Smooth Fox Terrier: photo of the dog, all about the breed

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* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Smooth Fox Terrier dog breed . You can send us photos of your animals by email, and we will post them on the website. Don't forget to send your pet's name.

Brief description of the breed

What is the actual country of origin?

Great Britain

What is the country of origin according to the FCI?

Great Britain

When did the breed appear?


How long does he live?

from 13 to 15 years

How much does a male dog weigh?

from 7.5 to 8 kg

How much does the bitch weigh?

from 7 to 7.5 kg

What is the height (height at withers) of a male dog?

from 35 to 39 cm

What is the height (height at withers) of the bitch?

from 32 to 37 cm

How much does a puppy with documents cost?

from 20 to 60 thousand rubles

What is the price of a puppy without documents?

from 5 to 20 thousand rubles
The Smooth Fox Terrier is a popular breed of small dog that was bred specifically for one purpose - fox hunting. Now these dogs are rarely used for their intended purpose, but they still remain one of the most in demand. The secret of the high popularity of Foxes is simple - these pets are excellent companions, have a unique appearance, docile and friendly character.


In order for the owner and the dog to live comfortably in the same territory and not have to be ashamed of their pet’s behavior on the street, the fox terrier is raised and trained from an early age. First of all, the puppy must remember its name. You need to stroke him more often and at the same time repeat his name with the same intonation without diminutive derivatives.

At the same time, the pet is introduced to family members. Each named person in turn approaches the dog and gives a piece of treat. Repeat his name and the names of household members daily until the puppy remembers the information.

They get used to the collar gradually, each time increasing the time it is worn. When the fox terrier stops reacting to a foreign object placed around its neck, attach a leash. During the first walks, the owner adjusts to the dog’s step so that there is no sudden tension on the leash.

Stop the puppy from trying to ask for food during a family feast, jumping on the owner with its paws, or chewing shoes and furniture. The Fox Terrier can be trained to relieve itself outdoors and in the litter tray, following a command that you need to come up with yourself.

Next, the dog is trained to stand, sit, lie down on command, walk next to the owner, and come at the first call. During the training process, each execution of a command is reinforced with a treat. If you lack knowledge and patience, it is better to give the dog to an experienced instructor for a general training course.

A show dog is taught to respond appropriately to the touch of someone else's hands. She should not be nervous when examining her teeth, stroking her, or working with a groomer.

If you approach raising a fox terrier with patience and love, then the puppy will grow into a devoted friend and companion, ready to carry out any command in order to hear a kind word from the owner.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Smooth Fox Terrier . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Smooth Fox Terrier looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of smooth fox terriers
  • Smooth Fox Terrier - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of smooth fox terriers
  • Character and habits of smooth fox terriers
  • Interesting facts about Smooth Fox Terriers
  • Pros and cons of smooth fox terriers
  • Breeding Smooth Fox Terriers
  • Caring for Smooth Fox Terriers
  • Diet of smooth fox terriers
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Smooth Fox Terrier - price and how to buy correctly


The Smooth Fox Terrier is a specific breed, hunting, temperamental, requiring a special approach, careful education and a lot of attention from the owner. The best option would be to get this dog for a person who regularly attends hunting events in order to fully reveal all the talents of the fox terrier and appreciate its tough and adventurous character.

However, the breed is often adopted by those who love active recreation, often go out into nature, and want to see next to them a small but temperamental, energetic and active dog, not a decorative dog, but a real companion, a faithful and fearless friend, protector and guard. .

History of the origin of smooth fox terriers

Fox Terriers are one of the oldest breeds. Its history begins around the eighteenth century. So, proof of this fact is a portrait of a fox terrier named Pitch, which dates back to 1790. It is known that Pitch belonged to Colonel Thornton. He painted a portrait of his pet. The ancestors of this dog are considered to be the extinct brown and black terriers.

Also, according to research, traces of beagle and bull terrier were found in the DNA of foxes. The Smooth Fox Terrier took the best qualities from each of its ancestors, so these dogs very quickly gained great popularity. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries they began to be actively used for hunting. Small and agile dogs deftly coped with catching cunning foxes.

