New dog breeds: a fashion fad or a scientific experiment?

Labrador Retriever

These cute pets have long acquired the title of man's best friend. Initially, the breed was bred for duck hunting, but over time its importance for humans has increased due to its endless devotion to its owner and immeasurable love for life. Now this is not just a hunting dog, but also a faithful family friend, an ideal companion dog.

Books and films, such as “Old Gobber” and “Marley and Me,” played a big role in popularizing the Labrador Retriever.

Representatives of the breed simply adore water. The fact is that the birthplace of these dogs is Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Here the dogs accompanied the fishermen and helped in their work on sea vessels. The faithful dog carried the nets and caught the fish that fell off the hook.

In our time, Labradors continue to perform socially useful work: assistance dogs for the disabled, therapy dogs, search and rescue and hunting companion dogs. The only area that is clearly not suitable for the Labrador is security work: dogs are too friendly, even towards strangers.

High intelligence and obedient behavior make representatives of the breed ideal work assistants. And their friendliness and ability to adapt add even more attractiveness to these dogs, making the breed one of the most popular in the world.


Dog with butterfly ears

The second name is continental toy spaniel. The maximum weight of a dog is 4.5 kg. A distinctive feature of Papillons is their ears, similar to the wings of a butterfly.

Representatives of the breed are smart and calm. Such a pet does not need long, active walks, preferring to lie next to the owner or on his lap. Papillons should be owned by families without small children, because miniature dogs will not tolerate intrusiveness towards them. As for strangers, pets make good little guards. Of course, with the right approach to training.

Other pets are considered by the Papillon as bad neighbors. But the toy spaniel does not show aggression towards them.

German Shepherd

Loyal, hardworking, brave, smart and kind - this is the set of epithets that best characterizes the “Germans”. The ability to learn literally anything has made the breed one of the most sought after in the world.

The famous “commissar” copes with important tasks at all levels: he successfully performs useful social work, and serves as a loyal friend, companion and guardian for family members.

“Germans” work as guide dogs, police dogs, military dogs, therapists, and also participate in search and rescue activities, help identify contraband, and perform shepherd functions.

Socialization of a shepherd should begin as early as possible, then the pet will be loyal to its owner and friendly towards other dogs and people. On the other hand, the German Shepherd's natural intolerance towards strangers, its suspicion and wariness, can be an excellent help in security activities.

“Germans” are very active and intelligent, so they need intense physical activity and mental stimulation.

Golden retriever

Energetic, lively, cheerful - it is simply impossible to imagine him to others. The Golden Retriever is famous for its amazing friendly qualities, is highly trainable, and is ideal for both play and work.

The carefree appearance of a retriever, always wagging its tail, is largely deceptive. After all, dogs of this breed can be serious and focused. They are intelligent and always eager to please their owner, making them an ideal choice as a guide dog and family companion.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

Almost free stand

The dog is miniature (3-5 kg), considering itself large. The miniature pinscher is a crazy, in the good sense of the word, creature with a serious character. If you take a responsible approach to raising and training your pet, it can give a head start to some large breeds.

Miniature Pinschers are inquisitive, brave and intelligent. They make good watchdogs, despite their size. Dogs not only bark at strangers, they also defend their territory. Pets forget that they are miniature dogs, and various problems arise from this. The Miniature Pinscher may rush recklessly into a fight with a large dog or attack a stranger, and he himself will suffer as a result.

The breed is not one that enjoys obedience training. Its representatives are very independent, they need to be trained in such a way that the pet is interested, and he does not understand that they want to subjugate him. Miniature pinschers are absolutely not suitable as a decorative dog sitting on the sofa. Also, families with children under 10 years old should choose a different breed.


Dogs of this breed have a stocky, strong build, a gentle character and are extremely loyal and loving companions.

The appearance of a bulldog cannot be confused with anyone else. Probably, such a rare, unique appearance makes the breed especially bright, recognizable and attractive to many dog ​​lovers around the world. On the other hand, their friendly and at the same time lazy behavior played a significant role in the popularization of bulldogs.

It is good nature that distinguishes bulldogs from their ancestors, which are mastiffs. The purpose of breeding the Bala breed is bull baiting - a very cruel, bloody sport. The idea was that the dog grabbed the bull by the nose and shook it, holding the poor animal tightly in its teeth (it’s not for nothing that bulldogs are known for their death grip). In the end, this sport was outlawed, and the ferocious and bloodthirsty dogs were left out of work.

The next goal of the breeders was to breed kind and affectionate representatives of the breed. Only the most pleasant bulldogs were selected for breeding, as a result of which modern representatives of the breed do not have any of the vicious inclinations of their ancestors.

