Husky mixed breed - with whom they cross, distinctive features of hybrids, how to distinguish a mixture from a purebred Khasenysh puppy

Despite the fact that nowadays it is not difficult to purchase a Siberian Husky puppy, some future owners want to buy not a purebred representative of this breed, but a mixed breed.

Many of them believe that a Husky mixed with another breed will be more consistent with their wishes, such as guarding the house or hunting.

Other people believe that purebred dogs are expensive and more difficult to maintain, and therefore they cannot afford to purchase such a pet.

Finally, there are also lovers of everything unusual; for them, a purebred husky seems too ordinary, while any of the mestizos is unique and inimitable.

What kind of crosses with huskies are there and is it true that such dogs have a more original appearance and good health?

Why do people choose mixed race?

Husky mixes are the result of their crossing with different breeds (large, small and medium). Hybrids are not purebreds, they are not allowed to participate in exhibitions, however, many choose them as pets. The reasons for this decision are:

  • low cost;
  • the expectation that hybrids are easier to care for;
  • the desire to have a dog with an original exterior;
  • more complete compliance with the tasks that the owner assigns to the pet;
  • less sensitivity to genetic pathologies.

How much does a crossbreed cost?

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

Prices for husky mixes can vary greatly, depending on what breed they were crossed with:

  • a purebred husky with a pedigree in kennels with a good reputation costs up to 60 thousand rubles;
  • a mixture of Husky and Pomeranian Spitz is a designer breed, and therefore very expensive, its cost can exceed the cost of a purebred animal;
  • A husky mixed with a malamute costs significantly less than the original - up to 5 thousand rubles.

Mixed breeds of many breeds are given for a symbolic price or absolutely free.

Husky mix with other breeds

There are currently about 30 types of Husky mix breeds. The list includes hybrids with German Shepherd, Alabai, Pug, Collie, Dalmatian, and Samoyed. The most popular designer Pomskies are a mix with Pomeranians. It is quite rare to cross Khasenies with Yorkies and Pekingese. This is explained not only by the large difference in the size of the animals, but also by the dissimilarity in temperament of representatives of the breeds.

With a mongrel

If a husky is kept unattended, it may spontaneously crossbreed with outbred mongrels. It is difficult to predict what the outcome of such a relationship will be. The appearance and character of the offspring depends on the two parents. The temperament of mestizos is unpredictable, but more often than not, they are independent, self-sufficient, hardy, have no defects in appearance and have good health. Pets can become quality guards and companions.

With alabai

The mixed breed of the Siberian Husky and Alabai is distinguished by its large size (up to 65 cm at the withers) and strong build. Dogs' fur is hard, thick and dense. From the Alabai they got a menacing expression on their muzzle, and from the Khasyats they got blue eyes. This combination looks impressive. The color of hybrids is any, the ears are drooping if they are not cropped at an early age. The dog is willful and strong, but thanks to the character of the Khasenys, the temperament of the mestizos is somewhat softened.

With a pug

These mestizos are not designer breeds, they are not specially bred, the name is hag, or hagski. A husky mix is ​​obtained by accident. The structure of the head and muzzle of the hybrid resembles a pug, and its height is slightly larger than that of a pug. The structure of the ears can be either hanging or erect, the eyes are brown or blue. The coat is short and thick, the tail is curled into a double ring. Like the Khasenysh, a cross with a pug has a light, playful character and a similar color.

With collie

The collie mix looks very attractive. They are distinguished by a beautiful, long, silky coat that needs to be carefully taken care of. The size of the dogs is comparable to a husky, the head is wider than that of a collie, the ears are erect, there is a fluffy collar around the neck, and feathers on the hind legs.

Blue eyes, inherited from the Khasenysh, give the look of mestizos a special expressiveness and unusualness. The character is friendly, benevolent, and it’s not scary to leave a child with such a dog. They adore children, play and protect them.

With a hound

Huskies mixed with hounds produce mixed-breed puppies that look like mongrels. At the same time, they have high-quality, thick wool, an attractive exterior and a mask on the face. The hybrid acquired hunting skills, but at the same time the dog remained independent and independent, like a hasyat.

