How to recognize pregnancy and how long does a dog carrying puppies walk?

Pregnancy in dogs is a natural physiological process that occurs after the fertilization of an egg in the reproductive organs of a female dog. This is the process of waiting for offspring. A pregnant dog is preparing to become a mother, carrying her puppies. This is a very important and responsible period. Enormous changes occur in the dog’s body; it requires special care and nutrition. The owner of a pregnant dog must provide her with comfortable conditions for bearing puppies. How can you tell if your dog is pregnant? What care does a pet expecting a litter need? How long does pregnancy last? What are the indications for interrupting this process? We tried to answer all these questions in our material.

How long does pregnancy last in dogs?

The period of gestation of offspring is individual for each female. It is impossible to reliably know how long a pregnancy lasts - even for the same female, each pregnancy can have a different duration.

On average, a dog bears offspring for 8-10 weeks, from 53 to 70 days.

Puppies born before 53 days may have difficulty opening their lungs. Those born after 70 days often experience hypoxia and intoxication of the body.

What affects the term

The duration of pregnancy is affected by:

  • age of the bitch;
  • number of embryos;
  • size and breed of dog;
  • general health of the pregnant bitch.

If there are many puppies in the litter, the gestation period is reduced. Childbirth may occur several days earlier than the expected date. Also, premature birth often occurs in dogs with hidden health pathologies, too young and elderly dogs.

How many months does pregnancy last?

Dogs of small and miniature breeds – 2 months (60 days).

Large and giant breeds – 2 – 2.5 months (63-70 days).


If the pregnancy is approaching the 70th day, there is a risk of carrying the offspring. Be sure to take your dog to the veterinarian so that he can decide whether labor or caesarean section is necessary.

Factors influencing the duration of pregnancy

The gestation period for dogs varies. How long it will last will depend on the breed of the female and her state of health. The duration of pregnancy is influenced by the following factors:

  • Number of pregnancies. Dogs that are pregnant for the first time bear offspring longer than females that have already given birth.
  • Pet's age. Young dogs give birth at 8-9 weeks. Adults can especially carry babies up to 10 weeks.
  • Health. If a dog has chronic diseases, premature birth may occur.

Also, the duration of pregnancy is influenced by the enrichment of the mother’s body with useful vitamins and mineral components. If they are deficient, the female may also give birth to offspring earlier than expected.

Signs of a dog being pregnant

Every dog ​​owner should know what signs indicate pregnancy. In this subsection we will tell you by what signs you can understand that your dog is carrying puppies.

Why does the owner need to know the symptoms of pregnancy?

Firstly, mating can be planned or unplanned. The owner may not even realize that the dog has become fertilized and the dog is expecting puppies.

Secondly, even if the owner was present during this process, he cannot know for sure that his pet is awaiting offspring. Mating does not always result in pregnancy.

First signs of pregnancy

During the first two weeks of pregnancy, the dog does not show any symptoms that indicate its position. The only thing that may alert you is the animal’s lethargy and increased drowsiness.

At a later date, the following signs indicate that the dog is expecting puppies:

  • the dog is affectionate, demands more attention to itself;
  • appetite decreases or disappears completely - this is the result of stress, which is a change in hormonal levels due to pregnancy. The condition is temporary and occurs in the early stages;
  • toxicosis, which manifests itself as morning sickness and vomiting. It usually appears at 3-4 weeks and lasts several days. At this time, the dog needs an increased water regime and sorbents. If toxicosis lasts longer than a few days, the dog needs the help of a veterinarian;
  • swelling of the nipples in bitches who have given birth. Occurs in the early stages (14-20 days);
  • discoloration and thickening of the skin around the mammary glands in primiparous females;
  • bright pink nipples in light-colored dogs;
  • weight gain.


Weight gain during the first 42 days of pregnancy should not exceed 10% of the dog's ideal weight.

Condition of the dog before birth

The imminent appearance of offspring can be recognized by sudden aggression towards strangers, the construction of a “nest” and the creation of hiding places with food supplies. A few days before giving birth, the pet begins to produce milk and loses its appetite.

