Crossbreeding of dogs and hybrids of Schnoofel, Hymen and others

Dogs have accompanied man for many millennia and are his best friends and helpers. They were the first domesticated animals. Today in the world there are a huge number of breeds created thanks to the efforts of breeders. Breeds have different colors, sizes, builds, and coat types. In addition to purebred representatives of the breeds, mestizos deserve special attention.

This concept refers to puppies born as a result of crossing two different breeds. Such animals receive a set of characteristics from both parents. One successful example is the German Shepherd mix.

There is an ongoing debate among dog breeders about which dogs are better – purebreds or mongrels. Purebred representatives are distinguished by predictable characteristics of appearance and behavior. But they are also more susceptible to genetic diseases. Mestizos are generally distinguished by good health. But when you get such a puppy, it is difficult to predict how big it will grow and what character traits it will inherit.

With husky

A cross between a husky and a German shepherd is known among dog handlers as the Shepski (or Siberian Shepherd). Dogs have an attractive appearance and have inherited the best character traits from their parents.

The mestizo has a large body. In the exterior, the features of a shepherd dog prevail. The husky inherited a “fur coat” - dense, thick wool. It provides protection for the animal in the cold season, but can cause overheating in the summer.

An interesting feature inherent in the Shepsky is its eyes of different colors: one is blue and the other is brown.

The character of the animal is distinguished by sociability, friendliness and devotion. Mestizos are suitable for both guarding and hunting. They are hardy, energetic, with a sensitive sense of smell.

Why is close inbreeding dangerous?

When thinking about what types of purebred puppy mixes there are, novice breeders use close inbreeding. In this way they try to breed elite dogs. But very often such experiments end unsuccessfully. The risk of developing recessive traits from previous generations increases. In this regard, experienced breeders recommend taking pets with distant family ties. Such selection requires more time, but the result will be guaranteed.

Negative consequences of inbreeding:

  • the animals' body proportions are disturbed, there is a noticeable decrease in growth, and the number of rejected puppies increases;
  • cases of deformity are often observed;
  • in animals, bone tissue becomes thinner, limbs become weak;
  • over time, the process of growth and development slows down;
  • the risk of embryo mortality increases, puppies are born very weak and lethargic;
  • the number of puppies in the litter decreases;
  • The functioning of the canine immune system is disrupted, and infertility or partial disruption of reproductive functions is often observed.

Beginners in breeding often do not pay attention to negative manifestations. This leads to the fact that it is generally impossible to breed show puppies without consulting breeders.

Important! Unsuccessful experiments can lead to dogs with persistent displays of aggression.

Possible manifestations of various genetic pathologies in offspring

With a wolf

Getting a cross between a dog and a wolf is not easy. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a mating between a tamed she-wolf and a “German”. As a result, cubs are born that inherit the appearance and color of the mother: a lean, muscular body, gray (less often black) coat.

The wolf dog copes well with the functions of a guard. His character is dominated by determination, courage and good ability to learn commands. The dog does not show aggression towards people, but keeps its distance from strangers. Infinitely devoted to his master.

By inheritance from his wild ancestors, he inherited good health and the ability to navigate the natural environment with lightning speed.

Mixed breeds between wolves and dogs are rare. If you raise a puppy at home from childhood, then it will grow into an intelligent, loyal dog.

Forms of crossing

The type of procedure is influenced by the goals pursued by the breeder who needs crossed breeds of dogs. There are five forms.

Introductory crossing

Can a dog eat mushrooms, avocados and other foods?

This type is used if the breed is completely satisfied with all qualities, but there is a need to improve them. In this case, crossed dogs are obtained in several stages.


This method has a second name - reproductive. The process uses a mixture of dogs of several breeds. As a result of applying the method, breeds with all the necessary requirements and characteristics are obtained. As a maternal base, breeds are selected that are well adapted to environmental conditions. The remaining breeds are selected depending on the qualities that need to be obtained.

Note! If very different dogs are chosen, it is difficult to consolidate new qualities.

Factory crossing is a process of several stages:

  1. From the very beginning, the development of the upcoming offspring model occurs.
  2. Representatives are being selected.
  3. Crossbreeds interbreed with each other. If necessary, a blood influx procedure of another breed can be performed.

