Top 20 most angry dogs - breeds with high aggressiveness

The dog has been considered a friend and protector of man for more than one millennium. Since people have tamed and domesticated animals, they protect homes, help in hunting and support during difficult periods. For many, dogs are their best friends.

But some breeds were originally bred for security and protection, so they are more likely to show aggression and can even attack people. In the article we will look at the top 20 most evil dogs with photos, which can pose a danger if they are not raised correctly.

Bull Terrier

The dangerous breed was developed by the British. Although the animal is small, it is agile and muscular. Bull Terriers rarely show open aggression, but have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, dogs do not get along well with other pets and can even pose a danger to them.

This is an active dog, so it gets along well with children. But games should be supervised by adults, as the bull terrier will not hold back if he is teased. Careful training will help curb aggression and willful behavior.

In the absence of proper attention from the owner, the animal will become completely uncontrollable.

The most evil dog breeds. Top 10

Pakistani Mastiff

The Bully Kutta, or Pakistani Mastiff, was bred in India and Pakistan. This is one of the most powerful and heaviest dog breeds. Their weight on average reaches 70-90 kilograms with a height of almost a meter at the withers. Bully Kutta have an excellent mind and try to take a dominant position in the house, suppressing or attacking other animals.

Attention! The name of the breed “Bully Kutta” is translated from Pakistani as “very powerful dog”.

The Pakistani Mastiff has earned the title of "the world's meanest dog breed" due to its fierce, aggressive nature. It is incredibly difficult to raise a Bully Kuttu. Soft or, conversely, too harsh training methods will not work. The owner of this dog must have a firm and strong character. Only experienced dog handlers, capable of giving an almost military education, can instill in the Pakistani Mastiff social communication skills and teach commands.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is a legendary dog ​​bred in the Caucasus specifically to protect livestock and homes. Their stern character and complete distrust of strangers allow these large animals to perform their duties perfectly.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are not suitable for everyone. They will respect a strong and strong-willed owner, remaining loyal to him to the end. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs sometimes receive the title of “the most evil dog in the world” because of their menacing appearance and deafening bark that can scare anyone.

American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terriers are recognized as one of the best protectors. Because of their fighting past, many are afraid of beautiful dogs.

Representatives of this breed always strive to take a dominant position in the house, which under no circumstances should be allowed. When training, you need to use fair but strong methods. American Staffordshire Terriers are very sensitive dogs, so if she feels that she has been treated unfairly, she may become offended or bitter for a long time.


Among hunting dogs there are many aggressive ones. Although dachshunds have a pretty appearance, they cannot boast of good nature. Small hunting dogs with an interesting long body and short legs have won the love of many people.

It is very important to teach your dachshund manners and rules of communication with other people and animals as early as possible. If a pet does not understand from childhood that it is necessary to react adequately to external stimuli, then cases of malicious aggression will be difficult to avoid.


Everyone knows Dobermans. These dogs, bred in Germany to protect humans, have excellent intelligence and excellent physical properties.

Dobermans will do everything possible to protect their owner from danger. These dogs are capable of breaking thick bones with a powerful bite. That is why Dobermans need to be taught socialization skills and trained.


Sometimes anger is born where you least expect it. No one would think that a small cute creature could contain real aggression and hostility towards everyone around him. Chihuahuas are one of the most vicious dog breeds.

Small dogs usually feel unsafe when surrounded by those larger and stronger than them. That is why Chihuahuas often show anger towards everyone around them: they bark, grin and try to bite.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu is a Japanese hunting dog that has become a national treasure of its native country. In many countries, these pets have become very popular. They are incredibly resilient and strong, which is why they used to be used to hunt large game (deer, wild boar or roe deer).

Only a determined and strong-willed person is able to raise a representative of this breed. Shiba Inus are very stubborn and difficult to train. In addition, they almost cannot stand strangers, so they “greet” with a loud, angry bark.

