Globfel-4: prevention of dangerous pet diseases

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Instructions for use Globfel-4 for cats
  2. Dosage
  3. Advantages and disadvantages Contraindications
  4. Side effects
  • Reviews of the drug Globfel for cats
  • Prices
  • Do you know when your cat might need an immunomodulator? Those who believe that such a drug will only work if the animal is sick are wrong.

    The medicine that you will read about in this material actively works both against major cat infections and as a preventative.

    And all because Globfel-4 for cats contains globulin gamma and beta particles from the blood of oxen, horses, and goats. Consequently, the drug carries antigens of specific feline viruses. Which ones? More on this later!

    General information

    Globfel-4 is available as a liquid for injection. In appearance it is usually transparent and colorless, although a yellowish tint and slight turbidity may be present. Such phenomena are not considered a deviation from the norm. During long-term storage, sediment may appear at the bottom. When you shake the bottle, it should dissolve easily in the liquid.

    To package the serum, the manufacturer uses clear glass bottles with a capacity of 3 ml. Each bottle contains only 1 ml of medicinal liquid, which is equal to one immune dose. The medicine retains its medicinal properties only if the packaging is hermetically sealed, so rubber stoppers are used for sealing, which are closed with aluminum caps.


    Among the main analogues of Globfel-4 are:

    1. Nobivak. Release form: injection solution. Fights the rhinotracheitis virus and is used for cats from 6 months of age.
    2. Vitafel. Supplied as a solution for subcutaneous injections or drops for instillation into the eyes or nose. Can be used from 3 months.

    Globfel-4 is a high-quality veterinary drug with a wide spectrum of effects, a safe composition and the absence of a large number of contraindications.

    Composition and biological properties

    Globfel basis,

    used for cats to protect against dangerous infectious diseases, are gamma and beta globulin fractions of blood serum, which are taken from horses and goats after they have been specifically infected with viral infections. When the drug is administered to an animal, ready-made antibodies enter its body. As a result, passive immunity against these diseases is formed. It retains its effect for 2 weeks. To ensure further protection of a cat from infectious pathologies that are transmitted not only from pet to pet, but also through household items and people's shoes, vaccination is necessary.

    The serum has healing properties. Its use is considered most effective during the incubation period and at the initial stage of the disease, but in case of severe pathology it can aggravate the situation. In any case, Globfel should not be used without consulting a doctor.

    When and how will it hurt?

    Globfel-4 is not suitable for use by cats that have a personal intolerance to any component of the composition. Serum is not used and if the pet is weakened, it does not feel well. Usually, the veterinary drug is well tolerated, but occasionally, during the administration of the solution, the cat experiences a side effect such as painful discomfort under the needle. It is possible that it will begin to break out, scratch and hiss. After the injection, it is also possible for the body temperature to rise and the pet will be in a state of complete indifference. Such negative effects go away on their own and do not require the intervention of a veterinarian, but if after time the animal’s condition has not returned to normal, it is better to go to the veterinary clinic.


    You can now see the current price of the drug Globfel and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

    You can buy Globfel for cats at your nearest veterinary pharmacy, and the price of one bottle is around 280 rubles. Please note that prices may vary between pharmacies and pet stores. You can also order the product on the Internet, but in this case it is better to pick up the drug yourself from the pick-up point. Improper transportation may cause the drug to deteriorate.

    Immunovet 3 in and 3 d

    The drug is made from the blood serum of horses that have been injected with the viruses of distemper, hepatitis, adenovirus and canine parvovirus. Globulin is produced in ampoules or bottles of 2; 10; 20 cm3, which corresponds to 1; 5; 10 doses.

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    The cost of a dose in June 2022 was 110 rubles.

    How to use and what to replace with

    The medicine contains antibodies against dangerous viral diseases of dogs. Used for therapeutic purposes when a viral disease is suspected or for prophylaxis when vaccination dates are postponed.

    Animals weighing up to 5 kg are pierced intramuscularly or subcutaneously; >5<20 - 2 doses. Dogs weighing more than 20 kg should be given 3 to 4 doses. To prevent anaphylactic shock, diphenhydramine or a similar antihistamine is injected at the same time. Virusicidal antibody titer lasts 15 days.

    In severe cases, the veterinarian may prescribe reintroduction of the globulin after 12 hours. Antibodies circulate in the blood for 2 weeks. Protect your pet from infection when vaccination is delayed. Analogues - Giskan 5, Globcan 5. Immunoglobulin is stored in the refrigerator for 2 years and transported in a thermos.

    Instructions for use

    The instructions for use indicate that Globfel-4 is prescribed to cats to prevent and treat the following viral infections:

    • panleukopenia (feline distemper);
    • chlamydia;
    • calicivirus;
    • infectious rhinotracheitis.

    The medicinal liquid is administered subcutaneously. The medication is injected into cats in the following doses:

    • animals weighing up to 10 kg – 1 ml (one bottle);
    • pets weighing over 10 kg – 2 ml.