In the last day, body temperature drops by 1-1.5 °C. The expectant mother becomes very restless, digs “holes” in the floor and sits down in them. At this stage, take her to the “nest”, since there will be no more than 1.5 hours left before new family members appear.

How to determine pregnancy

It is recommended to show the bitch to a veterinarian 25-35 days after fertilization. During this period, the following diagnostic methods are most effective:

  1. Palpation . By palpation, pregnancy can be determined between 21 and 35 days. The veterinarian can feel the individual sacs of fluid in which the embryos develop. At later stages, the uterus becomes more flexible, and the sacs cannot be felt.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity . An ultrasound examination 100% confirms pregnancy, establishes its duration, and determines the viability of the fetus.
  3. Hormonal test . To confirm pregnancy with a hormonal test, it is performed at 30 days or later. Testing earlier may show a false negative result.

Another diagnostic test is radiography. This is an effective way to determine the number of puppies. It is carried out from 42 to 55 days after mating.

Gestation Length of Small Breeds

How long does a dog bear puppies is a common question among owners of female small breeds. These animals (Yorkshire terrier, lapdog, chihuahua) most often give birth on days 57-60 of pregnancy.

In some cases, pregnancy may last a week longer. This will not be considered a deviation. Small dogs usually give birth to large offspring.

Puppiness in representatives of small breeds

Stages of pregnancy and fetal development

The pregnancy phases in dogs are very short and pass quickly. Usually, when talking about stages, we highlight the weeks of pregnancy.

First week

The egg divides and embryos form. The dog becomes lethargic, loses interest in male dogs, and decreases appetite. External signs of pregnancy during this period may be completely absent.

Second week

The placenta is formed, the embryos move into the uterus and are attached to the baby's place. The dog becomes drowsy and changes in behavior occur. In females who have given birth, the mammary glands swell. In first-time mothers, the skin around the nipples becomes rougher.

Third week

The placenta becomes thicker, and hearts form in the embryos. The offspring can be seen on an ultrasound. A blood test shows an increased level of relaxin. The dog refuses food and vomits (toxicosis). The owner must adjust the diet and gradually increase portions.

Fourth week

The embryos take on the appearance of puppies (without fur) and are detected by palpating the dog's abdomen. Puppies develop bone tissue, eyelashes and whiskers. The pregnant woman develops an appetite, increases activity, and symptoms of toxicosis (vomiting and nausea) disappear.

Fifth to seventh weeks

During this period, all organs and systems are formed in puppies, and fur appears. Puppies are clearly visible on ultrasound. The bitch's appetite increases and her weight increases rapidly. In the seventh week of pregnancy, the dog becomes more cautious, reduces activity, and instinctively protects its belly.

Eighth week

The movements of puppies are visible to the naked eye. They take a head down position, preparing for childbirth. The dog's nipples are completely ready for feeding; they are enlarged in size, brightly colored, and colostrum may leak from them. The uterus drops, the dog’s belly sags greatly. The dog often licks itself.

Eight +

Preparatory phase for childbirth. The dog moves slowly, looking for a place for a “nest”. You need to be close to your pet and measure the pregnant woman’s temperature at least 3 times a day. Before labor begins, body temperature drops sharply to 35°C. The dog appears restless and is breathing heavily.


The pregnancy calendar in weeks and days differs in dogs of different breeds (small, medium and large).

Signs of imminent labor

Naturally, the first sign that an animal will soon give birth is a correctly calculated gestational age .
Also, how long a pregnant animal has left to walk may indicate a change in the pet’s body temperature. This indicator may differ at different stages. Therefore, by regularly measuring the dog’s body temperature, you can determine the time of onset of labor. In practice, it should look like this: if the temperature drops to 37 degrees, birth should be expected no later than in a day. However, this only applies to small dog breeds. Another sign of the proximity of a significant event is a change in the pet’s behavior. The animal begins to look for a place to give birth or rebuild its shelter where it sleeps. The dog whines, drinks a lot of fluids and shows unusual restlessness. In such a situation, the owner needs to prepare for childbirth. It is important to prepare a place for birth where the animal will feel calm. It should be not hot or cold there, without drafts and preferably close to the owner.

