Yorkshire Terrier - a small dog with the heart of a lion

The Yorkshire Terrier (York) is a popular decorative breed, one of the ten smallest dogs in the world. And although this charming dog originated from hunting dogs, now it is only kept as a pet. And this is understandable: due to the small size of the Yorkie, it is convenient to keep in a city apartment. During a walk, a brave Yorkie will protect its owner from other dogs, despite the fact that the enemy is several times larger than him. In the country house, he will put rodents in order - the origins of the little hunters will play a role here.

Another interesting feature of the dog is that it is one of the few breeds that is suitable for allergy sufferers. The Yorkie's coat has the same structure as human hair, constantly grows and does not shed.

So, dogs of the Yorkshire Terrier breed are distinguished by:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • devotion;
  • the ability to sense the owner’s mood;
  • energy, playfulness;
  • good learning ability.

Like many small dogs, Yorkies have delicate bodies - you need to carefully monitor their health. However, with proper care, the average life expectancy of these dogs is 12-16 years.

Brief history of origin

The British Isles are considered the homeland of the Yorkshire Terrier, and the name of the breed comes from the county of Yorkshire, where breeding work was carried out.

This is interesting. Russian-speaking dog breeders jokingly call the breed “ruff terrier.”

Scientists have several options for the origin of the Yorkshire Terrier breed. According to the main version, their origin is from Maltese lapdogs and other small terriers. According to another, dogs resembling modern Yorkies were brought from Scotland.

In any case, the history of the breed goes back about one and a half centuries. The official breed standard was approved in 1898 and is still in effect today with some additions.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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York's high-society debut took place along with the demonstration of a photograph in the ceremonial dress of Princess Alexandra of Wales. On the lap of the young aristocrat sat a small dog with a very recognizable appearance. In itself, a photograph from the 1860s can already lay claim to historical uniqueness. And the presence of a Yorkshire Terrier on it makes it an important artifact documenting the development of the breed. It is interesting that at this moment the little ratcatchers were not even listed in the studbook of the English dog breeding community. This happened 10 years later. Despite such a high-society start, Yorkies never gained a foothold in the royal chambers as a fashionable four-legged accessory. Real popularity came to them only in the twentieth century as companions of movie, sports and show business stars. This movement was started by Audrey Hepburn, who literally infected Hollywood with a passion for small York terriers.

Walking rules

You need to start accustoming your puppy to the street gradually - first, carry him in your arms to let him get used to the street noise, and later you can lower him to the ground. At the same time, it is under no circumstances recommended to let the dog off the leash, otherwise it may get lost or get hit by a car, and finally, it may simply be stolen.

When walking with your Yorkie, you need to make sure that he doesn’t pick up dubious “delicacies” from the ground and doesn’t roll around in the dirt or less pleasant substances. If a dog bullies other dogs or barks at passers-by, then you need to either force him to stop the unwanted action, or take him away so that he calms down.

In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not overheat. In summer, it is better to remove it early in the morning and after sunset, when it becomes cooler.

Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

You can tell a lot of interesting things about each breed. Miniature Yorkies were not left out either. Here are some interesting facts:

  • Yorkshire terriers are Sylvester Stallone's favorite pets;
  • The smallest dog in history is Sylvia the Yorkie. Her height is 6.3 cm and her weight is 112 g. Unfortunately, she only lived for 2 years;
  • Yorkies came to Russia in 1971, and 20 years later the first nursery opened in Mytishchi;
  • The most famous representative of the breed is Huddersfield Ben. He was born in 1865 and won 74 prizes in 6 years. Unfortunately, the dog died in 1871.


For the Yorkshire Terrier, the quality of the coat, its structure and length are very important. The coat on the body should be smooth, long, completely straight, without waves, curls or hints of fluffiness. The fur on the back should be parted down the middle and flow down the sides of the Yorkie. The coat can be trimmed to ground level, thereby making it easier for the Yorkshire Terrier to move and giving it a neat and well-groomed appearance.