It is worth noting that a dog's unusual physique can cause problems with joints and breathing. Bulldogs tend to be overweight and extremely sensitive to extreme temperatures. Thus, a dog’s peculiar appearance can be both its great advantage and a serious problem for the pet’s health.

The youngest dog breeds

Most young dog breeds have not received international recognition and, let's be honest, never will. However, the demand for the fruits of experimental cynology remains high.

Large breeds

Most often, the purpose of breeding new large dogs is to improve their working qualities or to obtain a certain specialization. In this case, the main breeding material is the gene pool of the German Shepherd - it is no coincidence that it is considered an ideal service breed.


Utonagan is a dog of impressive size and stern appearance; it resembles a wolf more than any of the three progenitors of the new breed: husky, malamute and “German”. This dog is better trained than its northern ancestors and has better endurance than the German Shepherd.

Utonagan - three in one: Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute and German Shepherd

Jackal dog

The experiment was based on a professional order from the customs service of Aeroflot and military aviation. A serious and hardy, well-trained dog with excellent scent was required to search for weapons and explosives hidden in cargo. Mixed breeds of different breeds showed good results in this field, but the best was the hybrid of the Siberian husky and the Caucasian jackal - and that’s how the jackal dog appeared.

To obtain a jackal dog, a Caucasian jackal and a Siberian husky were crossed, which have an amazing sense of smell and excellent endurance.


Bright appearance is not the only advantage of this fiery red dog. Chow Chow is the international love child of a Chinese Chow Chow and a German Shepherd; from them she inherited Eastern sense of purpose and Western rationalism.

Chow-chow: the “authors” of this miracle are the chow-chow and the German shepherd


Yes, she is not a beauty, but both the German Shepherd and the English Bulldog, from which this dog originated, can envy the Bulldarka’s service qualities. Powerful, fearless, with great talent for training - such a dog will not be left without a job.

Buldarka: English bulldog and German shepherd produced an excellent service dog

Medium breeds

Among young medium-sized breeds, active dogs suitable for sports are the most in demand. Not least in demand is unusual appearance, which is why the following breeds are most often “invited” for selection:

  • husky - for the sake of sky blue eyes;
  • dachshund - for short legs;
  • Dalmatian - for its unique color;
  • Shar Pei - for folds and wrinkles.


The Golden Siberian Rehasky, a husky-retriever mix, closely resembles the native Aussie breed in appearance. But the Rehasca’s eyes are very blue, and her character, alas, is not a gift at all.

Golden Siberian Husky: Siberian Husky and Golden Retriever


The handsome Siberian Husky also took part in the new Labsky breed - this time along with a Labrador. Labski pleases owners with his cute appearance, easy-going character and good health.

Labski is half husky and half labrador


Another unexpected descendant of the husky was born in union with a pit bull and was named Pitsky. In addition to the “trademark” blue eyes, this dog has great physical strength, determination and stubbornness - don’t let its cute appearance deceive you.

Pitsky is a pitbull and a husky rolled into one.


A cross between a beagle and a German, the beagle has not yet become widespread; it can hardly be regarded even as a breed group. Although further work on stabilizing the offspring could form a very good breed for a family with an active lifestyle.

Beagle: Beagle and German Shepherd combine to produce a harmonious and compact dog with a cheerful disposition


Crossing two very different breeds - a dachshund and a Dalmatian - leads to the appearance of very original, but completely unpredictable in appearance puppies. In one litter there can be Tolmatians of completely different types.

Tolmatin: Dachshund and Dalmatian


The Bullpug will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of both bulldogs and pugs - it was these two breeds that gave rise to stocky funny dogs with a bulldog build and a cute pug face.

Bullpug: Pug and English Bulldog

Small breeds

Decorative breeds provide the widest scope for the fantasies and activities of breeders - the popularity of original cuties with cartoonish appearance is constantly growing.

Beaver York

Work on creating the Biewer York breed has been going on for about four decades. This is a rare case when the material for obtaining wonderful dogs was... breed culling based on color - Yorkshire terriers with white spots. Bievers have not received FCI recognition, but the breed already has an RKF standard.

Biewer York - charm obtained from a breed marriage


The cute, fluffy little porgy was created by crossing the smallest shepherd dog, the Welsh Corgi, and a toy poodle, which was originally bred as a hunting dog. Porgs are very smart, friendly and highly trainable.

Porgy: her parents are a toy poodle and a corgi.


The dog with the funny name “schnoodle” has a very amateurish appearance, but its character is wonderful. From the poodle, these little ones took their cheerful, playful disposition, and from the miniature schnauzer - their learning ability and love for their owner.