Attention! Shiba Inus should not be left with small children or other animals. Dogs of this breed have an overly developed hunting instinct, and their harmful, stubborn nature can allow them to attack someone who, in the dog’s opinion, has offended it.


Rottweilers have a reputation as the most evil dog breed. They serve in the army and police, are highly trainable and love children immensely. These large dogs require proper attention and education, otherwise you will get an evil misanthrope instead of a dear friend.

The Rottweiler is a true faithful companion in all your affairs. This dog will follow you everywhere.


Wolfdogs have not yet been recognized internationally, but many people already know about them. This is a very recently bred hybrid of a dog and a wolf. Wolf dogs resemble their wild ancestors in appearance, but in character they resemble domestic dogs. A common problem that breeders face is the manifestation of natural instincts and a strong pack feeling. Opponents of wolfdogs claim that they are the most evil dogs in the world. There are no photos or cases proving the danger of these dogs. People who have interacted with wolf-dogs note their peculiar (slightly wild) character, fear of communicating with other animals and boundless love for their owner.

The character of a dog is formed by many generations of the breed, but upbringing still plays the main role in the development of a pet. Even the most evil animal can be taught to be good by surrounding it with love and care, showing it the right behavior and teaching it manners.


A fighting breed that was bred in the USA. He has a powerful muscular physique, a massive neck and chest, and a strong jaw. Pit bulls have a developed protective instinct. He will not show open aggression towards strangers, but at the slightest sign of danger he will protect his owner.

It is important to monitor the socialization of the dog. At a certain point in development, she will try to prove that she is the leader. It is necessary to demonstrate that the boss is the owner. Otherwise, the dog will behave viciously and aggressively towards strangers, other animals and will absolutely not obey commands.

Black Russian Terrier

A very large dog, growing up to 68-72 cm in height. Blood descendant of the Rottweiler. From his closest ancestor he inherited excellent security qualities: observation, vigilance, courage. The dog is famous for its uncompromising attitude and lack of tolerance towards anyone.

He treats strangers extremely negatively. It is difficult and long to learn tolerance. Gets along well with members of his pack. Needs affectionate treatment, is vulnerable, cannot stand loneliness. For several centuries, such a dog watched prisoners walking around the camp grounds. If one of them tried to escape, the Russian terrier

Even a short contact between a Black Russian Terrier and a stranger can result in injury to the other person. Almost all aggressive dogs , including the one in question, are capable of killing a person. In inexperienced hands they become a formidable weapon. Therefore, only competent dog breeders should own them.


An intelligent service breed that was bred in Germany. Used for security, as well as in canine services. The animals are highly trainable, but are only suitable for experienced breeders as they require constant attention. With proper training and a calm environment in the family, they do not show aggression and will become excellent protectors.

Dogs left to their own devices are dangerous. In this case, they can be not only aggressive, but also cruel. First of all, in relation to other animals.

Puppies need to start training from an early age.

Bully kutta

One of the most dangerous breeds in the world

The dog has several names: Pakistani Mastiff, Indian Mastiff, Sidney Mastiff.

This breed is not registered with the FCI, is prohibited in many countries and is among the TOP most aggressive in the world. India is considered the homeland of dogs; here animals were used for protection and for dog fighting. Later they were exported to Pakistan; local lovers of “bread and circuses” liked the huge, cruel dogs, suitable for bloody fights.

When India became a British colony, changes began to occur to the local mastiffs. The fact is that the British brought their dogs - mastiffs and bull terriers - to the territory of the conquered country. Selection work immediately began to develop a new breed, the ancestors of which were British and Indian mastiffs, as well as bull terriers. The result of breeding work was the modern Bully Kutta.

It is impossible to buy a puppy on the territory of the Russian Federation; representatives of this breed are included in the list of prohibited animals in our country. And keeping an Indian mastiff in a standard apartment is absolutely impossible. The fact is that Bully Kutta are simply huge dogs, the minimum height at the withers is 75 cm, and weight is 70 kg. An adult male can grow up to 110 cm at the withers and weigh 90 kg.