The hair on the head should also be long, it must be collected in a tail in the middle or in 2 tails on the sides. The ears need to be trimmed short, and the hair on the paws can also be trimmed - this gives the Yorkie a more well-groomed appearance. If we talk about the fur of the Yorkshire Terrier outside the breed standard, it is worth highlighting the following important facts:

  1. The structure of the coat is similar to the structure of human hair. The wool does not cause allergies, hardly falls out and grows quickly - about 15 mm per month.
  2. In order not to damage your pet's fur during combing, you need to choose the right comb: natural bristles are suitable for regular procedures, but a metal comb is needed to comb out tangles.

Using a slicker comb can damage your Yorkie's skin.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The modern Yorkshire Terrier standard FCI No. 86 was published in 2012. The document describes the dog as compact and graceful. The posture is emphatically proud and important. The dog looks strong and balanced.

Yorkshire Terrier Dimensions:

  • weight does not exceed 3.2 kg;
  • height – up to 23 cm.

Due to the admixture of other breeds, the Yorkie often grows up to be a large dog. Some breeders deliberately underfeed puppies to prevent them from becoming too big. This is a serious violation that negatively affects the health of the pet. The Yorkshire Terrier weight table presented below will help you choose a purebred and full-fledged pet.

There is an unspoken division of Yorkshire terriers by size:

  • supermini (micro-) – the smallest Yorkshire terrier: weight ranges from 900 g to 1.5 kg, these dogs are very fragile and weak and are not allowed for breeding;
  • the mini-York is not so tiny in size, but its weight does not exceed 1.8 kg; this dog is also sickly compared to standard representatives of the breed, lives only 7-9 years;
  • The standard Yorkie is the only species recognized by the International Canine Association.

On a note. In America, there is a different breed standard, according to which the dog’s weight can reach 5.5 kg. American is the largest Yorkshire Terrier.

The breed standard describes the animals as follows:

  • the head is compact, the skull is flat, the muzzle is rather short;
  • nose black;
  • jaws are strong, closed in a scissor bite;
  • medium-sized eyes, looking straight, lively, curious and intelligent;
  • the ears are small, triangular, erect;
  • the body is harmonious, the back is straight, the lower back is strong;
  • height at the withers is approximately equal to the height of the croup;
  • the tail was previously subject to docking, since 2009 there are no restrictions on this matter, covered with thick hair of a darker shade than the main color;
  • limbs straight and parallel.

An adult Yorkshire Terrier moves freely and energetically, pushing well with its hind legs.

Important. Timid and cowardly Yorkies, as well as animals with obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities, are subject to disqualification.


A distinctive feature of Yorkies is their long, silky, completely straight coat. The fur flows beautifully on both sides. The parting starts at the nose and reaches the tail.

According to the breed standard, the color of the Yorkshire Terrier should be dark steel from the back of the head to the base of the tail. The Silver Blue Terrier is considered an aberration. Fawn, black or bronze hair is not acceptable. On the chest, the Yorkie's fur is golden in color. The hair at the ends is lighter than at the base.

There are colors outside the standard - these dogs come in a wide variety of colors due to genetic mutations or admixture with other breeds.

  1. The White Yorkie has the same fur texture as standard-colored dogs, but the hair is very light, almost white. Sometimes there is a yellowish tint. There are tan marks on the head, limbs and tail, which are a characteristic feature of the breed.
  2. Black Yorkie - its coat is thinner, coarser and shorter, it is considered a defect, since its fur does not reach the ground, and this is a prerequisite for participation in exhibitions.
  3. White and black Yorkie - the body is painted black, there are light markings on the head, legs and tail.
  4. The Chocolate Yorkie, or Choco-York, is an unrecognized variety with a luxurious coat of soft chocolate tones. The paw lobes and pads are the same shade as the coat color. Another name is Biro-York.

Yorkshire Terriers also come in a rare golden shade. In 2007, they were identified as a separate breed, although unusual puppies appeared in the 1980s. The golden Yorkie is called "goldust", which translates as "gold dust". His homeland is Germany.

Main types of colors


It has a bright, white-black-red color and a black nose, while the proportional ratio of colors can be any: along with beavers, which have a white color with small spots, there are also individuals whose main color could be called, rather, black.

However, it is the light-colored dogs that are most popular..


It is colored white-brown-red, the location of the spots and their size may vary.

There are also almost brown biros that have a slight tan and small white markings (shown in the photo).

