Curly dog: large and small curly breeds

Curly-haired dog breeds are especially popular today. Every aesthete will appreciate such an unusual coat. A wide variety of such breeds will allow you to purchase a pet from the smallest to the largest at your discretion. If you decide to have a curly-haired four-legged friend, then this article will introduce you to the most unusual breeds.

Important points about keeping curly-haired dogs

Dog breeds with curly hair are prone to tangles, so to maintain a neat appearance, they need to be brushed, trimmed or trimmed regularly. If you have little free time, then it is better to entrust the care of curls to a groomer.


It is not the fur itself that causes an allergic reaction, but the protein contained in its hairs. The glands of internal and external secretion are responsible for its production. Through them, protein enters saliva, sweat, urine and other biological fluids.

The hypoallergenic nature of pets with curly hair is explained by two features: the absence of a thick undercoat and weak shedding. Wavy hairs fall out in rather modest amounts, so with regular cleaning of the room, the allergen simply does not have time to accumulate in a dangerous volume.

Check out our TOP 25 hypoallergenic dog breeds

Washing and combing

The frequency of washing depends on the purpose of purchasing the animal. Show pets are bathed every 2-3 weeks, and all others - once a month. To care for curls, you need a special shampoo designed for wavy hair. It preserves its natural volume and prevents hair from tangling.

An equally important procedure is combing. It is carried out at least once a week, as well as before and after washing. To untangle the hairs, slicker brushes and metal combs are used.


Do not use a furminator. When combing, it catches and smoothes the hairs, removing the curls inherent in the breed.


During the course of evolution, some “curlies” have lost the ability to independently renew their coat. When their hairs die, they remain inside the fur coat and disrupt natural air circulation.

Gradually, moisture accumulates under the fur, attracting pathogenic microorganisms. This problem is typical for wire-haired pets: terriers, schnauzers, griffons.

Trimming is a procedure that imitates natural shedding. What distinguishes it from a standard haircut is the process of removing thinning hairs. During the procedure, they are not cut off, but plucked out with a special knife or directly with your hands.

Visit to the groomer

First of all, the services of a groomer are required by owners of show pets. Any mistake at the cutting stage can lead to a significant reduction in points at the competition, so it is better to trust a professional.

Another reason to visit the salon is the need for trimming. It is possible to learn this procedure, but it takes a lot of time to consolidate the skill. In the process of studying, you may accidentally injure your pet or tear out healthy hairs, which can lead to the formation of bald spots.


Originally bred by Yorkshire breeders and used for duck hunting and rodent control, Airedales - the largest terriers in their group - still retain a strong hunting instinct. And while they are sweet and loyal, mischievous dogs, they can also be stubborn and difficult to train. Their coarse, tightly curled coat requires regular brushing, but Airedale Terriers usually only need clipping a few times a year. They also shed little and are compatible with allergy sufferers.

Indoor dog breeds with curly hair

This group includes four-legged animals weighing up to 10 kg and height no more than 40 cm at the withers. The smallest representatives are called dwarf. Their maximum weight and height are only 4 kg and 30 cm, respectively.

Lap dogs do not require much space. Most of them are easily litter trained and do not need regular walking.

Bichon Frize (French lapdog)

This charming and curly-haired naughty boy is a real “antidepressant” on four legs. The Bichon Frize is very sociable and easily gets along with new people and animals. Thanks to his innate friendliness, he is often attracted to canistherapy.

“ More about the Bichon Frize breed


The Maltipoo is a cross between a Toy Poodle and a Maltese. She inherited her petite size and curly fur from her parents. The smart and sociable dog gets along well with other pets, but depending on the mood, it can bark at a shepherd it meets on the street.

US breeders sell the Mini Maltipoo, a tiny variety that fits in a cup.

“ More about the Maltipoo breed

Bolognese (Italian lapdog)

The curly coat and ears hanging down the cheeks give the Bolognese a very cute and funny look that fits perfectly with his personality. This four-legged dog loves any form of attention and does not mind the occasional cuddle. He is good with children and does not tend to terrorize cats.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

The curly-haired colored lapdog is an affectionate and unusually good-natured creature, not at all prone to aggression towards others. This tiny dog ​​not only doesn't mind, but is downright crazy about hugs and other displays of affection. She is also as patient as possible with children’s pranks, so when playing together, kids don’t have to worry about a sudden bite.


This four-legged baby resembles a bearded monkey. It is distinguished from the dogs discussed above by its self-confident and jealous character. The Affenpinscher prefers to be the only pet and reacts extremely aggressively to the presence of other pets.

“ More about the Affenpinscher breed

Scottish Terrier

Due to its compact size, this bearded “Energizer” seems like a real darling, but in fact the Scotch Terrier is an unusually hot-tempered and pugnacious pet that loves to get involved in conflicts with other animals.

In the USSR, the most popular Scotch terrier was the dog Klyaksa, the partner of the legendary clown Karandash. Over the 55 years of the artist's work, 13 different dogs performed under this name.

