Anti-bark device for small and large dogs, collar and stationary version

An anti-bark collar is special equipment for a dog, on which a special device is placed, which exerts a certain effect on the pet in specified cases. This device is used to wean a dog from barking at certain moments, or simply to calm it down and force it to obey. The principle of operation is based on any unpleasant effect on the dog when it does something forbidden. As a result of each such incorrect action, anti-barking affects the dog, makes it unpleasant for it, and the pet develops a conditioned reflex.

How does it work

Dog in a collar Anti-bark
The principle of operation of Anti-bark is somewhat similar to an alarm or a smart light bulb. It is based on the device’s reaction to certain sounds made by the pet, not only barking, but also howling, if it continues for some time.

The device begins to send various types of impulses to the dog, causing him discomfort and forcing him to stop barking. Depending on the type of device, these can be both harmless vibrations and electrical discharges of varying degrees of power.

Over time, the dog develops a conditioned reflex; it begins to bark only on command. But, there are pets who develop addiction. They stop noticing these impulses, so the signal strength must constantly be increased.

For your information! In most cases, increasing the power of the device is quite safe and causes only mild discomfort. These collars can be used even for the smallest dogs.


Any dog, regardless of breed and size, has a tendency to express its feelings and emotions through barking. However, there are animals that can make noise with their barking for no reason, causing inconvenience to the owner and other people. For this reason, an anti-bark collar comes to the aid of dog owners.

This collar can stop your dog from barking. An anti-bark collar is an electronic collar that responds to the dog's voice. The device works very simply. If the dog begins to bark without the owner's command, the device makes a frightening sound or gives an impulse, this depends on the type of collar.

The dog immediately understands that its behavior is wrong. The collar has different signal strengths; the owner sets it independently. The anti-bark collar is completely harmless to your pet.

Classification by method of influence

Before buying an anti-barking collar for your pet, you need to carefully study what the pet products market offers. Each device has its own characteristics and therefore may not be suitable for a particular dog. Based on their effect on the pet, they are divided into certain types.


Inside the collar there is a receiver and several sensors. As soon as the dog begins to howl or bark, electrical voltage discharges are sent to the sensors. The longer the sound cacophony continues, the more powerful the discharges become. If the dog begins to calm down, the power gradually decreases. Some models are configured to only respond to a specific sound, such as whining.

Automatic drinking bowl for dogs of large and small breeds

If the device is triggered too often, the dog will quickly understand the relationship between barking and unpleasant sensations, which means it will learn not to vocalize without reason. This type of device is considered quite humane because it does not harm the dog’s health.


This type of device is absolutely safe for pets. Its operation is based on ultrasonic pulses sent to the device in the event of prolonged barking.

Warning! You should not buy an ultrasonic Anti-Bark if your pet has hearing impairment.

The main advantage of such a collar is its noiselessness for a person whose ear is not capable of perceiving high frequencies. Dogs, on the contrary, are particularly sensitive to such signals, causing them discomfort. Unpleasant sensations disappear only after the pet begins to calm down.

Spray collar


These devices work like sprinklers, spraying inert gas instead of liquid. When a dog vocalizes for a long time, the built-in sensor is triggered and a jet flows into the dog's face, but not directly into the nose.

As soon as the dog begins to realize that barking and a splattered face are closely related, he quickly weanes himself from the bad habit.

The process is also speeded up by the fact that before the gas is released, a characteristic hissing sound is heard. Most often, the dog gets used to it and stops barking as soon as it hears a familiar sound. The gas is tasteless, but often the manufacturer can flavor it. Then, when sprayed, a light aroma of lemon floats in the air. Thanks to the fully automated system, these collars are absolutely safe for pets.


The principle of operation is similar to ultrasound, but is based on vibration. When the pet cannot calm down, the internal device vibrates, causing the barking or howling to stop. Dog breeders note the high efficiency and complete safety of devices of this type.


In addition to all of the above, Antilay can be of a combined type. In this case, several operating principles are combined in one device and can be used simultaneously. For example, first the ultrasound is triggered, then the device begins to vibrate. If this method does not help, an electric discharge is applied. The more the dog barks, the stronger the discharge.

How the device works

So, what is the working principle of this dog barking device? The Anti-Bark collar is a direct collar for dogs that reacts to the sounds the pet makes. That is, the device can cope not only with barking, but also with the howling that comes from a pet. The very principle of operation of such an accessory is that it begins to send vibrations, voltage discharges or release a spray to calm the dog (video author - World of Gadgets).