The nose of Biro Yorkies is brown in various shades.


The main color of the coat is golden-fawn of various tones.

May be supplemented with small white markings.

Chocolate or choco

Its color can be any of the brown tones: from light brownish to dark chocolate.

There may be some small white markings and tan, but its color is not the deep red of the Biro, but rather a pale brown.


The color of his coat should be intense black.

Small white markings are acceptable, such as a white “tie” or “socks”, as well as a narrow blaze on the forehead.


Such dogs are very rare (shown in the photo).

Ideally should be snow white.

The eyelids, nose and edges of the lips are only allowed to be black, and the eyes should be as dark a brown shade as possible.

Types of Yorkshire Terriers

In the process of breeding the Yorkshire Terrier breed, several species were separated. They all have differences in appearance and temperament.

The following types or varieties are distinguished.

  1. Biewer Yorkies are tricolor dogs, recognized as an independent breed in 1986. Previously they were considered a plembrac.
  2. The already mentioned Choco-York is a rare variety of short-haired Yorkshire terrier.
  3. Russian Salon is a young species bred in Russia. This is a long-haired Yorkshire Terrier, also called "mermaid". It is distinguished by its delicate golden color and special fur structure.
  4. The result of American selection was large Yorkshire terriers weighing up to 5.5 kg. Otherwise, they are no different from their counterparts;
  5. Baby face is a dog with a short muzzle and bulging eyes. This structure is more common in mini and micro Yorkies. However, due to physiological characteristics, pets snore in their sleep, and their eyes require careful care.

Luxurious fur is the main distinguishing feature of the breed. There are no other smooth-haired Yorkshire terriers except the Choco-York.

Personal place

The bed should not be located on the aisle or in a draft. It is unacceptable to place it in the bathroom or toilet, and the kitchen is not the best place for a dog, even a small one.

It is best to place the Yorkie's place in one of the rooms, preferably where the whole family tends to gather, since these dogs are very sociable and simply adore the company of people.

In addition to a regular bed, you can also purchase a dog house where your pet can go when he wants to be alone.

Character and behavior

Characteristics of the breed will be incomplete without describing the temperament of these animals. Pets resemble small children - they are just as spontaneous, curious, cheerful and friendly. Adult Yorkshire Terriers never refuse to play. They are characterized by some recklessness and stubbornness. Dogs love to bully other four-legged animals that are larger than them.

Despite its small size, the Yorkshire Terrier's character is bold and generally balanced. It combines tender love for family and wariness towards strangers.

The character of a Yorkie boy is more domineering. Males are prone to dominance and often try to dominate the owner. Girls are more flexible and affectionate, they need communication and general attention.

Choosing a nickname

Read: Nicknames for Yorkshire Terriers - choose the right one for your pet

The name for the dog should be chosen taking into account its character and behavior. The most popular nicknames for Yorkshire Terriers:

Boys:Butch, Black, Argus, Dar, Zhostik, Pencil, Knopik, Rich, Snoop, Tatoshka.
Girls:Alma, Barbie, Denis, Julie, Lyalya, Mushka, Uma, Trisha, Oxy.

The puppy should be accustomed to its name from the first days of its arrival in the house. This will simplify further contact with your dog and allow you to achieve full interaction.

How to choose the right Yorkshire Terrier puppy

To choose a Yorkie puppy, you should study the breed standard, talk to current owners and find a reliable kennel. It is not recommended to purchase dogs from private individuals - there is a high risk of getting a sick or not purebred animal. You need to talk to the breeder, the person in charge:

  • talks about his students with love and enthusiasm;
  • answers any questions without delay;
  • is sincerely interested in the future fate of animals.

If the breeder remains silent or only praises the litter without pointing out the shortcomings, it is better to refuse the purchase.

In a healthy baby:

  • clear view;
  • clean eyes, ears and nose;
  • shiny wool;
  • moderately well-fed physique.

A Yorkshire Terrier puppy should be friendly, curious and playful. You should not take away the most active baby - he will cause a lot of trouble in the future. To find “your” pet, it is recommended to spend a few minutes alone with each of them.

The baby must have a veterinary passport with vaccination records, and his parents must have a pedigree issued by the RKF. If you choose the right puppy, he will live a long and happy life and become a loyal friend.

