loves steeplechasing. You can also take it with you on a run.


The breed is characterized by strong immunity. With a balanced diet and proper care, a dog can live up to twelve years. It is recommended to regularly visit a veterinary clinic for the prevention and prevention of diseases and vaccinations.

The ears of the Japanese Mastiff are considered the weakest part of the body, so you should clean them thoroughly and ensure that they are not dirty. Veterinarians will select the right product for ear hygiene. Representatives of the breed are also susceptible to colds, so we do not recommend keeping the dog in a damp room or at low temperatures.

Dogo Argentino

A loyal and very hardy breed, which is famous for its observation and courage. Many consider the Dogo Argentino to be the best watchdog of them all. Perhaps they are right. He copes with the security task excellently. All members of his family are protected by the dog. Even in the absence of noise, he will not stop patrolling the area.

The dog never loses his vigilance. Even when he is playing good-naturedly with children, any extraneous sound will attract his attention. And you won’t have to wait long for the Great Dane’s reaction. His coat is short, so there is no need to comb it. In general, caring for a Dogo Argentino is very simple. Another advantage of the breed is excellent health.

Like most fighting dogs, he has a stubborn disposition. The Dogo Argentino is not easy to please. He will listen only to a morally stable and strong person. In order to raise a strong and obedient dog from a Great Dane puppy, you should start training it from the age of 3 months.

Before buying a puppy of this breed, you also need to take into account its abundant saliva production. Because of this, it is not easy to keep a pet in an apartment; he will splash everything with his saliva. The Dogo Argentino is a street dog that will only feel comfortable in a large area.


According to one version, the creator of the breed worked as a tax collector and needed a reliable, brave, strong and intelligent guard. This is how the Doberman was formed. Today it is one of the most common breeds in the world.

Though slender and graceful in appearance, Doberman Pinschers are nevertheless very strong. Aggression is usually motivated: the dog will attack if its owner or property is threatened. If not properly trained, it can react ferociously to strangers and other animals.

The dog's bite force is 142 kg per square meter. cm. In addition, Dobermans are swift and resilient - irreplaceable qualities in a fight. Attacks at high speed - up to 38 km/h.

But their main feature is considered to be their intelligence, which is exceptional for the canine world. They are always extremely attentive, sensitive to any movements. The Doberman is called the smartest of all dogs.

Staffordshire Terrier

One of the most popular fighting breeds. The dog is called "Stafford" for short. It is quite large, from 40 kg. The breed was bred in the USA. Now she is one of the most scandalous in the world. The fact is that the media regularly broadcast cases of attacks by Staffordshire terriers on people and animals.

The attack of this dog can be fatal, because it has fighting parameters that allow it not only to inflict damage on its opponent, but also to kill him. Yes, the breed's temperament is truly fighting. However, with proper training, the dog will not become aggressive.

If you love fighting dogs, then you can safely get a Staffordshire Terrier. But there is a big “but”. An animal will become obedient and controllable only if it respects its owner. And it’s not easy to instill such an attitude in him.

Stafford must understand that he is morally and physically weaker than his master, then he will begin to obey him. Therefore, if you are not ready to impose your authority on this dog, then it is better to refuse to buy it.

Most American Staffordshire Terriers are very gentle and kind towards the people who live with them. This proves the fact that they are not dangerous.

“Sharp” nicknames

It is not known why, but most people associate fighting dogs with sharpness. Therefore, the nickname Fang or Blade is quite a common name. What “edgy” names can you choose for a dog?

  • Nail
  • Dagger
  • Rapier
  • Katana
  • Fork
  • Button
  • Spoke
  • Sword
  • Scimitar
  • Harpoon
  • Cleaver
  • Machet

Juan relaxing in nature

English Mastiff

One of the largest fighting winning dogs. She has no equal in strength and endurance. A fight between an English mastiff and any other fighting dog almost always ended in victory for him. He is a serious opponent who should not be underestimated.

Today, the English Mastiff is increasingly being kept as a companion. The man managed to tame the temper of this dangerous animal with a fighting character. He happily learns any commands and carries them out with great pleasure. Raising this dog is exciting not only for him, but also for the owner.

The owner's approval is the best incentive for the English Mastiff. He reacts painfully to any criticism and tries to justify himself in case of failure. The animal communicates very tenderly with people who love it. He enjoys being petted and played with.

Protecting your family is the priority of this breed. The dog will not be afraid even of an armed man and will try to fight him back. Important! If you get an English Mastiff and do not train him, he can grow up to be an aggressive and dangerous dog.

Historical reference

Since ancient times, dog fighting has been considered a popular entertainment among breeders. In addition to fun, fights between four-legged gladiators brought in good money.

Breeders all over the world have been breeding the most suitable breeds of dogs for fighting. Animals meeting forces must be powerful, strong, agile and fast. This is how their name appeared - fighting


Apart from fighting, these dogs were faithful companions to humans. The dogs fought back against dangerous enemies. Pets could attack even large animals while hunting. In the pastures, the four-legged animals watched over the cattle and drove away thieves from the herd.

A distinctive feature of fighting dog breeds is a loud, frightening bark, a large, strong build, a powerful grin, and a fearless character.

Dogo Canario

Slender physique, strength and loyalty are the main characteristics of the Dogo Canario. He knows no fear. He is extremely attentive and observant. The Dogo Canario is an excellent protector. There is no need to train him to guard. While still a small, inexperienced puppy, he will prove himself in this difficult task.

In order for an animal to become attached to its owner, it must be tamed, starting from 2 months. The owner of such a dog must be a strong and morally stable person. In the absence of these qualities, she will not submit. Before taking part in dog fights, the Dogo Canario undergoes preparatory training.

Tosa Inu

Typical fighting breed. Tosa Inu is famous for its huge size, about 65 cm in height. The dog's weight can exceed 60 kg. Participation in battles is the purpose of introducing this breed. Keeping such a pet at home is not easy. Traditional canine good nature or tenderness is alien to him.

A well-mannered Tosa Inu will not attack its owner, however, it will refuse to play games with him. The breed is willful, stubborn and moderately aggressive. Rarely gets along with small children. Most often, the dog avoids their company. I am also intolerant towards animals.

The dominant Tosa Inu is not suitable for every owner. A physically strong person who will not be frightened by a dog’s roar can conquer his willfulness. If an animal learns to respect its owner, it will never harm him.

However, raising him is a difficult process. It is impossible to accurately predict whether the Tosa Inu will become a friendly dog, because the blood of a bloodthirsty killer flows in it, but some representatives of the breed are playful and welcoming to people.

The Notoriety of Fighting Dogs

The bad reputation of fighting breeds arose due to careless owners who could not or did not want to raise their four-legged animals.

Dog handlers are convinced that all attacks (on strangers and on the owners themselves) are caused by a lack or complete absence of proper physical activity. Energy that has not found an outlet results in the dog’s hyperactivity and then into unmotivated aggression.

And it’s good if furniture and things become objects for venting anger. It is much sadder to read the notes that appear from time to time about people who have been bitten and torn to pieces.

There is only one conclusion: if you do not have the desire, knowledge, time and character to raise a fighting dog, do not take on this difficult and extremely responsible task. Buy a simpler puppy, for example, a toy terrier.

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