Foxes showed the highest results in hunting, despite their modest external dimensions. They always pursued their prey with tenacity, quickly tearing holes and catching foxes. Today, dogs are bred for hunting and are used extremely rarely. The exception is England, where fox hunting still flourishes. Foxes are highly valued by the British. Every avid hunter has such dogs.

The Smooth Fox Terrier is the founder of many modern terriers. In addition, these small dogs are among the first participants in various exhibitions and competitions. The breed played a huge role in dog breeding. Fox Terriers became officially recognized in 1885. They have received recognition from the American Kennel Club. A year later, experts compiled breed standards.


The Terrier's smooth coat only needs occasional brushing with a firm-bristled brush to maintain the direction of hair growth and to comb out any shedding undercoat. a furminator .

This type of cover protects the animal from the heat; dirt almost does not stick to it; this advantage was convenient when the dog participated in the hunt. The top layer of hair is so dense that it does not allow the undercoat to dry quickly enough after bathing.

Smooth fox terriers take a long time to dry and this must be taken into account when letting them walk in cold weather.

Smooth Fox Terrier - description of the breed

The Smooth Fox Terrier has a specific appearance:

  • Height is less than average;
  • Strong, athletic body;
  • Well developed limbs;
  • Acute hearing, sense of smell.

As you can see, nature has created the ideal hunter, because each of the above parameters must be inherent in him. Foxes look quite small. The height of a male dog rarely exceeds forty centimeters, and that of females is even lower. The dog's physique is athletic and slender. Weight ranges from six to eight kilograms. Despite its small size, the animal is very strong and strong.

The body of the Smooth Fox Terrier is proportionally built, the limbs are well developed. The legs are muscular. This dog can travel long distances in pursuit of its prey. He is maneuverable and fast. The animal's back is flat, its chest is deep. Thanks to their proportional, slender physique, dogs can easily climb even into deep holes where foxes are hiding from them.

The muzzle of the Smooth Fox Terrier is very intelligent, its gaze is always curious and understanding. The muzzle has an elongated shape and small size. The dog's eyes are small, round and dark in color. These dogs have a scissor bite. The teeth are very strong and tenacious. It is almost impossible to escape from the jaws of this little hunter. Fox Terriers cling tightly to their prey.

The animal's nose is painted black. Hearing and smell are excellent. Smooth Fox Terriers have a thick, coarse coat. The coat fits very tightly to the body, so the dog is smooth to the touch. The thick coat makes the animal resistant to various temperatures. The color range, according to the standards, is very poor. Coat colors are discussed in more detail in the next section.


The Smooth Fox Terrier is a versatile animal: it is suitable for work, living in a cottage or city apartment. Active mandatory walking of the terrier must be carried out on a leash, otherwise the dog will run away, looking for adventure. The love of independence and hunting genes play a role here, prompting the animal to search and dig for something all the time.

At home, your pet can play with rubber toys. They should be used on walks to encourage your pet to run around. It could be a stick, frisbee, puller or ball. It’s good to take your animal for a walk with his dog friends: he will feel great in a noisy company.

Popular colors of smooth fox terriers

The Smooth Fox Terrier does not have an outstanding appearance. When creating this breed, the emphasis was on hunting qualities, and not on the external attractiveness of the dog. For this reason, the dog is quite small and has an inconspicuous color. The animal's coat is smooth to the touch, due to the fact that the hair fits tightly to the body. The Fox's fur itself is hard, straight and very thick.

According to the standards, true Smooth Fox Terriers can have only two color options: pure white and white with markings. In the latter variant, the markings may be brown or black. Any other shades in the color of this animal are not allowed. The presence of marks of other shades is considered a defect in the breed. Such a puppy will not be able to take part in exhibitions in the future.

Puppies with lush or curly hair are also considered defects of the breed. Dense and smooth coat is the calling card of the Fox Terrier. It not only distinguishes the dog from the rest, but also helps it penetrate even the narrowest fox holes during the hunt. The fox terrier's coat does not require complex care. The dog needs to be brushed and washed periodically, as the white fur is quite easily soiled.

