Curly dog: large and small curly breeds

As you know, a dog is man's best friend. Every animal lover prefers to have a loyal and affectionate little companion at home. Today, dwarf breeds are gaining great popularity. In this article you will learn the characteristics of the most popular breeds of small dogs.

Every dog ​​lover should take into account that just because she is small, this does not mean that she will need less care. Surround your pet with care and he will give you his true love.

The Malamute, a massive dog that can reach 40 kg, is native to Alaska. Special mark: It takes its name from the name of the Eskimo tribe, Mallium. The heaviest and most powerful of the canines, they are also the slowest. This is why it is virtually invisible in racing, where it is no longer used except by the occasional race enthusiast.

Anecdote: A strong and massive dog, his bad temper is also part of his reputation! Capable of pulling colossal loads, he now appears regularly in the funny discipline of weight pulling: one dog must pull a heavily loaded sled over a distance of 50 meters. The winner is the one who gets the heaviest load! Some Malamutes regularly win these competitions with sled loads exceeding 4 tons. One of the most famous places in the London Ice Call, Jack London tells Buck about his achievement in this discipline to please his master.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the most popular dwarf dog breeds. You will also have access to photos with names and prices.

Lhasa apso


The Lhasa Apso originated in Tibet in the Himalayas hundreds of years ago. It is named after the holy city of Lhasa. For many years the breed was bred in Tibet by holy men and nobles. It was used as a guard dog in temples and monasteries. The dog is considered sacred. This breed was once not easy to find and difficult to buy. These dogs were believed to bring good luck to their owners. The Lhasa Apso first appeared in Great Britain in the 1920s and in the United States in 1930.

Greenland, companion of great explorers. Origin. Relatively close to the Malamute in its general appearance, although less massive, the Greenlandic has, as its name suggests, a completely different origin. Chosen by the Greenlandic Eskimo tribes, he is the dog used throughout his life by the famous French polar explorer Paul-Émile Victor. The American Peary and the Norwegian Amundsen also used it to destroy the North and South Poles. Shortly before World War II, Paul-Emile Victor returned the group with which he had made the great crossing of the Alps.


  • Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • Price - approximately $500-700.
  • Height - 25-28 centimeters, weight - 5.9-6.8 kg.
  • Temperament – ​​energetic, obedient, playful, friendly and loyal.

The descendants of these dogs were used to build the highest railway in Europe, the Jungfrau train in Switzerland. You can still see these dogs and ride around the glacier on a sleigh pulled by them! Physical Characteristics: The Greenland, also called the Greenland Eskimo, is a powerful dog, very muscular, complex in character, faster on command than the Malamute, but which is no longer used in sled racing.

Greyster, speed racing champion. To increase the speed of their dogs, some breeders in this country decide to crossbreed the hunting dog, the German Greyhound, and the pure sprinter, the American Greyhound. Greyster had just been born, a sort of "mixed blood" who quickly became the most efficient speed racing greyhound for generations. Record: He is now the king of short trials and the Scandinavian Pulka. In recent years, Sweden's Egill Ellis has advanced the breed by cross-breeding it with the Alaskan Hoarse to improve its stamina.

Despite its cute appearance, Lhasa has a tough character. He is independent, stubborn and brave. Also loves to take a nap on its owner's lap. Ideal for children. These characteristics make him a great little adventure companion and somewhat of a protector against strangers. Training and training are difficult, so you must be patient and persistent.

Feature: The famous Scandinavian dog with fur is very white and wealthy, the most, without a doubt, is a dog close to what was a primitive type. But he's actually a pretty poor dog of a dog. Distinguishing mark: Gentle and often affectionate, it was used more as a pack dog than a deer dog by reindeer herders in northern Siberia. Since then he has become a family dog. Currently, there are only a few self-identified teams in sledding competitions. Yes, beauty is not enough to be a great athlete!

Cairn Terrier


The Cairn Terrier is considered one of the oldest terrier breeds. They originated in Scotland on the Isle of Skye. These dogs were used by farmers to catch and kill mice, squirrels and other rodents.

It should be remembered, however, that the Samoyed is the only Nordic dog that actually barks. The Chinook Race was named after Arctic explorer Arthur Wolden. Admiral Byrd asked the latter to train teams of dogs, which became the basis of his Antarctic expedition. Chinook leads Byrd's dogs and gains respect from everyone, allowing the mission to be realized.

The descendants of the Chinook were the basis of a race that almost disappeared, often listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest in the world! Let's hope that this "all American", as United States President J. Edgar Hoover called the Chinook, does not disappear from our planet.

  • Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • Price - approximately $700-1000.
  • Height - 23-33 centimeters, weight - 6-8 kg.
  • Temperament - active, courageous, fearless, intelligent, hardy, intelligent and tenacious.

He responds to the wishes of his owner and tries to please him. This breed can be a good pet, but only as long as the owner gives it daily physical and mental exercise. They love to play with children and can be aggressive with other dogs and also love to chase small animals.

Of all the dog breeds, some are much more popular than others. Find the most beautiful dog breeds and their characteristics in photographs. Probably one of the most popular dogs, the Australian Shepherd is naturally outgoing and resilient. He has four different dresses: black tricolor, blue bird, red bird and tricolor red.

Highly intelligent and alert, the Border Collie is primarily a herding dog. This is especially noticeable by his oval eyes and large ears, straight or half-lowered. It is considered the most intelligent of dogs. Originally from England, the hound is considered a hunting dog with a highly developed sense of smell. It is recognizable by its long drooping ears with rounded tips. Due to its iron health, it is also very popular as a company or laboratory.

Chinese Crested


This breed originated in China in the thirteenth century, where it became a popular rat hunter and was in demand among sailors. The dog was found on sailing ships throughout the Middle East, Africa and South America. Today this breed is very popular among pet owners.

The Golden Retriever, very popular as a pet since the 90s, is originally a hunting dog designed to bring back the game, and her long haired cream gilded dress is very recognizable. The Dwarf Spitz is a much larger breed derived from the German Spitz.

After several crosses, the Cavalier King Charles was finally left. The legislation regarding these dogs is very difficult and must be respected to the letter. A dog of German origin, the Rottweiler is a very robust molosoid, historically used as a shepherd dog before becoming a protection dog. He is recognized by his black dress and fire, his head is wide and flat, and his hair is coarse and short.

  • Life expectancy is 12-14 years.
  • Price - approximately $800-1000.
  • Height - 25-33 centimeters, weight - 3.2-5.4 kg.
  • Temperament - affectionate, playful and happy.