With a Dalmatian

The Dalmatian mix is ​​light-boned and has powerful, slender and strong paws. Their fur is thick and smooth. The main color is white or gray with dark spots. The eyes are slanted, almond-shaped. The character of the mestizo is the same as that of his parents - calm and peaceful. There is also a peculiarity - the dog recognizes one owner and obeys only him; he can disobey other family members and treat them condescendingly.

With a Samoyed

Mixed Khasenys and Samoyeds are called Haskoeds. Their temperament is lively and sociable. The color of the long, thick coat is dominated by light, almost white shades. The eyes are like those of Hasyats - blue, brown or different colors. The tail is fluffy, ringed, thrown over the back. The exterior of the Haskoed is decorated with feathering on the limbs and neck, forming fluffy pants and a collar. A crossbreed with shorter hair may be born. Haskoeds are not aggressive, but they do not welcome strangers’ interest in them.

With a beagle

A mixed breed of husky and beagle is called bisky. When dogs are crossed, offspring are born that have a good-natured character and loyalty to the owner. The height at the withers of the hybrid is lower than that of adult cats, the chest is voluminous, the muscles are strong, the legs are widely spaced. Ears can be either hanging or erect, the color is varied. Bisky inherited the traits of two breeds - his mother's husky and his father's beagle. However, none of them prevails over the other.

With a chihuahua

If you cross the charming Khasenyshka and a miniature Chihuahua, you get medium-sized dogs. They are larger in size than sneezes, but do not reach the size of hasyats. The coat is soft, thick, slightly elongated, there are practically no restrictions on color. The dog's skull is convex, with a narrow muzzle.

Mestizos are energetic, cheerful, restless, they can become watchmen, but sometimes they show aggression towards children. The reason for this behavior is jealousy towards the owner. During training, attention should be paid to developing restraint and not showing too much emotion.

With a spaniel

A cross between a husky and a spaniel is one of the most unusual and rare. Metis combines the features of both breeds. Most often, the hybrid has the long hair of a spaniel and a black and white color like the Khasenysh. The character is affectionate and cheerful. The dog has a sharp mind, has the qualities of a hunting dog, he has an excellent scent, endurance and performance.

With Shiba Inu

If you manage to cross a Khasenysh and a charming Shiba Inu, you get a Shiba Husky - one of the most popular hybrids of the Siberian sled dog. You should get one if you have free time and a desire to seriously educate the animal. The Shiba Inu is difficult to train, does not like violations of personal space, and does not get along with children. Some of these qualities were inherited by the hybrid, so you need to work with it regularly and persistently.

Shiba is the owner of thick hair. The height of the mestizo is from 35 cm to 62 cm in height, weight - up to 30 kg.

With Akita Inu

Mixed races of Khasenysh and Japanese Akito Inu are called Haskits. They are larger than Siberian dogs, the average height at the withers is 65 cm. Outwardly they resemble an Akita, but with lighter and thinner bones and a smaller skull. They have a wedge-shaped muzzle and characteristic coloring from a husky. Eye color – blue or brown. The character of the mestizos from both parents remained goodwill, determination, stubbornness and love for children.

With corgi

The Corgi hybrid can easily be confused with the Khasenysh. He has looked like a puppy all his life. A baby with short legs and short height at the withers. The coat of the mestizos is black and white, the eyes are blue or different colors like those of the hasyats. Such a small and good-natured dog is convenient to keep in a city apartment. He is inquisitive, smart, and can become a friend for children and adults.

With a golden retriever

Such mixed breeds are called Siberian retrievers. The dogs are large, their height at the withers is 50-65 cm. The size and appearance of each of them depends on the genetic characteristics of the parents. One litter may contain puppies that resemble both their mother and father. In most cases, the color is brown or fawn, the paws, belly, chest are light, and on the face there is a white mask characteristic of a sled dog. Siberian retrievers are excellent swimmers and can be used for hunting. They are unpretentious to food and maintenance, friendly to people, conflicts with other pets are possible.