Today it is difficult to say which color of the smooth fox terrier is more popular. Both white and three-colored ones sell equally well. However, in the past, white puppies with no markings were in great demand. This was dictated not by fashion, but by practicality. Such dogs were more noticeable and different from foxes, because when hunting, dogs with brown markings could accidentally be mistaken for prey.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, you must carefully study the following criteria:

  • breeder's reputation;
  • conditions for keeping puppies;
  • photos and achievements of the baby’s parents;
  • pedigree and other puppy documents;
  • veterinary report, including x-rays of the dog;
  • external health indicators;
  • inquisitive behavior;
  • bite and dental condition;
  • compliance with the breed standard;
  • clear pattern and uniformity of wool.

When choosing a puppy, you must take into account that, according to the description of the breed, white color dominates in the color of the smooth fox terrier, and the presence of spots of red, brindle or liver shade is unacceptable.

There is no need to rush and take a Fox based on an ad, without the necessary documents and personal inspection. It is much better to first choose a reliable nursery, decide on the purpose of purchase and reserve a puppy from purebred representatives of the breed.

Character and habits of smooth fox terriers

As hunting popularity declined, Smooth Fox Terriers began to be perceived differently. People saw in them many positive character traits: devotion, kindness, loyalty. These dogs are very loving and quickly become attached to their owner and his family. Today, Fox Terriers are called the best family pets. And it’s hard to disagree with this!

The Smooth Fox Terrier is a real sweetheart. This is a cheerful, kind dog who gets along well with children. Such a pet is rarely in a bad mood; he is always ready to support his owner in any endeavor: be it a nap or a bike ride in a forest park. You can't get bored with this dog. He loves active games, long walks and easily gets along with other four-legged animals.

A distinctive character trait of the Fox Terrier is sensitivity. This dog is able to sense others, their mood and intentions. Such a pet will never become intrusive if he sees that his owner is tired or in a bad mood. In this case, the dog will sit quietly next to you or find something else to do. But we must not forget that Foxes also need attention.

It is better not to leave the dog alone for a long time. He needs to feel needed and loved, because otherwise the dog will begin to show bad character traits. A pet can instantly turn into a real “bully”. He will stop listening to the owner and will begin to spoil things and interior items. Also, negative traits may begin to appear if a new pet appears at home.


The relationship between hunting dogs and their owner is always based on trust and authority. And in children, the smooth fox terrier sees companions in running and playing. The dogs get along well with the whole family, tolerate children's pranks and do not show causeless aggression. However, if the child is very small and cannot understand the rules of handling a terrier, you should wait a while before getting a pet.

The relationship between an adult dog and other pets in the house can be called strained: a smooth-haired fox will definitely be jealous of its owner. Coexistence with another dog is possible only with early socialization.

Puppies raised together will be able to get along, especially if they are of different genders. But the Fox Terrier will always perceive cats, birds and rodents as prey.

Interesting facts about Smooth Fox Terriers

For a very long time it was believed that smooth fox terriers could be used exclusively for hunting foxes. In this matter they have no equal, because the breed was created precisely for this purpose. However, the possibilities of Fox are much greater. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing. They can successfully hunt other small animals. For example, raccoons and badgers.

The unique abilities of fox terriers do not end there. Today, these dogs take an active part in various rescue operations. In particular, they are used by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Smooth fox terriers are real rescuers - they search for people under the rubble of buildings or land. Thanks to these small animals, hundreds of people have already been found and saved.

In England, smooth fox terriers fulfill their important mission. They are not only used for hunting, but also for charity. These dogs undergo special training and then collect donations for charitable purposes. The use of such small and cute dogs brings great results - the amount and number of donations has increased significantly.

Fox Terriers are not only useful animals, but also sporting animals. These dogs take part in various dog sports competitions and exhibitions. Thus, in the American city of Coronado, smooth fox terriers engage in dog surfing. They show excellent results in this sport and often become winners in competitions. This is not surprising, because foxes are small, strong and dexterous.


The smooth-haired dwarf hunter has a strong, capricious character, so he must be raised by a person who matches his spirit. Competent upbringing will prevent him from turning into a bully and a tramp. He won’t become aggressive, but he will still play mischief and play pranks.