The procedure ends with strict culling of the resulting offspring.


This type of breeding is used to produce animals that will be suitable for specific purposes. Only the first generation offspring are suitable for this, as they have improved parental qualities. Only purebred representatives are selected. In this case, strict requirements are applied to individuals. They must have a high degree of compatibility and productivity.


One type of industrial crossing is called variable crossing. It is based on the mating of a purebred female with representatives of different breeds. This allows the mixture to be used most productively.

With alabai

The cub from the mating of German and Central Asian Shepherds is an interesting combination of the distinctive features of the appearance and character of its parents. Most often, the torso is muscular and fit, like that of the “Germans”. The head is large with alabai features. Character - phlegmatic, calm, stable.

Since both shepherd dogs traditionally perform security and guard functions, a grown-up mestizo will be able to protect the territory entrusted to him from strangers.

With a mongrel

Sheepdog is a cross between a German Shepherd and a mongrel dog. The exterior of the mestizos has a vague resemblance to the “Germans”, more like an ordinary mongrel.

The dog is genetically resistant to diseases and adapts to outdoor living conditions. The animals are unpretentious and do not require special care.

Puppies are trainable and quickly learn commands. They have a strong sense of attachment to their owner.

Advantages and disadvantages of inbreeding

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A very popular method of selection is achieved by crossing dogs with varying degrees of relatedness. This method allows you to breed offspring that will meet world standards in terms of performance. The process is very long, it is often accompanied by failures. But if you successfully complete it, you can improve the population.

The advantages of inbreeding include:

  • The ability to breed the maximum number of puppies that will be very similar to the original representatives.
  • You can accurately predict which puppies will appear.
  • Potential is gradually stabilized at the genetic level, thereby forming a qualitative model of parents.

Opponents of this selection method say that negative qualities are strengthened in the entire line of the animal. In addition, weak offspring often appear, and the number of rejected puppies increases

Other mestizos of the “Germans”

Nowadays, mixing dogs of different breeds is no longer a rarity. Mestizos often have an exotic, memorable appearance and inherit the distinctive character traits of their parents. You can find out about the most common crosses of “Germans” with other breeds from the table.

LaikaFriendliness, playfulness, strong attachment to the owner. Suitable for hunting and protection
LabradorRestlessness, energy, goodwill, tolerance. Gets along great with children. Gets along well with other pets, incl. cats. Affectionate, obedient, easy to train. The perfect combination of guard and companion traits
RottweilerCalmness, self-confidence, curiosity, activity. Dominance over other animals. Successful training requires a strong-willed, strong person. Performs well the duties of a guard and defender. Large individuals weighing up to 50 kg
Golden retrieverObedient, quick to learn, energetic. Suitable for security, hunting and search and rescue work. Excellent family companion dog
Chow chowSmart, quick-witted, curious, obedient. Suitable for guarding, hunting, defense
PugLoving, playful. Companion. Medium sized animal
Welsh CorgiMovable, restless, stubborn. Dominance is strongly expressed. Small sizes
Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)Energetic, friendly, mischievous. Easy to train. Loves long walks. Used as a herding dog and also as a family companion
Akita InuDynamic, stubborn, tolerant. Has a high level of socialization. Needs sufficient physical activity. Family Companion

German Shepherds are also often crossed with Caucasian or Belgian (Malinois). The cubs are used for protection.

Any cross is a surprise, because... it is impossible to predict in advance whose genes will dominate. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a mixed-breed pet with special attention and caution.

Which German Shepherd mix is ​​your favorite?


This German Shepherd mix originated in the 1970s. Dog trainer Tina Barber was disappointed with the health problems of the standard shepherd. They were too expensive for most families and also began to develop serious health problems such as hip dysplasia and curvature of the spine.

Barber wanted an affectionate but courageous companion with fewer health problems. She started with a German Shepherd. She crossed her with a Malamute, then with a Canadian White Shepherd. And finally, with the Czech wolfhound.

The Shiloh is the result of all these incredible breeds.

From mild to hard temperaments, this breed must be matched by potential owners who are evaluated by breeders to determine which temperament best suits their lifestyle.

Photos of German Shepherd mixes

With collie

With chow chow

With a golden retriever

With a Welsh Corgi

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