Dog cage for apartment: metal and soft

Need for use

Keeping a dog in a cage in an apartment is not cruelty.

The stereotype that it is intended exclusively for the forced confinement of any living creature is firmly entrenched in our minds.

Most dog owners are convinced that this opinion is wrong, and there really is a need to use such an accessory. It comes not only from the owners, but is also dictated by the lifestyle of the animal itself. Some owners are still convinced that their pet needs unlimited space for play and relaxation. However, data obtained from recent research has confirmed the theory about the denning nature of dogs.

The Internet contains many funny photographs of four-legged friends who, as puppies, began to crawl onto a shelf in a closet or bedside table. Time has passed, they have become adults, but they are still trying to fit into their favorite place. All this is a clear example of lair behavior.

Owners confirm that dogs love to find secluded places. They can be very diverse: behind an armchair, under an ottoman or a chair. This is the normal behavior of an animal that is trying to find its home among the space of the apartment and a place where no one will disturb it while resting. After all, when it lives in a private house, a booth is installed on the street, so why is a dog cage in an apartment a wild thing?

How to care?

The animal must be kept clean. You can have two beddings. If you wash one of them, the dog will not feel discomfort, since inside the cage it will be on a comfortable, removable bed. You need to make sure that the water from the drinking bowl does not spill and the dog does not end up in a puddle. After your pet has eaten, food bowls should be removed from the cage.

Your favorite toys should be inside. You cannot punish an animal that is in such a house if it has hidden any of your things there. We need to calmly pick her up. If the dog is punished, then placing your pet back in the cage will be very problematic.

Disadvantages of keeping a dog in a crate

A dog cage... This phrase sounds like something from the realm of torment or torture. This is probably where all the disadvantages of the cage end.

A cage is a unique tool for educating and correcting the behavior of four-legged friends. Exactly the same “tool” as a leash, for example. After all, no one says that a leash is “evil.” But even with a leash you can “finish” an animal like that... Or you can pull it with such force that the cervical vertebrae crunch...

Any “tool” must be used correctly. Only then will it really be useful.


The main reason for the lair-like nature of an animal is inherent in it at the level of natural character traits associated with genetics, because inside every dog ​​there is a wild wolf hidden, which was tamed many centuries ago. And this creature could not do without shelter. In a crate designed exclusively for him, the dog feels safe and can rest peacefully. If your pet does not have his own place, he will stubbornly look for it, clinging to furniture or decorative items, and also hiding in places with wires. Thus, the dog poses a threat to the safety of both itself and its owner.

There is also a quality in the character of four-legged animals that is reminiscent of the need of a child who wants to have his own space. After all, children need a place where toys will be arranged according to their rules and everything happens according to their scenario. That is why a limited space, in which no one will prevent your pet from relaxing, will only please him. This way the owner will show that he respects the dog’s individuality and cares about it.

We accustom a four-legged animal to a crate

The process of getting used to the cage usually takes several weeks. You need to get used to it gradually, step by step. There is no need to rush in this matter. As the famous saying goes, haste is only needed when catching fleas. Remember, the four-legged animal should perceive the cage as its cozy home, and not as a place of punishment.

Ten main points, the implementation of which will allow you to accustom your dog to a crate:

  1. It is advisable to start accustoming your ponytail to a cage (box) from an early age.
  2. Before and after being in the crate, the dog needs to be given a good walk.
  3. Do not force the animal into the cage, much less push the animal there without its desire. Even if during the first few days the furry one only comes inside for a couple of seconds. Even if he doesn’t show interest at all. Be patient.
  4. To entice your pet, try placing a treat inside the box. The cage should evoke only positive associations.
  5. At first, the cage door must be kept open. Let the tail get used to being in it. As soon as the watchdog begins to calmly fall asleep there, you can move on to the next stage.
  6. You can lock the doors while you sleep. But at this time you must be nearby. As soon as the little ear wakes up, immediately unlock the doors, praise him and give him freedom of action.
  7. When the four-legged dog calmly learns to be in a locked cage in your presence, begin to leave the room. First for one or two minutes. Then, longer and longer. But don't leave home completely. They went out, came back, praised the dog, and gave him a treat. And so on step by step.
  8. Under no circumstances should you run to open the cage or return to the room if the watchdog starts barking. This way he will quickly understand how to manipulate you. Return to the room only when the barking stops. And praise, praise, praise the little dog. This is the only way he will understand: only a quiet stay in the cage contributes to the speedy arrival of the owner.
  9. Well, when the four-legged animal can calmly stay in a locked cage in your presence, then you can start leaving the apartment. At first, also for a short time, and then gradually increasing the time of absence.
  10. During training, it is even recommended to feed the Barbosik and give him treats in the cage. All the most delicious and enjoyable things should happen inside the box.

