Shar Pei mixed breed - with a shepherd, mongrel, Labrador or Staffordshire terrier

Shar Pei is one of the most ancient and popular breeds in the world. Many folds throughout the body, an unusual cute and funny face make this dog recognizable at first sight. Now it has become fashionable to breed Shar Pei mixes. Moreover, crossing can be with any breed.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to breed Shar Pei mixes.

Stafford puppy from mongrel

The American Staffordshire Terrier is absolutely not suitable for people who have decided to have a dog for the first time, since its owner must and must devote a lot of time to training it in order to achieve obedience.
The breed was bred from the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, intended for dog fighting and bull baiting. The American Terrier turned out to be tougher, stronger and larger than its ancestor from the Old World.

Purebred Staffordshire Terriers are calm and balanced animals. Any kind of trouble can be expected from terriers with a bad pedigree. You should always remember that the breed was bred for fighting, and not for being present in the living room during tea drinking. The strength and power of this animal, which is capable of dragging a thing weighing hundreds of kilograms, is simply amazing. They can bite over a fence while on a leash. If you make them angry, they will fight fiercely and brutally. They do not trust strangers or animals, in which case they cannot be kept on a leash, they simply become uncontrollable.

If a terrier is bored or excited about something, he can chew walls, make holes in the fence and invent a lot of other similar pranks. The Staffordshire Terrier has incredible strength and immunity to pain. Therefore, it is very important to train him. If the dog is excited, it can pull on the leash with such force that it will knock the owner off his feet and drag him half a block. In this situation, you need to be firmly convinced that your Staffordshire Terrier obeys the commands “sit”, “stay” and so on.

The positive qualities of this breed include very short hair, so combing it does not create any problems. In addition, most of the time terriers sleep soundly lying in a clearing near the house or in their bed.

Dogs are prone to skin diseases and allergies.

If someone decides to break into a house where the guard is a Staffordshire Terrier, then his body will be similar to the bodies of victims when committing especially terrible crimes.

This is a very strong, stocky animal weighing from 18 to 22 kg. And the height at the withers is from 38 to 40 cm. Its coat is very short and has a motley, red or black color. Purebred Staffordshire Terriers are very friendly and, thank God, trainable. However, not all dogs are so smart. I am surprised that the owners of these dogs walk them in crowded public places without a leash or muzzle.


Who are the mestizos?

Pit bulls, in fact, are themselves the result of interbreeding, since their ancestors, called bull and terriers, were obtained as a result of mixing the blood of Old English bulldogs and terriers.

Probably, later, when the ancestors of the modern pit bull terrier came to America, where the final formation of the breed took place, their owners also resorted to interbreeding in order to improve the quality of the offspring.

At the present time, when some professional breeders and dog handlers support the ideas of lovers of designer breeds, while others sharply object to the deliberate breeding of mixed breeds, people have developed an ambiguous attitude towards pit bull crosses.


Due to the unusual color and long hair, such a mixed breed looks quite unusual. Having inherited from the bulldog a shortened muzzle, a large head covered with folds, expressive, large eyes and a stocky build, he looks like a representative of one of the typical molossoid breeds. However, its longer, softer coat and floppy ears make it resemble the long-haired pug that once existed in ancient China.

It is the unusual “antique” appearance of these dogs that makes them popular among lovers of “designer breeds.”

By nature, this dog can be quite stubborn, selfish and somewhat arrogant. But the sociable, friendly disposition of the French bulldog, of course, should smooth out these traits, thanks to which mixed breeds with Pekingese grow up to be quite affectionate, albeit somewhat independent pets.

Mongrel cross

The size, appearance and character of such a dog largely depend on who its second parent was.

Pit bull and mongrel mixes are rarely above average size. Most of these dogs have fairly short or medium-length hair, semi-erect or almost erect ears, and are predominantly black, red or white in color. There are also brindle mestizos, but the blue or isabella color of the coat of these dogs is very rare.

Among the character traits, it can be noted that crosses with mongrels are distinguished by endurance, mobility and energy. In most cases, they are loyal to people, even strangers, and love children.

However, they often get innate zoo aggression from pit bulls, which makes it difficult to keep them with other pets.

Of all the possible combinations of the blood of a pit bull and other dogs, it is mixed breeds with mongrels that are considered the most unpredictable, since it is not known who the ancestors of their second parent were.

What are mestizos and where do they come from?

Mixed breeds are usually called puppies obtained from parents who are representatives of different breeds.

Typically, offspring receive part of their external characteristics from each branch of their ancestors. It is not easy to predict in advance what characteristics puppies will have. Proper crossing makes it possible to get babies with the best qualities of their parents.

Purebred Shar Pei

Usually, mixed breeds appear as a result of unintended mating. In such situations, it is difficult to predict the dog’s character, its appearance and tendency to certain diseases. However, in some cases, breeders deliberately mix different breeds to create a new one.

For reference! Sometimes the breed is mistakenly called Shar-Pei - this spelling is considered incorrect.

The most popular mestizos

With husky

A cross between a pit bull and a husky is called a Pitsky. This is a dog that most often grows to medium size (up to 50-55 cm at the withers), with a lighter and less muscular body than that of a pit bull. Their ears are most often erect, but some owners crop them on their dogs even in puppyhood.

Pitskies' eyes are usually blue, but they can also be brown, olive, amber, or even different.

The color can be any, but husky and pit bull mixes often have a lightened mask on the face or underhair, typical of sled dogs.

