Pug mix - how to distinguish mestizos, with whom pugs are usually crossed

Not so long ago, the results of unplanned matings of dogs were considered a marriage. The resulting puppies were equated to mongrels. Today, crossing representatives of different breeds and obtaining mestizos has become a new direction in canine selection. The most interesting and varied results are obtained by crossbreeding pugs with other dogs. Some of them have a unique appearance, have strong immunity, others are distinguished by poor health or undesirable character traits. For this reason, crossing pugs must be done responsibly so as not to produce non-viable offspring.

Pug/Chinese Crested mix

Proponents of interbreeding claim that puppies inherit the best qualities of their parents' breeds. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to predict in advance what kind of exterior the young animals will have. The character and behavior of the animal are also unpredictable. In addition, individuals have rather poor health and a short life expectancy.

Cute little pugs have become one of the favorite objects of designer selection. They were crossed with representatives of many breeds. In particular, with the Chinese Crested Dog. Metis was called Khokhlomops or Pugese. It is distinguished by an unusual type of skin: skin with folds and tufts of wool.

The photo shows a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

Small pugs: mini and dwarfs (photo below)

The so-called sofa dogs, or pillow dogs, are loved by the public for their miniature size and ease of care. Mini and dwarf pugs also did not go unnoticed. Standard dogs are medium-sized breeds, but mini-pugs are shorter, with short legs.
Officially this variety does not exist. But in reality you can find such puppies. Most often they are born when there are too many in the litter. Then the mother, as a rule, herself discards weak puppies, which would hardly survive without outside help. The owners feed them from a pipette and nurse them. Often it is from these puppies that dwarf pugs grow up. They may be born completely healthy, but over time they can sometimes develop a genetic disease such as pituitary dwarfism. This is what causes the cessation of growth in puppies.

The appearance of a mini pug in a litter is a joy for breeders. After all, such a “toy” animal is more popular than its standard relatives. As a result of the transaction, everyone will win: the breeders will sell the puppy at a higher price, and the new owner will find the dog of his dreams.

Important! Mini and dwarf pugs live less than standard pugs.

Pug/Chihuahua mix

A cross between a pug and a chihuahua shares similarities with both parents. Larger in size than the “Mexicans” and not as massive as the “Chinese”. The coat color ranges from pale cream to anthracite black, and albinos are occasionally born. The mixed pedigree is indicated by a snub-nosed muzzle, characteristic of natives of the East. The owners dubbed the hybrid dogs chops or chihuaps.

Are there other mestizos?

Breeders do not stop there and try to breed as many breeds as possible. Today, several more mestizos are known, obtained by crossing a pug and:

  • poodle The offspring are called Pagapu or Pagoodle. The mixed breed from the poodle took excellent health, a penchant for hunting, and grace. From a pug - a muzzle and short legs;
  • French bulldog. The mestizo was nicknamed Pugs or Frug. They suffer from obesity due to uncontrolled appetite and breathing problems. The offspring are large in size and have a flattened muzzle;
  • Brussels Terrier. The half-breed is called Brops or Brups. The cute offspring fascinates with its attractiveness and compact size. They are distinguished by a long neck and straight tail;
  • Boston Terrier The half-breed was nicknamed Bops. Characterized by a large physique and good nature;
  • Cairn Terrier. The offspring are called Mokern. A distinctive feature is that the muzzle has a slightly rectangular shape. Endowed with large, beautiful and intelligent eyes. The legs are short, but add originality to the overall appearance.

Genetics is a complex science. Experts do not know what the result will be. One fact remains clear: mestizos choose nicknames from the parent they are most similar to. The verbal game is “laughter through tears”: the names are funny and dissonant, and I feel sorry for the dogs.

Pug/Pekingese mix

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Mestizos have good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.


If you are planning to buy or have already taken such a dog into your home, but don’t know what to name it , listen to our advice. Too sonorous and pretentious names are unlikely to be suitable, because she looks funny and awkward.

It's better to choose something fun, sweet and short, like Zizy or Iggy. The names of rock stars - Flea, Ozzy, Janice, Sid, Paul - may be suitable for such creatures.

You can also be inspired by literary characters or movie heroes - Hercules, Circe, Zelda or Smith.

Don’t get carried away with too cool names, you may quickly get bored with it, and then there’s no escape from it. Walking Quasimodo or Cockroach on a leash may be fun for the first week, but after that it will be awkward. It’s better to call the four-legged one John or Maggie, so you can calmly call him on the street without catching strange glances. Options such as Rocky, Denny, Hank, Mike, Hooch, Georges, Kevin, Sarah, Emma, ​​Nelson, Xena or Rey are also suitable.

To read: Secrets of proper education of a Pitbull: what to feed a puppy and how to teach discipline?

It is interesting to name dogs in honor of heroes of the mythology of any nationality, it looks both bold and beautiful - what do you think, for example, the dog Zeus or the girl Hera? And then there are Loki, Freya, Yarilo, Svarog, Veles, Mara, Makosh, Lada and Jupiter. In addition, you can use English words modified in the manner of the name - Sweet, White, Big, Little, Haer, Gray.

