Estrus in pugs - when does it start, how long does it last and how does it proceed in pugs

When choosing a dog, it is no coincidence that many people choose a pug. This cheerful creature is a companion for its owner and a favorite for all family members. Some immediately plan to start breeding the breed and buy girls. Others do it spontaneously and for them, pugs' heat becomes not the most pleasant surprise, but sometimes a real test. To avoid stressful situations and be prepared for any surprises, you should get acquainted with the characteristics of the dog’s puberty and find out what the owner needs to do during this period.

When does a Pugs first come into heat?

Puberty occurs earlier in small breeds than in large breeds. A pug's first heat occurs at the age of six months. The timing is influenced by several factors:

  • heredity;
  • past illnesses;
  • quality of content;
  • diet.

A six-month-old female is ready to mate, but early pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the dog and future offspring. Therefore, the owner needs to carefully monitor the pug to protect it from unwanted matings.

You should be wary of periods that are too early (before six months), as well as if estrus has not begun before two years of age. Most likely, these are signs of pathologies. To make a diagnosis, you must contact a veterinary clinic.

General condition of the bitch

You can understand that a dog is in heat either using a special calendar or based on the symptoms it exhibits. The first option is more reliable, but is completely unsuitable for determining the first void.


A dog's behavior before going into heat manifests itself in different ways. Some show aggression, others show excessive friendliness, and others show apathy. Such states are individual, but rarely coincide with the usual state of the pet. If you notice the first behavioral changes, do not forget to check the physiological ones. Only together do they indicate the onset of menstruation.

Physiological changes

Physiological symptoms of estrus in a dog are manifested in loss of appetite, deviation of body temperature from normal and the appearance of urinary incontinence. Eternally hungry animals begin to refuse their favorite food or finickyly dig into the bowl, throwing out some of the food.

There is an increase in body temperature within 0.5°C. Frequent urination occurs due to increased estrogen levels, which reduce the number of nerve cells in the bladder sphincter. As a result, the valve ceases to fulfill its role of containing urine.

Pug behavior before and during heat

The onset of estrus is the time when pugs reach sexual maturity. It manifests itself in a dog by changes in behavior and hormonal changes in the body. Even the most obedient pets become uncontrollable, aggressive and even vicious. There are times when people forget commands or do not respond to them on purpose. Pugs behave fussily, may not sleep, and howl for a long time and often. If several animals live in the same area, during this period it is better to place them in different rooms to prevent fights.

In the first days, the bitch marks her territory in order to attract males. This happens not only during walks on the street, but also in the house. Untimely onset of molting may be a sign of imminent entry into heat. During this period, dogs drink a lot, they urinate more often, and bloody discharge is noticeable in the urine.

You shouldn’t scold or punish your pug for changed behavior, disobedience, damaged furniture, or think about what to do with the “obnoxious” animal. The dog needs to be distracted, calmed down, occupied with joint games and communication.


Owners of bitches are often frightened by the thought that the bloody discharge that their pet leaves everywhere at this time may end up on a light-colored carpet or upholstered furniture. To prevent this from happening, experienced breeders recommend putting special underpants on the dog, which you can buy at a pet store or make yourself.

Due to the fact that pugs have a very specific body structure and ordinary panties do not fit very securely on them, it is recommended to supplement them with straps that will prevent clothes from sliding down.

Important! If you sew panties for a female in heat yourself, then you need to choose natural soft materials for sewing them.

How many days does the discharge last?

The first heat in pugs occurs when the animals reach 2/3 of the weight of an adult dog. The intensity of bleeding varies. In some females they are scanty and may not be noticed by the owner. Such heats are called “quiet” heats. Others are thick, bright red, abundant. It all depends on the age of the pug, its size and hereditary factors.

Depending on the conditions of detention, the quality of feeding and the individual characteristics of the bitch, the duration of heat varies; on average, estrus lasts 20-25 days.

Repeated estrus

Estrus usually occurs twice a year with an interval between them of 5 - 9 months.

This period depends on the condition of the animal and the season of the year. In summer the period will be shorter, and in winter it will increase. Also, the interval increases after the birth of puppies.

On problematic women's days, the owner should show care and patience. This is especially true for the first heat. There is no need to be too strict, raise your voice and punish your girl. Otherwise, she will withdraw into herself, lose her cheerfulness and stop trusting.

How does estrus usually occur in pugs?

The entire reproductive cycle of a dog is divided into four periods:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metaestrus;
  • anestrus.