With a husky

The combination of two northern breeds is considered the most successful. Mestizos inherit the character of one parent and the appearance of the other. As a result, the crossbreed acquires the qualities inherent in hunting and sled dogs. It is better to keep animals in an enclosure, in a private house outside the city. Their disposition is friendly and calm. Loyal attitude towards children.

With an Alaskan Malamute

If you cross a Malamute and a Husky, you get an Alaskan dog whose exterior resembles a wolf. The body is large, the paws are powerful and strong, due to which they are used for transporting goods in the snow. The intelligence, good health, stable psyche, and strength of Alaskans give them the opportunity to participate in competitions and show high results as sled dogs.

With a German Shepherd

A cross between a Khasenysh and a German Shepherd is called a Shepsky. Half-breeds have short hair, look like Germans, blue eyes and their slanted cut give away Asian blood. Shepskis are excellent guards and live on the streets. It should be taken into account that they cannot be left alone with strangers; they show aggression whenever any action is taken in their direction. High intelligence, easy to train.

With Labrador

Labrador mix - Labski. Outwardly, they look like wolves, and the temperament of mestizos is quite complex and aggressive. Given this feature, you need to start raising and training Labskies as early as possible. The dog must accept the primacy and dominance of the owner and completely submit to him. Metis are used in official activities - to search for explosives and narcotic substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shepherd mix: what cross-breed puppies look like

The advantages and disadvantages of husky mestizos directly depend on which breed is chosen as a partner for crossing. Each of the mixtures has its own characteristics.

Breed of partnerAdvantagesFlaws
  • high immunity;
  • increased life expectancy (up to 20 years).
  • problems with training and education;
  • complex nature;
  • Rabies may occur, since standard vaccinations for wolfs may not work.
  • goodwill;
  • love for children;
  • well trained;
  • exhibits hunting abilities.
  • it is impossible to predict the appearance.
German Shepherd
  • perky, lively, affectionate character;
  • external attractiveness.
  • difficulties of training;
  • tendency to run away and indulge;
  • unwillingness to obey the owner.
  • attractive appearance;
  • flexible, friendly character;
  • love for children;
  • unpretentiousness.
  • impossibility of keeping in street conditions.
  • independence;
  • independent character.
  • the impossibility of initially predicting what kind of puppy will be born.
  • original appearance;
  • playfulness;
  • mobility;
  • good nature and love for children.
  • The breed is not official, it is not possible to purchase a puppy in a kennel.
  • calm, balanced character;
  • obedience;
  • intelligence;
  • attachment to family members and love for children;
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • developed hunting instinct.
  • aggressive appearance;
  • rejection of other pets.
Akita Inu
  • friendliness;
  • love for children;
  • perseverance;
  • determination.
  • There are no significant shortcomings.
  • courage;
  • independence;
  • sociability and good nature;
  • attachment to family members;
  • hunting instinct.
  • tendency to wander and disobedience;
  • dislike of other pets.
Welsh Corgi
  • cleanliness;
  • high intelligence and learning ability;
  • ability to be kept in a small room due to its small size;
  • love for children, all family members;
  • flexibility and friendliness.
  • long walks are required, otherwise they can play around at home and spoil things;
  • heavy shedding;
  • Possible problems with the spine.
Pomeranian Spitz
  • incredibly attractive appearance;
  • good-natured disposition;
  • attachment to a person;
  • love for children.
  • low immunity;
  • heavy shedding;
  • Suitable for home use only.
Jack Russell Terrier
  • activity;
  • easy to train;
  • friendliness;
  • love for children.
  • rarity of the breed;
  • lack of knowledge.

Most mestizos have more advantages than disadvantages. Most often, they inherited the husky's friendliness and affection for humans. Raising most mixed breeds is easy and enjoyable, but there are exceptions, so before purchasing, you should set your priorities and understand what exactly you want to get.

How to distinguish a purebred husky puppy from a mixed breed?

Up to three months it is difficult to distinguish a purebred puppy from a husky cross. Before buying, you need to look at the entire litter and choose the most active one, who strives for freedom and shows interest in the environment. It is necessary to pay attention to the external signs of purebred:

  • the ears are dense, erect, with sharp tips;
  • the tail does not rise above the back;
  • the skeleton is strong, does not look too light, nor rough and massive;
  • scissor bite.