    If the drug is used to prevent viral diseases, it is injected once. Typically, injections are given during periods of risk of infection, for example, during an epidemic.

    When used for therapeutic purposes, Globfel-4 is administered to cats 2-4 times. The interval between injections is 12-24 hours. The number and frequency of injections should be determined by a veterinarian after examining the animal, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology. When used for medicinal purposes, Globfel is included in complex therapy. It is used together with antibiotics, vitamin complexes, drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating symptoms, probiotics and other medications. An integrated approach helps to quickly cure the animal.

    Note! It is strictly forbidden to mix globulin with other biological or chemical drugs.

    When administering serum, it is necessary to follow all the rules of asepsis and it is advisable to use disposable sterile syringes. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, it is recommended to perform anthelmintic a few days before administration. If the drug is injected for medicinal purposes, you should adhere to the prescribed regimen and avoid skipping injections, as this may negatively affect the therapeutic effect of Globfel-4.

    Reviews of the drug Globfel for cats

    Inessa: “My cat suddenly started sneezing. I didn’t pay attention to it the first day, but when the sneezing continued on the second day, I sounded the alarm.

    By the time we got to the vet, the cat was both “crying” and snotty. She was diagnosed with rhinotracheitis. The veterinarian praised me for not delaying the visit to the clinic and prescribed a comprehensive treatment with Globfel.

    It should have been injected for 4 days, twice a day. The break between injections was supposed to be 12 hours. I stabbed myself in the withers, although it was inconvenient, but I felt sorry for dragging the poor animal around the transport. A week later the cat was healthy, which was confirmed during a follow-up examination.”

    Nadezhda: “We picked up our Filimon as a little boy on the street in Kiev. They immediately took him to the veterinary clinic, where he was educated about all possible problems.

    The veterinarian said that it makes sense to pierce Globfel-4, because the homeless child probably picked up all sorts of viruses on the street. We did this: first we gave Suprastin, and then the drug itself was given to the withers. All injections went without problems. Filimon is already a healthy cat, he doesn’t even remember about street life.”

    Stas: “One evening we found a tiny kitten on our staircase. We called a veterinarian we knew, who told us how to get rid of it and advised us to give him a one-time injection of Globfel.

    I must say that after the injection the baby became very ill. He vomited, had diarrhea, and simply lost all his strength. We were very scared. It turned out that we forgot to give the baby anti-allergenic medicine first. And this must be done!”

    Contraindications and side effects

    According to the instructions, Globfel is safe for cats. Even with an overdose, if used in the initial stages, it does not aggravate the course of the disease. If used for prophylactic purposes, it does not cause symptoms of viral infections, although body temperature may increase after administration.

    The injection may be painful for the animal. To reduce pain, it is recommended to warm the medicinal liquid to room temperature, that is, remove it from the refrigerator in advance. The drug can cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to use an anti-allergenic agent 15-20 minutes before. The dosage is calculated according to the instructions. In case of allergies, symptomatic treatment is used.

    Globfel has no contraindications and is approved for use in kittens and adult cats. It is not recommended to use the medicine for weakened and seriously ill animals. Do not use the medicine for pets who have previously experienced intolerance to the components.

    Pros and cons of using the drug

    Like any medicine, Globfel-4 has its advantages and disadvantages. It is worth saying that this drug is an innovative achievement of science, so it has quite a lot of advantages, such as:

    • Wide range of diseases that it affects.
    • Highly effective properties of the drug are noted.
    • It is possible to combine with other drugs during the course of treatment or prevention.
    • High safety of use.
    • Does not cause side effects.
    • Can be administered to both young and adult animals.
    • Does not distribute toxins throughout the cat's body.

    The effectiveness of the action is noted after the first use.

    In addition to the advantages, this drug also has some disadvantages:
    • Method of administration: injection. Sometimes it can be very difficult to give an injection to an animal, so most often pet owners turn to veterinary clinics, where a specialist gives the injection safely and quickly.
    • The drug must be stored exclusively under special temperature conditions.
    • The main disadvantage of this drug is its cost. The price of Globfel for a cat is quite high, even for one dose. But, nevertheless, the drug is effective. If your pet is sick, you should not skimp on its health.
    • Since the drug is really effective, it is very difficult to find this drug in pharmacies. But online pharmacies can solve this issue. Usually, it is in such pharmacies that the rarest drugs are always available, since they are purchased in bulk.

    Storage conditions and features of use

    In a closed bottle, Globfel can be stored for 2 years from the date of production (indicated on the packaging), but subject to several rules. To prevent the drug from losing its biological properties, it should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. A refrigerator is perfect for these purposes.

    Note! During transportation, you also need to observe the temperature regime.

    After the expiration date, as well as in the following situations, the serum cannot be used:

    • a sediment has appeared in the bottle that does not dissolve when shaken;
    • the liquid has changed color or become very cloudy;
    • the medicine has changed its consistency;
    • there is no information on the packaging about the date of manufacture, manufacturer and composition;
    • the seal of the packaging is broken;
    • there is mold or foreign matter in the bottle.