In the proestrus (or pre-estrus) phase, the pug's loop swells in girls, blood circulation in the genitals increases and scanty bleeding appears. The dog's character changes - it becomes playful, but may not obey the owner and run away from him. While walking, the bitch sniffs everything around, often crouches and leaves marks.

With the onset of estrus, the female enters the phase of active sexual hunting. In the first 2 days, ovulation occurs, but it may not allow the male to come. Later he raises his tail at the sight of the “groom”. The discharge from the loop is pink or completely absent, the vulva is very swollen.

The final stage of pug hunting is metaestrus, which lasts for several days. The discharge stops, the loop returns to its original size, and the female again does not allow males to approach her. She becomes calm and obedient again.

Anestrus does not refer to the period of hunting, since it is a phase of sexual calm before the next menstruation. The usual duration of the stage is 100-150 days.

Pairing Instructions

Make sure the animals are as comfortable as possible. If mating occurs in the summer, then it is better to prescribe it in the morning or evening.

Animals (especially males) need to be given a good walk 2 hours before crossing so that they become more loving and do not need to be fed.

The mating itself should be carried out on the male’s territory so that he feels more confident, especially if he has little experience in amorous matters.

It is also advisable to have an experienced breeder present who can professionally monitor the process and help if difficulties arise.

When the animals become comfortable, a period of courtship and flirtation begins, which is the beginning of sexual intercourse. The male will carefully sniff the female’s intimate place, as he is excited by this smell, and the female will allow him to lick the loop and then begin mating.

But sometimes not everything goes smoothly: the bitch can become nervous, afraid, or behave aggressively and not let the male near. In this case, you or the breeder will have to intervene.

It will be necessary to carry out the mating on a non-slip table, holding the pug by the front paws. If necessary, use anti-bite gloves if the female is very aggressive, and a muzzle, but only as a last resort, because this can humiliate the dog.

If the female is larger than the gentleman, then a special stand or a thick book can be placed on his hind legs. You may need to hold the female's rear and adjust the position of her loop.

After this process is completed, the male will turn in the opposite direction (if necessary, help him) and the genitals of the animals will remain in the “lock” for 10-15 minutes.

Bonding may take up to an hour or more, but this is not a reason to worry, since in this position the process of fertilization of the egg occurs.

Mating may not work out right away, so to be on the safe side, it is recommended to repeat the mating the next day after the first time in order to consolidate the result, but do not forget to give the animals rest so as not to overtire them.

What to do during a dog’s “critical days”?

Immediately before the onset of estrus, female pugs may have purulent discharge from the loop. Everything goes away without consequences after the end of estrus. If this does not happen, you should contact your veterinarian to identify the pathology.

To prevent the dog from leaving bloody marks in the apartment, disposable panties are used, but it is not recommended to keep the bitch in them all the time. She needs to be given the opportunity to take care of her personal hygiene.

During the hunting period it is recommended:

  1. Avoid long walks in winter.
  2. Do not bring to places where there are many other dogs.
  3. Keep pugs on a leash when outdoors.
  4. Avoid contact with individuals of the opposite sex.
  5. Make sure that the bitch during estrus does not roll out in dirt and dust, or swim in open water.
  6. Do not take to exhibitions and competitions.

Pregnancy and childbirth in these dogs

You can find out about pregnancy by your pet's lethargy, rare urge to urinate, increased appetite and weight gain. However, to find out for sure, you should contact your veterinarian. His visit is planned for 6–7 weeks after mating.

Typically, pugs have offspring of 2–5 puppies (photo below, but there are cases of 6–7 births. Pregnancy lasts a little more than 60 days. Vitamin food or supplements, protein foods containing calcium are introduced into the diet.

Toxicosis is possible between the fourth and fifth weeks of pregnancy. It is recommended to shorten your walks and remove meat and fish from your diet. It is dangerous in cases where the pet refuses food for more than 24 hours.

Important! During pregnancy, you need to walk a lot so that childbirth goes smoothly.

Before giving birth, you will need to prepare the place where the mother and puppies will be. It is advisable to avoid drafts. The day before giving birth, the pug may begin to starve and look for a secluded place in the house.

7 days before the expected date of birth, you need to monitor your temperature, measuring it twice a day. There is a decrease to 37.4–37.6. And when the process of delivery begins, it drops to 36.6–36.8. It is recommended to arrange in advance with your doctor to be present during a difficult birth.

Important! Prepare diapers, gloves, scissors (treated), warm water and a puppy crate.

The breaking of water will indicate the beginning of labor, and by the intensification of contractions you can understand when everything will end. Experienced dog breeders advise staying close to the dog, stroking and supporting it.