The Chinese Crested is a combination of a playful elf, a gentle lap dog, and a sensitive companion. She is completely dedicated to her family and is also good with other dogs, pets and strangers.

A dog of Chinese origin, the Pug is a very playful dog and gets bored easily if alone. He is very small, he recognizes with his short hair and large round and spherical eyes. Due to its flattened snout, it is susceptible to respiratory distress.

Originally from Siberia, the Husky is a working dog accustomed to pulling sleds. Gentle and sociable, he can also be incredibly stubborn. In the legend of the Siberian peoples, she would have been born from love for wolves and the moon. He is mainly recognized by his brown, blue or winged eyes.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi


This breed is one of the oldest herding breeds, originating in Wales over 3,000 years ago. Initially they were used more as a hunter and guard dog. Translated from Welsh as “dwarf dog”, it comes from the Dachshund family.

As the name suggests, the German Shepherd originates from Germany, but it is also known as the Alsace Shepherd and is recognized mainly for its large, straight ears and its often tri-colored coat. a natural player and very defensive. Its name comes from Mexico, the state of the same name, and is known as the smallest dog in the world; according to the standard, its weight should not exceed 3 kilograms. It is aggressive, but this dog is very protective and sociable.

The Bull Terrier was originally created as a fighting dog, but is now popular as a pet. He does not belong to the category of mastiffs, but to terriers. He is good with cats and children, but requires a solid education. Originally from China, the Shih Tzu belongs to the Tibetan dog breeds. He is recognized primarily by his plumed tail and his dense hair. Very active and independent, he is nevertheless very friendly and affectionate.

  • Life expectancy is 12-14 years.
  • Price - approximately $1000-1200.
  • Height - 25-33 centimeters, weight - 11-14 kg.
  • Temperament - active, affectionate, intelligent and friendly.

The Yorkshire, very popular as a competitive dog, is native to England, where he was born in the county of the same name, his hair is long and turned blue on the body, worn on the chest and ending. the head is small and his muzzle runs. It is often used as a watchdog by people, as well as dog protection and tracking by the police.

It was once used as a cattle guard on Italian farms and, more sadly, as a horn shield against bulls that could load up cattlemen. Their dresses can be black, dark fawn or light, brindle or gray. In most cases, the dress includes a small white spot on the chest, and the truffle is always black. These dogs have short hair, soft, shiny and very dense. They don't lose hair or drool thanks to their thick lips. Their ears are triangular in shape and very lateral.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis are funny, playful and very good-natured dogs. They are loyal and funny human companions. This is a hardy breed, a very agile and tireless pet. At home, he is well behaved, but tends to bark for a long time and restlessly. Perfect for children.


Origin and history of the Cane Corso

The tail is tied high and very large at the root.
The iris of their eyes is often very close to the color of their dresses. And no, the term "Corso" has no direct connection with Corsica! The Italian word "Corso" means "court", which defines the Cane Corso as a "court dog", which is sometimes used in French. He is a direct cousin of the Naples Mastiff, another Italian mastiff that distinguishes itself from the Cain Corso by its heavier stride and more limited flexibility overall. Several sources will confirm that the term "corso" is also an approximation of the Italian word used for Roman cohorts. This teaches us that it was used by the Praetorian Guard in Ancient Rome as a bodyguard and warship. He is a strong and loyal dog, especially used in the Colosseum to return the lions to their cages after the show ends.


The Pekingese gets its name from the ancient city of Beijing. They were considered sacred and in ancient times drove out evil spirits. Previously, they could only belong to the Chinese royal family and were considered divine beings. When the emperor died, his Pekingese was sacrificed so that the dog could go with him and protect him in the afterlife. In 1893 the breed was first shown in Britain.

Cane Corso: His physical condition, his health

A little later it will also be used as a farm.
He is a faithful guardian, an assistant to farmers in pursuit of cattle, and a hunter of bears and wild boars. His energetic and athletic nature allows him to remain in excellent shape throughout most of his life. This is a strong and strong dog that does not have any special health problems. The two diseases need to be controlled, but they are by no means fatal. The first is cox-femoral dysplasia, in other words, a deformity at the level of the hip joint. This causes embarrassment for the animal and will be noticed very quickly by the veterinarian or even you. The second problem is called “biting gland prolapse.” This is an attachment that mainly affects puppies, but the Caine Corso is very often subject to it.

  • Life expectancy is 13-15 years.
  • Price - approximately 600-800 $.
  • Height - 30-45 centimeters, weight - 3.6-4.5 kg.
  • Temperament - affectionate, stubborn and good-natured, sometimes aggressive.

You will see a reddish mass forming near the animal's eye. You should see a specialist, it's not alarming, but if it happens again, you'll need to take action. Although willingly athletic, this is usually a calm dog that will be extremely loyal and faithful to its owners. He needs space to let off steam and play, so you don't have to keep him in an apartment. This is only possible under two conditions: if the number of possible exits is large enough, and if he has the opportunity to spend every day.

He is a very active dog and will need exercise to maintain his mental and physical balance. He only barks when absolutely necessary. He may be a little suspicious of foreigners, but he is far from aggressive with children! It's a real ball of hair when it comes to playing with little ones. It tends to be somewhat stubborn, so you need to be firm and experienced.

The Pekingese has a courageous character. He won't start the fight first, but he won't back down either. The dog is very devoted to its family, but it is quite independent and stubborn. Although the Pekingese constantly revolves around its family members, it cannot be obedient and playful enough to satisfy children.

Coton de Tulear


The De Thaler Coton is the official breed dog of Madagascar. They were brought to America in 1974. Today, these dogs have a devoted following, but are still relatively unknown among the general public.

  • Life expectancy is 14-16 years.
  • Price - approximately $1000-1200.
  • Height - 25-30 centimeters, weight - 5.5-7 kg.
  • Temperament: affectionate, playful, easy to train.

Cotons are happy dogs that are considered man's best friend. They can be left unattended for long periods of time and are extremely versatile and dexterous. The breed gets along well with other dogs, cats and children.

Japanese Chin


The breed was originally called the Japanese Spaniel, and in 1977 it was renamed the Japanese Chin. Despite the name "Japanese", the breed first appeared in China. She was later bred in Japan and appeared in Europe in 1700. During this time, it was often offered as a royal gift to diplomats and foreigners who provided outstanding service to Japan.