Schnoodle is the child of a miniature schnauzer and a poodle


Pomeranian Spitz and Siberian Husky are breeds that are now at the peak of popularity. The result of their union was a Pomsky - a “decorative” dog of incredible beauty and with very high self-esteem.

Pomsky - Pomeranian Spitz and Husky "participated" in the breed

Domestic novelties

Russian cynologists have shown the world many exclusive breeds that are hard not to admire. The latest successes in the domestic selection of exclusive decorative dogs are undoubted.

Moscow dragon

Despite its tiny dimensions, the Moscow dragon has the disposition of a large dog - smart, proud and thorough. He also has a unique fur structure, similar to the quills of a hedgehog. This breed can be called Moscow aboriginal - to breed “dragons”, breeders of a special type were literally on the streets of Moscow.

The Moscow dragon is a decorative breed of domestic breeding, which was created on the basis of aboriginal dogs

Petersburg orchid

This charming “flower” was grown in St. Petersburg. Local breeders conceived and created, based on several dwarf breeds, a completely new one, called the “St. Petersburg orchid”.

The St. Petersburg Orchid is an unconditional success of domestic cynology

Russian chestnut

The Russian chestnut belongs to a very young breed group formed by dog ​​handlers in Vladivostok. Pomeranians, long-haired dachshunds, and just cute little mongrels of a certain exterior were used for selection.

Russian chestnut - dachshunds, Pomeranians, and mongrel dogs were used to select the breed


Dogs of this breed are always on trend, because they boast a rich variety of colors and sizes, which makes the breed universal. Their reputation as smart, easy to train, kind dogs speaks in their favor. Despite some brashness and brashness, poodles are excellent family companions.

Regular participation in dog shows gives poodles an aura of primness and correctness. But if you get to know them better, their friendly, loyal and loving nature immediately becomes obvious.

The whimsical hair of poodles did not appear by chance and did not always serve purely aesthetic purposes. The breed was originally bred to hunt waterfowl. The fur was cut on the paws to make it comfortable for the dogs to swim, long fur around the joints and vital organs protected the poodle from hypothermia, and lush bangs covered the eyes from branches and precipitation.

The main advantage of a poodle is its high intelligence. It is not for nothing that representatives of this breed can often be seen in the circus. The ability to learn complex tricks and quirky appearance are ideal for creating a visual spectacle.

Poodles became so popular that they began to be crossed with other dogs. This led to the emergence of new mixed breeds such as the goldendoodle, labradoodle, and cockapoo.


For those interested in the newest dog breeds bred abroad, it will be useful to learn about the Beagle-Pug mix. These are not just random crossbreeds, but purposefully obtained animals with certain qualities. They perfectly combine intelligence and philanthropy.

These small dogs grow up to 25-37 centimeters. They do not require special care and do not carry the negative qualities of their ancestors. They don't have the independence of Beagles or the health problems associated with Pugs.


The beagle deservedly takes its place among the most fashionable dog breeds. The dog is famous for its eternal puppy-like appearance coupled with a curious, playful character and sad look.

The pet has adorable puppy dog ​​eyes, floppy ears and soft facial features.

The main advantage of beagles is their olfactory abilities. They were originally bred as bloodhounds and raised to rely primarily on their sense of smell to hunt. This feature has remained relevant to this day: the corgi’s olfactory talents are used by customs services to detect contraband.

Beagles are very loyal dogs, but at the same time there is a degree of independence in their character. This trait is especially pronounced in those moments when the dog smells something interesting. Following a trail, a beagle can jump over a fence or crawl under it. This is why you should not let your pet off the leash, otherwise the pet will simply run away.

Bichon Frize (French lap dog)

Dog - dandelion

The calling card of this Frenchman is snow-white wool. The Bichon Frize is a combination of an unusual exterior, stubborn character and miniature size. The maximum weight of an adult dog is 5 kg, the minimum is 3 kg.

Bichons are bred as show pets. Ordinary dog ​​lovers rarely own this breed, but Bichons are found on the streets of large cities. Owners of Frenchies describe them as very friendly and active pets. These little “energizers” are ready to share active recreation with their owner. As for training, Bichons do not like to be bossed around. Therefore, the owner will have to be patient to teach his pet commands.

The breed is suitable for both an active single person and a family with children. However, people who are regularly away from home should avoid purchasing a Bichon Frize. These dogs are very sociable and require constant physical activity.

By the way, Bichons get along well with cats and other pets.


If a dog of this breed is raised correctly, it will be cool and collected. At first glance, Rottweilers seem aloof, but owners know that their pet can be as sweet and affectionate as a teddy bear.

Rottweilers have a powerful build. But, despite their formidable appearance, they are distinguished by their devotion to the family and tenderness towards the owner. However, the same cannot be said about strangers: Rottie behaves distantly and warily with them.