Immediately before the onset of labor, physical changes may be observed: drooping of the abdomen and drooping of the sides . Immediately after the onset of labor, the owner can independently help the pet, naturally, if he understands what to do. If you do not have confidence in your own abilities, then it is better to seek help from an experienced veterinarian.

Caring for a pregnant dog

To help your dog bear and give birth to healthy offspring, you need to know how to care for a pregnant bitch. Ensuring proper nutrition, physical activity and maintaining good hygiene are the main points of caring for an expecting pet.


Regular walks in the fresh air are recommended for dogs at all stages of pregnancy. Walking should be daily. Walking helps to maintain strength for the birth of offspring. Intense oxygen saturation reduces toxicosis in the bitch, improves her appetite and has a positive effect on the condition of the fetus.

You can walk long distances, but without much fanaticism. Large working breeds, such as the German Shepherd, are allowed to walk until they become slightly tired. Walking in sunny weather improves metabolism in the body of the expectant mother and improves the synthesis of microelements.

When walking a pregnant bitch, you need to protect her from intense training, jumping, sudden movements and extreme fatigue. Simply walking your dog several times a day is enough. The longer the period, the shorter the route should be. It is better to take the dog out 3-4 times a day and walk with it a little. It’s also not worth keeping someone on the street forcibly. If the dog asks to go home, is lethargic or wants to sleep, listen to its condition.


Hygiene procedures for a pregnant bitch include standard care for the eyes, ears and mouth, washing paws with a weak solution of potassium permanganate after going outside. Dogs should not be bathed while pregnant or during lactation. Dogs in late stages of pregnancy need a comfortable large bed, placing it in a secluded warm place without drafts.


All vaccinations must be given to the dog before mating. During estrus and after conception, it is too late to vaccinate dogs. Puppies' immunity is passed on from their mother, so her body should already have developed an immune response to all major canine diseases. The body produces the maximum amount of antibodies only 30-45 days after vaccination. Vaccination of pregnant women can lead to irreparable abnormalities in the development of the offspring or to their death .

Read more about vaccination.

Antiparasitic treatment

There is no complete ban on the use of antiparasitic drugs during pregnancy. It is important to choose the right drug that is approved for use in dogs in this position. Veterinarians recommend not to refuse to treat your dog for helminths and external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice). A mother infected with parasites is a danger to her future offspring. The main rule is that drugs are selected taking into account the duration of pregnancy on the recommendation of a veterinary specialist .

Permitted drugs:

  1. From external parasites: Frontline, Advocate, Promeris Duo, Green Fort, Prak Tik.
  2. For helminths: Helminthal, Procox, Dironet, Drontal.

How to feed a pregnant dog

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the diet of a pregnant dog. This is important for the health and well-being of the expectant mother and her puppies. The diet should be high quality and as balanced as possible.


  1. The first month - twice a day (morning and evening).
  2. Second month – 3 times a day.
  3. Last days of pregnancy – 4-5 times a day.

Small meals in later stages are necessary for better digestibility of food and to prevent stagnation in the intestines. This is due to the fact that growing puppies put pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestines of a pregnant dog and interfere with the passage of food.

Industrial feed

Commercial foods of at least “super-premium” class are best suited for pregnant dogs and puppies. The protein content in finished feed should be no lower than 29%, fat – no lower than 17%. For the proper formation of puppy skeletons and milk production, it is important to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin E, calcium (1-1.8%) and phosphorus (0.8-1.6%) in the diet.

Specialized food for puppies and pregnant animals contains more nutrients and gives the dog more energy - this is so necessary for the expectant mother. In addition, this food is better digestible and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Enhanced nutrition with increasing portions is prescribed from the 30th day of pregnancy. By the end of pregnancy, the portion is increased by 1/3. In the early stages, there is no need to overfeed the dog so as not to cause it to become obese .