In addition to its frightening dimensions, no one has canceled the formidable disposition of the animal. It is hardly possible to walk with such a dog along a busy city street. Indian mastiffs have an extremely negative attitude towards the fuss around them, and they regard the people around them as a potential threat to the owner. The most interesting thing is that Bully Kutta and other animals are treated as enemies to be destroyed.

The danger of representatives of the breed lies in the regular testing of the owner for strength. If the Indian Mastiff senses weakness on his part, problems cannot be avoided. A self-confident dog will simply stop obeying such an owner. Trying to influence a Bully Kutta with physical force will end very badly for such an owner.

An aggressive and large dog that has no authority is quite capable of becoming a killing machine. And the first person who gets in her way will be a careless owner and his family.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog (or Wolfhound)

The dog comes from the Caucasus. It is one of the largest, strongest and most dangerous. The physique is developed, and the reaction is lightning fast. Wolfhounds know how to sneak up and do not leave the victim a chance to escape.

Owning a Caucasian Shepherd is recommended only for owners of private houses. The animal was originally bred for protection and protection. It gets along well with all family members, but is wary of all strangers or other pets. No outsider will be able to gain his trust.

The puppy needs to be trained (quite strictly) from an early age so that he feels the strength of his owner.


The breed is used for dog fighting

The breed comes from Pakistan. It is especially popular in the city of Kohat, which is why it got its name.

Goulter is the ancestor of such a breed as the Gul-Dong. The latter is considered the most dangerous in the world; in Russia it is included in the list of prohibited ones. As for the Kohati Gultera, the animal never gained popularity outside its homeland. The breed is not registered by any cynological organizations.

The Pakistani fighter is very large and durable. Males grow up to 70 cm at the withers, maximum weight is 65 kg. Representatives of the breed are kept exclusively in private homes, used as guards and closely monitored to ensure that the dog does not end up outside the gate. If the hulter somehow manages to escape into the street, the people who get in his way will come to an end. This white dog is distinguished by its choleric character and wild anger. An enraged Kohachi attacks fiercely and quickly, without hesitation.

And a little thing can anger a dog with such a temperament. But those who were nearby at the wrong time will have to pay.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is considered one of the most dangerous breeds. Due to its complete fearlessness and low sensitivity to pain, this dog is a formidable opponent. Once he attacks, it is almost impossible to stop him. Terriers were originally bred to protect their owners. And they perform this function to the fullest.

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The animals look quite menacing and have a powerful body. They are unfriendly and even aggressive towards most people and other pets. They will only be affectionate towards the owner.

Strict training will help curb open expressions of anger.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are generally cheerful and friendly. True, it is better not to let them near small children, but older children will have to explain that this is not a plush toy. The appearance of this dog is deceptive; it is not a cute, easygoing pet, although it is small in size (weight - up to 7 kg, height - up to 30 cm). And the owner should not be a beginner when he takes it into his home. The Jack Russell needs a firm hand and authority from the owner.

The ringing and loud bark of a Jack Russell Terrier, which was necessary for hunting, can lead to conflicts with neighbors in a city apartment

If mistakes have been made in upbringing since childhood, they can turn into aggressive behavior in adulthood. Also, unspent energy, of which this breed has a huge reserve, is transformed into anger. If you can't devote enough time to actively walking your pet, consider a different breed.


One of the most ancient breeds, which appeared several thousand years ago. This is a very large and strong dog, whose main functions are considered to be protecting the home, as well as guarding animals (it was bred as a shepherd dog).

Alabai does not show aggression just like that. With family members he is calm, reserved and even proud. But strangers should not approach the animal unless the owner is nearby. An outburst of aggression may be unexpected.

Only proper training will help control the Alabai’s temper. Otherwise, it can be dangerous, including for family members.

English cocker spaniel

English Cocker Spaniels are hunters, not guards. This breed cannot be called particularly vicious, but it is quite a biter. Moreover, dogs will not rush at strangers, even if they break into the owner’s house, but they will bark all over the street. But spaniels have an innate nervousness and irritability, which can lead to the dog trying to snap and bite.