Who is better, a boy or a girl?

When choosing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, you need to determine in advance the gender of the future pet - boy or girl. They have different habits and temperaments, so you should not take the only dog ​​left from the breeder. There is a high risk of being disappointed in your pet. So who is better - a boy or a girl?

It is known about Yorkie boys that they are more willful. During adolescence, a male Yorkshire Terrier will definitely try to take a leadership position. The owner should be patient and purposefully raise the puppy. Then he will grow into a kind and obedient dog.

The Yorkie boy will mark his territory. Having sensed a female in heat, he may stop responding to commands and run away. However, a purebred dog will make a good producer.

The Yorkshire Terrier girl is more affectionate and devoted. She is not prone to dominance and needs more communication with a person. Twice a year, females enter a problematic period - estrus. At this time, they need to be protected from communication with males if the owner does not intend to engage in breeding.

It is believed that Yorkie girls learn faster. However, each case is individual. How a pet will grow up depends more on the conditions of keeping and upbringing than on its innate qualities.

It is impossible to say for sure who is better - a boy or a girl. Both sexes have both advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the experience and character of the owner, as well as on the goals pursued.

What do boys and girls look like and how do they differ?

Like other breeds, Yorkie boys look very impressive and impressive, while girls look more graceful and gentle, and are a pleasure to look at!

Also, their head may visually look somewhat smaller in proportion than that of males.

If in other breeds of dogs boys are usually larger, then in Yorkies this is ambiguous: even among individuals of standard size, a female can be larger than a male, which sometimes creates difficulties in breeding these dogs.

Yorkie puppies

The first year of life is the most important stage in a dog's development. Yorkies grow until they are 8 months old. At this point, the animal reaches its maximum height and length, but for some time continues to gain weight due to increased muscle growth.

The following describes the main stages of development and presents the average weight of a Yorkie puppy by month.

  1. Newborn Yorkies have no teeth and their eyes and ears are closed. The fur is smooth, black and tan, weighs about 150 g. If the dog is much smaller, most likely it is a mini or micro variety. On days 12-17, Yorkie puppies open their eyes. If this does not happen, you should contact your veterinarian. As soon as their eyes open, the puppies begin to actively explore the world around them.
  2. At 1 month, the puppy is still completely dependent on its mother. Unscrupulous breeders are already selling one-month-old babies, but they are not yet ready for independent life. At this age, the Yorkie puppy is actively growing - it more than doubles in size in a month.
  3. At 2 months he is ready to leave his parents' home. He is carefully introduced to solid food and socialized. How a Yorkie should look at 2 months can be seen from numerous photos on the Internet. At 8 weeks the weight reaches 1 kg.
  4. A Yorkie puppy at 3 months should weigh about 1.2 kg. At 3 months old, a Yorkie puppy is very active - you can begin training and learning basic commands. Lethargy and apathy are the first signs of the disease. In this case, the baby should be taken to the veterinarian.
  5. At 4 months the chest is formed, it becomes stronger and more massive. Average weight is 1.6 kg. But at 4 months old, the Yorkie does not yet look like an adult.
  6. At 5 months it weighs 1.7-1.9 kg. Now the dog is growing more in length than in height. For full development, your pet needs to eat a balanced diet and receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  7. At 6 months, a Yorkie puppy already looks like an adult dog. It continues to grow, but not as intensely. Puberty begins, but only animals older than 1.5 years are allowed to breed.

One-year-old Yorkie puppies are considered adults. You can clearly track growth dynamics using a table.

Age, monthsWeight, g

Important. Puppies grow and develop differently - the Yorkie weight and age table is based on the results of many years of observations. It presents average parameters.

Are vaccinations necessary?

The first vaccination is given while the puppy is still with the breeder. This occurs at the age of 2 months, and after two weeks a revaccination is given to strengthen immunity. No later than two weeks before vaccination, but not earlier than a week, the puppy should be given an anthelmintic.

The second vaccination is given after changing teeth, and revaccination is no longer necessary. The third vaccination is given at 12 months and is repeated once a year according to the schedule.

The main requirement before any vaccination is that the dog is completely healthy. If there is any doubt, it is better to postpone vaccination for several days.