That is, the longer the dog barks, the stronger the ultrasonic collar works. If the animal stops barking, the level of exposure to the pet is significantly reduced. The device operates on a battery or batteries, that is, the accessory must either be periodically charged or the batteries replaced. In addition, you can also find automatic devices on sale that operate using a remote control.


This electric Anti-Barking device for dogs is designed to calm the animal using a voltage discharge. Using several sensors, the device applies current to the pet. If you read reviews from dog breeders online, many of them are afraid to use such accessories so as not to harm the dog. However, in fact, even a representative of the smallest breed, for example, a Chihuahua, will not get injured when using the accessory.

The principle of operation of electrical devices is that the processor, which is installed inside, starts when the animal begins to bark. Each new round of barking increases the vibrations of the device. Then, as the dog's barking level decreases, the vibrations gradually decrease over half a minute. Over time, the pet will be able to quickly trace this connection between its bark and the action of the accessory.

According to experts, this method of weaning a dog from barking for no reason is one of the most humane. After all, it is absolutely safe for the health of the animal and does not cause any pain. If necessary, the owner can program the collar so that it responds to howling or whining. According to reviews, the electric option is one of the most effective.


An ultrasonic Anti-Barking collar for dogs differs from an electric one in that when the dog makes noise, the device works differently. In particular, it reproduces a sound impulse. A person can never hear such a sound, but for a dog it is quite sensitive. When barking starts, the collar detects the frequencies and makes a sound. If the dog stops barking, the device stops producing sound pulses.

It should be noted that the ultrasound option for dogs is quite effective in the case of all types of animals. In addition, it is completely harmless, like other options. If you believe the reviews, then such a device will be an excellent option for dealing with noisy pets. However, the use of an ultrasonic collar will not be relevant if your pet has hearing problems. After all, the animal simply will not hear the vibration.


As for the spray device, it works on the principle of an ordinary spray bottle. Unlike the two options described above, this accessory affects the animal using a special sprayer. If the pet begins to vocalize, the spray system sends a small amount of inert gas directly into the dog's face. This way, the animal can understand that whenever it tries to bark, something might splash it. Inert gas is usually odorless, but some manufacturers may add lemon flavoring to it.

The gas comes out of the device with a characteristic hissing sound, so the dog will very quickly get used to hearing such a sound while barking. As a rule, the pet becomes silent before the accessory sprays it with gas. Thanks to the installed automatic system, such collars are completely safe.

Classification by type of use

The collar can be used both at home and outdoors. Naturally, in this case, device systems will differ significantly.

Anti-bark electric collar

Neck device

Collars are intended for individual use. They are placed directly on the dog’s neck and used in any conditions, if the instructions for the device allow it. The anti-bark collar can work in any way chosen by the owner.


The device is a stationary system. It allows you to influence all dogs within the range of the device using ultrasound. Such systems are used in kennels and dog shelters. It is also suitable for owners with several pets.

It can be used both indoors and outdoors, providing reliable shelter in case of bad weather. The range of ultrasound can be from 5 to 20 m.

By pet size

There are no universal Antilays. They must be selected according to the size, age and breed of the dog. If the device was originally purchased for a large dog, it will not be suitable for a Pomeranian. If the size does not match, you should not expect the intended effect from the product.

For small dogs

For pets that are not large in size, models with vibration or ultrasound are best suited, as they are the safest.

Carefully! Small dogs are usually more timid and less resilient, so using an electric collar can provoke prolonged tantrums, thereby compromising the pet's nervous health.

If the dog is not too shy, you can use a spray.

Collar Antilay

For average

Absolutely any type of Antilay is suitable for a medium-sized pet. When choosing an electric collar, you should pay attention to models with adjustable power.

For large

To stop a large dog from barking for no reason, an electric or combined type collar is best suited. One spray or ultrasound may not be enough for them. If the dog continues to bark, you can use a stun gun, and in cases of obvious disobedience, add shock power. A higher effect in this case is achieved by a combination of influence methods.

Rules of application

There is actually nothing complicated in using such devices. You just need to consider some factors. For example, an anti-bark collar for small dogs should be the right size for them. Also, it should not be less powerful in impact than for large animals. Very small dogs need an anti-bark collar, so for the smallest ones.

In addition to size, it is necessary to take into account the length and thickness of the animal's fur. Device contactors that are too short simply cannot reach the skin, and contactors that are too long can cause damage.

By type of control

Like all devices, the smart collar runs on batteries or has a built-in battery that is periodically charged from the mains. Some models can be customized based on many factors:

  • voice volume;
  • barking, howling or whining;
  • radius of influence;
  • sensitivity threshold.