With an English Cocker Spaniel, you will begin to find the joy in walking in any weather.

Cocker spaniels become truly hysterical if their physical activity is not satisfied. The breed was created for daily scouring over rough terrain, and in the city, few can offer a pet such conditions. Believe me, he will not calmly wait until you have worked the allotted time and return home in the evening to take your four-legged friend out for 15 minutes to relieve himself. This breed is inexhaustible in its imagination, so in such a situation it is difficult to say what will await you at home.

South African Boerboel

The formidable dog has well-developed hunting instincts. It is also an excellent home protector. When approached by strangers, it will bark loudly and may attack. In Russia, there are known cases of Boerboels attacking people. And in some countries it is generally prohibited to keep them at home.

But with proper upbringing, the dog will not pose a danger to others. She will protect her owner to the last, but she can be taught to distinguish between friends and enemies. Timely socialization will help avoid outbursts of aggression or inappropriate behavior.

The natural basis of dog aggression

Dog handlers are confident that the main reasons for the ferocity of dogs are improper upbringing and lack of socialization. But since dogs are still pack animals, their aggression also has a natural basis, when the desire to take the position of leader is in the foreground.

This behavior is typical of dogs with strong leadership abilities.

In addition to hierarchical aggression, there is also territorial aggression. Thanks to it, dogs develop an appropriate behavior model for protecting boundaries.

Territorial aggression is especially pronounced in guard breeds.

Dogo Canario

A strong and intelligent breed that can be unbalanced. It was bred in Italy and was originally intended to protect premises. In Europe, Dogo Canaries are often used to protect houses and government facilities.

This is one of the most aggressive dogs, but strict training helps to control its difficult character. Puppies begin to be raised from an early age. In this case, they do not show open hostility.

They attack strangers only in a situation where they threaten a person or property that the dog is protecting.


The first representatives of the breed appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century. Initially bred as service animals, intended solely to protect the owner. The Doberman has a muscular but lean build, excellent reaction, and develops good speed.

It is a fearless and energetic protector for the owner. But if raised incorrectly, it will pose a serious danger to others.

The breed is initially quite aggressive, so the dog must be constantly kept under control.

German dog

A very large animal, whose height sometimes exceeds 1 m. It was originally bred in Germany for hunting. The Great Dane has a large muscular torso and long legs. This is an excellent guard for all family members. He understands a person at a glance and in most cases has a balanced character.

However, with the wrong approach to education, a Great Dane can be extremely dangerous to others due to its size and strength. The breeder must have a lot of experience to be able to curb the dog’s character.

Socialization is necessary at an early age, otherwise as the dog grows older it will become aggressive towards other animals.

Tosa Inu

The breed was originally bred in Japan and was intended for dog fighting. In the land of the rising sun it is still legally used for fights. This dog is very loyal to its owner and is ready to do anything for him. Therefore, at the slightest sign of danger, it can attack a stranger. For Tosa Inu, it does not matter who to attack - another animal, an adult, a child.

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Training plays an important role. Only an experienced breeder will cope with the function of education. The dog should feel that the owner is much stronger. In this case, she will be sincerely devoted to him and will obey him in everything.


The German breed has been considered one of the most dangerous for several decades. This is due to numerous cases of attacks on people. Hardy animals are used for police service and also for security. These are energetic and freedom-loving dogs that can be willful.

Therefore, training plays an important role. From the first days of purchasing a puppy, it is necessary to let him understand that the boss in the house is the owner. You need to develop obedience, then unpleasant incidents will not happen. Boxers can become the best friends and playmates with children.

Cane Corso

The muscular and powerful animal is a descendant of dogs that were used in gladiator fights. The Italian breed chooses one owner for life. His constant attention is important to her. Otherwise, the dog may become withdrawn and aggressive. And due to its impressive size and dimensions, it can pose a danger to other people and animals.