In addition to the fact that the owner must have the same active temperament, he will not be hindered by leadership qualities, perseverance and moderate severity. Throughout its life, the Fox Terrier will repeatedly try to take the place of its owner, especially during adolescence. These attempts must be stopped immediately and decisively.

Pros and cons of smooth fox terriers

The Smooth Fox Terrier has many positive qualities:

  1. Small dimensions;
  2. Courage;
  3. Fast learner;
  4. Devotion, fidelity;
  5. Activity;
  6. Good nature.

The list of disadvantages of the breed is much more modest:

  1. Frequent barking;
  2. Excessive emotionality;
  3. Need for long walks.

The small size of the dog makes it an ideal pet for living in an apartment. This dog does not need a lot of space, the main thing is to provide him with long walks every day. This last requirement is a significant disadvantage of the breed for many people. Foxes are very brave, they love to learn new things and do it almost instantly. The dogs exercise with great pleasure.

Smooth Fox Terriers are true family men. They adore their human family and honor every member of it. Dogs can quickly find a common language with both an elderly person and a small child. Children adore these pets, because Foxes are cheerful, playful and mischievous. Kindness is another feature of the breed. Foxes are animals with a “big” heart. They know how to love and appreciate good treatment.

In addition, the advantages of the breed include its sharp mind, resourcefulness and excellent hunting qualities, inherent from birth. Smooth Fox Terriers have relatively few disadvantages. One of them is frequent and loud barking. If a dog is not trained correctly, it will be very loud. This may negatively affect your relationships with neighbors in your apartment or area.

Excessive emotionality is also not the best quality of the breed. These dogs show their emotions too vividly in response to any incident or event. Sometimes they can be too annoying. This behavior can also be corrected with training. Another disadvantage, as already noted, is the need to take long and active walks with your pet.


From time to time, the smooth fox terrier manifests itself as a watchman and readily demonstrates its fighting abilities to its owners. Despite their freedom-loving, slightly stubborn disposition, dogs of this breed are still excellent guards.

Interesting! Reviews from owners indicate that fox terriers get along well with small children, despite all doubts. There are known cases when the dog took part in many children's fun: trying on doll clothes, spectacular makeup, putting him to sleep in a crib. Whatever children come up with in their games, the fox terrier happily supports everything and is always ready to participate.

Dogs were originally bred for hunting and herding, hence they are very hardy and ready to be active from morning to evening. Fox Terriers tend to spend time moving, playing, and exploring new places. The dog is suitable for people leading an active lifestyle.

Keeping such an energetic dog in an apartment without long walks would be impractical.

When choosing a breed, you should take into account the energy and vigor of a representative of this breed at any time of the day.

Breeding Smooth Fox Terriers

Smooth Fox Terriers are a popular breed. They are rarely used for their intended purpose. People were able to recognize these dogs as sensitive and reliable companions. Breeding dogs of this breed is a very profitable and successful business. However, it requires a lot of investment: both monetary and physical. Puppies, their maintenance and care are labor-intensive work and it takes time. If you already have a bitch, then to breed Foxes you need to find a worthy pair for her.

When choosing a male dog, you should focus on the following nuances:

  • Pedigree;
  • Age;
  • Colors;
  • Height;
  • Health status.

It will be nice if you can find a dog for breeding whose family includes famous dogs - winners of exhibitions or competitions. However, the services of such a manufacturer will cost an order of magnitude higher than others. The age, height and color of the dog should be as close as possible to the same parameters of the bitch. This will make it possible to predict the appearance of the offspring as much as possible.

And the last, but most important parameter on the list is health. The male and female must be healthy and free of genetic or any other abnormalities. Before mating, dogs should be taken to a veterinarian for a preventive examination. The doctor will give his recommendations, examine the animals and take all the necessary tests from them. Only after receiving the test results can you begin breeding.

On the day of mating, dogs should be in a good mood. There should not be many people in the room where the process will take place. It is advisable to carry out mating in the territory of the dog. Then the dog will feel more confident. After the first meeting, you can organize a second one for a guaranteed result. However, there is no need to rush. The second meeting should take place no earlier than five days after the first.