Devices without remote control can be the simplest, with one type of influence on a disobedient pet, or more complex. The latter involve the use of several programs that you can configure yourself or use factory settings. Such devices consist of a plastic collar, a receiver and a display with several buttons.

Remote control products differ from conventional ones in that programs are controlled and configured using a remote control. Using a remote control significantly expands the functionality of the device. It can be used for several pets at the same time by purchasing only additional receivers. These models offer the ability to store multiple programs that can be used for different dogs or under different conditions. Not to mention that remote control makes life easier for the owner and more effectively helps teach the pet obedience.

Review of the best models

To solve the noisy problem, manufacturers offer a wide range of Anti-Barking collars. The devices have a certain style and are equipped with different functionality. You can choose an option for any dog.

Dogtra YS 600

Leash for dogs of small and large breeds

Designed for dogs weighing over 20 kg. In a fairly short time, it allows you to wean the animal from howling, whining and barking. The collar contains a sound sensor with a built-in processor. It helps filter out extraneous noise. The device responds only to vibration of the animal's vocal cords.

For your information! The principle of operation is battery-powered, using Li-Pol. Charges in less than 2 hours. Effects using 10 levels of electricity and vibration mode.

Made from a durable waterproof case, equipped with a capacious NiMH battery, it weighs only 208 g. Stimulation levels must be switched manually. There is a special button on the device body for this.

Dogtra YS 600


This anti-bark collar is designed for small dogs. The device is equipped with a multi-stage system for regulating the power of the sensor, which responds only to noises made by the animal, without responding to outside noises. The collar is fully automatic. You can choose your own color scheme. The neck circumference of the animal must be at least 12 cm and no more than 58 cm with a weight of 2 to 50 kg. Duration of work is about 14 days. Has 7 sensitivity levels. The body is made of nylon. Applies a minimal electric shock to the animal.

Model PD258S


Designed for large breed dogs. The collar is equipped with multi-stage sensitivity adjustment of the sensor, activated for different types of bark. It has two modes: electric and sound. Equipped with two pairs of electrodes for long-haired and short-haired dogs. The model also has a five-level microphone.

Important! The weight of the animal should not be less than 20 kg and more than 100 kg. The girth of the dog's neck should be at least 15 cm and no more than 75 cm. The device weighs only 50 g.



The peculiarity of this model of the “Anti-bark” collar for dogs is the automatic selection of the required level of impact, depending on the volume of barking. The device is equipped with two sets of contacts. Powered by a six-volt alkaline battery. The collar is water resistant, you should not swim in it. There are no switches that you need to constantly press. As soon as the collar is put on the dog, it begins its work.

For your information! Depending on the intensity of the bark, the device can independently increase the impact from 1 to 7.


Bark Terminator 3

This type is considered the simplest and most effective to use. It influences the animal using an electric discharge. Before giving a shock, the collar emits 2 warning signals, and only after that the dog begins to experience pain. The device is equipped with a microphone and sensitivity level adjustment, so your pet can be easily weaned not only from barking, but howling and whining. Top material: plastic. Designed for dogs from 4 kg. The maximum length of the collar is 55 cm.

Bark Terminator 3

You can adjust the intensity of the discharge for a puppy and an adult dog using the control buttons (5 levels). The collar is recommended for medium and large dog breeds. Battery operated.


This type is equipped with 3 operating modes: vibration with a sound signal, vibration and a recorded voice command, sound signal and a recorded voice command. To record two voice messages, 10 seconds are allocated.

The device detects vibrations in the dog's vocal cords using a special sensor. The device beeps before turning off due to low battery. You can turn on the collar and select the desired operating mode using a magnetic key. The potentiometer adjusts the sensitivity to noise level. Powered by a 3V lithium battery, which is included in the kit.


The model weighs only 56 g. The length of the collar can be adjusted from 17 to 55 cm.

Note! The collar, equipped with a microphone, is very convenient to use. However, it is often triggered not only by dog ​​barking, but also by any extraneous noise.

How to choose the right one

When buying a collar, you need to be guided by the breed of your pet, selecting models from the appropriate size range. You should also consider the dog’s living conditions. For street dogs, you can use stationary ultrasound systems, which at the same time help calm the neighbor’s empty nesters.

It would be useful to decide on the type of power supply for the device. If possible, it is better to buy Antilay with a built-in battery. This will allow you to save on batteries, which quickly become unusable. In addition, the batteries used in some models are very difficult to find on sale.