Contact with the owner

A dog crate in an apartment plays an important role in the psychology of the relationship between the pet and its owner. Especially if it is a guard breed, such as a shepherd dog, pit bull terrier or Rottweiler, which is obliged to obey only one member of the family, the one whom they consider the main one for themselves.

A crate helps raise a dog, since only the owner can let it out to go for a walk and spend time together. But you should not abuse the capabilities of the den and keep your pet there for a long time; you should limit yourself to only truly necessary moments.

Find the answer

Do you have any problem or question? Enter “Breed” or “Name of the problem” into the form, press Enter and you will find out everything about the issue that interests you. And of course, the most common thing that happens to dogs is simple carelessness: overturned terrariums, broken fish tanks, spilled pills, broken electrical cables - this is an incomplete list of dangers from which it is better to protect both yourself and your pet by locking it while you are not in the apartment or home.

Limiting your pet's restless activity is one of the mandatory requirements during air travel. For such expeditions, purchase durable plastic cages.

Grooming. How long does shedding last?

The Labrador's coat is dense in texture, with a thick undercoat, thanks to which it tolerates low temperatures well and can swim in cool water.

In girls, shedding is more intense before estrus due to hormonal changes. Males change with the seasons.

Labrador Retrievers should not be cut or shaved. This disrupts natural heat exchange. In hot weather, the dog overheats, and in winter it freezes.

Labrador Retrievers need frequent brushing. The coat is constantly renewed; if the coat is not taken care of, the dog will develop skin problems.

To comb, use a comb with fine metal teeth. The Furminator is a comb with a small blade that gently thins hair and removes lint from the undercoat.

During shedding, your dog needs to be brushed every day. Shedding usually lasts a week or two. This is a painless period for the dog. A new coating is immediately formed.

Bathing while shedding will help the old coat fall off faster.

There is no need to change your diet. Vitamins in drops or tablets will help the animal’s body cope with this. Prolonged shedding with similar symptoms is a reason to consult a veterinarian.


If the owner intends to travel a lot or simply move from place to place accompanied by a pet, then the cage will definitely come in handy. For the owner of the animal, as well as for the dog itself, this will be the most comfortable option.

Pets are different. Some people experience travel with anxiety, and a cage can give them peace of mind, as they feel protected in it. In addition, the owner’s car will not suffer from the consequences of their alarm. In addition, this will eliminate the need to look for a hotel for your pet or someone who will visit him if he stayed at home.

Owners whose dogs regularly take part in competitions and exhibitions know that a crate can also protect the pet from other animals in case of aggression, and will preserve its appearance and good mood.

The main thing to remember is that a dog crate in an apartment is not a place of confinement. You cannot leave your pet in it for a long time, otherwise he will become nervous, anxious and afraid of his home.

So that the dog feels its place from the moment it appears in the house, already strong puppies are accustomed to the den.

Design advantages

In the minds of a person who is not interested in the rules for keeping animals in the house, a cage is a huge metal structure made of rods, which takes up a lot of space and brings discomfort to the inhabitants of the home. However, the product has a lot of advantages, it:

  • is inexpensive, affordable for budget categories of consumers;
  • durable, withstands the pressure of large rocks;
  • allows you to secure a bowl inside, place a bed and a tray;
  • has a wooden tray that protects the floor from animal claws.

What can it be made from?

A lightweight folding and mobile fence can be made from a metal building mesh with fixed cells or a rod, and a more substantial stationary house can be made from wood. Plastic pipes also work great. All these materials are inexpensive and can be combined. For example, sections made of steel mesh are mounted on a frame made of wooden blocks or on a cage made of a metal rod; an old tabletop or a piece of transparent plastic is suitable for the roof.

