How to survive the death of a cat and cope with the pain of loss


Cremation can be arranged through your veterinarian or local animal shelter. There are 2 methods of cremation:

General : The pet's remains are cremated with other deceased pets and disposed of in accordance with the law. There is usually no charge for such a service.

Individual : The cat's remains are cremated and the ashes are returned to the owner for final disposal. The price of the service varies. Some owners decide to save the ashes of their pets so that they can later be buried with them.

What to do with the body of an animal if it cannot be buried

By law, animal corpses are cremated or disinfected in biothermal pits (these are special isolated structures in which bodies decompose faster and without the danger of introducing bacteria into groundwater). The second method is usually used for farm animals.

Pets are cremated in ovens of special services.

Special measures are also in place for the place where the animal died. If the body was lying on the ground, it must be disinfected. According to the law, to do this, you need to sprinkle the area with dry bleach at the rate of 5 kilograms per square meter and dig it to a depth of 25 centimeters.


If you want to bury your pet, you can do so at home or at a pet cemetery.

At home, burying a pet's body is often used by their grieving owners. In this case, the owner has the opportunity to visit the pet’s burial place. However, the method is not without drawbacks. When moving, the remains will remain at the same place of residence. Finally, this method is prohibited by some states. Owners who bury a cat at home risk being fined.

There are pet cemeteries in every country. You can ask your veterinarian for help. Before burial, ensure that the area will always be used for burial of pets.

My cat has gone crazy

Symptoms of bereavement

In addition to all the familiar reactions, such as tears and sadness, there are other manifestations of grief, which, if not known, can be mistaken for lack of concentration, eccentricity, and other qualities. Among the main manifestations of grief are the following:

  1. Physiological. Physiological symptoms of acute negative experiences include a painful feeling of tightness in the chest area, a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, spasms in the throat and the feeling of a lump stuck in it;

    A lump in the throat is an eternal companion of acute emotional experiences

  2. Behavioral. A person experiencing grief often seems inconsistent and inattentive. His gaze can be described as absent, absent-minded. The inability to concentrate on business often irritates household members or colleagues, which leads to painful conflicts. Other manifestations include insomnia, which further increases absent-mindedness;
  3. Cognitive. A grieving person may encounter unusual holes in his memory, confused thoughts that do not want to take on concrete shape. Difficulty focusing and concentrating is common. The person seems to be “not here”;

    Absent-mindedness always affects performance, which leads to additional conflicts

  4. Emotional. The feeling of loneliness that accompanies people who have experienced loss is accompanied by a heightened awareness of their own helplessness, causeless anxiety and all-encompassing guilt, to which the person indulges.

Leave a memory of a cat - taxidermy

Taxidermy is a method of making realistic images (stuffed animals) of animals, the basis of which is the skin of the animal. It is assembled onto a certain base, and the cavity inside is filled with filler.

(Quote from Wikipedia)

Many people find great comfort in having a constant, realistic visual reminder of their deceased pet. The cost of the service varies from $1000 and increases depending on a number of factors.

General meanings of dreams

Many dream books believe that such a dream means a conflict between the sleeper and his social circle, but the interpretations do not foreshadow anything concrete. The symbol of a cat is ambiguous, it is very difficult to understand why a dead cat dreams of being alive, and to understand it, you need to compare all the details with real life:

  • A cat that has entered the subconscious is generally associated with negativity. If a pet comes to its owner healthy and well-groomed, this is a reminder of old grievances and understatements.
  • A huge animal means that your troubles are increasing; you should be careful and take action, otherwise the situation will worsen.
  • A deceased cat, which in reality did not die, marks the appearance of a strong enemy, perhaps from among relatives and friends.

For women, such a dream is regarded as a signal on a subconscious level. The girl does not recognize her femininity, taking on male responsibilities. Such persons need to free themselves from emotions and stop holding back the real feminine principle within themselves.

For an adult woman who is married or in a serious relationship, it is worth preparing for family problems. Perhaps a serious quarrel with your soulmate is coming.

A pregnant woman sees a pet that is alive again in a dream - the departure of an unpleasant person from her life who causes her anxiety and discomfort.


Even though you may have prepared in advance, losing a pet is shocking and the ensuing burial work is emotionally draining.

Will someone come to my house and take the animal's body?

A mobile veterinary service can come to your apartment. There are also animal control services that will collect the bodies of deceased pets for an additional fee. The death of an animal is not considered an emergency, so these services are closed at night, on weekends and on holidays.

If there is a delay, what should I do with the body of my deceased cat?

Any dead body may excrete feces or urine for some time after death. This does not mean that he was in pain - in death, the muscles of the internal organs relax, releasing their contents.

Depending on the expected waiting time, carefully wrap the body in a towel and place it in a suitable sized box. If the wait is more than two hours or it is hot outside, carefully wrap the remains in plastic wrap, place the body in a large plastic bag, tie it tightly, and place it in a box or box with ice.

These things are painful to think about and even harder to do. Think about the fact that your cat's soul is no longer in her body. Handling the remains of your beloved pet with care and respect will demonstrate your affection and love.

Should you brush your cat's teeth?

Diagnostic features

The diagnosis is made, as always, only comprehensively. To do this, anamnesis is taken into account (whether there were any problems with the kidneys before, whether the animal has diabetes mellitus or other health problems), clinical signs and laboratory test results. It is imperative to examine the sediment and the urine itself (general analysis and biochemistry).

A condition in which there are disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system is rarely determined by external signs - the symptoms can suggest or suspect the disease. This is also explained by the fact that the symptoms are “masked” as other diseases, which are excluded only with the help of additional research methods.

An accurate diagnosis of renal failure is made only based on the results of a comprehensive examination with the obligatory implementation of:

  • examination and collection of a detailed medical history (medical history and lifestyle);
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal organs;
  • fluoroscopy of the kidneys.

When analyzing urine it is noted:

  • increased protein levels (proteinuria);
  • the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • presence of sediment;
  • decrease in its density (isosthenuria);
  • pH shift to the acidic side.

Blood chemistry:

  • increased urea;
  • increase in creatinine level;
  • fluctuations in the amount of protein in either direction;
  • decreased potassium levels;
  • increase in the level of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus (with chronic renal failure);
  • increased sodium levels.

General blood analysis:

  • decrease in hematocrit values;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • drop in platelet and lymphocyte levels.

Differentiation of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure:

  • in case of acute renal failure, anemia does not have time to develop due to the transience of movement, in case of chronic renal failure it is clearly expressed;
  • CRF begins smoothly and lasts a long time; at the time of diagnosis, the prognosis is most often unfavorable; AKI manifests suddenly with a lightning-fast course, the prognosis is favorable with timely diagnosis and proper treatment;
  • when palpating the kidneys in chronic renal failure, they are almost always painless, while in acute renal failure the pain syndrome is clearly expressed;
  • in case of acute renal failure the clinic is bright, in case of chronic renal failure it is not or is very blurred.

When it's all over

As you work through the final details, the enormity of the loss may hit you all at once and you will find yourself numb and unable to cry. Grieving any loss is a long process, and you may never feel fully recovered. Through understanding and acknowledging the progressive stages of grief, the day will come when you can look back on your life with love and smiles instead of tears.

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