Pug/Beagle mix

A mix of a beagle and a native of China is called a puggle. The exclusivity of the appearance is given by folds on the muzzle, hanging ears, and a straight tail. The first individuals of this unusual variety appeared in the 90s. last century. Their unique appearance and cheerful character quickly won the hearts of people.

Puggles love to play and run. Keeping a dog is preferable for active people. Animals need to be walked a lot and undergo regular training.

Description of the breed

Chinese Cresteds are small, optimistic, decorative dogs that are incredibly loyal to their owners. They learn very quickly, work with pleasure, but cannot be alone for a long time.

Caring for this dog cannot be called easy. Despite the lack of fur, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin and gradually accustom it to the spring sun. Many owners try to keep their pet dressed all the time, which negatively affects its health, not allowing the dog to independently adapt to changing weather.

Chinese Cresteds quickly learn tricks and are happy to take an active part in the life of the family. However, they adapt very poorly to a new home; they may become mopey and refuse to eat.

Chinese Cresteds love to chew. Therefore, they need the constant presence of toys and chews. Otherwise, out of loneliness, these dogs may begin to chew furniture, shoes and other inappropriate things.

Among the dogs of this breed there are many nervous and cowardly individuals. They bark a lot, are overly excitable and slow to calm down. Responsible breeders select for a more balanced psyche.

I would like to note that the breed standard has a lower height limit. Dogs that are too small are not allowed for breeding and can only be used as pets.

The breed has a hairless variety and a powder puff variety. Powder Puffs are dogs completely covered in fur. Powder puffs (as breeders call them) usually retain a full set of teeth, while hairless dogs may lose teeth or be missing from birth.

Dogs of this breed are great for those who work at home and can pay enough attention to their pet while training it. It’s good if the dog can accompany its owner everywhere. “Chinese” feel good in a large family, in the center of attention. Busy people who are away from home all day should not get this breed.

Pug/Dachshund mix

One of the designer varieties is the taxi dog. In an animal:

  • compact muscular body;
  • short legs;
  • curled tail;
  • large head.

The muzzle has large eyes and many folds. The advantage of the hybrid is that it is hypoallergenic, allowing people sensitive to dog hair to keep a pet. Dogs captivate with their affectionate, soft character. They make excellent companions.

History of the breed

There are many stories about the origin of hairless dogs. Archaeological finds each time force scientists to come up with a new version of the origin of hairless dogs in Asia, America and Africa. However, most likely, the gene causing the lack of hair is found in dog populations in different regions. Most of these dogs are found in hot regions, where the lack of hair allows them to better adapt to the climate. Most often, randomly born hairless puppies are discarded as they are considered freaks, but in some cases the gene is selected and original dog breeds appear.

The Chinese Crested is distinguished from other hairless breeds by the presence of the longhair gene. This is what determines the luxurious growth of exhibition specimens.

Despite the fact that unusual hairless dogs appeared periodically in Europe, the path to the emergence of a new breed was long. The first Chinese Crested was shown in 1896 by V.K. Taunton on display at the Crystal Palace. But then they didn’t pay much attention to her.

The real boom occurred in the 60s of the last century. The society of purebred dog lovers “Sankta Santkrum” began to show Chinese crested dogs at its exhibitions, and this produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The English Chinese Hairless Dog Club was formed in 1976.

It is curious that many exhibition champions of the breed have height and weight exceeding the standard requirements.

Cobby-type dogs are more balanced and calm, while deer-type dogs are more excitable and gentle.

Hairless dogs of this breed are never full-toothed. This is how the pleiotropic (multiple) effect of the bare skin gene manifests itself. This allows you to distinguish a real hairless dog from a shaved one.

Powder puffs are always used in breeding. This keeps the breed healthy, as dogs that have two hairless genes are not viable. They usually die in utero. Only heterozygotes survive, in which one gene is naked and the other is downy.


What you won't have with this pet is a lot of hair in the house. They do not need to be cut or combed, only the crest needs to be given attention. They should be bathed with a special shampoo, and then immediately wrapped in a warm towel and warmed up. If you wish, you can train them to use a tray, but you will still need to go outside from time to time - they need fresh air.

Regularly you will have to carry out the following hygiene procedures, which are best taught to your puppy from childhood:

  • Clean your ears with a special liquid and a cotton pad,
  • Brush your teeth with a dog brush and toothpaste so that in old age they don’t hurt or fall out,
  • Trim claws as they grow,
  • Comb your bangs
  • Wipe your eyes and put medicine in them if they are watery,
  • Visit your veterinarian for a routine checkup.

Due to the special structure of their mouths, these dogs often snore

, which can make you nervous. You need to prepare for this in advance, and if you understand that you cannot come to terms with it, choose another type of animal.

The body of these animals is folded, and they should be cleaned from time to time - wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine. Pay special attention to the folds on the face, because food, debris and all sorts of discharge from the nose and mouth get into them. This should be done once a month and whenever it gets dirty.