The back wall is often made of plywood, and the sides and front are made of mesh or wooden slats. The material is chosen depending on the purpose of the enclosure, the size of the pet, it is desirable that the house looks harmonious and neat in the interior. You can arrange a playpen in a corner, niche or against a wall.

Materials and shapes

Before you buy a cage from a pet store or make it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with what it can be made from. The material can be plastic, wood or metal wire. Opinions about which ones are better are divided based on the needs and preferences of the owners. Most people choose plastic or metal for their compactness, but they are heavier in weight. There are cages made of thick fabric with a special mesh sewn in instead of the bottom, but they are not suitable for all pets.

Metal models are suitable for practical owners who want to use them both at home and while transporting the animal. Their main advantage is easy assembly. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the wire: it must be strong enough to hold the animal and not suffer from the dog’s desire to chew it; there should be no nicks or chips on it, which could damage the pet’s claws or mouth, scratch the skin and tear out the fur.

Cages for exhibitions or long-distance travel can resemble a tent in their design.

Models designed for transporting dogs are made in the form of bags, suitcases and even backpacks. If the pet is a large breed, it is better that the cage has wheels. The presence of additional accessories (drinkers, feeders) is optional; if desired, they can be purchased separately.

The price of a dog cage for an apartment varies depending on the material of the product, model, and the presence of other elements. It starts from about 3.5-4 thousand rubles for the smallest pets.

Important features of the structure

Arranging an enclosure has many nuances that will help provide the husky with a good home and make it easier for the owner to care for.

How comfortable the husky’s stay will be depends on its condition.

Tips for arranging a booth:

  • the area of ​​the booth corresponds to the size of the animal;
  • whenever possible, coniferous wood is used for construction;
  • in cold climates, double walls are made, placing insulation between them;
  • removable roof makes cleaning easier;

The booth is located in the far corner of the winter road so that the animal can rest without interference if necessary.

An enclosure is the animal’s permanent habitat, so you should take care in advance of its convenience not only for the dog, but also for the owner.

Recommendations for arranging an enclosure:

  • the wooden floor is laid towards the exit so that swept debris does not get clogged in the cracks;
  • in the winter road there should be a place without a draft for rest;
  • the presence of open ground, which is useful for satisfying the dog’s natural desire to rummage in the ground;
  • instead of a foundation, supports can be dug deep into the ground;
  • the mesh on the walking area is dug into the ground at least 20 cm, since huskies easily dig through walls;

By taking care of the little things in advance, you won’t have to waste time on alterations or put up with annoying inconveniences in the future.

An enclosure for a dog is not a luxury, but a necessary building.

Building it with your own hands is not difficult, and the material for it can be easily purchased at any hardware store or taken from what is available on the site.

Living separately makes life easier for owner and dog. You should not be tormented by a feeling of guilt, this is not driving the dog out into the street - but creating a personal home for it, which is simply necessary for a husky, with its size.

Options for purchased enclosures

Different types of enclosure designs are suitable for different breeds. They can be bought ready-made in specialized stores; such enclosures are designed for maximum convenience for small residents. Most models can be installed anywhere in the apartment and moved as needed.

For small dogs of miniature breeds, it is enough to buy an enclosure-playpen without a roof. This type of fence with mesh or transparent walls is also perfect for newly born puppies. The mother will be able to move around the house freely and see the offspring from afar, and the puppies will not be able to leave the playpen.

For small dogs, compact enclosures without a lid are suitable.

The aviary-cage is closed not only on the sides, but also on the top; it is chosen for a short stay of dogs of medium-sized breeds, for transportation, and representatives of small breeds are placed in such an aviary for permanent residence. You definitely need to install a toilet, lay down a soft mattress or diaper, mount fixtures and install bowls for food and water in them, put your pet’s favorite toys so that he feels comfortable.

The pet should be comfortable in the enclosure

Personal territory

First, let's consider the option with a private house. If you have a large yard, then it is quite possible to give part of it to your pet for use. The best place to organize an enclosure is in the corner of the yard. But from there the dog should clearly see everything that is happening, since Labradors are very inquisitive by nature. In addition, they consider the owner’s household members to be their family, and the existing property and lands to be their possessions.