    If the liquid from an open bottle has not been used during the day, it must be disinfected. To do this, use 15-minute boiling. After this procedure, the drug can be disposed of without fear.

    When working with medicine, a person must follow general safety precautions. Injections should be done with rubber gloves. If the serum accidentally gets on the epidermis, eyes or mouth, they should be rinsed with plenty of running water. If Globfel is accidentally administered to a person, the injection site should be treated with medical alcohol, and then immediately go to the hospital.

    Precautionary measures

    It is forbidden to use Globfel-4 after the expiration date, if the packaging is damaged, the color of the substance has changed, or a large amount of sediment has formed. The product must not be frozen. When working with the drug, you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions: use only disposable syringes and gloves, do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin, wear special clothing.

    Limitations in use

    The drug should not be mixed in a syringe with other medications. Before use, you should consult a veterinarian. If a specialist has questions about the cat’s condition, he may order additional tests before Globfel-4 vaccination.

    Possible side effects

    If the recommendations, doses and instructions were followed, no dangerous side effects were found. To exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction, antihistamines are administered. The most common options are Fexofenadine, Cetirizine, Hydroxyzine.

    When treating diseases, antibiotics, probiotics and vitamins are prescribed together with Globfel-4. Under no circumstances should you mix medications into one injection.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of Globfel-4 serum, which is used for cats, include the following positive aspects:

    • is highly effective, which has been confirmed by both animal owners and veterinarians;
    • does not cause symptoms of viral diseases even in case of overdose;
    • easy to use;
    • suitable for prevention and treatment.

    The disadvantages include:

    • dosage form - solution for injection (for some cat owners this makes it difficult to use);
    • difficulty in transportation (only with refrigerant);
    • compliance with special storage conditions;
    • the need to carry out disinfection if the solution is not used.

    Indications for use of Globfel-4

    Globfel-4 is used for the prevention and treatment of the early stages of various dangerous diseases:


    An acute viral disease that affects the respiratory system and eyes of an animal. A cat can become infected regardless of age or breed. Causes an increase in temperature, the appearance of purulent ulcers, and often conjunctivitis. Transmitted from other cats. The mortality rate in cats with rhinotracheitis is from five to twenty percent.


    It mainly affects the mucous membrane of the eyes, causing purulent conjunctivitis. Primary damage to the respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system is also possible. There is a chance of infertility as a consequence of the disease. With chlamydia, conditions are created for the development of secondary dangerous infections.


    It is often called feline distemper. A very dangerous and contagious disease. Affects the functioning of the stomach, heart, and reduces immunity. Transmitted through the air and through food and drink. During the disease, white blood cells stop being produced. The temperature rises greatly, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. At an early stage, the cat refuses to eat and drink. Mortality as a result of the disease reaches 75%.


    Infection of the mouth and upper respiratory tract. It manifests itself as ulcers and lack of appetite in the animal. There may be discharge from the nose and eyes.

    Owner reviews

    Vasily, owner of a 5-year-old cat:

    “We used Globfel in the treatment of rhinotracheitis. The treatment was more expensive, since other medications were used along with the serum, but the animal recovered quickly. I know that you can inject medicine for prevention, but I try to vaccinate my animals (both cats and dogs) on time, as I consider this the best protection against infections.”

    Marina, owner of a Persian cat:

    “Our cat was injected with serum after castration. The next day, vomiting and severe lethargy appeared. I thought that these were side effects of Globfel, but when I went to the doctor, she explained that these were the consequences of anesthesia. Otherwise, there are no complaints about the drug. Just a couple of days later the cat’s condition was completely restored.”


    The main active ingredient of the immunomodulator for cats is human interleukin-2. The drug also contains the following components: D-mannitol, ammonium carbonate, dodecyl sulfate, dithiothreitol and water for injection. "Ronkoleukin" is available in ampoules of 1 ml and in bottles of 10 ml.

    The drug is used not only to treat cats; veterinarians also prescribe it for dogs, fur-bearing animals and even fish. You can administer Roncoleukin to a cat using several methods:

    • intravenously;
    • subcutaneously;
    • orally;
    • intranasally.

    The optimal method is selected by a veterinarian. In some cases, the doctor may recommend injecting the drug directly into the bladder or applying it externally. If the owner administers Roncoleukin to the pet himself, he should not shake the ampoule before drawing the medicine into the syringe.

    The treatment regimen is prescribed only by a veterinarian; you cannot administer immunostimulants to cats on your own initiative. Experts do not recommend using Ronkoleukin together with vitamins, antiviral drugs and antibiotics. The drug is not prescribed to animals that have recently been vaccinated. Roncoleukin should not be mixed with glucose. After administration of the drug, the cat may experience swelling at the injection site, which will subside within 48 hours.

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