Having inherited an energetic, cheerful disposition and friendly attitude towards people from both of their parents, Pitskies grow up to be brave, hardy, sociable and affectionate pets towards people.

Additionally, if these dogs inherit the husky personality, they may be prone to running away, wandering, and mischief.

With Stafford

The height of such a cross is approximately 43-49 cm, and the weight can range from 14 to 30 kg. Externally, these dogs can be similar to representatives of each of the original breeds or represent something in between.

Considering that Staffordshire terriers are nothing more than a show variety of pit bulls, only slightly different from them in height and physique, people often mistake such mixed breeds for real staffs or pits.

The only way such mestizos may differ in appearance from purebred pit bulls is in their more developed muscles and jaws, as well as their relative high legs.

In addition, a Pitbull-Staff mix can, unlike a Stafford, have brown pigmentation on the nose and be of any color, even completely white, which is considered unacceptable for American Staffies.

By nature, this mixture can be more balanced, at the same time, it is characterized by energy, mobility and perseverance, which is more characteristic of pit bulls.

Mixed breeds of Pit Bulls and Staffords are distinguished by their friendly attitude towards people, however, like all terriers, they can be stubborn and aggressive towards other people's dogs and other animals.

Such a dog can easily live in a family with children, however, it is necessary that he be properly raised and trained.

With a shepherd

These mixed breeds, called German Pits, usually grow quite large - the size of a shepherd dog or slightly smaller. They have fairly high legs and a slender, muscular body with a well-developed chest. The head is relatively small, the ears are erect, long, triangular and thinner than those of shepherd dogs.

Chinese Crested

It is difficult to find a dog with a more original and at the same time slightly frightening appearance than a cross between a French bulldog and a Chinese Crested. This dog inherited from the bulldog a muscular and strong physique and a large, convex head with a short, upturned muzzle. At the same time, he is almost completely devoid of hair, except for a tuft of hair in the form of a comb on the top of his head, a semblance of a mustache and beard, and barely noticeable pubescence on his paws.

If the crossbreed was bred from a downy variety of "Corydalis", then it will have a longer and fluffier coat than a Bulldog, however, the shape of the muzzle, head and body structure will also be more typical of a Molosser than of a Chinese Crested dog. The skin is grayish-brown with pinkish spots and covered with folds located on the neck, under the lower jaw and at the top of the tail. The ears are large, semi-dropping or erect, but with slightly sagging tips.

Crossbreeds between the Frenchie and the Chinese Crested can hardly be called beautiful, but these dogs are charming in their own way and they have many fans all over the world.

In addition, such a pet is ideal for living in a family: it has a good-natured, cheerful disposition and simply adores its owners.

Other mixtures

With Labrador

This mestizo, called the Labrabule, is famous for its intelligence, intelligence, devotion to its owner and energy. It grows up to be slightly larger than a pit bull, and, as a rule, has a lighter build.

His coat is short and dense, his ears are drooping or semi-erect, his muzzle is somewhat narrowed, and his gaze has a serious and attentive, but at the same time, friendly expression.

The color of labrabules can be different, typical for representatives of either of the two original breeds. The most typical coat color for them is fawn, red or black, which most often has white markings.

Labradors rarely have a complex or, let alone, problematic disposition, since the friendly and, in general, softer, albeit mischievous nature Labradors , as a rule, dominates over such traits of pit bulls as innate zoo-aggression and stubbornness.

With Doberman

These dogs, called Dober Pits, grow to a medium to large size. They are very smart, quick-witted and agile. They have rather long legs and a muscular, strong body.

The heads of these mestizos are relatively small, however, their cheekbones are as well defined as those of purebred pit bulls, and their jaws are just as powerful and strong.

The coat is short and smooth, the ears are semi-erect or pink. Some owners of Dober Pits, in order to give their pet a resemblance to a purebred Doberman, crop their ears during puppyhood.

The color can be any, however, there are often more or less pronounced tan marks, typical of Dobermans.

With Rottweiler

Pitweilers, as these dogs are called, are usually medium to large in size. They have a fairly powerful build, well-developed muscles and a wide chest.

The head is quite massive, but proportionate to the body, with high cheekbones and a well-defined transition to the muzzle. The jaws are strong and powerful, although not as wide as those of Rottweilers.

This mixed breed can have any color, however, it often has tan. Three-color pitweilers look especially elegant.

The coat is short and shiny, the ears are semi-erect or pink.

As a rule, such dogs grow up to be smart, quick-witted and devoted to their owner. However, they may have an innate distrust of strangers and aggressiveness towards strange dogs and other animals.

Shih Tzu

Outwardly, it resembles a French bulldog with a long, soft and rather silky coat. The shape of the head and muzzle are reminiscent of a bulldog, the ears, like those of the “Frenchman”, are erect, triangular and rounded at the ends. The muzzle is short, with a small beard and mustache. Eyes with a friendly and gentle expression, typical of a Shih Tzu. The color is most often two-tone with a predominance of white. This dog looks funny and cute at the same time. Long hair gives it a unique charm and makes it unique and amazing.

If the owner does not want to bother with the pet’s long hair, he can cut it, having first chosen one of the many hairstyle options suitable for a mestizo. The best way to do this is to go to a salon, where professional groomers will tell you how best to cut a dog with such an unusual and unique appearance.

Shih Tzu mixed breeds are distinguished by their special affection for their owners; they are incredibly affectionate, playful and simply adore children.

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