The Labrador Retriever is a large and playful dog, so personal territory should not limit its life and development. Taking into account the energetic temperament of the breed, the minimum size for an enclosure is 5-7 square meters. Part of this area will be occupied by a booth for a Labrador.

So that your pet can hide from the rain and sun, you can make a canopy over the enclosure. Poles are placed along the perimeter, to which an iron mesh is attached. It is recommended to dig the entire structure into the ground. The supports go deeper by no less than 0.7 m, and the mesh by 30-40 cm. If this is not done, then your pet can easily make a dig.

Sand is suitable for covering the enclosure, but it is best to fill the area with concrete. It will be much easier to keep it clean by rinsing it off with water. In this case, you should take into account the angle of inclination of the coating so that the water drains easily and no puddles remain. To maintain hygiene, you can also use dry sawdust, changing it once every two to three days.


In addition to the material, it is very important to choose the right cage dimensions. The animal should feel as comfortable as possible in it. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the pet and choose a suitable “den”:

  • 55x40x32 – a cage model for small dogs in an apartment, such as chihuahuas, toy terriers and similar breeds, when the animal’s weight does not exceed 5 kg.
  • 91x63x58 – sizes for corgi, pit bulls, chow-chow.

  • 139x113x93 – dimensions of a large dog cage for an apartment. It is suitable for such giants as St. Bernards and Scottish greyhounds.

Data is given in centimeters. These are examples of small, medium and large sized cells.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to care for Labradors:

12-18 kg76 cm*48 cm*53 cm (iCrate, Contour), 76 cm*53 cm*61 cm (Life Stage), 78 cm*50 cm*54 cm (Life Stage ACE), 79 cm*49 cm*54.6 cm (Ovation Crate)Midwest iCrate Cage, 1 Door
19-30 kg91 cm*58 cm*63 cm (iCrate), 91 cm*58 cm*64 cm (Contour), 91 cm*61 cm*69 cm (Life Stage), 93 cm*57 cm*62 cm (Midwest Life Stage ACE ), 94.6 cm*58.4 cm*63.5 cm (Ovation Crate)Midwest iCrate Cage, 1 Door
31-40 kg106 cm*71 cm*76 cm (iCrate), 107 cm*71 cm*79 cm (Life Stage, Contour), 109 cm*74 cm*77 cm (Midwest Life Stage ACE), 111 cm*73.6 cm* 77.4 cm (Ovation Crate)Midwest iCrate Cage, 1 Door
41-50 kg122 cm*76 cm*84 cm (iCrate, Life Stage, Contour), 123 cm*78 cm*81 cm (Midwest Life Stage ACE)Midwest iCrate Cage, 1 Door
more than 50 kg137 cm*94 cm*114 cmMidwest Grate Ginormus Cage, 2 Doors

With your own hands

If pets have non-standard parameters or owners do not trust purchased models, you can make a dog cage for your apartment with your own hands.

By following the instructions, you can make an excellent “den”:

  • A frame is assembled from 12 bars measuring approximately 53 by 58 cm. You will also need a reliable mesh. The size of the cells is selected according to the size of the dog.
  • There should be no moving areas, as they can cause injury to the pet.
  • For easy assembly and disassembly of the cage, the wooden frame must be connected using furniture hinges.
  • The mesh is attached to the frame using a special construction stapler.
  • Its upper edges must be secured. To do this, use a simple plastic board.

To make a cage that is completely metal, you will need rods covered in plastic and a welding machine to assemble the structure.

What does a Labrador need?

Wherever you keep a Labrador - a private house or apartment, you will definitely need:

  • Two bowls, one for food, one for water. It’s better to immediately buy more, so to speak, for growth
  • A rug or a special lounger for sleeping and relaxing
  • Toys for dogs: balls, ropes, rubber toys, etc.
  • Special bones from veins or ears, they are sold in pet stores (it is better not to give them regularly, let them become a special treat for your pet)
  • Combing brush
  • Leash and Collar
  • Shampoo for dogs
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