Representatives of the breed are very energetic, which, coupled with their high intelligence, requires considerable physical and mental exercise.


Average height and weight:

30 cm / 4 kg.

This funny Italian lap dog resembles a plush toy both in appearance and in its affectionate character. Sometimes there are smaller individuals - about 2.5 kg.


Top 20 largest dogs in the world

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

As the name suggests, the breed was developed in Pembrokeshire. It dates back to the 18th century, and the Corgi's ancestors were probably dogs of Flemish origin.

Charming appearance and high intelligence turned its owner into an absolute favorite among all dog breeds. Pop culture has also greatly contributed to the growth of the breed’s popularity.


Like the bulldog, the dachshund has a bright, unique appearance that cannot be confused with anyone else. Dachshunds come in two sizes and are divided into three coat types. But in each case, their appearance is recognizable and unique, which makes the breed one of the most fashionable and popular in the world.

In addition to its unusual appearance, you should not lose sight of the dog’s character traits and its wonderful personality. Chunky dogs are distinguished by their curiosity, independence, and friendliness. The Dachshund is a very brave, stubborn, energetic and endlessly attractive breed.

The breed was originally bred to hunt badgers.

Yorkshire Terrier

A fashionable hairstyle gives these little ones a truly royal charm. However, appearance, as always, is deceptive, because the main purpose of the breed was to catch rats. Even today, Yorkshire Terriers boast many of the qualities of a hardworking rat catcher.

For lovers of miniature toy breeds, this option is ideal. In addition, doggies not only have a cute appearance, but are also incredibly sweet and loving.

The dog loves attention and is highly active, which in many ways distinguishes Yorkies from other decorative dogs.

The breed is so popular that many celebrities willingly became owners of these charming fluffies, including Natalie Portman, Miley Cyrus, Gisele Bündchen.


Chhunya is a lion's heart!

The most common small breed. The weight of the baby should not exceed 3 kg, otherwise the dog will not be able to take part in exhibitions.

The Chihuahua is a pet with a lion's heart. The dog adores its owner and is ready to do anything for him. The likelihood that a “chhunya” will attack a large dog or a person, deciding that they pose a threat to their beloved owner, is very high. And he won’t just bark, he’ll start throwing himself. To avoid this, representatives of the breed are recommended to be walked on a leash.

Many Chihuahuas have a choleric temperament. The processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition, the dog is not able to switch quickly. When the baby gets overexcited, her eyes become huge, the pet shakes and may start barking. At such moments, it is necessary to talk to your pet in a calm voice, but it is not advisable to touch it.

An excited “sneeze” is capable of redirected aggression even if the owner is in front of him.

The company of preschool children is not recommended; they can be too friendly towards the dog and harm him. Chihuahuas are jealous, so they don’t tolerate other pets easily.

Siberian Husky

It is important not to confuse the breed with Alaskan Malamutes (or wolves). The breed is very hardworking, hardy, and energetic. Huskies are literally designed for long-distance running, and their warm fur is ideal for living in harsh climates.

One of the most striking features of the Siberian Husky is its expressive blue eyes.

Shih Tzu

These little ones are distinguished by amazing devotion, sociability and photogenicity. Shih Tzus are very patient and will wear almost any dog ​​clothing and various accessories. In the latter case, this is more likely not a whim of the owner, but a necessity, because the dog’s long fur often hangs over its eyes, blocking its view. The fashionable status of the pet is also confirmed by the fact that among the lucky owners of Shih Tzu there are world celebrities such as Mariah Carey and Beyoncé.

Russian toy

Oh those eyes

The advantages of the breed are size (from 1.4 to 3 kg), activity, intelligence, people-oriented and devotion. However, there is a big minus that negates the advantages of toys - this is a weak psyche. Representatives of the breed are easily overexcited and are often unable to cope with their emotions. When the toy's head turns off, they stop hearing their owner and begin to bark loudly and shake slightly.

Loud sounds are one of the sources of irritation, for this reason the dog is not suitable for noisy families with children.

Due to their activity, Russian Toys are the worst choice for an older person.

They can be trained, but must be approached with great care. Any pressure on the pet provokes hysterics. The dog is suitable for patient and active people who are ready to put up with the peculiarities of the breed.

German Shorthaired Pointer

When talking about dog breeds that are currently in trend, we cannot fail to mention the German Shorthaired Pointer. The dog has an elegant, noble appearance and a cheerful character. The dog is full of enthusiasm, and its favorite pastime is walking in the fresh air.

High intelligence, energy and obedience allow you to teach your pet a variety of tricks and commands.

Thus, the aristocratic spotted appearance, intelligence, and energy make the Pointer an ideal candidate for the role of a pet.

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