The breeding of purebred fox terriers is strictly regulated by the International Canine Federation. Necessary conditions for admitting animals to mating:

  • the minimum age must be 18 months;
  • the previous mating of a female with a positive result was no earlier than 1 year ago;
  • animals under 7 years old.

To select a suitable partner, it is necessary to carefully study the photographs, pedigree and achievements of the applicants. Specialists from the dog’s native kennel will help you choose a pair based on the class requirements, use and age of the fox terrier. This will help eliminate possible family ties, reducing the value of future puppies and deteriorating the smooth-haired breed.

Partners are introduced on a walk or public territory, but mating must only be done at the dog’s home.

To obtain a guaranteed result, mating of fox terriers must be repeated after 24 hours.

Caring for Smooth Fox Terriers

Caring for smooth fox terriers should consist of the following procedures:

  • Combing;
  • Bathing;
  • Cleaning ears, teeth;
  • Paw care;
  • Vaccination, treatment against parasites.

The Smooth Fox Terrier does not require complex and burdensome care. This is a clean dog. The fur of such a pet does not absorb dirt. Caring for her includes washing and combing. You don't need to brush your dog often - once a week is enough. You should bathe even less often - once every two months. After bathing, the coat can be dried with hair dryers at a gentle temperature setting.

You need to take care of your fox's coat more often during the molting period. During this time, it is better to brush your dog once a day. Then less wool will fly through the air and settle on furniture and carpets. If your region has harsh winters, your Fox Terrier will need special warm dog clothing. A dog can freeze without clothes if the air temperature drops below -20 degrees Celsius.

Once a week you need to pay attention to your dog's teeth. This breed often has dental problems if they are not taken care of. You need to brush your teeth with a special dog toothpaste and a silicone brush. It is also recommended to buy dental treats for your pet. They prevent the formation of tartar. If there are already stone deposits, then the fox terrier should be shown to a doctor.

Once a month you need to clean your ears. To do this, you will need regular antibacterial wipes. It is better to remove hair from a dog's ears. It is also necessary to trim off excess fur between the paw pads. The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper a couple of times a month. Caring for a Smooth Fox Terrier must include vaccinations, treatment for parasites and monthly visits to the veterinarian.

How much do puppies cost?

A purebred Smooth Fox Terrier puppy is not too expensive, since the breed is widespread and popular.

A baby of average quality with a pedigree and veterinary certificates can be bought for 18 thousand rubles. A pet-class puppy without permission to breed costs from 10 to 15 thousand, and for a representative of the show class you will have to pay at least 30 thousand.

The price of smooth foxes, in addition to compliance with the breed standard, depends on the champion status of the parents, gender and reputation of the breeder.


Smooth Fox Terrier puppies are sold in most major cities of Russia. They differ only in the number of dogs and championship titles of the breed representatives. You don’t have to travel too far to find the pet you like:

  1. The Nikon Fox nursery, which is located in Moscow, is one of the largest in Russia. In addition to smooth-haired ones, they offer wire-haired fox terriers, Jack Russell terriers, and American toy fox terriers.
  2. Another nursery for smooth foxes in the Moscow region is “JUST FORWARD”.
  3. In St. Petersburg there is also a kennel “GG Class”, which breeds this breed, as well as American Toy Fox Terriers.

The Smooth Fox Terrier will fit perfectly into a family with children as the only pet. Its small size and attractive exterior attract the attention of city dwellers with an active lifestyle. The dog is suitable for small game hunters and will replace the cat in getting rid of rats. The cheerful disposition and cheerfulness of fox terriers are so contagious that they will help you maintain optimism in any situation.

Diet of smooth fox terriers

For an active and lively smooth-haired terrier, the diet should consist primarily of protein. The dog should be given chicken, lamb, beef, veal. It is better not to offer fatty pork to your pet. Meat can be served either raw or boiled. Sea fish can also be a source of protein for the animal. You should give fish of low-fat varieties, without bones.