After any vaccination, a week-long quarantine will be required - a time when the pet cannot go outside and have contact with other dogs.

How to determine the age of a Yorkshire Terrier

Often people do not buy puppies, but take them from the street or from shelters. In this case, it is necessary to determine the age of the Yorkshire Terrier. Only then will the owner be able to control his health and choose the right diet.

The main way is to examine your teeth:

  • 25–35 days – fangs erupt;
  • 35–60 days – incisors and premolars appear;
  • 3–4 months – teeth change begins;
  • 7–14 months – the incisors are completely white, have 3 teeth;
  • 1.5 years – the lower incisors wear down a little;
  • 2 years – the lower incisors continue to wear down, the upper ones are leveled;
  • 3 years – yellow plaque is noticeable, tartar may appear;
  • 5 years – all incisors are worn out;
  • 6 years – all teeth are covered with a yellow coating, signs of wear are clearly visible;
  • over 10 years - all crowns are almost worn out, caries appears, and teeth may fall out.

The condition of the teeth varies depending on the living conditions and diet of the animal. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine the exact age of the Yorkshire Terrier. But if you take into account other factors - muscle tone, coat structure, look - you can get a more accurate result.

Any dog ​​breeder wonders at what stage of development his ward is at. Yorkies are small breeds - the age of the dog by human standards will look like this:

Dog age, yearHuman age, year


Yorkie breeding is not always breeding due to their large population throughout the world. One way or another, the male and female must meet the standards, be vaccinated and examined for pathology by a veterinarian .

  • Puberty occurs at 8-9 months. At this time, males begin to breed, and girls go into heat.
  • You can only breed at the 20th month of life, when the female goes into her third heat. The readiness of a bitch can be determined by several signs: the discharge becomes lighter, the loop swells, the girl spreads her paws wide and throws back her tail.
  • For the first mating, you can invite a specialist to help your pets. The female is brought to the male's territory, where the acquaintance should take place. The dogs should be given 10-15 minutes to sniff and get used to each other. When the bitch is ready, she will let the male do the mounting.
  • The act does not last long - 10 minutes, and the lock from 15 to 30. The girl must be held under the stomach, not allowed to sit down. The male is directed into the noose. Due to the difference in size, the boy may simply not be able to reach it, in which case he needs to be seated.
  • Mating is repeated after 2 days.

Care and maintenance

Yorkshire terrier dogs are quite unpretentious. They are perfectly adapted to living in an apartment, rarely conflict with other animals, and treat all family members well. However, it is better to keep the fragile dog away from small children. While playing, a child may accidentally injure an animal.

Important. Yorkies do not like rodents. This is due to the innate hunting instinct.

For the puppy, you need to immediately arrange places for rest and food. They are chosen once and do not change throughout their lives. Pet stores sell special beds for Yorkshire terriers and other small breeds. When choosing, you should pay attention to the size, shape and quality of materials. The bed is installed in a quiet place, protected from drafts.

The right diet

Most owners prefer to use commercial food for Yorkies, developed taking into account the needs of this breed. It provides your pet with the necessary set of vitamins and minerals.

Important. Dog food must be of high quality, otherwise health problems will arise.

It is acceptable to feed Yorkies natural food. The diet includes:

  • lean meat, high-quality offal;
  • porridge – buckwheat, rice;
  • fermented milk products – fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fresh herbs.

You can find out more about how to properly feed your Yorkshire Terrier in our article “Natural food or dry food?”

Vegetables and fruits are given as treats. In consultation with the veterinarian, vitamin and mineral complexes are selected. Dogs are fed 2-3 times a day, taking into account their age and level of physical activity.

Walking and physical activity

Yorkies quickly learn to relieve themselves in the litter box, but you should not deprive them of walks. This is an energetic breed that requires a lot of running and playing. Dogs are taken outside at least three times a day. The optimal duration of exercise is 30 minutes.

Training and education

Yorkies are distinguished by fairly high intelligence - teaching them good manners is not at all difficult. However, due to their innate restlessness, training pets is not so easy.

Raising a puppy begins in early childhood:

  • are taught to respond to a nickname;
  • develop a schedule of activity and rest;
  • They are taught to relieve themselves on the street or in a litter box.