A purebred puppy is purchased from a specialized nursery, where they will provide metrics, pedigree and a brand. If you have any doubts about your choice, you should seek help from experienced dog handlers.

With Spitz

Babies born from the mating of a Pomeranian Spitz and a Husky are called Pomskies in official documents. The puppies captivate with their toy appearance, for which they have received the title of designer dog type. Their miniature size makes them ideal companions for city dwellers.

Doggies have a lot of positive qualities:

  • energy, mobility;
  • quick wit, good intelligence;
  • pickiness;
  • endurance;
  • good nature.

Tiny dogs get along well with all household members - people and animals. The exception is decorative rodents, in relation to which the dog may develop a hunting instinct.

Pomskies happily participate in children's games and become devoted friends of the child. Parents can safely entrust their child to a four-legged nanny.

The half-breed, born as a result of an accidental mating of a husky and an Eskimo Spitz, was named Huskimo by dog ​​handlers. The animal is of medium size and has a thick, warm coat. The coat allows you to keep your pet in an open enclosure. Huskimos have inherited unpretentiousness from their ancestors and feel calm in Spartan conditions.

Mestizos make reliable guards. However, the pet must be supervised because it loves to show independence. Huskimos need constant training and long walks. Physical activity helps keep fit and fight the tendency to obesity.

Dogs are easy to train and easily learn basic commands. They announce the approach of a stranger with a loud, loud bark. At the same time, they do not show visible aggression towards strangers, but remain alert in their presence.

Japanese Chin

We should start the review with the most charming Japanese dog, which has long taken a place in the hearts of a large number of people. We are talking about the Japanese Chin. This little dog is so cute, active and playful that it simply has no equal among miniature pets. Only the Pekingese could compete with her, but his short legs and heavy landing simply do not allow him to catch up with the perky, self-confident and light little one.

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The Japanese Chin is filled with a sense of self-importance and wants to be the center of everyone's attention, so it becomes very upset if its own attention is rejected. For more than 1000 years, chins belonged only to the imperial family, being royal favorites. One of the emperors even ordered them to be worshiped, declaring the dogs sacred. They had their own servants and doctors, and only members of the imperial family could own them. Especially miniature specimens were kept in cages, in a suspended state. A pair of Chins was given to Queen Victoria in 1853, which influenced the further development of the breed.

The Japanese Chin is unusually graceful, with a proud posture and luxurious coat. The coat color can be white with either black spots or red markings. The more distinct and brighter the red color, the better it is considered. The spots on the head and ears should be placed symmetrically relative to each other. Some believe that chins are descendants of a lion and a butterfly: they really look like a lion with their muzzles and are mobile, fluttering like butterflies.

Visual differences between dogs

Look at these photos, we are sure that after this there will be no questions left about how the Alaskan Malamute differs from the Siberian Husky:





And these are the puppies:

Is the risk worth it?

When you buy a medium-sized dog with an unregistered breed and no standards, there is always a risk. The idea of ​​crossing these species is not bad, but requires further development and research. If you are lucky, you will get a unique dog with a wonderful character, adapted both for friendship with children and for guarding the home. But if you are unlucky, then you have no guarantees.

To read: One of the cutest mestizos Pomchi: a cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz

Breeders reviews

Those who have mixed breeds know firsthand what the pros and cons of these pets are. Some say that these dogs are cunning and headstrong, and in addition, they are completely resistant to training.

However, there are also satisfied owners of four-legged friends. They claim that mestizos can learn obedience and ease of training from a shepherd dog, and friendliness from a husky. Therefore, they are not suitable for performing the function of watchdogs. Animals simply do not understand who is “us” and who is “stranger.” But even those who are lucky enough to get an obedient mixed breed do not recommend experimenting and deliberately crossing a husky and a shepherd.

It is also important to clearly know why you need a mestizo. As we have already found out, they are not suitable for protection, training is also a big question, depending on your luck. You should not think that by crossing two breeds you will get a full set of positive characteristics from each dog. In this case, dominant traits will be mixed in different proportions and the result may be quite unexpected.