Discipline and consistency are important in parenting. But under no circumstances should you hit a Cane Corso. Otherwise, the dog may react with disobedience and aggression. Training begins at an early age.

Kumaon mastiff

A real monster in the form of a dog

The breed's homeland is India; the dogs were originally bred in the regions of Kumaon and were used as guard animals.

There are several versions of the origin of the breed. The first says that Kumaon Mastiffs are descendants of aboriginal Himalayan dogs crossed with local Indian ones. According to the second theory, the first Kumaon mastiffs were obtained in Cyprus as a result of mating of local dogs and Himalayan natives. By the way, the second name of Kumaon mastiffs is Cypro Kukur.

The breed is completely unpopular outside of India. And few people would dare to become the owner of a “killing machine.” Kumaon can rightly be called this, for the dogs are huge and extremely vicious. The height and weight of animals reaches 90 cm at the withers and 80 kg, respectively. And aggression and distrust of strangers is frightening.

If a representative of the breed is raised anyhow, forgetting about quality training and socialization, the Kumaon will begin to kill everyone and everything.

German Shepherd

These are fearless and confident animals, which in most cases are used to protect private houses and other territories. Representatives of the breed have a well-developed instinct for protection. They get along well with family members, but are wary of strangers.

The shepherd becomes attached to its owner and may exhibit inappropriate behavior if it spends too little time with him. In addition, the sequence of training is of great importance.

The dog needs discipline so that aggression does not manifest itself and it does not start attacking people.


Chihuahua / Photo:
The list opens with a small and seemingly good-natured Chihuahua dog, which replaces the doorbell with a funny bark. At first glance, there is nothing threatening about her. But the breed has its own character, which no other breed has. Chihuahuas are calm creatures, but sometimes become aggressive.

Small dogs have a fearless temperament. They rush into battle with other dogs, even if they are 10 times taller than them. Of course, the outcome of the fight, as a rule, is not in favor of the Chihuahua. But this does not diminish their courage. According to statistics, they attack people more often than pit bulls or Dobermans, which will be discussed later.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The weight of this large breed reaches 90 kg. These are powerful and strong animals that were bred to participate in battles. However, the Mastiff has a balanced character and will not show aggression with balanced training. To avoid the problem of dominance, they need to be started from an early age.

The only danger is those dogs whose upbringing was not given due attention. Otherwise, this is a reliable protector who gets along well with adults, children and other pets. Mastiffs must be trained by someone with extensive experience, although they are intelligent dogs and are easy to train.

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Types of aggression

There are several types of aggression that dogs are prone to:

  • Dominance aggression - a dog (most often a male) considers itself to be the head of the family. It is necessary to accustom the puppy to its place and completely control its behavior, then it will obey.
  • Food - the dog grabs food from the bowl and doesn’t let anyone near it.
  • Playing - the puppy growls and bites during play.
  • Sexual - during sexual hunting. The problem can be solved by increasing physical activity. Sterilization may help.
  • Out of fear, the dog must be treated kindly so that he sees the owner as a protector.
  • For pain, you should not hit the animal. It is imperative to teach children to treat your pet well and not cause her pain.
  • Aggression towards other dogs - this is especially common in male dogs in the presence of a female in heat. In other cases, this happens due to a lack of communication with other animals and improper walking. A dog that is walked for a long time will not be angry.


It is considered one of the most unbalanced breeds. The hybrid was obtained by crossing an ordinary dog ​​and a wolf. Therefore, he has highly developed animal instincts, and the process of socialization is difficult. Wolf dogs are unpredictable and need a strong leader. If the owner does not show sufficient determination, the dog may behave inappropriately and aggressively.

Hybrids are quite large, and also have developed intelligence and courage.

In the absence of proper training, they can pose a serious danger to others, especially due to the persistence of wolf instincts.