The rest of the diet should consist of fiber, plant foods and fats in moderation. The Smooth Fox Terrier can be given fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir. They should have low fat content. You should also include various cereals, berries, and greens in your diet. All of the above products must be fresh and of good quality. In addition to them, you can give vitamins.

In order for a pet to remain active until old age and live a long and carefree life, the diet must be free of harmful foods. Smooth Fox Terriers should not be given: potatoes, smoked meat or fish, sweets, various canned foods, any dishes with a lot of spices, legumes, too fatty meat. These products can be harmful to your pet.

The Smooth Fox Terrier can also be fed with prepared food. This method is simpler. It is enough to replenish your pet’s feeder with a certain amount of dry food several times a day. Industrial food should be selected based on the characteristics of a particular dog’s body. When choosing food, it is better to listen to the opinions of professionals: breeder, veterinarian.


  • Fox Terriers love to eat and can easily become overweight. Regulate the volume and caloric content of food, load the dog.
  • They bark a lot and loudly.
  • Tirelessly and with pleasure they chase rabbits, birds, cats and even small dogs. They are fearless and will fight with another dog, even if that dog is several times its size. Walk your dog on a leash if you are unsure of the safety of the area.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with other animals. Even if he previously treated them neutrally.
  • This is a very energetic breed and requires 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. If they don't find an outlet for energy, they can chew furniture and bark endlessly.
  • They love children and love to play with them, but can be a bit rough for small children.
  • They are escape artists, capable of jumping higher than you can imagine and digging out entire tunnels under fences.
  • This is a fairly rare breed, if you are buying a puppy, then spend time searching for a suitable kennel and it is better to wait in line for a while.

Diseases and health problems

Foxes are naturally strong dogs. They have high immunity and are long-lived. Such a dog, if fed properly and provided with good care, can live about fifteen years. At the same time, fox terriers get sick extremely rarely. However, there are some “breed” diseases that are diagnosed in Smooth Fox Terriers more often than others.

The most complex are genetic diseases. A Smooth Fox Terrier puppy may be born with a heart defect or disorders of the vestibular apparatus and visual organs. Such violations can vary in severity. They require immediate examination and treatment. Representatives of Foxes also have insulinomas and ectopia of the ureters. These ailments also require serious treatment.

Such dogs often suffer dislocation of the shoulder joint and are often diagnosed with cataracts. Some dogs suffer from dermatitis. For some, dermatitis manifests itself in a mild form and practically does not interfere with life. For others, it is severe, requiring diet and long-term treatment. Less commonly, Smooth Fox Terriers have food allergies to a specific food or group of foods.

In general, fox terriers rarely get sick and live a long time. The health of the animal largely depends on the owner. The owner must monitor the pet’s diet, take it to the veterinarian for preventive examinations on time, get vaccinated and treat it against parasites. It is also important to seek help from a clinic in a timely manner if your dog exhibits strange symptoms or a sudden change in behavior.


It is advisable to walk the terrier on a leash and using a harness , because he is partial to chasing everything that moves. When keeping it in the yard, it is important to take care of a fence that the terrier cannot jump over.

If you let him go for a free walk, he can get carried away and easily get lost.

Fox Terriers are predisposed to training and are capable of performing a wide variety of commands and tricks; they love agility .

Smooth Foxes are easy to train

Breed diseases

With proper care, Fox Terriers live an average of 16 years. But representatives of this breed often develop hereditary diseases. More often they suffer from the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • allergic reactions, often food;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • Perthes disease;
  • eye problems – distichiasis, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • neurological disorders - dogs often suffer from epilepsy.


  • The Fox Terrier is incredibly energetic. It is suitable for active people who love walks in the fresh air and active recreation.
  • Fox will easily endure any trip accompanied by his owner. For families with children, this breed is a godsend. The dog will happily frolic with children of any age, and will also patiently tolerate and support the pranks of the youngest family members.
  • The Fox Terrier is friendly, playful, hardy and easy-going. He is ready to tirelessly be the center of attention of the whole family around the clock.
  • These dogs are quite good-natured towards strangers. But at the first sign of aggression, the pet will rush to defend itself or its owner.
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