Another factor is the length of the coat. Some breeds, such as the Bolognese, have a coat so thick that the impulses delivered by the device cannot penetrate through it. For such dogs, you can use gas or shock collars with long contact lengths.

Correct placement of the collar

What does an anti-bark collar look like?

The collars are made of nylon or PVC, so they are very durable, and are also adjustable in length. The receiver, which contains all the electronic parts, is attached to them. The receiver of most models is resistant to snow, moisture and dirt.

Some models are equipped with GPS tracking devices, their cost is higher than usual. Electropulse ones have metal contact points through which current is supplied. The length of the contacts varies. On the receiver body there is a wheel for adjusting the strength of the impulse, as well as a light or sound indicator of the battery charge.

The barking is picked up either by a vibration sensor or a microphone. The vibration sensor can be triggered when it is not necessary, for example, if the dog scratches itself in the neck area. Models with a microphone are more likely to cause false alarms, especially in the presence of other barking dogs.

The most popular anti-bark collars are “Garmin BarkLIMITER” (USA, ≈7000 rubles), Innotek (USA, 6800-7500 rubles), Canicalm (France, 4200-4800 rubles), Pet Trainer (China, 1700-2600 rubles), Terminator (China, 800-1200 rubles).

Terms of use

A smart device is the choice of modern dog handlers. With its help, the training process goes much faster. The most suitable device for teaching a dog commands is an electric collar with a remote control.

The process of raising a pet must be structured so that the dog not only understands the commands, but also associates them with the signals of the collar. This will help teach the dog new commands and correct his behavior in everyday life. For example:

● stop chewing furniture and shoes; ● chase cats; ● jump on people; ● chase cars and cyclists; ● bark when you hear noise from your neighbors.

Re-education or training should begin with the very minimum power. Skills are formed gradually, moving on to the next only after finally consolidating the previous one. And remember, only regular training with your pet using a smart collar will allow you to achieve success and make him an ideal companion.

Choosing a size

As for sizes, there are currently many options available for sale, which allows you to choose a collar for any breed of dog. Most often, the collar can stretch from 15 to 60 centimeters, so dog owners do not have problems with the size range.

But it should still be understood that such a device cannot be universal. And an anti-bark collar, which was bought for a large dog, is unlikely to be suitable for a small breed.

Did you know? The well-known spiked collars were invented back in Ancient Greece. At that time, such accessories were used to protect dogs from attacks by wolves.

How to wear

In order for the dog to feel comfortable and get used to the collar as quickly as possible, it is necessary to put it on correctly. To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Matching the size of the pet. It should fit snugly around the neck, but not interfere with free breathing. The device should not be allowed to dangle freely.
  2. Antilay should be worn slightly higher than a regular collar. The most correct location is the receiver in the middle, right under the jaw.
  3. First you need to get the dog used to the device. Therefore, it is not recommended to connect the collar in the first few weeks.
  4. If your pet becomes nervous or irritable after putting on the device, it should be removed and put back on after some time, such as an hour.

Each owner determines the duration of wearing the accessory himself, based on the temperament of his dog. But it is believed that it should be removed no more than after 12 hours. Most experienced breeders recommend limiting wear to 8 hours.

How to make a choice

It is recommended to select the type of collar based on the breed and size of the pet. For large animals, it is recommended to buy a dog collar with a stun gun; for small breeds, vibrating anti-bark collars and accessories with an ultrasonic signal are better suited.

Collars with citronella (gas) can be classified as quite universal devices.

When choosing an accessory with electrostatic action, you should also pay attention to the length of the device contacts.

For short-haired dog breeds, collars with short contacts are suitable, but for long-haired breeds you need to choose a device with longer contacts.

Care and storage

Like regular collars, Antilays require regular care. After removing the device from your pet, you need to clean the case from dust and more complex contaminants using a damp cloth. In battery-powered devices, batteries that have a battery should be promptly replaced and charged in a timely manner. Although the collar is waterproof, it must be removed when swimming or in the rain. The device should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children and pets.

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Recommendations for owners

There are a few things that an owner should know before purchasing such an anti-bark device for dogs.

Below are the main recommendations that a dog owner should keep in mind:

Firstly, before purchasing an accessory, you should not only take into account the breed, but also analyze the character of the pet. For example, if your dog has an easily excitable character or is nervous by nature, then an electric collar may not be suitable. Of course, it will be able to “shut up” the dog for a while, but it will also have a negative impact on the dog. Subsequently, this can seriously affect your pet’s nervous system.