Causes of dog aggression

Before studying the list of aggressive dog breeds, it is recommended to understand why a dog can become angry. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Lack of compliance with established selection rules. Crossing animals without taking into account the genetic and breed characteristics of individuals leads to the appearance of a pet with unpredictable behavior;
  2. Poor maintenance and care. Lack of food, constant stay in an enclosure or on a leash negatively affects the animal’s psyche;
  3. Lack of proper upbringing. The animal needs training and socialization. Abuse, encouragement of a dog's aggression, or complete neglect of its upbringing will lead to attacks of aggression.

Pain, the desire to stand out in the pack, fear, hormonal changes, and lack of proper attention and affection from the owner can cause anger in an animal.

Also, if the pet does not spend the required amount of energy daily, it will accumulate and spill out in the form of aggressive behavior.

It is worth noting that in most cases it is the person who makes the dog dangerous. Only in rare cases is a pet's bad behavior the result of a genetic predisposition.

Brazilian Mastiff (Fila)

The dog was bred in the middle of the last century in Brazil. He has an unbalanced and impulsive disposition. This is a fearless and reliable defender, which is why it is used to protect private property and other territories. You cannot approach and pet the animal, as it shows serious aggression towards strangers.

The Brazilian Mastiff is unconditionally devoted to his owner, but only if he can curb his difficult temperament. Even with proper upbringing, strangers, especially unfamiliar children, should not be allowed near the dog.

Pakistani bulldog (gul-dong)

Another breed that was bred to participate in battles. The character is dominated by aggression, as well as the desire for dominance. It is difficult to control a dog, since it initially has strong instincts. Such animals are used for protection, but they cannot become loving and calm pets. For this reason, it is better not to leave children with a bulldog unattended.

Training should start at an early age. The breeder must constantly demonstrate strength and authority so that the dog does not become disobedient. He will still be extremely wary and even aggressive towards strangers.

Saint Bernard

Once upon a time, these unusually strong, huge dogs, even larger than Leonbergers, guarded a monastery that was located in the Alpine mountains. The original purpose of St. Bernards was also to accompany travelers lost on mountain paths to their destination.

The character of these dogs is unusually kind, loyal and independent. They are devoted to their owners and do not pose any danger to children, but they do not like small dogs. Saint Bernards are indifferent to strangers, but in case of danger they will protect their family until their last breath.

Hungarian Kuvasz

The breed was bred in Hungary to guard livestock, so it has protective instincts. These are beautiful large animals that turned out to be too headstrong for shepherds. Therefore, today they are most often used for official purposes.

Dogs have a certain amount of aggression built into them. Bad character traits develop if you don’t start training your kuvasz in time and don’t take the time to socialize it. Training a dog is not easy because he will constantly strive to do everything his own way.

The owner must be firm and consistent. In this case, the Hungarian Kuvasz will turn out to be a very loyal pet.

Chow chow

Most often, people do not perceive representatives of this breed as potentially dangerous. And thus underestimate their aggression. These animals are genetically close to wolves, so they retain strong instincts. This is manifested by harsh behavior towards strangers, as well as other pets. It is almost impossible to stop a Chow Chow if it starts a fight.

If you control your dog and devote enough time to training, you can easily avoid aggression. However, the owner needs to constantly monitor the pet, especially when walking.

Conclusion: for the most part, a dog becomes angry due to improper upbringing, and even breeds not from this top can be aggressive. And don’t forget that any animal can be tamed!

Which dogs are the angriest?

Discussions on a similar topic can often be seen in various sources. There are several points of view: often the top 10 most evil dogs include representatives of fighting and guard breeds. However, small decorative dogs often turn out to have a harmful, aggressive and even rude character.

Attention! It is worth making sure that the assessment of animals is purely subjective. A pet's behavior depends on its upbringing. The most evil dogs in the world, the top 10 of which are presented below, are rather collective images.

When selecting the 10 most evil dog breeds, the following general qualities of the representatives are taken into account:

  • intensity of manifestation of natural instincts (hunting, protection);
  • aggressiveness of the breed as a whole;
  • possibility of training and education;
  • level of calm;
  • socialization and reaction to crowds of people;
  • attitude towards other pets.
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