  • Life expectancy is 12-14 years.
  • Price - approximately $300-500.
  • Height - 18-28 centimeters, weight - 2-7 kg.
  • Temperament - playful, affectionate and active.

The Japanese Chin is a loyal friend. He is sensitive and ready to please his owner in everything. This dog can be a friend to everyone: strangers, dogs and other pets. The Chin's agility makes it an excellent companion for a gentle child.

Norwich Terrier


This breed is native to East Anglia. Dogs were often used to search for foxes that went underground into burrows during the hunt. Their small size allowed them to easily enter and exit fox holes. After the foxes were driven from their den, the hunters on horseback resumed the chase with their hounds.

  • Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • Price - approximately $1400-2000.
  • Height - 25 centimeters, weight - 4.5-5.5 kg.
  • Temperament - gentle, playful, affectionate and intelligent.

The Norwich Terrier is always ready for adventure and excitement. It is a natural hunter and can chase small animals. This is a cheeky, independent and very funny dog. Best suited for active people with a sense of humor.

French Bulldog


The French Bulldog originated in the 19th century in Nottingham, England, where dog breeders decided to make a miniature version of the English Bulldog. In the 1860s, when the Industrial Revolution forced craftsmen to move to France, they took these dogs with them. The small dogs became very popular in France and were given the name "French Bulldog".

  • Life expectancy is 9-11 years.
  • Price - approximately $2000-4000.
  • Height - 30 centimeters, weight - 9-13 kg.
  • Temperament - bright, sporty, playful and affectionate.

These dogs love to play and entertain their family, as well as snuggle and nap next to their beloved owner. The breed is very kind, sociable and always ready to please a person.

Yorkshire Terrier


Yorkies were created by working men in Northern England who were looking for a suitable breed for catching rats and mice. These hunting dogs could easily penetrate the holes of badgers and foxes. At first, Yorkies were much larger than the ones we see today, but through selective breeding, these individuals gradually became smaller over the years. Yorkies have become very fashionable these days. Women carry them in their purses or on their hands.

  • Life expectancy is 12-16 years.
  • Price - approximately $600-1000.
  • Height - 20-23 centimeters, weight - 2-3 kg.
  • Temperament – ​​bold, energetic, independent, intelligent and playful.

The Yorkshire Terrier, despite its small size, is constantly hungry for adventure and trouble. He is inquisitive, brave and stubborn. Can be aggressive towards other dogs and small animals.

Pomeranian Spitz


This breed gets its name from the region of Pomerania, which is currently located between Germany and Poland. Initially, Spitz dogs were much larger and worked with shepherds. In 1888, Queen Victoria began showing these dogs. It was she who began breeding them in small sizes, which made this breed very popular in England.

  • Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • Price - approximately 600-800 $.
  • Height - 18-30 centimeters, weight - 1-3 kg.
  • Temperament - active, friendly, intelligent and playful.

The Pomeranian is cheerful, brave and always busy for most of the day. Playful, confident and attentive, always ready for play or adventure. Some of them can be aggressive towards other dogs and some like to bark a lot.



The dachshund originated in Germany in the sixteenth century. They were bred and trained to chase prey (such as a badger or fox). The dachshund was recognized as a separate breed in 1910 and gradually increased in popularity and became a favorite pet.

  • Life expectancy is 12-14 years.
  • Price - approximately $500-700.
  • Height - 20-27 centimeters, weight - 4-5 kg.
  • Temperament - active, courageous, stubborn, loyal and playful.

The Dachshund is brave, curious and always ready for adventure. He loves to hunt and dig, track prey by scent, and will participate in his family's activities whenever given the opportunity. They get along well with children in their own family, but some may bark at other people's children.



Modern Chihuahuas originate from Chihuahua, Mexico. They are the smallest and oldest dog breed in North America. The dogs became very popular in the United States when the famous Latin musician Javier Cugat made the Chihuahua his constant social companion and remain extremely popular to this day.

  • Life expectancy is 14-18 years.
  • Price - approximately 600-800 $.
  • Height - 15-23 centimeters, weight - 1-3 kg.
  • Temperament - fast, courageous, intelligent and loyal.

The cheeky Chihuahua is deeply loyal to only one person. He is often aggressive with strangers, but is good with other domestic dogs and pets. Some Chihuahuas try to be protective, and some can be quite timid individuals.



The pug is one of the oldest breeds known today. It is believed to have originated in 400 BC. Most researchers agree that pugs originated in Asia and were descended from the short-haired Pekingese. Another theory is that the breed is a cross between a small bulldog, while others believe it is a miniature form of the French mastiff. Tibetan monasteries kept pugs as pets. The breed also found its way to Europe, where the dogs became favorites of the royal family.

  • Life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • Price - approximately $300-500.
  • Height - 25-33 centimeters, weight - 6-9 kg.
  • Temperament - sociable, courageous, cheerful, playful, intelligent and affectionate.

The Pug combines dignity and fun. He is a very amiable, playful and confident companion. He can be stubborn, but at the same time he is ready to please his owner in everything.

Shih Tzu


The Shih Tzu is known as the "Chinese Lion" or "Chrysanthemum Dog" (because his face resembles a flower). This breed has its origins in Tibet back in the 1600s. The Shih Tzu in its current form was developed in China during the reign of Chinese Empress Cixi in the late 1800s, likely from crossing the Pekingese with the Lhasa Apso. The Shih Tzu was a favorite pet of royalty.

  • Life expectancy is 11-14 years.
  • Price - approximately $800-1200.
  • Height - 20-28 centimeters, weight - 4-7 kg.
  • Temperament: Friendly, courageous, active, playful and intelligent.

The spunky Shih Tzu is both a gentle and cheerful companion. He loves to play and be naughty. This dog is affectionate towards its family and gets along well with children.


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In the photo: King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Lapdog.

Miniature pets have been popular for several centuries. And only at first glance do they seem like toys. Each small dog has its own individual and unique character.

Such “babies” become true friends and life partners for millions of owners. In this material we will tell you about all the advantages of miniature pets. You will find out what the smallest dog in the world is.


Pekingese are proud, moderately capricious and intellectually developed breeds.
They are jealous and do not like to share their owner with anyone; they become very attached to him. But in general, this is a sociable dog that gets along well with all family members. Pekingese weight is 4.5-5.5 kg, height is 18-23 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

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Excellent for indoor living, this is not a breed that needs long walks and physical activity. Pekingese can run and frolic, but only according to their mood.