Secondly, before purchasing you should also pay attention to your pet’s fur. If your dog has long hair, then the best option for him would be to buy a device with larger contacts. Otherwise, the impact may simply not work, and the dog will not respond to the current or ultrasound sent by the collar. If the dog has really thick hair, like, for example, shepherds or Spanish mastiffs, then a spray will be the best solution. The sprayer, one way or another, will release gas into the dog’s face when he decides to make a noise.

Thirdly, before purchasing an accessory, you should definitely find out who the manufacturer is. As practice and consumer reviews show, low-quality collars most often break. But repairing failed devices is quite expensive. Therefore, remember that collars made in China are often low-quality products. Domestic devices are a good option, affordable for most buyers.

Fourthly, the animal should learn to wear such an accessory not immediately, but gradually. In practice, using Anti-Bark can be stressful for many dogs. After all, if the pet decides to bark, the device will immediately react, which will cause discomfort to the dog. Therefore, at first, when the dog is just getting acquainted with his punishment for barking, the person needs to stroke the animal. The dog must understand that everything that happened was as it should be, there is no threat to its life. According to experienced breeders, the first use of the device should be long. The collar should be put on the dog, but it should be turned on only after a few days. After all, the animal must get used to the fact that it has a collar.

Fifthly, of course, the device must always be removed when swimming. As a rule, collars are waterproof, but it is still recommended to remove it in the rain to prevent damage.

In any case, using Anti-Bark is a last resort if the dog barks uncontrollably at everything. An animal must be raised from early childhood, we are talking about all dogs without exception. Even if you get a “smart” breed, for example, a shepherd, you cannot hope that it will learn everything on its own.

The pet must be educated and, at a minimum, trained to shut up at the request of the owner. If you can train him this way, then you will not need any collars. But if the dog is loud by nature, then sometimes using Anti-Bark is the only way to calm the pet down.

It is believed that over time the animal gets used to the effects of the collar and stops reacting to it. An alternative is to cut the vocal cords, especially for loud pets.

Expert advice

When using a smart collar, experts do not recommend using a leash. This often leads to displacement of the sensor and causes chafing of the skin. It is also not recommended to combine the device with a metal chain to avoid damaging the case.

Breeders recommend putting on such a collar for the first time only after the dog has become comfortable in the house, and be sure to adjust the product to its size.

For your information! Wearing Anti-Bark does not always guarantee the pet’s unquestioning obedience and compliance with all commands. Raising a smart, well-mannered dog requires endless patience, and a smart collar only helps you achieve better results.

Anti-bark device for small and large dogs, collar and stationary version

The dog is a guard, obliged to speak in case of danger. It is for this purpose that pets are most often owned. But not everyone understands that dogs are different from each other. Some of them are capable of barking without stopping for quite a long time, causing disturbance not only to the owner and his household, but also to strangers. Anything can provoke them: suspicious noises, strangers, bad weather.

It is very difficult to stop pets from barking in vain. But nothing is impossible, especially in our time. To prevent such situations, scientists have developed a special device that can stop a pet from barking for no reason - the Anti-Bark collar.

Advantages and disadvantages

Antibark, like all devices, has its advantages and disadvantages. There are people who believe that such methods of raising dogs are not humane, but these devices have many more supporters, especially among dog handlers.

The advantages of this device include:

  • safety and ease of use;
  • exclusion of physical punishment of the pet;
  • control over the dog's behavior;
  • improving the quality of training;
  • possibility of use in different conditions;
  • light weight.

The disadvantages include the high cost and expensive repairs of the device. Also, some brands of products have a tendency to trigger false alarms, which can frighten your pet.

Despite the positive aspects, you should not use Antilay without trying other methods of re-education. “Depriving” a pet of its voice should only be done as a last resort, because along with it it may lose its watchdog qualities, which means it will not be able to warn of danger.

Who is the collar suitable for?

Both large and small dogs love to bark. Small dogs bark more often due to feelings of fear and uncertainty, since everyone knows that the best way to defend is to attack. But a lot depends on the breed of your four-legged friend. There are so-called noisy breeds - these are the giant Newfoundland and the miniature Maltese. And there are quiet breeds. There are quite a lot of “silent” dogs among small dogs, these are: Japanese Chin, Pug, French Bulldog, Bichon Frize, Chinese Crested and others.

There is even a breed of dog that cannot bark at all - the Basenji. But at the same time, she, like other dogs that bark little, can howl, whine, and make other sounds. Therefore, a dog of any breed may need the device .

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