Useful video

Video clip about the Chinese Crested Powder Puff breed:

Chihuahuas were bred as toy dogs. Such animals were created not to protect the home from ill-wishers, but to “decorate the house.” Although, their character is special, even such kids need training and care.

Crossbreeds of Chihuahuas with other species, ranging from pugs to huskies, have now become popular. Funny Chihuahuas will delight their owner no matter who they are crossed with.

Recently it has become fashionable to breed Chihuahuas and Yorkies. Many breeders are chasing profit without thinking at all about the future fate and health of the poor animal, in an effort to get a funny puppy of a “new species”.

Unfortunately, hybrids do not live long due to poor genetics. Sometimes such crossings result from the fact that the breeder did not keep track of the pets; as a result, outbred puppies have to be sold at a reduced price.

A mixed breed of any two breeds is considered an outbred individual, since only an animal with a large pedigree and documents confirming the breeding value of this individual can be considered purebred.

With such a pet you can go to exhibitions, produce new offspring with other purebred dogs of the same breed.

If you decide to buy yourself a hybrid of two breeds, that is, an outbred animal, never pay money for a puppy. If a breeder offers you to pay for a puppy without a pedigree, in which two species are literally mixed, refuse. Otherwise, it will turn out that you paid the poacher and such a business will continue to flourish.

A cross between a Spitz and a Chihuahua was bred relatively recently, but is already considered an independent breed and is called a “pomchi”. Externally, it combines the characteristics of both breeds. The height of the dog usually does not reach 20 centimeters, normal weight is from 2 to 4 kilograms.

This little creature, thanks to the mixture of two species, received a dense and muscular body, small round ears and a funny muzzle shape.

The dog has small and short legs, an elongated muzzle, and a small tail that curls up into a ball.

The coat of a cross between these two breeds varies depending on the dominant gene. In the first case, the coat can be fluffy and thick, like that of the Pekingese.

And in the second, you may come across a puppy with smooth short fur that fits tightly to the body, like representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

If you decide to get a mixed breed so that your child can play with him, this is a bad idea. Doesn't get along well with children. Loyal to her owner, she is distrustful and wary of strangers, she loves to play only with her owners. However, puppies are affectionate and friendly by nature.

The pet is perfect for keeping even in a small apartment; it requires little care. Best suited for single people and families, without children or pets. The dog will be a devoted and faithful companion for its owner, giving him affection and care. Any type of cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz will be affectionate towards its only owner.


Despite their appearance, such dogs tend to have a kind disposition. They are affectionate and friendly

, are happy to make contact with people and get along with other animals. On the street they can behave cockily - run after cats, bark left and right, but with good upbringing all this comes to naught.

Such “punks” are characterized by highly developed intelligence

, they are smart and inquisitive, they love to play and have fun. They need to devote a lot of time, otherwise they may begin to feel homesick and sad. It is better not to leave them at home alone for a long time.

These pets are very sensitive and emotional; as soon as they hear a rude remark or criticism addressed to them, they almost cry and look at you with eyes full of sadness. Treat them kindly and lovingly, speak in a calm voice, and don't let anyone make fun of their appearance - at least not in their presence. They perfectly capture mocking intonations

and begin to suffer.

Types of pug dogs

Dogs that look like a pug have both identical characteristics of appearance and character, as well as distinctive features that are unique to this breed. They belong to decorative breeds and require increased attention, but they all stand out for their extreme devotion.

Mini Pugs

A variety of pugs that differs from the original only in smaller size. They are characterized by short limbs and a disproportionately large head.

Quite often, breeders offer the smallest and weakest puppies from the litter, which were artificially fed, as dwarf dogs.

When choosing a mini-pug, you need to remember that such dogs are predisposed to frequent illnesses.

In addition, they have low immunity and a shorter lifespan than representatives of the regular breed, but, in turn, dwarf pugs are very smart.

The dog does not need a lot of space, it quickly learns to go to the tray and does not need daily walks, 2-3 a week is enough for it. The babies are brushed several times a week because they shed a lot.

The folds must be cleaned with damp wipes to avoid inflammatory processes, but bathing once every six months is sufficient. Food for small dogs is good for nutrition.

A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

Animals with a peculiar appearance, which are classified as “designer” breeds. The dog's body is without fur, but has many folds. Hard, straight hairs are present only on the head and then only in the form of a small strand.

The muzzle is the same as that of pugs, but without hair.

Despite their unusual appearance, dogs have a well-developed intellect and instinct and do not tolerate loneliness very well.

They are not too demanding in terms of care; they do not need to be combed, but they should be bathed with special shampoos. After bathing, the dog should be wrapped warmly. They can be walked infrequently; they need fresh air.


Despite the fact that mestizos are universally considered healthier and more active individuals, sometimes this is not at all the case. For example, both breeds, the French bulldog and the pug, are prone to obesity and often have breathing problems. Similar signs are observed in the offspring. It is difficult to choose a healthy puppy that does not have an insatiable craving for food, as well as not to feed it subsequently with something prohibited for a particular breed.

Important! If you cross a large male Husky with a female Pug, you may have problems carrying and delivering healthy puppies. It's better not to do this.

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