Pekingese snores loudly and sneezes frequently, all due to brachycephaly (short muzzle)

The Pekingese's coat requires special care; it needs to be brushed and brushed more often to avoid tangles and to keep it overall looking beautiful.

Genetic diseases characteristic of this breed: cataracts, ectropion, respiratory disease, problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system, and heart failure.

How to choose a curly dog

Toy dogs: small indoor breeds

Before you start choosing a pet, it is important to decide on the purpose for which you are buying it. If you need a dog for a family, then it is better to choose a breed that loves children and does not have an aggressive disposition, which often manifests itself in relation to other animals and people. For protection, it is worth buying large individuals that are easy to train. If the goal is an exhibition, then you should pay attention to the health and pedigree of a particular dog.

When making a purchase, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Check with the breeder how many puppies are in the litter. Thus, strong and physically fit puppies are born to a female who has at least 7 dogs in her litter.
  • When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention not only to its characteristics, but also to examine its sisters and brothers. They should not have any deviations in physical development. If deficiencies are found, this may indicate poor genetics.
  • If the owner wants to buy a purebred dog, then he should not buy it second-hand without a pedigree. It is better to contact official breeders.

When choosing a curly-haired puppy, you need to look at the number of puppies in the litter and the pedigree

A curly dog ​​will become a good friend for a person, but it is necessary to regularly monitor its coat and then the pet’s appearance will delight the owner for many years.

Italian Greyhound

The name of the breed comes from the French lievre - translated as hare. During the Renaissance, dogs were the pets of aristocrats. At the same time, Italian greyhounds were willingly taken for hunting.

Other names for the Italian greyhound are Italian greyhound, small greyhound.

Italian Greyhounds look sophisticated and elegant, but are actually relatively strong and hardy. In European countries, graceful dogs still hunt hares. The coat is thin and silky. Colors - plain gray, isabella, black, sometimes with light inclusions on the paws and chest.

The height of the Italian Greyhound is 33 – 38 cm, maximum weight is 5 kg.

At home, Italian greyhounds behave softly and delicately, adapting to the mood of the owner. They do not offend children and are peaceful towards pets. They obediently fulfill the owner's demands and are not prone to destructive behavior.


The Papillon is a decorative subspecies of the continental toy spaniel. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its large erect ears. Because of this, the dog becomes like a butterfly, which is why it got its name - papillon (from French - 'butterfly').

The breed is characterized by three types of color. The most valuable two-colored dogs of this breed. Spots of any color except blue are allowed. The most common color of Papillons is black and white. But white must prevail.

Representatives of the breed are small: height does not exceed 28 cm, weight - 5 kg. Although most dogs are in the 2.5–4.5 kg weight category. Papillons live on average up to 15 years.


Buchpie is an unusual cross between a Bichon Frize and a Poodle. These little teddy bears are very smart, so they are easy to train and love to exercise.

Thanks to its Poodle roots, the Bichpoo does not shed much, although you will still need to groom your pet regularly.

Bichpoos are very sociable and are an excellent choice for families with older children. Unfortunately, this trait means that these puppies suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Health problems that can affect Bichpu include patellar luxation and hip dysplasia. However, these problems are less likely to occur if you buy a first-generation hybrid dog. The lifespan of these cute dogs can reach 15 years.

Dogs of Chinese Emperors

Shih Tzu and Pug are ancient dog breeds that were once imperial dogs and lived exclusively in the palace. Shih Tzus could also be adopted by noble families, but Pekingese were strictly prohibited because they were considered sacred in the Middle Kingdom.

The Shih Tzu is revered in China as a lion. There is a legend that this breed of dog always accompanied the Buddha, and when danger arose, it became a huge lion to protect him.

In 1635, the Chinese emperor received several Shih Tzu dogs as a gift from the Dalai Lama, which were bred in kennels and given only to high-ranking guests.

The pug is also considered a guardian lion in China. But this breed was not very popular with the emperors, so they were not so strictly controlled.

It is impossible to say exactly when the breed appeared. Pugs are believed to have been developed in the 2nd century BC. at the court of Emperor Ling Di.

Levchen - lion dog

Details Category: Other breeds

History of the breed

A breed of small, but loudly barking dogs, which appeared somewhere in the Mediterranean, became widely known in the 16th century in France and Spain. However, the first wave of popularity of small lion dogs was short-lived.

They managed to take their well-deserved place in the arms of noble ladies only two centuries later. “Lion dogs,” so named because of their original haircut “like a lion,” became frequent guests in the paintings of the notorious Francisco Goya... and appeared in high society, accompanying Napoleon’s wife Josephine.

The First and Second World Wars practically erased this “lion” breed from the aristocratic circle and the face of the earth.

And only after the 60s of the last century the French began intensively breeding Levchens, which soon yielded results: in 1971, the British Kennel Club registered the breed, and already in 1976 it was allowed to exhibit.


Levchen (Small lion dog, Petit chien lion, little lion dog) is a small dog (weighing up to 8 kg and up to 35 cm tall) with a compact proportional body, an oval head and a curled long tail ending in a tassel. The dog, which carefully surveys the world with large, grape-like eyes, proudly wears drooping ears and wavy, soft, medium-length fur, trimmed like a lion. This is exactly what Löwchen looks like today, according to the French standard approved in 1995.

Breed Temperament

The smart lion dog really resembles a maned predator in moments of mischief and stubbornness. Therefore, the owner of the little beast will have to think through non-standard training options and show firmness bordering on immense patience. For most of its life, the Levchen appears as an obedient pet, active companion and friendly neighbor.

Consequently, conflicts with children and pets are virtually eliminated

Attention, tenderness and walks together can turn a mischievous lion dog into the standard of a four-legged family friend. Unlike many small breeds of dogs, the Levchen stands out for its relative silence. This smart dog will never lie in vain

This smart dog will never lie in vain.

Maintenance and care

The Löwchen's rich hair will require special care. It is advisable to regularly cut the paws (the hind legs), tail, croup and belly trimmed bald or very short, leaving fluffy pom-poms on the tip of the tail, metatarsals and metacarpus, and a semblance of a lion’s mane on the neck. The Levchen's fur needs to be brushed at least once a week. Using special shampoos won't hurt either. In the cold season, the shaved part of your four-legged ward will have to be insulated with fashionable overalls every time before going outside.

In order to save household members from the excessive activity of a mischievous pet, it is better to walk the Levchen several times a day, loading it with ingenuity tasks and energetic games.

When choosing the type of food for your pet, you can choose both industrial food and natural food.