Popular foods for pregnant dogs:

  • Grandorf Junior All Breeds Lamb & Rice Hypoallergenic – for pregnant dogs and puppies from 4 months;
  • Bosch Reproduction – for adult dogs (from 1 year to 6 years), pregnant and lactating;
  • Bozita Puppy&Junior WHEAT FREE – for puppies and pregnant women;
  • Purina Pro Plan Puppy Medium Sensitive Skin Salmon & Rice – for puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs
  • Royal Canin Mother & Babydog – for pregnant dogs (available for small, medium and large breeds).


The dog is gradually transferred to high-quality specialized food 7-10 days before mating. This diet is maintained throughout pregnancy and after birth, while the puppies feed on mother's milk.

Natural feeding

If the dog remains on a natural diet, its menu is revised towards increasing protein products and decreasing carbohydrates.

The diet of the expectant mother should include:

  1. Lean meat - veal, beef, turkey, rabbit.
  2. By-products – liver, chicken gizzards, lungs.
  3. Boiled sea fish fillet – once a week.
  4. Quail eggs.
  5. Fermented milk products – low-fat or low-fat. You can give natural yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
  6. Vegetables – zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.
  7. Fruits - at the dog's request. Some pregnant bitches develop unusual eating habits.
  8. Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating animals as prescribed by a veterinarian.

To facilitate labor, from the 53rd day of pregnancy, meat products, calcium supplements and other supplements are excluded from the diet.


Throughout pregnancy, you need to monitor your dog’s weight and not allow it to gain excess weight.

Practical advice

To get started, we recommend you watch an excellent educational video from National Geographics about pregnancy in dogs, genes, different breeds and much more. Excellent translation, useful information and many clear examples!

Now let's move on to our tips.

Feeding a pregnant dog

We have mentioned the need for a properly balanced diet more than once. If your pet is accustomed to ready-made food, the veterinarian will tell you when to switch to a line for pregnant women and help you choose the right brand.

If the expectant mother prefers natural food, then the menu for the puppy is compiled individually. But it must contain the following products:

  • homemade yoghurts with natural pharmaceutical starters (bifidumbacterin, narine);
  • meat products rich in collagen and minerals (cartilage, tendons, sea fish);
  • ready-made fermented milk products (kefir, acidophilus, cottage cheese);
  • fresh vegetables and herbs (nettle leaf, raspberry);
  • sources of animal protein (beef liver and chicken eggs);
  • In the second half of pregnancy, it is advisable to introduce vitamin and mineral supplements.

Help with toxicosis

The nature of the occurrence of toxicosis in dogs is almost not studied. A bitch's refusal to eat due to nausea can cause irreparable harm to the health of future puppies. To avoid this, use our tips:

  • long slow walks help build up an appetite;
  • It is better to feed the bitch a little at a time, as often as possible;
  • in especially severe cases, dry food is soaked in water, rolled into balls and given in tiny portions, like medicine, to the root of the tongue;
  • Dried apricots help relieve nausea, but it is important not to overdo it, this dried fruit is very weak;
  • Along with vitamin and mineral complexes, it produces energy paste for pregnant dogs. It will not allow the body to starve until the symptoms of toxicosis subside;
  • After mandatory consultation with a specialist, you can start taking veterinary prebiotics for pregnant bitches (for example, Eniferm).

First pregnancy - how to prepare a dog

A dog's first pregnancy is an exciting and worrying period for its owner.

The dog must be prepared in advance for this event.

  1. Conduct all necessary vaccinations and check the health of the expectant mother. The veterinarian will tell you whether the animal is ready to bear offspring and check whether there are any contraindications for this.
  2. Treat the animal against external and internal parasites. This can be done during pregnancy, but it is better to take care in advance.
  3. 3-4 months before the planned mating, the dog is switched to a high-quality balanced diet and increased physical activity to get rid of excess fat deposits and strengthen muscles.

During the entire period of gestation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dog’s condition, conduct regular examinations (tests, ultrasound), and follow all the veterinarian’s recommendations for care and feeding.

Pathologies of pregnancy

Pregnancy does not always end in childbirth. In some cases, this process may be interrupted or not take place at all due to improper fertilization, infections, or genetic reasons.