“ More about the Scottish Terrier breed

Bedlington Terrier

Despite his angelic appearance and striking resemblance to a gentle lamb, the Bedlington Terrier is a born leader and a skilled hunter. Unlike decorative dogs, he knows how to stand up for himself and can give back to children who are playing too much.

To be kept in a one-room apartment, the Bedlington Terrier requires regular exercise. In addition to daily walking, they should include active games, running and jumping.

Welsh Terrier

The appearance of the Welsh Terrier is identical to the Airedale Terrier. They are distinguished only by their sizes.

Thanks to its relatively modest dimensions, this curly-haired hunter can be kept in a small apartment, provided there is sufficient physical activity. The most ideal options for entertaining a Welsh Terrier are hunting and participation in canine sports.


Although not a recognized "official" breed, Labradoodles - a cross between a poodle and a Labrador retriever - are among the most popular "mutts" in the world. Whether your Labradoodle has curly, wavy, coarse or straight hair depends on how much of the KRT71 gene he inherited from his Poodle ancestor. But whatever the coat, the Labradoodle does not shed, but requires regular brushing. Keep these playful, active dogs occupied and don't let them feel lonely—they are definitely people-oriented dogs!

Medium and large breeds of curly-haired dogs

Medium-sized dogs include those whose weight and height are 11-25 kg and 41-55 cm. If the indicators exceed these values, then the animal is called large.

Due to their impressive size, it is better to keep such pets in a private house with an area for free walking. Without regular activity, they may develop musculoskeletal problems or be prone to destructive behavior.

Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd)

The Komondor's curly coat grows into tight cords that resemble dreadlocks as they mature. These four-legged animals are very selective in communication. In the family circle, Komondors are the embodiment of patience and kindness. Their phlegmatic nature disappears only around strangers, since their pastoral past has preserved in them an instinct of distrust towards potential sheep thieves.

Irish Water Spaniel

This four-legged dog is the tallest representative of the spaniel group. Its maximum height reaches 58 cm. The entire body of the Irish Water Spaniel is covered with dense curls, against which the almost naked rat tail stands out.

Representatives of this breed are smart and good-natured. When surrounded by strangers, they can be shy, but when surrounded by household members, they constantly try to be visible and are happy to show off learned tricks.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The soft and wavy fur on the Irishman's face forms a mustache and beard. Despite such a solid appearance, this dog retains its playfulness and mischief until old age. He has a special love for children and has a very hard time being separated from his family.


In Ireland, the Wheaten Terrier was used as a rat catcher.

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is one of the most famous service dogs from Russia. Its main purpose is security activity. Thanks to its thick and curly coat with abundant undercoat, the dog tolerates low temperatures well and can spend the night outside in an insulated enclosure.

“ More about the Black Russian Terrier breed

Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)

The Bobtail is a large cattle dog with a short tail and very thick coat with faint curls. Unlike other four-legged animals, this dog is strictly human-oriented. Left in the company of other pets, but without an owner, the bobtail will still be very bored and may become depressed.

“ More about the bobtail breed

Bouvier des Flanders

A strong and powerful Bouvier has a thick and tough coat that forms bushy eyebrows, mustaches and a goatee on its muzzle. The activity of this dog depends on 2 factors: age and situation. Fussy puppies gradually lose their restlessness and become phlegmatic. Despite their slowness as adults, Bouviers des Flandres always remain alert and react with lightning speed to danger in the form of a predator or thief.

English cocker spaniel

This four-legged “curly” is intended for gun hunting. He is inquisitive and active. While walking, an English Cocker Spaniel often turns on archaeologist mode, which leads to the destruction of all the flower beds discovered along the way.

“ More about the English Cocker Spaniel breed

American Cocker Spaniel

“American” is the closest relative of the English Cocker Spaniel, distinguished by a smaller build and elegant long fur. He perceives his owner as a being of a higher order and with great enthusiasm supports any proposed adventures.

“ More about the American Cocker Spaniel breed


The Airedale Terrier has a very elegant exterior and an emotional character. The disadvantages of this dog include possessiveness. He hates sharing his toys and often snaps at owners who decide to clean up the mess he makes.

Warren Harding, the 29th President of the United States, loved his Airedale Terrier Lady Boy so much that he installed a hand-carved chair for him in the White House briefing room.

“ More about the Airedale Terrier breed


Poodles are the most famous owners of curly hair. Depending on their dimensions, they are divided into several varieties:

  • standard – 20-30 kg;
  • small – 8-14 kg;
  • dwarf – 6-8 kg;
  • toy – 2.5-4 kg.

The last two varieties are suitable for an apartment, while the rest are best kept in the house. All poodles have extraordinary intelligence and are famous for their obedience. In Stanley Coran's rating they take 2nd place.

“ More about the poodle breed

Hungarian Kuvasz

The thick and wavy coat of this dog can only be white. By this feature, the owners distinguished it from wolves at night.

Hungarian Kuvasz is the embodiment of courage and fearlessness. He is infinitely devoted to his master and is ready to defend his human family and the territory entrusted to him to the last at the cost of his life.