Having chosen the latter option, special attention should be paid to meat products, offal, eggs and cottage cheese. But it’s better to avoid sausages and sweets

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Breed overview

Dogs of the East are fluffy, downy, teddy bear-like, folded, hairless creatures of special appearance, which are divided into 3 types. Each type implies a specific breed and breeding from it (not to be confused with individual species bred for meat). And the first special species: Pekingese.

Pekingese - care tips and training ideas

And these dogs have two divisions: Japanese and Chinese. The former are distinguished by their coat and behavior (they were raised as wayward, court puppies), while the latter are famous for their appearance (very small nose, large eyes, high tear production) and loyalty in any situation.

Chinese Pekingese bear little resemblance to the Chinese Crested dog in the photo, which is often mistakenly depicted as the wrong breed. These are small creatures, more like a bundle of goodness, behaving like the true embodiment of love, and their presence in the house will not add smell or accidental mistakes - the breed is easy to learn and quickly understands a raised hand.

REFERENCE! The long-term raising of furry companions in dynasties led to the fact that the raising of their own pets fell on close subjects of the emperors. Decorative cute dogs have gone through the entire history of China and captured it inside (and outside) with their own uniqueness. If you ask: which Chinese dog is like a miniature element of tenderness in the house, then the answer will remain the same: any. REFERENCE!

Chow-chow - true to reviews

The Internet is full of information about this breed. Someone writes that this cute dog is only ready for meat, and someone claims that the dog only gets used to the strongest member of the family (most often a man), and it does not accept other people in life. Chinese Chow Chow dog puppies are under the influence of their mother from early childhood, and she is always raised in the following way (genetic setting): to protect the family and children at all costs. But, unlike the same Akita, the Chow Chow will never babysit children. A dog of this breed will be able to keep an eye on it and stay nearby, but the baby’s crying or howling will never disturb the sleeping Chow.

REFERENCE! Do not forget that every dog ​​is the pupil of its owner. The way you make a puppy as a child determines the way he will grow up. Surrounded by affection, care and love, the puppy will grow up spoiled. But teach your dog to raise your hand, caress, sometimes shout and walk on a schedule, and the animal will greet you at the doorway with a smile (especially if it is an Akita). REFERENCE!

Chinese Crested Dog - it's time to buy him an apartment

It is not for nothing that this breed is considered the most domestic - they sleep a lot, eat little, and love to be at home. It is common for them to relieve themselves in the litter box, and to walk only for the sake of some fictitious sociality inherent in all dogs.

From the first days the puppy's body is smooth, like skin. The head, ears, paws and the entire length of the tail are equipped with tassels, and “equipped” is the right word. These tassels help them navigate in space. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the Chinese Crested Powder Dog is the most devoted oriental animal, following its owner everywhere. It often happens that a dog gets lost in space (even though it lives only in an apartment/house), and sniffs out the territory, looking for the smell of its brushes.

REFERENCE! If you decide to buy a Chinese dog, then carefully check the pedigree, find out from the owners everything about the puppy’s parents. The genetics remain in any case, but some advantages may have been lost. When choosing a Pekingese, it is worth remembering that the breed was in the “imprisonment” of the emperors for a long time, and throughout this time it became unpretentious and willful. While the Chinese Crested will follow you everywhere and reproach you with a look if you leave for work. REFERENCE!


The ancestors of the Maltese supposedly lived on the island of Malta more than 2 thousand years ago. These are small white dogs with an elongated body and long, smooth hair. It grows to the floor, often exceeds the height and covers the body and limbs with a continuous mantle. The hair does not fluff, does not curl, there is no undercoat.

The height of Maltese dogs is 20 – 25 cm, body weight is 3.5 kg. But the breed produces dwarf dogs. Mini Maltese grow up to 17 - 20 cm, weigh 1.5 - 2 times less than standard ones. In addition to white, pale orange and ivory are also available. The Maltese is called the most intelligent and responsive among decorative dogs.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a breed of toy dog ​​bred by Japanese breeders. The Chins' ancestors include the Tibetan Spaniel, Pekingese and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

This is an excellent companion dog. In Japan, Chins were originally bred at the imperial court of the Edo Dynasty for the entertainment of the emperor. In 1613, Japanese spaniels were brought to Europe.

Japanese Chin: Wikipedia

These dogs are quite small: height does not exceed 25 cm, weight - 3.2 kg. At the same time, Japanese Chins are “square” dogs: the ratio of their height to body length is 1:1.

Japanese Chins are described as intelligent and brave dogs. They almost always remain calm, practically do not bark and know how to create a cozy atmosphere in the house.

Chins adapt to the temperament of their owner. They will be happy to share physical activities with the more active ones, and they will lie on the sofa with the calm ones. However, the hin can demonstrate samurai-like fearlessness when angered.

Properties of smooth hair in dogs

Smooth-haired small dogs look neat even with minimal care and do not leave tufts of hair around the apartment. The guard hair is adjacent to the skin, does not fluff or bristle, its length is no more than 2 - 2.5 cm. The undercoat is sparse or does not grow at all. The wool does not roll into tangles, and litter and thorns do not stick to it. The dog does not need to be bathed or cut often.

However, the smooth coat is also renewed 2 times a year, and stay-at-home dogs often shed all year round. Dead short hair falls out and remains in the upholstery and carpets.

To remove it in time, it is enough to comb smooth-haired small dogs with a rubber comb or a furminator marked Short Hair. The frequency of procedures depends on the intensity of shedding: from 1 time per day to 1 time per week.

How to properly care for curly-haired dogs

A special feature of curly pets is the need for daily and total care of the undercoat. Show dogs are groomed so that they fully comply with the breed standard, and cosmetics are also used.

Hunting dogs: breeds, small and large types

When caring for pets, it is enough to brush them regularly and remove dead hairs. It is recommended to visit the groomer once every 2-3 months. You need to bathe your pets once a month, but not more often, as there is a risk of drying out the skin.

Note! For water treatments, it is recommended to use conditioner to improve the condition of the hair and remove dog odor.

To comb the wool, you must use slickers, combs or combs. The slicker helps to painlessly remove lifeless hairs, while the cover is combed, starting from the paws, moving to the stomach and above. The comb is used to comb the fur and remove stuck together knots that are located closer to the skin.

You need to care for the coat of curly dogs regularly and carefully using special accessories.

Large smooth-haired dogs

Large smooth-haired dogs exceed 60cm at the withers. The weight of an adult varies from 30 kg to 90 kg.