When the baby gets comfortable in the new home, he is carefully introduced to new smells and sounds, to other people and animals. It is important to properly socialize your pet. Then he will grow up balanced, self-confident, calm and adequate.


Read: Heat in Yorkshire Terriers: duration, onset symptoms, possible problems

The gestation period lasts up to 56 days from the moment of fertilization. Throughout this period, you should reduce active physical activity and try to reduce the amount of emotional experiences the dog has. You should strengthen your diet, but not increase the calorie content of each serving, and also give additional vitamin supplements required for the development of the fruit. The litter size varies from 3 to 6 puppies.

Read: Yorkshire Terrier pregnancy: duration, course features

Childbirth in Yorkshire terriers is often turbulent, and a number of problems may develop. It is advisable to carry out the process in a clinic or under the guidance of a veterinarian; if it is necessary to preserve the offspring, agree to a caesarean section. In the last stages of pregnancy, it is imperative to include calcium supplements in your diet to strengthen the skeletal system.

Read: Mating Yorkies - features and choice of partner

Yorkies have good maternal instincts, quickly learn a new role and protect their offspring. Puppies develop quickly and become active from the first months of life. Due to weak bones, dogs should be carefully protected; it is advisable to arrange a separate protected place in the house - it is best to purchase a special cage. It is recommended to separate puppies from their mother no earlier than 3 months (newborn puppies cannot be given away), when the first scheduled vaccination can be carried out.

Pros and cons of the breed

Yorkies are not as problem dogs as other toy breeds. However, they have their drawbacks. The pros and cons of the Yorkshire Terrier are presented in the table.

Spectacular appearanceEasily injured and caught colds
Can be kept in an apartmentRequires special coat care
Balanced and cheerful characterHigh activity
CleanlinessTend to bark for no reason
No shedding or dog smellCan't stand heat and cold
DevotionHigh costs of care and maintenance
Good attitude towards children and other four-legged animals

The Yorkie dog resembles a cute toy, but a fearless hunter lives in her soul. This is an excellent companion, a loyal friend and a brave defender, ready to fight any enemy.


Yorkie lovers can rejoice, because today there are kennels where these dogs are bred in almost every post-Soviet capital, including Moscow. When going to the kennel for such a dog, be sure to take into account all future expenses, especially food and vaccinations.

The price of a Yorkshire terrier with a pedigree is from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. You can safely take such a pet to competitions and exhibitions. But be sure to study his veterinary passport before purchasing.

Yorkies are one of the smallest breeds, perfect for living in an apartment.

A more budget-friendly option for purchasing is from your own hands. A representative of the breed in question can be purchased cheaper, for 10-15 thousand rubles, from a private breeder. But by cooperating with him, you are unlikely to get a high-breed terrier.

Is it difficult to care for?

The main difficulty in keeping these dogs is caring for their coat.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the Yorkie is a breed that cannot do without clothes. The fact is that wool devoid of undercoat does not protect them well from cold and dampness.

In all other respects, caring for Yorkies is no more difficult than caring for any other breed of dog.

Power Requirements

Experts recommend feeding Yorkies with commercial food designed specifically for this breed. But if you wish, you can feed your dog natural food with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.

In any case, nutrition should be complete and of high quality.


You should not overfeed or underfeed your Yorkie, as both extremes are very harmful for small dogs.

What are the disadvantages?

However, these cute dogs also have their drawbacks:

  • caring for their coat is not the easiest task. Cutting and curling long hair into curlers at home is quite tedious, and getting the hair in order at the groomer costs money;
  • Yorkies have problems with their teeth and bite. These dogs also have a tendency to quickly form tartar;
  • If raised incorrectly, a Yorkie can become a stubborn, capricious and even aggressive dog. To prevent this from happening, you need to raise and later train your pet from the very beginning;
  • These dogs are quite sensitive to living conditions and feeding. Yes, apart from the labor-intensive care of their coat, keeping them is not so difficult, but it is necessary to take into account many breed and individual characteristics.


Yorkies are considered a healthy breed, but their health must be closely monitored so as not to miss the onset of any disease, since most ailments in such small dogs develop rapidly and are complicated.

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