Frozen pregnancy

Characterized by the fact that one or more embryos (puppies) stop growing and developing. Most often occurs at 3 or 7-8 weeks. The dog’s body can independently get rid of frozen fetuses by resorption of the embryo, miscarriage, or mummification of the embryo with its subsequent decomposition.

If a dog miscarries, it must be taken to a veterinarian to make sure there are no fragments left in the bitch's body. Miscarriage can be partial - viable puppies remain in the uterus. In a complete miscarriage, the entire offspring dies.

Ectopic pregnancy

Cases of ectopic pregnancy are caused by pathologies of the reproductive and endocrine systems. Also, a similar condition can occur due to injuries in the abdominal area, when the walls of the uterus rupture and the embryo enters the abdominal cavity. The condition is manifested by pain, internal and external bleeding and discharge from the female genitals. The ectopic pregnancy is terminated.

The birth process

Immediately before giving birth, the bitch will lie down on her side and, while pushing, will try to press her back and pelvis against the wall. Sometimes birth occurs in a standing position. A puppy can be born with its head or paws forward, both options are normal. First, your dog's water will break, this happens after the first bubble bursts.

A young bitch can get confused, so if she can't calm down, help her lie down in the playpen and stroke her .

Each puppy is in an individual shell. The puppy must be released from it immediately so that the baby begins to breathe . Usually the dog does this on his own, but if he hesitates, then take the baby in your hands and remove the bubble. If the spout is clogged, it is cleaned.

After this, you will need to separate the umbilical cord , again, the bitch must do this herself, but it happens that the owner has to intervene: you need to squeeze the umbilical cord and drain the blood from it, passing it towards the puppy. Fix your fingers at a distance of 2 cm from the tummy, with your other hand grab the umbilical cord 3 cm from the gripping point and pull with the hand that is closer to the puppy. The umbilical cord will come off on its own, but if it is cut, bleeding will occur.

Do not let the puppy crawl with an uncut umbilical cord, this will lead to a hernia, and the same consequences will be caused by the carelessness of the bitch herself. If, nevertheless, the puppy begins to bleed, then tie the umbilical cord with silk thread, previously soaked in alcohol .

After the puppy appears an afterbirth , sometimes the dog eats it, this is normal. After each puppy is born, change the diaper under the mother.

Important: count the number of afterbirths! It must match the number of puppies. If there is something left inside the dog, then call a doctor to help get rid of it.

After the baby has been freed from the films and the umbilical cord has been cut, he is placed under the mother’s belly so that with the first feeding he starts the digestive process. At this moment, the dog will lick them and turn them over, and quite unceremoniously, do not disturb her.

Pedigree puppies must be weighed and data about their birth must be recorded. You must specify:

  • Time of birth,
  • Floor,
  • Weight,
  • Description of color.

After the birthing process is completed, let the bitch rest; she will settle down in a warm and calm place with her babies.

Important: childbirth is a bloody and quite dirty process. Assess your strengths and your degree of disgust so that you don’t end up at a loss at the most crucial moment. If necessary, invite someone to help. Remember that labor can last a full day.

False pregnancy in dogs

The condition is characterized by physiological and mental changes in the dog’s body, against the background of a lack of fertilization. Occurs 6-8 weeks after estrus. Appears as a result of disruption of the activity of the gonads.

Symptoms of false pregnancy

Physiological signs:

  1. Change in nipple pigmentation.
  2. Increased appetite, thirst.
  3. Lethargy, apathy.
  4. Swelling of the mammary glands.
  5. Colostrum-like nipple discharge.
  6. Symptoms of intoxication: vomiting, nausea, refusal to eat.

Psychological symptoms:

  1. The dog lovingly arranges the “nest”.
  2. The animal's interest in soft toys increases. The female behaves with them as with living puppies: licks them, cares for them.
  3. Interest in walking decreases or completely disappears.
  4. There may be attacks of unreasonable aggression.


The only sign that indicates that there has been no fertilization and the dog is not expecting offspring is the absence of fetal movement.