Benefits of Large Dogs

The main advantage of a large dog in general is its obvious “protective” function.

Large breeds of dogs are not recommended to be kept in apartment conditions. This applies to both smooth-haired and long-haired pets. Typically, large breeds require significant space to sleep and rest. In addition, these dogs often need to be provided with prolonged and intense levels of physical activity, preferably free-ranging.

However, despite a number of difficulties that arise during the growth and maturation of a large dog, they are popular. Many owners, especially if living conditions allow it, choose large breeds when choosing a dog. The main disadvantage is the low life expectancy.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a true aristocrat. The appearance of a dog can evoke admiration and admiration for its exterior. Character – extremely self-possessed and calm. Excellent physical characteristics - massive limbs, wide, powerful chest. Extremely active, able to maintain a high rate of load for a long time. The preferred type of activity is running. The color is dazzling white. Height – up to 70 cm, weight – 65 kg.


A recognizable breed of large, smooth-haired dog due to its color – noticeable black spots on a white background. Origin from Croatia. Bred for hunting, recognized by the FCI in 1955. Character – active, willful. Requires constant attention. The height of males is 62 cm, the weight is small for this category - up to 32 kg. They live up to 13 years.


The Doberman belongs to the class of service dogs. Powerful, with clearly defined muscles, not massive. High level of learning ability. They successfully perform “supervisory and patrol” functions in public places and detention areas. Height at withers – 72 cm, weight – up to 45 kg. Life expectancy is 11 years.


A German breed, originally intended to perform herding functions. Character – difficult, complex. Without training, it quickly becomes uncontrollable. Powerful neck, torso, strong muscle structure. Height – up to 68 cm, weight – 50-55 kg. The coat is short, despite the presence of undercoat, smooth. Susceptible to skin diseases. Cancer is often diagnosed. Life expectancy is low - 8-10 years.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is an Italian dog known since ancient Rome. Currently, it is actively used to protect the territory. Balanced, manageable, generally not aggressive. Height – up to 70 cm, weight – 50 kg. Undercoat is present, but poorly developed. Therefore, the wool is smooth, of various colors, from red or gray to black. They live 11 years.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux (or French Mastiff). The breed was recognized by the FCI in 1954. Despite their powerful build and intimidating appearance, they are distinguished by their good-natured and non-conflict character. Today they are used primarily as companions. They do not require much physical activity. To avoid excess weight gain, it is recommended to follow “dietary” feeding rules. The height of males is 68 cm, weight – no more than 54 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Just like the Cane Corso, Neapolitan Mastiffs were used in gladiator fights (baiting wild animals). A characteristic feature is drooping ears when set high and wrinkles on the forehead. Used as a watchdog, but the level of aggression is low. The coat is smooth (in females). They can be stubborn and tend to dominate. They reach a height of 75 cm, weight – up to 70 kg.

South African Boerboel

The breed was only recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 2015. Origin: South Africa. Stubborn, self-confident, dominant character. Require significant physical activity (running more than 10 km per day). In the absence of training courses (OKD, specialized obedience training), they are aggressive and capable of attacking others. Considering their size (height 70 cm, weight up to 90 kg) they should be kept in spacious enclosures on the territory of suburban areas. They live up to 15 years.

Toy poodle

The Toy Poodle is a dwarf dog breed. Originally a hunting dog, it is now used primarily as a decorative companion dog. If you are looking for a dog for your home, then representatives of this breed are suitable.

Poodles are incredibly smart. According to Dr. S. Koren's ranking, they rank second in intelligence among all dog breeds. Dogs are highly trainable and can adapt to any climatic conditions.

The toy poodle is an attentive and sympathetic dog. She has a developed sense of self-esteem and interacts with people with interest.

Thanks to their high intelligence, good trainability and developed sense of smell, poodles serve in search parties and at customs. In addition, the poodle is the best circus dog.

Toy poodles are significantly inferior in height to their poodle counterparts. They do not grow higher than 28 cm, while the height of a large poodle can be 60 cm. The lifespan of dogs is no more than 18 years.

Yorkshire Terrier

"Yorkshire Terrier"
The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the decorative dog breeds popular all over the world. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their mobility and energy, justifying their origin from terriers, and their luxurious exterior and miniature size have made them popular not only in cities, but also in rural areas. The average height of Yorkies at the withers ranges from 15-17 cm, and weight – 1.7-3.1 kg. These friendly and sociable creatures are distinguished by their insightful mind and good trainability, aesthetic appearance, and another undoubted advantage - these small dogs are hypoallergenic due to their special coat.

Where can I buy

There are various ways to become the owner of a pocket breed dog. It all depends on who she will be in the family - a home companion or a participant in exhibitions.

For ordinary owners

The main advantage of such a purchase is a reduced price, but ordinary owners are not responsible for purebred breeding and impeccable genetics. Therefore, the risk of genetic diseases in tiny creatures is very high.

If you need a purebred dog, you should avoid this method of acquisition, despite the obvious benefits.

The Coton de Tulear is a wonderful pet and companion.

In the nursery

This is the most reliable option for buying a purebred puppy. You can first check the documents to find out who the parents were. This is the method chosen by those who dream of a show career for their pet.

By advertisement

Various advertisements can be found on Yula, Avito and other resources. There is a great risk that they will try to pass off a simple dog as a purebred animal, but this is not the worst thing. You can even buy a sick puppy. Some irresponsible sellers try to pass off an ordinary dog ​​as a pocket dog.

For free

This method does not always mean that the intentions of the former owners are bad. It is quite possible that the child has developed a severe allergy that makes keeping a dog impossible. Or the family moves. Therefore, you should not be skeptical about this option for purchasing a pet.

However, if a puppy is given away for free just because he is tired of it, then most likely the dog has not been cared for, so its upbringing leaves much to be desired.

Receive as a gift

It is well known that giving an animal as a gift is incorrect. It may very well be that the family is not ready to accept it and will not be at all happy about such a gift. Those who want to receive a puppy as a gift should inform their friends and relatives in advance.

Note! Holidays are not the best time to buy a puppy. Vanity will not allow for proper adaptation of the pet

A dog as a gift is a very unusual choice

All the benefits of small dogs

The demand for pocket dogs is growing every year. Pets have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of children. Tiny creatures are devoted to those who care for them. Despite their size, they are lively and brave. We are always ready to defend ourselves if the owner is in danger.