South Russian Shepherd

According to the standard, the South Russian Shepherd has a coarse and wavy coat with a long and thick undercoat, prone to matting. Representatives of the breed are typical shepherd dogs. Among the owners, they recognize only one as their leader. They carry out orders from other household members less willingly, and in the event of a critical situation they can make independent decisions.


If you've ever met a Puli dog, they've probably made a big impression on you. This breed's long, curly hair naturally forms dreadlock-like curls, giving it the appearance of a four-legged mop .

The Puli's coat can be left corded, or combed so that it resembles a giant puffer coat, or trimmed short - although this should only be done by a professional groomer. Originally bred as herding dogs to withstand cold and icy water, these friendly family dogs are playful and obedient.

Which breed should I choose?

If you are not afraid of caring for a curly-haired dog, then focus on its size and purpose. A small-sized apartment will suit the smallest and least active representatives. Large Komondors and terriers who do not sit still will feel cramped in such conditions, so if you do not have your own home, it is better not to buy them.

When purchasing a four-legged friend, consider your lifestyle and availability of free time. Do not try to shoulder responsibility that you cannot handle, and be sure to consult with the rest of the household so that the final decision is mutual.

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Choosing a puppy

There are many types of curly-haired dog breeds, so before buying a puppy you should decide for what purpose it will be purchased:

  1. The role of family friend is well performed by small breeds that love children.
  2. For protection, it is still better to take large curly dogs.

It is also advisable to pay attention to the behavior of puppies; healthy dogs should be active and playful.

An important role when choosing a pet is played by the place of purchase, as well as the conditions of its stay. In a regular animal market, you can buy a pet for pennies, but there is a chance that you will not get a purebred baby.

Puppies purchased from a shelter are usually raised in good conditions by experienced dog breeders, so these four-legged dogs will be easier to own in the future. In addition, such dogs must have a passport and pedigree.


Representatives of curly breeds of dogs look perky and cute, so they never go unnoticed during walks. Among the pets of this species there are both large, medium and small individuals. Therefore, before purchasing such a pet, you need to take into account the main characteristics of a particular breed, the history of its origin and requirements for maintenance and care.

A curly dog ​​belongs to the decorative group and needs constant combing to maintain the beauty of its curls. The fur is first washed with special softening agents, then carefully combed with a brush. Sometimes, to give shape to curls, strands of wool are wound onto curling irons.

If the future owner of such a handsome dog has free time for all of the above care procedures, then a curly dog ​​is for him.

Kerry Blue Terrier

These robust, tall dogs have a unique bluish-gray coat that is soft and tightly curled, with no undercoat. Originally bred as rodent hunters and later used as herding dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers are now loyal family pets. They do best with obedience training when they are young. Their beautiful fur requires frequent brushing, as well as grooming - at home or by a professional - approximately every six to eight weeks.

Irish Water Spaniel

With the muzzle of a cocker spaniel and the size and coat of a standard poodle, the Irish Water Spaniel is a hypoallergenic playmaker with boundless energy and agility. Natural swimmers with webbed feet , these dogs appreciate the opportunity to splash around in a pool or lake. Their coat contains oil, which makes it water-repellent, but also retains dirt, so the Irish Water Spaniel needs frequent brushing, as well as periodic trimming at home or at the groomer.

Ear care tips

A dog's hearing organs are vital. The natural mechanism provides for self-cleaning. Those with floppy ears require special treatment. This may include:

There are two types:

Once every two weeks, the ears are treated with a special lotion using napkins and sticks, then wiped clean.

A similar procedure should be done more often for dogs in the autumn-spring period, if the ears are too long and touch the floor or ground.

They start wiping from the inner surface, then move to the outer side. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol tinctures or boric acid.

After bathing, the animal shakes out the water itself. This happens on an instinctive level. It would be good if you could help wipe it clean with a napkin.

Warning signs that the dog’s health is not in order are:

The most dangerous sign of the disease is an unpleasant odor from the ear. You cannot fix the problem on your own or use medications for humans. Only a veterinary otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is necessary to teach hygiene procedures from puppyhood. Do this calmly, measuredly, without shouting or irritation. The dog will gladly turn his ears up if you teach her this with the help of treats and boasting.

Bichon Frize

If you're partial to dogs that look like stuffed animals, are hypoallergenic, and don't shed, then perhaps it's time to welcome a Bichon Frize into your home. With incredibly adorable faces and fluffy white fur, they are one of the most popular curly-haired dog breeds. The Bichon Frize loves spending time with its family and is an excellent apartment dog . But keep in mind that he needs regular trips to the groomer and almost daily brushing to keep his fluffy coat from turning into a tangled mess.


If you are an experienced dog owner with a passion for rare breeds with strong personalities and truly unique coats, then the Komondor is for you. Bred to protect sheep from predators, these curly-haired dogs will keep a watchful eye on you and your loved ones throughout the day and may shy away from strangers.

These big, energetic furballs need regular exercise and plenty of room to run around . Caring for the Komondor's coat is also a routine job. Its wool needs to be braided and dried thoroughly after washing.

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