External data

Crossbreds of Husky and German, large dogs with striking features from two breed representatives. Unfortunately, unexpected violations of structure and color often occur; in the case of accidental matings, the result cannot be predicted.

  • Husky Shepherd has almond-shaped or round eyes and is of medium size. There is an extension and a painted “arrow” on the outer corner. The eyes can be blue, light blue, or perhaps more colorful. Brown shades - from light sand to dark walnut.
  • The muzzle is slightly elongated, the nose is straight, tapering towards the tip. The forehead is wide, the transition from the forehead is not bright. The jaw is strong, the teeth are completely closed, the lips fit tightly, the color should be dark. Scissor bite, white, large fangs. No sagging.
  • Body and body: large bones, well-defined muscles throughout the body, tucked belly, skin folds are not allowed. The skin is elastic. The chest is of medium width, voluminous. The back is slightly sloping. The limbs are long and straight, parallel and strong. The thigh is wide with pronounced muscles. Neck – wide, medium long, strong. The shoulder is straight, not short. The loin is medium, wide and strongly muscled.
  • Tail: medium long to the hock, low set, heavily covered with hair. It can rise above the level of the back or be thrown over the back in the form of a loose ring. Saber-shaped, thick at the base, tapering to the tip.

Interesting fact

The Akita breed was made famous throughout the world by a Japanese dog named Hachiko.

The Ina dog, which meets and sees off its owner every day on the way to work through a railway crossing, could not believe his death.

For nine years in a row, every day Hachiko ran to the train station, hoping to meet his faithful friend.

Hachiko translated into Russian means eight, since this was already the eighth pet. At the time his owner died of a heart attack, the dog was only 18 months old.

Numerous attempts by friends and acquaintances of the deceased professor to take Hachiko in were unsuccessful.

The dog persistently returned to the former owner's house and slept on the steps.

Hachiko became famous throughout the world in 1932 after the publication of the next issue of the largest Japanese newspaper with an article about a dog awaiting the return of its deceased owner 7 years after the tragic event.

Devotee Hachiko died of terminal cancer and heart filariasis. He was found on one of the Japanese streets near the station. After his death, an official day of mourning was declared in the country.

During Hachiko's lifetime, the local authorities erected a statue, which was later restored after the 2nd World War (it was used for military purposes).

Nowadays, the Hachiko monument is a symbol of love and fidelity . Millions of young men and women make appointments around him, for which it is not customary to be late.

A stuffed figure of Hachiko stands in a Japanese museum. The dog's remains are partially buried in a Tokyo cemetery.


The mestizo sheds longer and more abundantly, and he also needs early socialization from 2 months of age.

There are several features of a crossbreed in behavior and upbringing. You will need to start raising the animal from 3 months of age. It is better to contact a specialist, or increase the time for independent studies. A pet can be quite stubborn, picky and contradictory.

Pomesti are often born with mental disorders, complex and atypical behavior. There is a possibility that the pet will run away, may become aggressive or, on the contrary, overly emotional.

Cheerful disposition

The Alabai and Labrador mix puppy is incredibly active. Numerous observations show that he is often ready to ruin the things that are next to him. For this reason, he should not be left alone for a long time. Otherwise, he will chew everything that you leave in his field of vision: shoes, various interior items. The cheerful character of this dog can be called groovy: she is always ready for new adventures. It is good to take such a friend with you on long walks to give him the opportunity to run around and satisfy his hunting instincts. You will enjoy playing with your dog outdoors.

What traits did she take from the Malamute?

From the Malamute, the mestizos got large stature and a rather powerful physique . Strength, endurance and a more balanced temperament than that of the husky also came to them from the Malamutes.

In external features, the similarity of Alaskans with Malamutes can also be seen in a more massive skull and a relatively wide muzzle. Their ears are also set quite wide apart, almost like a Malamute.

Many Alaskans also inherit from them the expression of their eyes: unlike huskies, whose faces seem to have curiosity and playfulness imprinted on them, the look of most mestizos is calm and good-natured.

From the Malamute, the Alaskan can also inherit a dominant attitude towards other dogs, as well as intolerance towards small animals.

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