What is the danger of the condition

As soon as the owner thinks that his dog has a false pregnancy, he should immediately show the pet to the veterinarian. This is necessary to get rid of this condition in a timely manner. The consequences of a false pregnancy can be: mental disorders, oncological pathologies of the uterus, mammary glands and appendages, diseases of the genitourinary system.


If an imaginary pregnancy is detected and diagnosed in the early stages, it is enough to change the conditions of keeping and caring for the dog:

  • reduce meals to 1 time per day;
  • limit meat and dairy products on the menu;
  • reduce the share of liquid meals and give less to drink;
  • increase the time and activity of walking;
  • play more;
  • hide from the animal all objects that remind him of “motherhood”.

If these measures do not help or the pathology is detected late, the veterinarian may prescribe drug therapy. Therapy uses sedatives, hormonal and homeopathic remedies. Self-medication for this pathology is unacceptable .

Preparing for childbirth

The birth site must be prepared in advance, as puppies may be born earlier than expected. And the woman in labor herself must get used to and explore this space.

It should be something like a playpen , where one wall is lower than the rest, that is, the dog should be able to crawl out of it, but the puppies should not.

The place should be warm , there is no point in setting up a completely enclosed space, the dog may need your help, and a closed playpen will make access difficult.

Arrange a place where the dog and puppies will be after giving birth; it should resemble a soft and cozy nest .

In the room where you plan to give birth, remove all carpets and rugs, as they will be almost 100% dirty and it is unlikely that they will be cleaned.

Additionally prepare:

  • oilcloth and blanket, which you place under the dog,
  • heating pad,
  • puppy basket,
  • pipette,
  • medicines (peroxide, brilliant green, medical alcohol),
  • sterile wipes,
  • diapers,
  • spool of silk thread.

It is advisable that someone help you; another hand will never hurt.

If the dog has long hair, you can slightly shorten the hair on the belly.

How to terminate a pregnancy

In some cases, it is necessary to resort to post-coital contraception and induced abortion. This is a responsible step on which the life and health of your pet depends. How to do this so as not to harm the dog's health?

Reasons for termination of pregnancy

  1. Unplanned (accidental) mating.
  2. Mating during the first heat of a young female.
  3. Disproportions in the sizes of males and females.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Dog health problems.
  6. Possible problems with offspring due to pathologies in the structure of the dog’s pelvis.

The sooner the termination is made, the greater the chance of maintaining the dog’s ability to have offspring. In veterinary medicine, two methods of ending pregnancy are used: medication and surgery. Both methods cause serious damage to the dog's health. They are recommended to be used only for serious medical reasons .

Medication method

This is a more gentle way. In veterinary medicine, injectable drugs and tablets are used. The choice of drug for induced abortion depends on the stage of pregnancy and the health of the dog.

Veterinarians use:

  • Estrogen-based drugs. Used at the beginning of pregnancy. They have serious side effects: infertility, disruption of internal organs.
  • Natural and synthetic analogues of prostaglandins. Used early. A more gentle way. Prescribed only after pregnancy is confirmed (ultrasound).
  • Progesterone antagonists. Use up to 45 days after mating. They have contraindications and side effects.
  • Corticosteroids. Used at a later date. Can cause serious complications, including death of the animal.


The decision to terminate is made only by a professional veterinarian. He will examine the animal, choose an acceptable method of termination and medications.

Vaccinations and deworming

When planning to get offspring, check with your veterinarian about what vaccinations you need to get before breeding. After conception, the administration of vaccines that are safe for adult animals can harm the embryos, cause birth defects of internal organs or death. Due to the high risk during pregnancy and lactation, vaccination is not carried out, so sometimes the timing of some vaccinations is postponed.

Deworming should be carried out 2-3 weeks before mating, but not earlier than three months after the previous use of anthelmintic drugs. They are prohibited for the entire duration of the dog's pregnancy and feeding of the puppies - more than three months, so it is important to carry out deworming at the optimal time before mating. The next dose of anthelmintics is given after the puppies start eating solid food.

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