Due to the structure of the jaw, pugs cannot bite the umbilical cord on their own, therefore, after its pulsation stops, it will have to be cut with scissors. After birth, the puppy is wiped and applied to the nipple, but when the next one is born, the first one must be put in a box. This must be done to avoid injury.

At the end of the birth, the dog needs to be fed and bathed in warm water. Afterwards she is sent to her offspring.

The pug is in heat: when to breed

Pugs reach their peak physical development at the age of 18 months. At this time, it is recommended to bring them together for the first time. For the female, the period falls on the third estrus.

Pugs are prepared for breeding in advance:

  1. They are dewormed within two months.
  2. They lead to normal body weight - if you are overweight, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases.
  3. Both partners' blood is donated for analysis.

For the female, a male is selected that meets the following requirements:

  • purebred;
  • absence of anatomical defects and color defects;
  • normal size and weight, strong immunity;
  • without injuries or previous surgeries.

Mating of pugs begins on the 8th-13th day of estrus, focusing on how ready the bitch is for mating. The discharge during this period is almost transparent, the loop increases in size and becomes soft. The female moves her tail to the side as soon as the owner puts his hand on her rump or touches the edge of the loop.

Preparation for mating

Preparation must begin three months before the heat. Before going into heat, you need to undergo a preventive examination by a veterinarian, take blood and stool tests for eggworms, cure existing inflammations, and also make sure that all necessary vaccinations are completed on time.

A month before mating, you need to carry out deworming and rid your pet of fleas. If you are late with anthelmintic drugs, this threatens the resorption of embryos in the early stages or the loss of offspring at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.

For a male dog, you need to undergo a preventive examination by a veterinarian and undergo tests once every six months. Treat for fleas no later than a week before mating, and deworming is carried out as usual (once every 3-4 months). But if the analysis shows the presence of worms, then the problem must be eliminated immediately before mating.

Another important point for both parents is weight control, because Pugs have a tendency to become obese. For a bitch, being overweight does not threaten pregnancy and complications in the future, but it will be difficult and uncomfortable for a dog to climb on top of a girl, he will be out of breath and get tired faster.

Therefore, it is worth unloading animals from excess fat prematurely and this requires only a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.

Possible problems associated with estrus

During estrus, changes occur in the female's body. She needs help coping with the changes - switching to five meals a day, making portions small. As soon as the pugs' hunt ends, they return to their previous regime.

Since the period of estrus refers to a stressful situation, deviations in the behavior and condition of the dog are possible. When the first signs appear, you should consult a veterinarian to avoid health problems. It is necessary to visit him if the discharge from the loop has acquired an unnatural color (yellow, greenish, black) and an unpleasant odor.

False pregnancy requires attention. After mating, the dog does not undergo fertilization, but develops toxicosis, loss of appetite, enlarged abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands. The condition can go away on its own, but sometimes it leads to inflammation and requires medical intervention. If false pregnancy occurs after each mating, it is recommended to sterilize the female.


A female dog in heat should be fed almost like a puppy. At this time they are made moody and vulnerable. Food is given 5 times a day, in small portions. Finely chopped meat and fermented milk products, to which honey can be added, should be given. Boiled eggs should be given once a week.

This regime will help the dog’s fragile body cope with shock, this is especially true for the first or second heat. It is also worth pampering your pet with delicious treats. The main thing is not to overfeed the pug, as they are prone to overeating and, as a result, obesity. After the heat has passed, feeding is transferred to normal.

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Why doesn't my pug menstruate?

If a pug does not go into heat before two years of age or the intervals between cycles exceed eight months, this is considered a pathology.

Common reasons include:

  1. Exhaustion and underweight due to poor nutrition.
  2. Age-related reasons - pugs ovulate, but reproductive function decreases in old age.
  3. Congenital and acquired diseases (ovarian hypoplasia, DNA abnormalities, hermaphroditism).
  4. Prolonged stress affects the immune system and the regularity of ovulation.
  5. Hormonal disbalance.
  6. Taking certain medications.
  7. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

The main mistakes of breeders

What's so special about breeding dogs? How many dogs reproduce on their own? What problems might arise? But pugs have problems with their offspring, and they often happen due to the fault of the breeders.

Breeding pugs can be complicated for several reasons:

  • Overweight
  • Behavior, character
  • Anatomical features (height, accessibility of genital organs, age)

When breeding pugs, breeders should be aware of the following:

  • Injury or surgery
  • The dog has deviations from the standards (anatomical)
  • There are genetic abnormalities
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system
  • Temperament

If your pug has any of the above, then mating should not be carried out.

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