Friendly, cheerful creatures lift your spirits. Looking at them, only positive emotions appear. Abroad they are considered four-legged doctors.

Positive creatures have an incredible healing effect on humans. Pets don't require a lot of space. They feel comfortable in a small living space, there are many positive aspects.

The main advantages of mini dogs:

Compact size. Despite his small height and weight, the pet has a big heart. Such a tiny animal will give its owner his love and become a full-fledged member of the family. No fear of heights. Fearless animals bypass their larger counterparts: they are not afraid of heights, and, it seems, are even ready to make a parachute jump.

They eat little. The small pet, although picky about food, eats little. They go to diapers. When there is no time to walk with her, she easily learns to go to the tray or diaper. They love affection. Few people would think of coddling a Great Dane or a Rottweiler.

With small dogs you can afford such familiarity. They love to be in the arms of their owner and are always happy when they are petted. Minimum dirt. There is little smell or fur in the home from a miniature dog.

Portability. The world's tiniest dogs fit in a purse. You can take it with you on a visit or to the store, or transport it in transport without any hassle. Long-lived. Such “babies” have a longer life expectancy than their larger relatives.

Rating of small breeds

There are many pocket breeds that are ready to become faithful companions for their owners.

Brazilian Terrier and Smooth Fox Terrier

The Brazilian Terrier is a new breed whose origin is stated in its name. In 2007, it received recognition from the IFC. The dog is agile, so it is used for hunting small game. It has good protective qualities and loyalty.

The Smooth Fox Terrier is a very smart pet, quick-tempered, but very smart. The coat color can be white, red, black-brown.

Eskimo Toy Spitz

This is a long-haired fluffy pet weighing no more than 9 kg. The animal's muzzle resembles a fox, and its thick, lush fur protects it very well from the cold. The most common breed to be found is the snow-white Spitz. They are quite obedient and peaceful, aggression is alien to them.

Breed Features:

  • They take training well and pick up commands on the fly.
  • They are distrustful of strangers, so you need to introduce them to family friends gradually.
  • Get along well with other pets.

Royal Pekingese

This is a true aristocrat of the dog world. The birthplace of the breed is China. Can serve as a watchman, security guard or hunter. Initially they served in the temple to protect valuables. Gradually they penetrated into Europe, where they earned popularity. This is not a separate breed, but a miniature variety of Pekingese.

The Royal Pekingese is a wonderful friend for the whole family, although a little arrogant

Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most fragile dog breeds

This cute baby weighs up to 3 kg and is distinguished by hypoallergenic wool, the structure of which resembles human hair. Average life expectancy is from 11 to 15 years. These are very active positive pets that need constant attention from their beloved owner. There are several varieties of the breed:

  • Super-mini – weight does not exceed 1.5 kg.
  • Mini - weighs from 1.6 to 2 kg.
  • Standard – 2-3 kg.

Note! Despite their size, Yorkshire Terriers are very brave animals. Their original purpose is to catch rats. The first owners of small dogs were poor people who could not afford to keep large dogs

Russian toy terrier

This is a drinking dog, weighing up to 3 kg. Such a pet costs from 7 to 16 thousand rubles. Life expectancy is 10-15 years.

The breed is the fruit of the labors of Russian dog handlers. She received official recognition in 2006. There are two varieties of toy terrier - standard and mini.

Adorable curly baby Bichon Frize

It is also called the French lapdog. This is a charming snow-white dog with thick curly hair. Its weight is up to 5 kg, height – 30 cm. This is a very cheerful, playful creature that needs regular walks and an active lifestyle.

Note! Even if your pet is litter trained, you still have to walk him

Shih Tzu is one of the oldest breeds in the world

Other names for the breed are lion dog or chrysanthemum. This is an ancient breed whose homeland is Tibet. It has long, silky hair. A person new to dogs may mistake a Shih Tzu for a lapdog. The Shih Tzu cannot be considered a decorative breed - it is a very wayward animal that does not tolerate loneliness.

Noble Shih Tzus are reliable companions for true connoisseurs

Continental Toy Spaniel (Butterfly Papillon)

This is a pet with a very beautiful appearance, smart and dynamic. He is able to quickly assimilate commands, is obedient and efficient. Very attached to the owner. Unlike other small breeds, it has strong joints and developed muscles. Height at withers – up to 27 cm, weight – 1.5-5 kg. Life span is 13-16 years.

Note! The animal must be trained, otherwise it will become uncontrollable

Coton de Tulear (Madagascar Bichon)

Another owner of a snow-white coat and luxurious soft fur. Its average weight is 3.5-6 kg. Coton means "cotton" in French. The pet has a lively disposition and gets along well with children and other pets.

Appreciates praise and loves the owner's attention

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka - description of the breed

This ornamental breed is not recognized internationally. Its history began in the mid-20th century. Russian lapdogs have long, silky hair with a thick undercoat. Any color is allowed except spotted and white.

Russian colored lapdog - the pride of domestic selection

Features of the curly dog ​​breed

A curly dog ​​never goes unnoticed while walking with its owner. Before you buy such a four-legged friend, you need to take into account the characteristics and features that curly-haired dogs have.

Curly-haired puppies, thanks to their beauty, always attract the attention of passers-by

There are a number of basic rules that the owner must take into account:

  • The coat of such pets requires daily and high-quality care. During the hot season, long-haired representatives need to visit a groomer.
  • Curly-haired dogs need to be bathed once a month, but not more often. Otherwise, there will be a risk of drying out the skin.
  • The owner will not have to regularly clean the house of hair, because curly-haired dogs usually do not shed, but they should be combed regularly.
  • Males and females, although similar in appearance, still have differences. Thus, males have a powerful and muscular body, so they are more resilient than females. However, males have negative sides. For example, they try to take a dominant position over the owner and need personal space. Females love to spend time with their owner, have a gentle character and are more developed than males. But the negative feature is weak endurance and the need to mate only with purebred companions.

Curly coat type requires constant care

Mini goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle is a mini version of a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a Golden Retriever. Goldendoodles make great pets!

These dogs are full of fun and energy, but are also loyal, loving, extremely intelligent and trainable. You should give your puppy plenty of exercise, as these dogs are no slouches!

These teddy bears come in different colors: grey, black, gold, red, cream and chocolate. The amount of care this dog will require depends on which parent it cares for the most.

Goldendoodles can live 10 to 15 years, but they have a few health problems to be aware of: elbow and hip dysplasia, ear infections, luxating patellas, and allergies.

It is also very important to make sure that your puppy's parents do not have cancer, as Golden Retrievers can be very prone to it.



According to the American Kennel Club, these small, smooth-coated dogs can reach speeds of 56 km/h and up to 70 km/h in a straight line, making them the fastest animal of their size. The Whippet is an English breed of greyhound occupying a middle position between the Greyhound and Italian Greyhound, which is distinguished not only by its incredible running speed, but also by its graceful physique. Height at the withers ranges from 44 to 51 cm with a weight of 10-13 kg. A friendly, affectionate Whippet will become a family favorite who cannot live without you. Leave your pet alone at home for an hour and the dog will suffer. The graceful Whippet is a rare guest in Russia; if you choose him as a companion, you will not be able to avoid the close attention of passers-by on the streets if such a noble breed follows you nearby.

Chow chow

These dogs were popular both in the imperial family and among ordinary Chinese. A distinctive feature of these dogs is their blue tongue , and in some Chinese regions these dogs are considered edible. They have a leonine appearance and royal calm.

These dogs have an unusual character, they are leaders by nature and not everyone will be able to find a common language with them, but if this happens, the dog will feel the mood of the owner and have a hard time experiencing family conflicts. This is the only dog ​​breed whose diet should not contain meat; it should be replaced with fermented milk products.

Full description: Chow Chow

Long-haired breeds

Among the most beautiful dog breeds, one cannot fail to note those with long hair. Caring for them takes a lot of time, effort and money, but it's worth it.

Afghan Hound

The thick and shiny coat of Afghan hounds does not shed on its own. Dead hairs are combed out with a comb, and the undercoat is plucked with a trimmer. The lack of natural fatty lubrication also adds to the problem. Without additional moistening with conditioners, the coat of greyhounds becomes matted and turns into an unkempt “felt boot.”

The character of these four-legged animals is similar to that of a cat. They are charming, sociable and sweet only at convenient moments. Despite their restraint, Afghan hounds do not tolerate ill-mannered children. An inadvertently pinched tail is a strong argument for resentment and lifelong hostility.

Irish Setter

The luxurious chestnut coat of the setter is familiar from dog food advertisements. The fur does not have a distinct dog smell and sheds very little, but it constantly gets tangled and catches thorns.

Emotional and active pets are dependent on communication with other animals and people. Because of this, it is strictly forbidden to leave them alone.

Golden retriever

It is impossible to imagine a happy American family without a golden retriever with luxurious iridescent fur. These four-legged dogs get along well with children and take 4th place among the smartest breeds.

After communicating with a retriever, it is impossible to remain indifferent. This good-natured creature is the best “antidepressant”, which is why it is actively used in pet therapy.

Scottish Sheepdog (Collie)

The glamorous coat of long-haired collies protects against low temperatures, but sheds very heavily and constantly gets matted. These pets need to be combed often and only after moisturizing with a spray.

Scottish Shepherds are peaceful and sociable. They find a common language not only with other dogs, but also with cats, hamsters and even parrots.

Samoyed dog

The snow-white Samoyed has thick and fluffy fur. Contrary to popular belief, it is very easy to care for. The Samoyed's coat does not get wet and can self-clean thanks to the natural oils that are part of the natural fat layer.

These four-legged animals are friendly, playful and smart. They love to work in a team and are not at all prone to conflict behavior. Their favorite sport is sledding, so Samoyeds enjoy sledding their children.

Chow chow

The plush chow chow resembles a miniature version of a bear. Despite its cute appearance, this pet is very independent and stubborn. He shows his love very discreetly and only to one owner.

The chow chow's lion's mane practically does not get dirty, so the dog is bathed only 2-3 times a year. The problem with tangles occurs only in the armpits and behind the ears.

Shih Tzu

The satiny coat of the Shih Tzu gives them a chrysanthemum-like appearance. She needs frequent washing and daily brushing. If you don’t have enough free time, it’s best to entrust all grooming procedures to a groomer.

Shih Tzus do not tolerate loneliness. Long hours of separation from their owner have a detrimental effect on their psyche, turning animals into depressed and nervous creatures.

Pomeranian Spitz

The orange's pretty face is deceiving. This charming little guy is smart and stubborn. Only an experienced dog breeder can cope with his training. With newcomers, the Spitz behaves extremely arrogantly, demonstratively refusing to follow commands.

The main feature of the Pomeranian is its profuse barking for any reason. It is almost impossible to break this habit.

Popular small dog breeds

Small or miniature dog breeds have many advantages over their medium and large counterparts, especially if you keep a small dog in an ordinary city apartment.
This breed of dog can easily become the best companion, children's toy and even protector if necessary. It turns out to be three in one, which is very convenient and beneficial for the owner of this miniature animal.

Small dogs do not damage furniture and other household items. At the same time, caring for them is much easier. All the problems inherent in living with an animal in a house are reduced in proportion to its size.

If you bought a dog to take it to social events, then the costs required for it increase significantly: pedicure, varnish, haircut, styling, etc. All this requires money and time.

Small dogs practically do not shed, they eat little, they do not need to be walked for hours in the fresh air and offered serious physical activity, etc. All this simplifies the upbringing, care and maintenance of miniature pets.

Small breeds are absolutely safe for children and will easily become true friends for them, because, as a rule, they have a lively temperament, cheerfulness, gullibility, optimism and devotion.

Japanese Terrier

Another name for the breed is Nihon. Japanese terriers are covered with short, silky guard hair of equal length; there are no fringes or undercoat. The head is painted black plain or with tan, the body is light, sometimes with colored markings.

Compact, graceful nihons grow up to 30 – 33 cm.

Japanese breeders set a goal to breed the perfect family dog. The result was attentive, sensitive, loyal animals without behavioral problems. Purebred Nihons are not sold secondhand; they are a rare breed. There are only 200 dogs in European countries; 1,500 live in Japan.

See a large review of medium-sized smooth-haired dogs.

Taiwanese dog

This is a multifunctional breed of working dog. For a long time the breed existed in a semi-wild state, many times it was on the verge of destruction, but each time it was restored.

There are three height varieties of dogs: 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, the latter being the most popular.

These dogs are very energetic and can show aggression towards strangers, but in the event of a stressful situation, their psyche suffers greatly and they need several days to recover.

Despite their high intelligence, it is difficult to train these dogs; they are too independent and stubborn, they can openly ignore the owner’s commands. However, if a common language was found, then the dog will be a true friend.

Full description: Taiwanese dog

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